Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 195 Undersea ruins from twenty years ago

Institute of Pure Humanity, entrance.

Shen Qinghan looked at the somewhat old building in front of him and said with great expectation: "I have long wanted to come to the Pure Human Research Institute, and today I finally have the opportunity."

Lin Zichen said with a smile: "I advise you not to expect too much. It's quite shabby inside, especially the corridor you enter. It looks like a scrapyard on the roadside."

"real or fake?"

"You'll know when you go in and take a look."


The two of them walked into the research institute together as they spoke.

Along the way, Shen Qinghan looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

It was found that it was exactly what Lin Zichen said.

The corridor was full of debris and looked like a scrapyard.

"Why is there such a mess here?"

"You won't even clean it up?"

"Xiao Chen, how about I come over here and help you clean it up when I have time?"

Shen Qinghan suggested with a virtuous look.

Lin Zichen: "No, this kind of messy environment is the characteristic of the Pure Human Research Institute. It has to be so messy to have a flavor. The more messy it is, the more desire for research it is, giving people the feeling of being in a ruins."

"Can it still be like this?"

Shen Qinghan didn't understand, but it was eye-opening.


The two walked through the dim corridor and came to the living and leisure area with lights in the middle.

Song Yuyan is doing yoga inside.

Seeing the two people walking in, she immediately stood up from the yoga mat, walked up to her with a pair of sexy long legs, smiled and greeted them:

"The handsome boy and the beautiful girl are here."


Lin Zichen introduced Song Yuyan to Shen Qinghan: "This beautiful big sister is the sister Yan I mentioned to you before. Just call her sister Yan."

"Hello, Sister Yan."

Shen Qinghan shouted politely, her voice was crisp and sweet, and there was a restrained smile on her delicate and pretty face, which made her look very cute.

Song Yuyan's heart melted as she listened.

She took a step forward, took Shen Qinghan's hand in a familiar manner, and said with praise:

"I have seen your photos on Zichen's mobile phone before, and I was amazed by your appearance in the photos."

"Unexpectedly, now that I have seen the real person, I found that the real person is actually more beautiful than the one in the photo."

"The most important thing is that the sound is so nice, it makes my ears feel pregnant."



Shen Qinghan was a little overwhelmed by the praise and didn't know how to respond. After thinking about it, she could only say thank you to Song Yuyan.

So reserved, so polite, so cute!

Song Yuyan liked the beautiful sister in front of her very much.

He took her hand warmly.

Take her to the refrigerator.

Get her a drink.

Let her treat the institute as her own home.

Be casual, don't be formal.

She was bored in the institute doing research every day, and faced either Liu Chuanwu or Lin Zichen every day. Now a girl finally came to the institute, which made Song Yuyan feel particularly happy.

"Come on, Hanhan, let's add WeChat."

Song Yuyan took out her mobile phone, opened the QR code business card in WeChat, and asked Shen Qinghan to scan the code to add her as a friend.

Shen Qinghan obediently took out her mobile phone to scan the QR code and added Song Yuyan's WeChat account as a friend.

After adding WeChat, Song Yuyan immediately checked Shen Qinghan’s circle of friends. After reading it, she smiled and joked:

"Wow, the avatar is Zichen, the background of the circle of friends is Zichen, and almost every post in the circle of friends is related to Zichen. You like Zichen too much."

"Girls as affectionate as you are rare nowadays."

"If Zichen dares to let you down in the future, Sister Yan promises to be the first to help you criticize him!"


Listening to Song Yuyan's words, Shen Qinghan felt very uncomfortable and didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Song Yuyan was too familiar with her, which made it a bit uncomfortable to get along with her.

the other side.

Lin Zichen sat down on the sofa and contacted Liu Chuanwu on WeChat.

Ask him for more information about the antiquities.

for example--

What do antiquities look like?

Which utility room is it specifically placed in?

The place was in disarray, with debris piled everywhere. Almost every corner could be said to be a utility room.

If you don't ask clearly, I'm afraid someone will look for you later.

Less than half a minute after the message was sent, Liu Chuanwu responded.

[Dean: That antique is a bracelet, made of pearls and shells. I forgot which utility room it is in. You can look for it. 】

Lin Zichen felt a little numb after seeing the content of the message.

The bracelet is small in size and there are many utility rooms in the place. It might take a whole afternoon to find it.

After all, the bracelet is a dead object, without any life or breath, and it is difficult to perceive its existence through mental power.

Unless one is mentally strong enough to be like Yuan Dongzhi, who can fly in the air and scan the human body, then one might be able to sense the existence of a dead object like a bracelet.

"By the way, Zichen, didn't you say you were going to the military area to participate in a month-long special training? Why are you back just half a month later?"

Song Yuyan threw a can of drink to Lin Zichen and asked this question with some confusion.

Lin Zichen explained: "During the special training, I was attacked by the Shenzhi Cult, which caused the special training to end early, and then I came back early."

"Ah? Did I hear correctly? Can we be attacked by heretics in the military zone?"

Song Yuyan was shocked, and then she was confused and curious: "What on earth is going on? Tell me quickly."

"The thing is like this..."

Lin Zichen told Song Yuyan roughly what happened.

Song Yuyan was completely stunned after hearing this.

After a moment to regain her composure, she said with an incomprehensible look on her face: "Good guy, you even dare to attack the military headquarters of Nanjiang Province. Is this Shen Zhijiao crazy?!"

"It's a little crazy."

Lin Zichen deeply agreed.

After saying that, he skipped the topic and showed the chat history between himself and Liu Chuanwu to Song Yuyan, and then asked: "Sister Yan, do you have any impression of the bracelet the dean mentioned?"

Song Yuyan thought for a while, shook her head and said, "I have been in the institute for ten years and I have never seen this bracelet before."

"Is that so?" Lin Zichen said regretfully, "Then it seems we can only look for it slowly."

Song Yuyan smiled and said: "It's okay. I'm very familiar with the utility room in the place. I can rule out many places. I guess it won't take long to find it."

"Yes, then please ask Sister Yan to look for it with me."

"What's the trouble? Don't be so polite."


After a brief chat, the three of them quickly started rummaging around the place.

Half an hour passed and I couldn't find it.

An hour passed and still not found.

An hour and a half...

Two hours...

Two and a half hours...

Under the leadership of Song Yuyan, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan searched for a full two and a half hours, searching almost the entire institute, even Liu Chuanwu's office.

However, nothing was found, not even the shadow of the bracelet could be seen.

"This is impossible. We have searched through all the places where we keep miscellaneous items. Why can't we find the bracelet that the dean mentioned?"

Song Yuyan frowned slightly.

She thought for a while and then said: "You think it's possible that the dean has Alzheimer's disease, but in fact there is no such bracelet?"

Lin Zichen didn't answer, but simply said: "Let's keep looking. If it doesn't work, we'll wait until the dean comes back."

After that, he continued to rummage through the junk pile.

I also searched for the places I had searched for before, searching more carefully than before, for fear of missing any corner.

After searching like this for more than ten minutes.

Shen Qinghan on the side fell on a fish tank in the corner.

It was an abandoned fish tank.

The surface is dusty.

There is a thick layer of soil accumulated in the tank.

When I stepped forward and took a look, I saw that the soil inside had dried to the point of cracking, and it looked like dry land that had been dry for decades.

For some reason, Shen Qinghan always felt that this abandoned fish tank was attracting her. It was a kind of attraction that she had to feel.

She looked at the soil in the fish tank and said to Lin Zichen in a strange way: "Xiao Chen, do you think the bracelet we are looking for will be buried in the soil of this fish tank?"

Lin Zichen heard the sound and looked towards the abandoned fish tank.

I felt confused.

In the soil of the fish tank?

How could such a good bracelet be buried in the soil of a fish tank?

This doesn't make sense.

Lin Zichen feels that his Hanbao is somewhat open-minded and has a rich imagination.

Thinking about it, he walked to the fish tank and stopped, looked at the soil in the tank and asked Shen Qinghan: "Why do you think the bracelet is buried in the soil of the fish tank?"

Shen Qinghan: "I can't explain clearly, but I suddenly noticed this fish tank for some reason, and then I felt that the bracelet we were looking for was buried in the soil of the fish tank."


Lin Zichen chose to trust Shen Qinghan's intuition and said, "Well, it's possible. I'll find something to dig up the soil in the fish tank and take a look."

With that said go find a stick or shovel.

As soon as Lin Zichen walked away, Song Yuyan walked to the fish tank and said:

"When I first came to the institute ten years ago, this fish tank was here. It's still the same as it is now. I feel like this fish tank has been here for at least 20 or 30 years."

As she said that, she asked Shen Qinghan: "How come you have the intuition that the bracelet we are looking for is buried in the soil of this fish tank?"

Like Lin Zichen, she couldn't understand Shen Qinghan's intuition.

It's really weird after all.

How could such a good bracelet be buried in the soil of a fish tank?

This makes no sense.

Faced with Song Yuyan's doubts, Shen Qinghan couldn't explain clearly and could only reply: "I don't know what's going on, but it just feels like the bracelet is buried in the soil of the fish tank."


Soon, Lin Zichen found a small shovel used for archaeological excavation.

Under the watchful eyes of the two women, he put his small shovel into the fish tank and carefully dug up the soil.

After digging for a while, he actually dug out a bracelet from the soil.

A bracelet of pearls and shells.

It is exactly the same as the bracelet Liu Chuanwu mentioned on WeChat.

Lin Zichen and Song Yuyan were both shocked.

what's the situation? !

Shen Qinghan guessed it right? !

The bracelet Liu Chuanwu mentioned was really buried in the soil of the fish tank? !

"Why is your intuition so accurate?"

Song Yuyan looked at Shen Qinghan on the side, feeling very incredible and a little incomprehensible.

She thought that even though she had stayed in the institute for ten years, she didn't even know there was a bracelet hidden in the soil of the fish tank.

But Shen Qinghan came to the place on his first day, but he guessed that there was a bracelet in the soil of the fish tank.

Does this beautiful sister have any special treasure hunting abilities?

Song Yuyan was very confused about this.

She was confused, and Shen Qinghan himself was confused.

Shen Qinghan didn't understand what his intuition was about at all. He couldn't explain it, so he could only tell Song Yuyan that he didn't know either.

On the side, Lin Zichen looked carefully at the bracelet in his hand.

Very strange.

This bracelet was obviously dug out of the soil.

However, there was no soil on it.

It looks shiny and smooth, as if it has just been carefully washed. It can be said that it has emerged from the mud but is not stained.

I don't care too much about whether it's clean or not.

Soon, Lin Zichen's attention fell on the mysterious patterns on the bracelet.

The bracelet is made of pearls and shells.

Every pearl and every shell is engraved with mysterious patterns that appear to be words.

These mysterious patterns are very similar to the patterns transformed by the water droplets that lingered around Shen Qinghan's body before. They are so similar that they are almost certainly the same type of pattern.

"Xiaochen, the patterns on the bracelet are really similar to the ones we saw before."

Shen Qinghan came over and looked at the bracelet and said.

Song Yuyan asked: "Have you seen these patterns on the bracelet before? Where did you see them?"

Lin Zichen lied casually and said: "When I was attacked by the Shenzhi Cult before, I saw it on some items belonging to the Shenzhi Cultists."

"Have those items been seized?"

Song Yuyan is very interested in unknown ancient texts and wants to collect more related objects for research to see if she can decipher the ancient texts.

Lin Zichen: "We didn't capture any. Those items sank into the sea and floated away with the current."

Song Yuyan shook her head: "What a pity, what a pity."

After speaking, she added: "If I have the opportunity in the future, I have to focus on the heretics of the Shenzhi Sect and see if I can catch a few and dig out some related objects from them."

While several people were talking.

Liu Chuanwu, who had not been to the research institute for almost a whole day, finally returned.

He had a pair of dark circles under his eyes and yawned dejectedly. He walked in unhurriedly and said, "They are all here. Have you found that bracelet?"

"found it."

Lin Zichen raised the bracelet in his hand.

Shen Qinghan, who was standing next to him, shouted a little cautiously: "Hello, Dean."

Liu Chuanwu chuckled and said, "It's good for you too."

Song Yuyan joked: "Dean, the dark circles under your eyes look so heavy. Did you work all night again last night?"

Liu Chuanwu rubbed his waist and said, "I didn't work for one night, but for a whole day."

"I haven't slept for a second since I started working at noon yesterday."

"I was busy driving piles and helping my old friend repair the garden the whole time, but my old bones were exhausted."


Lin Zichen was not interested in what Liu Chuanwu did at his old friend's place last night, but was only interested in the necklace he was holding.

Soon, he asked: "Dean, where did you get this bracelet?"

Liu Chuanwu thought for a while and said: "If I remember correctly, it should have been dug out of an undersea ruins in 2004."

Undersea ruins?

Lin Zichen keenly caught the word "sea" and continued to ask: "What are the specific underwater ruins?"

"It was almost twenty years ago, and many details have long been forgotten."

After Liu Chuanwu finished speaking, he continued: "But I recorded the video and kept it in the office. I will take you to see it now."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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