Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 193 Famous throughout the country! No one knows!

"Xiaochen, why aren't you asleep yet?"

While Lin Zichen was listening to Liu Chuanwu's voice, Shen Qinghan, who was sleeping in his arms, woke up.

He didn't wake up because he was woken up, he woke up naturally.

"I'm not sleepy yet, I'll go to bed later."

"Then I won't sleep either."

Shen Qinghan got up and turned on the light, picked up her phone and stayed up late with Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen said to her in a gentle voice: "If you are sleepy, go to bed first. There is no need to stay up late with me."

"It's okay. I have a holiday now, so I can sleep until any time tomorrow."

Shen Qinghan said, opening a video app to watch online dramas.

It's a serious web drama.

It’s not a two-dimensional educational film from Sakura Sea Kingdom.

Lin Zichen glanced at it.

Seeing that Shen Qinghan was not watching the two-dimensional educational film, but was watching a serious ancient Kyushu palace fighting drama, I couldn't help but sigh: "The little dirty girl doesn't watch the educational film anymore, my youth is over."

"You are the one who is dirty!"

Shen Qinghan rolled her eyes at Lin Zichen, took out the headphones and put them on, ignoring this annoying guy.

Lin Zichen came next to her and watched the show together.

After watching it for a while, I felt that the female channel was too strong and not in my taste, so I stopped watching it.

Then open the school app and browse the exotic animal section of the credit mall to see if there is any new exotic animal meat on the shelves.

After shopping around for a while, I saw that some of the nine-turn soul insect meat was in short supply not long ago when it was put on the shelves. Now the quantity is much larger and the price is much cheaper.

The last price I looked at was 50 credits per pound.

The current price has dropped to 40 credits per pound.

It's a 20% discount.

If nothing else, they should have found the habitat of the Nine-turn Soul Insect, and the output has increased significantly.

Looking at the nine-turn soul insect meat in the mall, Lin Zichen suddenly thought of a question.

The product details of the Nine-Turn Soul Insect Meat show that the Nine-Turn Soul Insect is a new type of exotic beast that was just discovered not long ago, and the quantity is extremely small.

However, by devouring the bodies of the masked man and the rickety masked man during the day, they also devoured the life source of a large number of nine-turn soul insects.

Integrating a large number of genes from a foreign animal into the body cannot be accomplished overnight.

This is a large project with a very long time span.

It can be as short as a few years, as long as more than ten years, or even tens or hundreds of years.

The more advanced the fused alien beast genes are, the longer the time span required.

As for the Nine-turn Soul Insect, a rare and exotic beast with extremely strong mental power, the genes in its body must be advanced.

If you want to fuse a large number of nine-turn soul insect genes, it should be difficult to do it in less than ten years.

From this point of view, the masked man and the rickety masked man of the Shenzhi Sect had begun to integrate the nine-turn soul insect gene at least ten years ago.

This shows that Shenzhi Cult’s understanding of the origin far exceeds the forces on earth.

The Nine-Turn Soul Insect, which was just discovered by the earth's forces, has been used by the Divine Plant Sect for a long time.

The members of the sect who are basically capable have integrated the genes of the nine-turn soul insect to strengthen their mental power.

To sum up, in terms of knowledge, resources, foundation and other aspects, the forces on earth are far inferior to the pagan force of Shenzhi Cult.

This is a very disappointing fact.

Because the power of the earth is not even comparable to the pagan religions affiliated with the origin, which shows that the power of the earth is even less comparable to the origin itself.

If it weren't for the protection of the boundary force, the earth would have been completely occupied by the creatures from the origin.

The most terrible thing is that the current suppression of the earth's boundary power on the creatures in the origin is weakening year by year for unknown reasons.

In such an unfavorable situation for the earth's forces, it is natural for many people to commit adultery.

The traitors all feel that the Earth's forces have no future, and believe that instead of being buried with the Earth's forces, it is better to choose to fall into the arms of the forces of origin and live an ignoble existence as traitors.

It may not be right to say that we are just living an ignoble existence.

According to the rapists, they are stepping out of the darkness, welcoming the light, and living a more exciting life.

After all, embracing the place of origin can provide you with better evolutionary resources, giving you the opportunity to break the limits of being on earth and evolve into a higher-level creature.

Some didn't think about this for a while.

Lin Zichen tapped the screen of his phone a few times.

A total of 800 credits are spent.

I placed an order for 20 pounds of Nine Turn Soul Insect Meat.

He had already opened the Nine-turn Soul Insect Album when he was in the coastal forest. After opening it, he gained the biological attribute of [Higher Spirit].

The reason why I bought the Nine-turn Soul Insect Meat was because I wanted to further increase the strength of [Higher Spirit].

[The weak eat the strong] The mechanism of this biological attribute is like this.

Devouring the life source of a certain kind of alien beast can open the album of that kind of alien beast, and obtain the most outstanding biological attribute of that kind of alien beast.

If the life source of the alien beast is subsequently devoured, the strength of the corresponding creature's attributes will be increased.

After a battle with the fox-eared girl, Lin Zichen realized something deeply.

He only has physical strength but not mental strength. He will be very passive when encountering spiritual opponents.

In order to eliminate this weakness, we must focus on strengthening our mental strength.

Not to mention turning weaknesses into strengths, at least not holding them back.

After buying the Nine-turn Soul Insect Meat.

Lin Zichen continued to visit the credit mall.

After wandering around for a few minutes, a kind of exotic meat that he had never seen before successfully caught his attention.

Product: Dimensional rat meat.

Price: 100 credits/catties.

100 credits per pound.

Converted into money, it is equivalent to more than 1 million per catty.

Really expensive……

Lin Zichen felt that the price was a bit discouraging.

However, expensive things naturally have reasons and values.

As for whether it is worth it, you will know after reading the product details.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen clicked on the product details to browse.

It took me more than ten seconds to read it, and I had a general understanding of the creature called the Dimensional Rat.

Like the Nine-turn Soul Insect, the Dimensional Rat is also a new and exotic beast that has only been discovered by humans in recent years.

They look very similar to squirrels and have similar living habits.

Squirrels like to store food, and so do dimensional rats.

The only difference is that squirrels generally like to store food in tree holes and other places.

Dimensional rats, on the other hand, like to store food on both sides of their mouths.

An adult dimensional rat can store more than a hundred times its own volume of food on both sides of its mouth.

It's as if there is a bottomless dimensional space in your mouth, and you can keep stuffing things into it.

Read the introduction to the Dimensional Rat in the product details.

These four words came to Lin Zichen's mind for the first time - storage space.

A strange beast like a dimensional rat might have a storage space hidden in its mouth.

Just like the storage bag in the novel about cultivating immortals, you can stuff a lot of large objects into it.

Thinking of storage space, Lin Zichen couldn't help but think of a girl with fox ears.

When he faced the fox-eared girl before, he saw with his own eyes that the fox-eared girl conjured an animal skin collar out of thin air.

He thought that the fox-eared girl should have the kind of storage props he imagined.

For example, storage rings, storage bags, storage jade pendants, etc.

Or simply a storage space, a storage space located in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the scene where the fox-eared girl was able to conjure an animal skin collar out of thin air.

After thinking about this, Lin Zichen's thoughts returned to the dimensional rat meat.

Based on his previous experience in opening albums, he estimated that if he opened the album of Dimensional Rat, he would probably get a biological attribute with a storage function.

If this is the case, it will be more convenient to go out in the future.

You can carry a large amount of supplies with you without worrying about the weight of the supplies affecting your movements.

"100 credits are worth a pound. To open the album, you need to save 10,000 credits."

"With so many credits, it will take a long time to save up."

"Before that, buy a pound and swallow it, and turn on the progress bar to mark it."

After thinking about it, Lin Zichen didn't hesitate at all and immediately spent 100 credits to place an order for a pound of dimensional rat meat.

The delivery address is chosen at home.

If it's quick, I think it can be delivered early tomorrow morning.

After placing the order and seeing that it was almost time, Lin Zichen put down his phone and planned to go to sleep.

At this time, Shen Qinghan, who was watching the show next to him, took off his headphones with a cheerful look on his face, reached out and patted his arm and said with a smile: "Xiaochen, Xiaochen, please watch this show!"

"There is a lady named Shen, and there is a eunuch named Xiao Linzi under her. The last names of these two people happen to match the two of us. What a coincidence, haha!"

Shen Qinghan laughed while talking, and put the phone screen in front of Lin Zichen, who was very happy.

Lin Zichen looked at the screen of her mobile phone and found that it was exactly as she said. There was a beautiful lady named Shen and an eunuch named Xiao Linzi.

This is too coincidental.

It's really outrageous.

"Xiao Chen, from now on I will be the beautiful and wise Empress Shen, and you will be my personal eunuch Xiao Linzi!"

Shen Qinghan raised her watery peach blossom eyes and said with a smile on her pretty face.

Lin Zichen stretched out his hand and poked her cheek: "You called me dad just now. How long has it passed and now you treat me like a personal eunuch? You are a disrespectful and unfilial daughter!"

"I won't call you daddy. Every time I call you daddy, you call me dirty."

"I'll call you Xiao Linzi from now on."

"Xiao Linzi!"

"Xiao Linzi!"

"You are my little Linzi!"

"Yes, yes, I am your personal eunuch Xiao Linzi. I am going to commit the above crime tonight and severely offend you, a superior lady!"

As Lin Zichen said this, he threw Shen Qinghan down on the bed and pressed her down, bullying her with all his hands.

Shen Qinghan was bullied so much that her white and tender feet were stretched tightly, and she begged for mercy with a look of both discomfort and enjoyment: "Stop, it's so itchy, Daddy, Daddy, I was wrong, stop it."

Lin Zichen couldn't stop, and wanted to bully the powerful and resourceful Empress Shen, so that she would never dare to call her Xiao Linzi again.

She must be taught a lesson and let her know what it means - when the eunuch is angry, the empress is exposed!

While the two were having fun.

The Li family in Kyoto.

The Yuan family in Nanjiang.

Machine God Group.

Kyushu Military Region Headquarters.

There is an underground palace 20,000 meters deep underground in Shanhai City.

There are many big forces, and the talkers inside are all discussing the same thing in their respective territories at the moment.

Discuss Lin Zichen's performance in the special training camp.

And the importance that Shenzhi Religion attaches to him.

The Li family in Kyoto.

The contemporary head of the family, Li Changsheng, his eldest son Li Yijin, a genius in Kyoto, and his second son Li Moyu, as well as several people in the family who are talking about it, are gathering at a table to discuss Lin Zichen.

"Mo Yu, you said that the new king in your school has the physical strength of an ordinary ninth level, and can he resist the mental attack of the fox girl of the same level?"

The head of the Li family looked at his second son Li Moyu and asked.

Li Moyu was extremely sure: "It's true, Dad, I'm not exaggerating at all."

"Then Lin Zichen is simply a freak."

"Obviously he is a pure-blooded human and has not fused with any alien beast genes, but the physical strength he has shown is several levels stronger than me who has fused the genes of the Demon-Eyed Giant Ape."

"It's really outrageous!"


After hearing these words from his younger brother, Li Yijin couldn't help but frown and said, "Is it the blessing of pure-blood humans, or is he just so strong?"

Li Moyu thought for a while and said, "I feel like we should achieve each other's success."

"When college first started, he wasn't as perverted as he is now. I could still fight him twice."

"He only suddenly became so strong after he became a pure-blood human."


In the main seat, the head of the Li family couldn't help but fell into deep thought after hearing what his second son said.

Going with pure-blooded humans has clearly proven to be a dead end.

How come out of nowhere, a top genius who can crush his peers emerges?

Also, why does the Shenzhi Religion attach so much importance to this pure-blooded human genius named Lin Zichen?

Is there anything special about pure-blood humans?

It seems that we have to focus on pure-blood humans in the future.

Also, the long-abandoned Institute of Pure Humanities at Beijing University must be restarted...

The head of the Li family thought silently in his heart.

The Yuan family in Nanjiang.

Yuan Dongzhi was sitting with her father, her uncle who was the head of the family, and more than a dozen respected elders, discussing Lin Zichen.

When talking about Lin Zichen's performance in the special training and the Shenzhi Cult's madness towards him, everyone was very puzzled.

"Toshiba, Chuanwu specializes in studying pure-blood human beings. You have lived with him for so many years, and you should know a lot about pure-blood human beings. You know that pure-blood human beings are not realistic at all. What happened to this Lin Zichen? thing?"

The head of the Yuan family asked very puzzledly.

Yuan Dongzhi: "I'm not sure about this either. I've checked his body and there's nothing special about him."

"My guess is that his compatibility with the Blood Tempering Technique is very high, allowing him to get twice the result with half the effort when practicing the Blood Tempering Technique."

"Thanks to this, he can show the powerful side of pure-blood humans and break the stereotype we have always had about pure-blood humans."


The head of the Yuan family listened to his thoughts for a moment, and then asked: "Then why does Shen Zhijiao value him so much?"

Yuan Dongzhi shook his head: "I don't know."

She actually knew it very well, but she wouldn't say it anyway.

Not to mention her uncle, she wouldn't say it even if she was her father.

She felt that she had an obligation to keep this secret for Lin Zichen, and at the same time, she also knew that this was the key to a good relationship with Lin Zichen.

Having a good relationship with such a genius is ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times more important than having a good relationship with the head of the family.

The head of the Yuan family asked: "Toshiba, do you still have private contact with Chuanwu?"

Yuan Dongzhi: "Occasionally."

The host of the Yuan family said sincerely: "In this case, you can find a time to invite him to your house to have a meal together, open up your heart and talk, and see if we can get back together."

"After all, you two don't have any conflicts. It would be a pity to be separated."

"If you can get back together, try to get back together."

As the head of a large family, he was keenly aware that it might not be easy for pure-blooded humans to join forces, otherwise Shenzhi Cult would not pay so much attention to Lin Zichen.

Now is the time to start investing.

We must invest in a pure-blood human team and win over Liu Chuanwu, who specializes in pure-blood human team.

Machine God Group.

Zhang Kai was explaining Lin Zichen's situation to the group's top leaders.

The group leader listened while looking down at the information about Lin Zichen in his hand.

The data shows that Lin Zichen's biological level is an ordinary eighth level, and his mental strength is also an ordinary eighth level.

Without the fusion of alien beast genes, to be able to have such strength, it must be said that the talent is extremely high.

However, it is not enough for the Shenzhi Cult to pay so much attention to him. They would rather destroy all the undercover agents installed at the Nanjiang Provincial Military Region Headquarters over the years, and take him away at all costs.

The only explanation is that pure-blood humans have secrets.

"Whether it's Lin Zichen or a pure-blooded human being, it seems that they will have to pay more attention in the future..."

The leader of the group looked at the information in his hand and murmured with thoughts on his face.

Kyushu Military Region Headquarters.

A middle-aged man with gray hair on his temples looked down at the files the secretary had just collected.

The file is full of Lin Zichen's information.

After reading the archive information.

The middle-aged man looked at the secretary next to him and said in a smooth voice: "Prepare a special plane and come with me to Shanhai University tomorrow."

"Okay, I understand." The secretary nodded.

After saying that, he turned around and left the office, going to arrange a special plane for the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked in the direction of Shanhai University, and said to himself:

"Are you a pure-blood human?"


At this moment, he was very interested in Lin Zichen, who was a pure-blooded human being, and wanted to see what kind of existence this genius targeted by the Shenzhi Sect was.

Because he has lived for thousands of years and has never seen the Shenzhi religion value a genius so much.

There are 20,000 meters underground in Shanhai City.

Inside the spacious underground palace.

A clover masked man is reporting to a clover masked man on crutches:

"Great Elder, the operation failed."

"I couldn't bring Lin Zichen back."

"In addition, almost all the believers who have been installed in the Nanjiang Provincial Military Region Headquarters over the years have been exposed."

"Also...the ninth elder is dead."

"According to the information I have learned, he should have died at the hands of Yuan Dongzhi."


After hearing these words, the man in the clover mask had no fluctuation in his heart: "Yes, I understand."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the increasingly stable biological channel in front of him and said in a hoarse voice: "After a period of time, the stability of the channel improves, and then we can try to transmit high-level creatures."

"During this period, all external operations are suspended, including the operation to arrest Lin Zichen."

"Right now, we have to devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the work of upgrading biological channels."


"Can we teleport advanced creatures soon?"

"Very good!"

"Establishing a stronghold on the earth is just around the corner!"

"Shanhai City is already within our grasp!"

"Shenzhi Religion will exist forever!"

At this moment, all the Shenzhi Cult believers in the underground palace were excited.

Every believer present no longer mourned the heroic death of the ninth elder, but instead celebrated the upcoming upgrade of the biological channel.

This night, Lin Zichen's name left a deep imprint on the hearts of these important people.

As for Shen Qinghan, she still had no sense of existence. She was still the transparent little person who followed Lin Zichen all day long.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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