Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 192 Pregnant! I hope it’s a daughter!

Lin Zichen stayed in Yuan Dongzhi's office for more than an hour, chatting a lot about Shenzhi Cult and domestic big shots.

They chatted until almost 10 p.m. before he and Shen Qinghan dragged their suitcases home.

At 10 o'clock in the evening during the winter vacation, the campus was quiet and peaceful.

Walking on the school road, you can hardly see any students.

Yes, it's just the gusts of evening wind blowing.

It brings a slight coolness when it brushes on the face, which is very comfortable.

"Xiaochen, the school is so quiet. It's completely gone from the usual bustle."

"It's normal. We are still on winter vacation and the students have gone home to celebrate the New Year."

If it is summer vacation, many students will choose to stay in school to study, or take on assignments to earn credits.

But now is the winter vacation, the vacation time is short, and there is also the Spring Festival to celebrate, so few students will stay in school.

"Xiaochen, I've been sleeping alone during the past half month of special training. I feel so unaccustomed to it. How about I go to your house to sleep tonight?"

"Then come and sleep together."

"Then it's settled. When I get home, I'll go over to your place after eating and taking a shower."

"Well, before going to bed, I will release the power of qi and blood to warm your feet."


The two of them just chatted and walked slowly, and soon returned to their homes.

Lin Zichen took out the key and opened the door, dragging his suitcase into the house.

The lights in the whole room are dark.

Only the code room was lit.

Standing in the corridor entering the door, you can clearly hear the sound of typing on the keyboard coming from the coding room.

Obviously their son is so capable and the family is not short of money at all, but the two of them are still writing novels as before in the evening.

All I can say is that this is true love.

Change into indoor shoes.

Pull the suitcase to the room and put it away.

Lin Zichen walked to the door of the coding room, reached out and knocked gently: "Dad, Mom, I'm back."

"Huh? My son is back?" Lin Yansheng's confused voice came from the coding room.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened and Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin walked out.

Seeing Lin Zichen standing at the door, Lin Yansheng asked doubtfully: "Didn't you say that you will have a month of special training? Why did you come back after only half a month?"

Lin Zichen: "The special training ended early."

Lin Yansheng frowned when he heard this: "Did something happen?"

"No, it's just that the special training students of this batch are relatively good and have completed the special training goals ahead of schedule, so they came back early."

Lin Zichen said the reason he had thought up in advance.

Lin Yansheng said with a face that had never been seen for a long time: "Is there still such an operation?"

Zhang Wanxin on the side was not as confused as he was, but only concerned.

She looked at Lin Zichen and said, "Why didn't you call home when you came back early? Tell me in advance that mom can cook you something delicious."

"The main thing is to give my parents a surprise."

"It's not enough to scare you."

Zhang Wanxin scolded angrily: "I ran back so late at night without saying a word. Those who didn't know it thought a thief had come in."

"Mom, you are overthinking. You live in the family building of Shanhai University. There are security checks everywhere. Even if a thief can fly, he can't get into the house."

"You came back so late. You probably haven't had dinner yet. Mom will make you whatever you want to eat."

"Just fry some rice noodles."

"What's wrong with just eating fried rice? You have to eat better at home."

After Zhang Wanxin finished speaking, she walked to the refrigerator and said as she walked, "Let's do this. Mom will make you cold cucumber, tomato scrambled eggs, soy sauce braised chicken, and bitter melon stewed with dragon bone soup."

"Well, let's have some steamed exotic animal meat."

"Dean Liu from the You Research Institute sent over several kilograms of ice crystal shrimps yesterday. They are being frozen in the refrigerator. They will be steamed for you to eat right now."

These are Lin Zichen's favorite soups and dishes.

It just so happens that there are related ingredients in the refrigerator.

When it was almost 11 o'clock, the meal was ready.

Four dishes and one soup.

A family of three sits together to eat.

The couple who had already had dinner treated it as a late night snack.

"Here, try this ice crystal shrimp."

Zhang Wanxin put an ice crystal shrimp into Lin Zichen's bowl and said with a loving look on her face: "Even though it was frozen in the refrigerator, it tastes very fresh and tastes sweeter than ordinary live shrimp."

"Thank you mom."

"By the way, Hanhan hasn't eaten yet, so hurry up and ask her to come over and eat together."

"No, Mom, she is eating at her own house right now. She sent me a bunch of photos of the meal on WeChat. She also made a large plate of ice crystal shrimp and asked me to come over and eat with her."

Lin Zichen said while eating ice crystal shrimp.

Lin Yansheng next to him picked up an ice crystal shrimp, peeled the shell slowly and said: "Wanxin, don't just let Hanhan come over here, people also have their own parents."

"You keep turning her around, and Xu Meng and Lao Shen will definitely feel uncomfortable."

"Especially now, she has just returned home. Xu Meng and Lao Shen haven't seen her for half a month. They miss her so much. Now go and call her to our side. Xu Meng and Lao Shen want to scold you." It’s all there.”


"That's right, I didn't think enough about it."

Zhang Wanxin rarely criticized her husband and felt that what her husband said made sense.

After all, no matter how much I regard Hanhan as my biological daughter, I am not Hanhan's biological mother. My best friend Xu Meng is Hanhan's biological mother.

He always called Hanhan to his home, and he really ignored the feelings of Shen Jianye and Xu Meng.

Well, you have to pay attention in the future...

Zhang Wanxin thought about it, then gave Lin Zichen another ice crystal shrimp, and said with a smile: "Xiaochen, mom has good news to tell you."

"What good news?"

"You are going to have a brother or sister."


Lin Zichen was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while.

Want a younger brother or sister?

Mom is pregnant with her second child?

When he reacted, he immediately looked at Zhang Wanxin's belly.

It's very flat and you can't tell whether you're pregnant or not.

Maybe it’s because I’ve just been pregnant for a while and haven’t shown my pregnancy yet.

"Mom, are you pregnant with your second child?"

"Yes, I'm almost half a month pregnant, and I just found out a few days ago."

As Zhang Wanxin spoke, she stroked her belly, which had not yet begun to show her pregnancy, and said with anticipation: "There is already a little man at home, and I hope I can give birth to a little cotton-padded jacket this time."

I'm really pregnant with my second child...

Lin Zichen felt so sudden, even more sudden than when Shen Qinghan said she was pregnant.

After all, Zhang Wanxin is already in her forties and will be a grandmother in a few years.

She suddenly became pregnant with her second child, which was really surprising.

By the time the child is born, Lin Zichen will be twenty years old.

With such a big age difference, he can still be a father.

Lin Yansheng took a sip of the soup and said calmly: "Since you and Hanhan went to college, the house has been so deserted, and your mother and I are not used to it."

“I want to hold a grandson, but I don’t know how long it will take.”

"So your mother and I hit it off right away. Since we are still in our early forties and there is still a possibility of pregnancy, we will try to see if we can conceive a second child."

"Then I tried to get pregnant for about two and a half months, and finally I got pregnant successfully."


"I see."

Lin Zichen nodded, not having much thought about his parents having a second child.

As long as the parents like it, let alone the second child, it will be no problem for the third, fourth or fifth child.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money in the family now. Parents do not need to travel around to support the family. They can afford to support as many children as they want.

It's nice to have children at home to be more lively.


Lin Zichen finished his meal, took a shower, and sat leisurely on the bed browsing the news on his phone.

Not long after brushing, Shen Qinghan, who had also finished eating and taking a shower, came over to sleep with him wearing a set of light pink pajamas.

"Xiaochen, Aunt Xin is actually pregnant with her second child."

Shen Qinghan took off his slippers and sat on the bed, and said to Lin Zichen unexpectedly.

Lin Zichen said with a smile: "My parents really want to have a grandson. They can't wait for the two of us to be born, so they might as well make enough food and clothing by themselves."

Shen Qinghan said curiously: "Xiaochen, do you want a younger sister or a younger brother?"

"I can do either one, but my parents really want a daughter."

"Uncle Sheng and Aunt Xin want their daughter to be normal. After all, they already have a son like you. They definitely want a little cotton-padded jacket to experience the different feelings of raising a baby."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, she asked: "Xiao Chen, do you think it would be better to have a son or a daughter when we get married in the future?"

Lin Zichen: "Let's have a twin, a boy and a girl."

"Which one is better, a son or a daughter?"

Shen Qinghan found it difficult to make a choice: "I feel that the combination of brother and sister is very loving, but I also think that the combination of sister and brother is also very good. It's really confusing."

"Also, what is my son's name and what is my daughter's name? There are really many things to think about."

"Especially taking care of a baby, I find this very difficult."

"Think about when I was a little baby, I would wet my pants all the time. My mother said it would be troublesome to take care of me."


"When you weren't a baby, you peed your pants all the time."

"You nasty guy, let's fight him!"

Shen Qinghan "very angry" hit Lin Zichen as punishment for "malicious slander".

Then he murmured: "When Aunt Xin gives birth to a baby at the end of the year, I'm going to study and practice how to be a mother in advance."

She was thinking too far ahead.

Although I am only in my first year of college, I am already thinking about becoming a mother.

Lin Zichen smiled: "There is no need to practice specially. When you become a mother, you will find that it is not your turn to take care of the child at all. It will be taken care of by my parents and your parents."

"real or fake?"

Shen Qinghan expressed doubts about this.

Lin Zichen: "Don't doubt the desire of an old couple to have grandchildren, especially in an only-child family like ours. Once the parents get older and have nothing to do in retirement, they will go crazy wanting to have grandchildren."

"Is that so?"

Shen Qinghan didn't feel much because Shen Jianye and Xu Meng never urged her to have a grandson.

After saying this, she stretched out her white and smooth feet to Lin Zichen's hand, and said in a playful voice: "Dad, please warm your good daughter's feet."

"You little filthy girl, you are addicted to calling me daddy, right?"

Lin Zichen said with a smile, then held Shen Qinghan's jade feet and began to release the power of Qi and blood to warm her feet to satisfy her small request.

Shen Qinghan defended: "Don't accuse me wrongly. I didn't call you addicted. It's just that you boys like to be called that by girls, so I called it for you."

Lin Zichen joked: "Your mouth tastes soft, but when you speak, it's hard."

"You're the one who talks so hard!"

Shen Qinghan pursed her lips and said dissatisfiedly.

Lin Zichen smiled and pinched her little mouth and stopped teasing her.

in the coming time.

The two of them chatted one by one, from childhood to the present, and from now to the future. They talked about whatever came to mind, as if they had endless topics to talk about.

As they chatted, the two talked about the attack by the Shenzhi Cult during the day.

They talked about the murmur Shen Qinghan heard, the giant arm formed by the sea, the fall of the ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect, and the mysterious water droplets lingering around Shen Qinghan.

Lin Zichen was very concerned about those water drops.

Because when those water droplets floated past Shen Qinghan's eyes, they would change into shapes that seemed to be words.

Thinking back now, were those water beads conveying any message to Shen Qinghan?

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen got out of bed and took out a pen and scratch paper. With his super memory, he copied the shape of the water droplets he saw at that time on the scratch paper.

I wouldn’t know if I didn’t re-engrave it, but when I re-engraved it, I discovered that the shape transformed by those water droplets really looked like some kind of writing.

Lin Zichen randomly picked a few neat shapes, took photos and uploaded them online to see if he could find anything.

Unfortunately, nothing can be found online.

Isn't it some kind of text?

Are those water beads just for fun?

No, it can't be just for fun.

It must be some message you want to convey, or it may have some special meaning.

Since it can’t be found online, let’s send it to someone with more knowledge.

A lot of information on the Internet is not public. Most of the unknown information can only be obtained by asking someone.

Soon, Lin Zichen sent the photos he had just taken and uploaded to the Internet to Yuan Dongzhi, Song Yuyan, and Liu Chuanwu.

Of these three, the former comes from a large family and is relatively well-informed. He may be aware of these mysterious symbols that appear to be words.

The latter two are specialized in research, and have studied many ancient artifacts unearthed from ruins. The possibility of understanding these mysterious symbols is not small.

Probably a few minutes later.

Yuan Dongzhi and Song Yuyan responded successively.

The reply was quick but the content of the reply was disappointing.

Both said they did not recognize the symbol.

"Only the dean is left..."

Lin Zichen murmured.

More than an hour later.

Shen Qinghan fell asleep, huddled quietly in Lin Zichen's arms, sleeping soundly.

Lin Zichen was not sleepy and was scrolling through the news on his mobile phone.

It's almost 1:30 in the morning.

Liu Chuanwu replied.

Lin Zichen quickly opened the chat box and found that Liu Chuanwu's reply was a voice message, not a text message.

It is 38 seconds of voice.

With such a long voice, you can tell at a glance that there must be a result.

In order not to disturb Shen Qinghan, Lin Zichen got out of bed and got his headphones.

After putting on the headphones, I immediately clicked on the audio to listen to what Liu Chuanwu had to say.

"Where did you see these symbols?"

"It feels a bit familiar to me."

"But I can't remember where I saw it."

"After thinking about it, I had the impression that I had seen it on some of the antiquities in the institute."

"In this case, I will go back to the research institute early tomorrow morning to help you take a look. If there is any news, I will notify you via WeChat."

Liu Chuanwu's voice sounded a little breathy, as if he was running to exercise.

If you listen carefully, you can still vaguely hear a burst of crisp applause mixed with it, as well as the faint sound of a woman cheering.

Shouting something like "Lao Liu, come on, work harder, one million for one shot, 20 million for ten consecutive shots!"

Hearing the shouts of cheering in the voice, Lin Zichen couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

I'm convinced, can't you stop what you're doing when you're speaking?

Do you have to do two things at once?

Lin Zichen complained in his heart, but soon he began to admire Liu Chuanwu.

I have to say, the dean is really a model worker.

In order to attract sponsorship for the institute, I went out every night to find an old friend to exercise.

This really made the men stay silent and the women shed tears. It moved the top ten people in Kyushu.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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