Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 143 Shen Qinghan’s genetic fusion failed

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

This evening.

With the help of the Blood Resurrection Pill, Lin Zichen succeeded in tempering the skin for the second time as he wished.

The whole body has become invulnerable, and can withstand AK fire at close range, comparable to the golden bell in martial arts novels.

In this regard, Lin Zichen was not complacent and continued to work hard.

On the second day, he immediately started quenching the meat for the second time.

I didn't go to the institute, I just stayed in the dormitory and practiced all day.

It took a whole day of tempering.

Four blood-restoring pills were consumed.

Finally, a progress of 5% was achieved.

5% progress per day.

As long as this quenching efficiency can be maintained, it only takes 19 more days to quench the meat, and the meat can be quenched for the second time.

After that, you can proceed with the second bone quenching.

The tempering efficiency is so high that it is 100% possible to temper the body twice before the end of the semester.

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel slightly excited.

Another week has passed.

This morning.

Lin Zichen's second meat tempering progress increased to 40% as scheduled.

In another 12 days, the meat will be tempered for the second time, and then the bones will be tempered for the second time.

In the afternoon of the same day.

The parents of both families drove to the school, bringing everything they could from home to settle down at Shanhai University.

Shen Qinghan specially took an afternoon off and went to another campus with Lin Zichen to help his parents move.

The school’s resettlement houses are all on the outer campus.

This is because students who are not from the inner campus are not allowed to enter the inner campus.

Even parents of students in the inner campus are prohibited from entering the inner campus.

This is a hard and fast rule.

Even the parents of the new king are no exception.

Soon, both Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan received their parents and took them to the assigned resettlement houses.

Thanks to Lin Zichen's request to the school, the resettlement houses assigned to the two parents are right next to each other and they can continue to be neighbors.

The only difference is that the children of both families live in the student dormitory, which is a little less complete.

Spent a whole afternoon decorating the new home.

About 5pm.

The two families went to a restaurant outside the campus for dinner.

Chatting while eating, the atmosphere was harmonious.

"I just took a look at my work schedule. I was arranged to teach elective cultural courses to students in the inner campus in Building C of the outer campus. I only have 5 classes a week. This is too easy."

Shen Jianye said with a smile on his face.

Xu Meng also smiled and said: "If I had known that it would be so easy to take classes here, I would have moved here earlier."

Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin were very envious after hearing this.

The two of them write novels, and even after moving to the university, they still write the same, and their workload has not eased at all.

But, just enjoy it.

"Hanhan, how do you feel about living with Xiaochen and sleeping in the same bed every day?"

Zhang Wanxin looked at Shen Qinghan with a smile and asked.

Shen Qinghan smiled sweetly and said: "I live happily every day, it feels like a dream."

When she said this, her delicate and fair face was not red at all, and she was no longer as shy as before.

As I grow up, my personality becomes less shy.

Zhang Wanxin looked regretful: "Oh, it would be great if we parents could also go into the inner campus. I really want to go in and see your dormitory. If I have time, I can help you clean it."

Lin Yansheng was confused: "I remember Hanhan took a lot of videos and posted them in the group. Can't you just watch the videos in the group?"

Zhang Wanxin rolled her eyes at him: "Is it the same when watching it on the phone as it is in person?"

About 9pm.

It's almost time, and it's time for Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan to go back to the dormitory.

Before leaving, Xu Meng called Shen Qinghan aside and quietly stuffed a bag into her.

Shen Qinghan thought it was some kind of gift and opened the bag with anticipation.

When I looked at the results, I found two boxes of "ultra-thin XX sets" that made people blush and their hearts beat. I was immediately speechless.

"Mom, why do you always give me this?"

Shen Qinghan pouted, not liking this gift a bit.

Xu Meng explained: "Mom is afraid that you won't have enough."

What is not enough?

We haven’t gotten that far yet.

There's no use at all...

Shen Qinghan muttered a few words in his heart, and then said with a serious face: "Mom, don't give me this again. If it's not enough, I will buy it myself."

"You kid, isn't your mother afraid that you will be too shy to buy?"

"Online shopping is very convenient now..."

"Shen Qinghan, when you go to college without your parents' control, you'll learn to talk back, right?"

Xu Meng looked at Shen Qinghan with dissatisfaction and said.

Shen Qinghan immediately softened, holding Xu Meng's arm affectionately, and said in a soft and coquettish voice: "No matter what, I have always been the sweet girl who listens to my mother the most."

Xu Meng smiled and pinched her cheek and said, "You are so old and you still like to act like a baby. You usually act like a baby like this with Xiao Chen, right?"

"I only act like a spoiled child like this with Mom."

"Okay, Mom knows, go back quickly, Xiaochen is waiting outside."

"Mom, bye."

"OK Bye Bye."

The two mother and daughter waved to each other and said goodbye.

Dormitory 603, Building 8, Zhongyuan.

When the two returned here, it was almost 9:30 pm.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Shen Qinghan remembered something very important and said to Lin Zichen:

"Xiao Chen, I forgot to tell you. I will undergo gene fusion tomorrow. It is scheduled to be carried out in Master's office at 9 o'clock tomorrow night. Can you come over and accompany me then?"

"Okay, I'll go with you then."

Lin Zichen said without thinking.

Even if Shen Qinghan didn't mention a major life event like pregnancy and childbirth, like gene fusion, he would offer to accompany her.

"It's getting late, let's go take a shower, and then go to bed early."

"Then let's go."

After saying that, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan walked to the bathroom in front.

About half an hour later.

The two came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

As soon as Shen Qinghan came out, she said she was hungry and wanted a midnight snack.

Lin Zichen doted on her very much. He went to the kitchen to fry a plate of rice and squeezed a cup of spiritual juice to satisfy her craving.

After spending more than ten minutes eating and drinking.

Shen Qinghan rested for a while, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and soon went to the room with Lin Zichen to sleep.

After lying there for a while without falling asleep, she turned sideways and faced Lin Zichen and said:

"Xiaochen, it's not even 11 o'clock yet. It's too early and I can't sleep. Can you lend me your phone for a while?"

"I didn't download any new learning videos."

"It's okay, I can use the old one too."

"take it."

Lin Zichen handed her the phone and said, "Remember to put on your headphones and don't let the sound out."

"Know it."

Shen Qinghan took the phone, put on the headphones, expertly clicked on the learning videos cached inside, and silently huddled under the quilt to watch.

Half an hour later.

Finished watching the video.

Shen Qinghan took off his headphones and returned the phone to Lin Zichen.

When Lin Zichen reached out to take the phone, she said in a soft voice: "Xiaochen, I want to drink some milk."

"I'll get it for you."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he got up and got out of bed to put on his shoes.

But before he could leave, Shen Qinghan reached out to hold him. With affectionate eyes and a soft voice, he said, "You don't have to get out of bed and go to the living room to get it. Just lie flat on the bed..."

The next day, 7:30 in the morning.

The two sat across from each other at the dining table and had breakfast.

Today's breakfast was made by Lin Zichen.

It's very simple to make, just a bowl of corn dumplings, a hard-boiled egg, and a cup of hot milk.

After finishing the dumplings and eggs, Shen Qinghan picked up the hot milk in front of her and drank it eagerly.

The eggs tasted too dry and made me thirsty.

"Xiaochen, the milk doesn't taste good at all. It's all a lie."

After drinking the milk in the cup, Shen Qinghan wiped the corners of his mouth, slightly pouted his rosy mouth, and said this as if he had been deceived.

Lin Zichen looked at the clean cup in front of her, smiling and saying nothing.

"Xiaochen, I'm going to undergo gene fusion at 9 o'clock tonight, so I'm a little nervous."

A trace of uneasiness appeared on Shen Qinghan's pretty face.

Lin Zichen comforted him in a gentle voice: "It's normal to feel nervous the first time you do it. Just wait until you get used to it after doing it a few times."


Shen Qinghan nodded.

The two sat and chatted like this for a while, and soon got up and cleared the table together.

After clearing the table for a while.

Shen Qinghan put on the small schoolbag Lin Zichen made for her and went out to class alone.

Lin Zichen still did not go to the research institute today and chose to stay at home to temper the meat for a second time.

This quenching, 10 hours passed in the blink of an eye.

With the assistance of 4 Resurrection Pills, the progress of the second meat tempering was successfully increased to 45%.

Seeing that it was 5:30 in the afternoon, Lin Zichen put away the yoga mat, went to the refrigerator to pick out a few ingredients, and took them into the kitchen to make dinner.

It's almost 6 o'clock.

Shen Qinghan came back with a schoolbag on his back.

As soon as she entered the door, she smelled the fragrance wafting from the kitchen and swallowed involuntarily.

Lin Zichen's fried vegetables are so fragrant that you can't get tired of them no matter how much you eat them. You want to eat them as soon as you smell them.

After eating, the two sat on the sofa and read a book.

Feeling that she was almost digested, Shen Qinghan got up and left, going to the bathroom to take a shower.

In more than an hour, she will go to Yuan Dongzhi's office for the first gene fusion, and she must wash herself off before that.

8:30 pm.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan went out to Yuan Dongzhi's office.

I walked leisurely for more than ten minutes.

Arrive at the administration building.

Went in.

Take the elevator to the 5th floor.

When the two walked into the principal's office, Yuan Dongzhi had been waiting inside for a long time.

Seeing Shen Qinghan coming, Yuan Dongzhi picked up a glass of warm water and handed it to her, asking her to drink it all.

After finishing the glass, he poured another glass for her to continue drinking.

Back and forth, I drank five glasses in total, which added up to almost a liter of water.

This is the preparatory work for merging blue jellyfish genes.

The blue jellyfish is a water-based beast. The more water in the body, the easier it is to fuse its genes.

"Master, I can't drink anymore."

Shen Qinghan put down the cup in his hand and touched his filled belly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Yuan Dongzhi said calmly: "If you can't drink it, there's no need to drink anymore. Come up and lie down on the bed, and I'll fuse you with the Blue Jellyfish King gene."

"Excuse me, Master."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, she lay down on the bed obediently, her belly filled with water rising slightly, looking like a pregnant woman who had been pregnant for several months.

Yuan Dongzhi took a syringe filled with blue liquid, walked to Shen Qinghan and sat down.

Then he said to her: "The blue liquid in the needle in my hand is the Blue Jellyfish King gene. When it is injected later, it must be inserted into the heart for injection."

"But don't worry, the insertion process won't hurt. I will use my mental power to numb your pain nerves so that you won't feel the pain."

"However, during the subsequent gene fusion process, even if your pain nerves are paralyzed, you will still feel pain."

"But the ongoing process usually doesn't take too long, only a few minutes at most."

"During this period, if you really can't bear the pain, just open your mouth and scream out. Don't hold it back. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Master." Shen Qinghan nodded.

When she said this, her eyes were full of fear and nervousness, and she felt very uneasy.

Is it really not painful to insert such a thick needle directly into the heart and inject it?

It feels like it could stab someone to death...

After briefly explaining the precautions to Shen Qinghan.

Yuan Dongzhi took the tools he would use later and prepared to inject Shen Qinghan with the blue jellyfish king gene.

Before the injection, she looked at Lin Zichen in front and said, "You have to open your clothes during the injection. Go out and avoid suspicion."

We've all eaten, there's no need to avoid suspicion... Shen Qinghan thought so in her heart, and said in a low voice with a slightly blushing face: "Master, we have already lived together..."

Living together?

Yuan Dongzhi was a little surprised, but he didn't pay too much attention. He just said calmly: "Since you all live together, there is no need to avoid suspicion."

After saying that, she opened Shen Qinghan's shirt, took out a white cloth soaked in alcohol, and wiped Shen Qinghan's chest for disinfection.

After disinfection, she pointed the sharp needle at Shen Qinghan's chest and said, "Qinghan, I'm going to insert it."


Shen Qinghan responded with a precious word, and closed his eyes in fear.

Seeing that she was ready, Yuan Dongzhi channeled his mental power to anesthetize her pain nerves.

Then, he pressed down gently, accurately inserted the needle into her heart, and slowly injected the Blue Jellyfish King gene in the needle tube.

Lin Zichen witnessed this scene from the side and felt incredible.

He had previously studied the process of human gene fusion and watched related videos.

From this, we learned that the process of gene fusion requires the use of various sophisticated detection instruments to constantly observe changes in the body data of the fusion person.

However, at this moment, Yuan Dongzhi did not need any testing equipment.

This is because her extremely powerful mental power is the best detection instrument, which can observe every data change of Shen Qinghan's body in detail.

Soon, all injections of Blue Jellyfish King genes were completed.

Yuan Dongzhi pulled out the needle from Shen Qinghan's heart, took a little white mysterious medicinal mud and applied it to the remaining pinhole on her chest.

As soon as the medicinal mud was applied, the pinhole on Shen Qinghan's chest quickly healed and became intact as before.

"After the gene fusion begins, there will be severe pain soon. You have to be mentally prepared."

Yuan Dongzhi reminded Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan said "hmm", closed her eyes tightly, bit her lower lip, and prepared herself for a burst of severe pain.


1 second passed...

2 seconds passed...

3 seconds passed...

Until 5 seconds, 6 seconds, 7 seconds, or even 10 seconds passed, Shen Qinghan still didn't feel any pain.

This is completely different from what Yuan Dongzhi said.

Shen Qinghan felt particularly uneasy about this situation and couldn't help but ask weakly: "Master, it's strange. I don't feel any pain at all. Is there something wrong?"

Yuan Dongzhi did not respond.

It's not that she didn't hear Shen Qinghan's voice.

It's not that she's aloof.

Instead, she was completely confused at the moment.

All the genes of the Blue Jellyfish King have been successfully injected into Shen Qinghan's heart. There was no rejection reaction throughout the process and the progress was very smooth.

But strangely, the injected Blue Jellyfish King gene did not fuse with Shen Qinghan's gene.

But it was very strangely controlled!

All the Blue Jellyfish King genes are controlled by Shen Qinghan's genes!

Unable to fuse!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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