Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 144 Shen Qinghan’s Ability Gene Slavery!

Chapter 144 Shen Qinghan’s ability—gene slavery!


Shen Qinghan opened his eyes and saw Yuan Dongzhi standing motionless with a dull expression, not responding to her words. She couldn't help but wonder, and felt very uneasy.

Lin Zichen frowned slightly, hesitated and stepped forward and asked, "Xiao Yuan, is there something wrong with Hanhan's gene fusion?"

Hearing the voices of the two people, Yuan Dongzhi quickly came to his senses.

She stabilized her mind and said in a somewhat uncertain tone: "Qinghan's gene fusion failed. It failed to successfully fuse the Blue Jellyfish King gene, but... it cannot be said to be a complete failure."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Zichen frowned even more tightly.

It's either success or failure. What does it mean to fail completely?

Is it only half blended?

Lin Zichen was worried about this, fearing that Shen Qinghan's body would have problems as a result.

It's always so unsettling when something unusual happens.

Yuan Dongzhi did not hide the situation from his apprentice's live-in boyfriend and told the truth: "According to normal circumstances, if the alien gene is injected into the heart and there is no serious rejection reaction, then it is considered a successful gene fusion."

"Because the biggest difficulty in gene fusion is rejection."

"As long as there is no rejection reaction, with the help of a variety of drugs in the genetic reagent, your own genes will soon fuse with the genes of the alien beasts on their own, gaining the authority to express the genes of the alien beasts, thereby obtaining the characteristics of the corresponding alien beasts. Partial ability.”

"And Qinghan's situation is very strange. The Blue Jellyfish King gene injected into it did not cause the slightest rejection reaction, but it did not fuse, but was completely controlled."

"All the genes of the Blue Jellyfish King are controlled by her own genes."

When he said this, Yuan Dongzhi's face was full of disbelief, and it felt very unreal.

She has lived for almost a hundred years, witnessed the development of gene fusion technology from scratch to the present, and participated in tens of thousands of gene fusion operations, but she has never seen Shen Qinghan's situation.

Not only have I never seen it, I have never even heard of it.

The previous knowledge about gene fusion has been completely shattered, which is incredible.

Are the genes of the Blue Jellyfish King controlled by Hanhan's genes?

Lin Zichen was extremely confused. He looked at Yuan Dongzhi and asked, "Xiao Yuan, what is the specific situation?"

"I don't know exactly what the situation is."

Yuan Dongzhi said with rare patience: "The only thing I know clearly now is that with the perception of my spiritual power, I found that Qinghan's own genes seemed to have thoughts, and they ordered the invading Blue Jellyfish King genes It surrounds and wraps around them, restricting their freedom.”

"During this period, some of the Blue Jellyfish King genes instinctively wanted to fuse, but were directly strangled by Qinghan's genes and turned into a pile of genetic fragments that were absorbed as nutrients."

"The current situation is that all the remaining Blue Jellyfish King genes are restricted from freedom. It looks like a female thief who broke into a house and was imprisoned in the cellar by the owner of the house. I have never encountered this situation."




Listening to these sensitive words, Lin Zichen felt incredible.

Is this something genes can do?

This was really unbelievable, so unbelievable that he suspected Yuan Dongzhi was lying.

It's a pity that his mental strength is not strong enough, otherwise he would have to explore Shen Qinghan's body to verify whether it is really so strange.

When the two of them were talking, Shen Qinghan on the bed was very well-behaved and did not interrupt. He listened quietly the whole time.

Just as she listened carefully to Yuan Dongzhi's explanation of the situation inside her body.

Suddenly, she found that her hair had changed color!

It is turning blue at a speed visible to the naked eye, like the color of the sea.

At the same time, it becomes softer, brighter in color, and looks as crystal clear as water.

"Xiaochen, Master, my hair is changing color!"

Shen Qinghan was a little panicked. After reacting, he looked at the two of them and said.

Without her reminding, Lin Zichen and Yuan Dongzhi had already noticed.

Because the two of them kept their eyes on her, never moving away for a second from beginning to end.

"what happened?"

Yuan Dongzhi was confused again, and said with a puzzled face: "The fusion obviously failed, how come it can still express the genes of the Blue Jellyfish King?"

Hair turning blue is one of the characteristics of blue jellyfish gene expression.

This shouldn't happen to Shen Qinghan.

Yuan Dongzhi walked to the bed and sat down, carefully observing Shen Qinghan's silky hair that turned into azure, and asked her: "Qinghan, do you feel anything strange in your body?"

Shen Qinghan stabilized his emotions, calmed down and felt it carefully, and then said with uncertainty: "It feels like there is something extra in the body. I can sense it, and it seems... I can also control it."

Is there something extra in the body?

Can you sense it?

Can you still control it?

Isn't this a gene fusion person?

Yuan Dongzhi was puzzled by this.

She thought about it and felt that there must be something wrong with her mental strength.

In fact, Shen Qinghan had successfully integrated the Blue Jellyfish King gene, but he was unable to see it due to a mental problem.

Thinking about it, she immediately withdrew her mental power from Shen Qinghan's body.

Slow down and let your brain rest for a while.

Then, he once again used his mental power to invade Shen Qinghan's body and carefully explored the Blue Jellyfish King gene inside.

It turned out that the Blue Jellyfish King's genes were still controlled by Shen Qinghan's genes and had not merged with each other at all.

But what is different from before is that the Blue Jellyfish King Gene is trying his best to express himself at this moment.

It looks like Shen Qinghan's genes are threatening her with death. If she doesn't express her genes, she will be strangled!

What's the matter? !

Yuan Dongzhi was extremely shocked and felt puzzled.

But one thing that is clear is that Shen Qinghan does not need to fuse with the alien gene. He only needs to control the alien gene to express the alien gene and obtain the ability of the alien.

Just like a scumbag man and scumbag girl, she is only responsible for getting into bed and having sex for free, not getting married and starting a family, and she never has to worry about divorce disputes.

In the field of genetic fusion, there is no need to worry about being counterattacked by alien genes.

No, that’s not vivid enough.

When a scumbag man and a scumbag woman fall in love, their statuses are equal.

The situation inside Shen Qinghan's body is more like the relationship between master and slave.

Shen Qinghan's genes enslaved all the foreign Blue Jellyfish King genes and became its slaves, letting the Blue Jellyfish King genes work for it.

If you are obedient, you will be tortured and imprisoned; if you are disobedient, you will be strangled.

Right, that is it!

It is a bondage relationship!

Genetic slavery!

Yuan Dongzhi made such a judgment about the situation in Shen Qinghan's body and named this phenomenon genetic slavery.

She felt that her conjectures were well-founded, logical and scientific.

Not surprisingly, this should be the truth.

After roughly understanding these.

Yuan Dongzhi looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "Qinghan, the extra thing you feel in your body should be the Blue Jellyfish King gene I just injected into you."

"Now, the Blue Jellyfish King gene in your body is in an activated state. Calm down and try to use your mental power to control it and put it into sleep."

"Oh, I'll try."

Shen Qinghan responded softly.

Then, calm down and concentrate, do as Yuan Dongzhi said, and try to use your own mental power to control the Blue Jellyfish King gene in your body.

Just fumbled for a moment.

Soon, Shen Qinghan successfully controlled the Blue Jellyfish King gene without any knowledge.

Then, with a thought, the blue jellyfish king gene fell into dormancy.

At the same time, her hair, which was as blue as the sea, was losing its blue color at a speed visible to the naked eye, returning to its original black color.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Dongzhi felt excited.

Shen Qinghan can control the Blue Jellyfish King gene in his body!

My guess was right!

After calming down a little, Yuan Dongzhi looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "Qinghan, now try to reactivate the Blue Jellyfish King gene."


After saying that, Shen Qinghan had a thought and reactivated the blue jellyfish king gene in his body.

The next second, her hair became blue and shiny again, dazzlingly beautiful.

Seeing her hair turning blue again, Yuan Dongzhi could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart.

too strong!

Shen Qinghan's physique is really too strong!

Even top gene fusion geniuses like Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, and even student union president Zhou Xuehong, after successfully merging the alien beast genes, have to spend at least three days to adapt before they can activate or hibernate the alien beasts in their bodies at will. Gene.

And Shen Qinghan, who had just injected the alien gene into his heart, could directly control the alien gene!

This is much better than gene fusion!

The gene fusion person looked like a mentally retarded child in front of her!

It is a skill that can be mastered in an instant, but it takes at least three days to master it!

What kind of genius from Beijing University?

What kind of invincible gene fusion talent?

None of this is worth mentioning in the face of Shen Qinghan's genetic enslavement ability!

The more Yuan Dongzhi thought about it, the more excited he became.

The potential of my new disciple is greater than I imagined!

As for the gene fusion fitness degree as high as 21%?

This is completely incomparable in the face of genetic enslavement ability!

Seeing Yuan Dongzhi, who had always been aloof and talkative, suddenly become uncharacteristically excited, Lin Zichen immediately asked: "College Yuan, what's going on with Hanhan now?"

Yuan Dongzhi was in a particularly comfortable mood and said with a smile: "I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Lin Zichen said nothing, silently looking at Shen Qinghan on the bed and letting her decide.

Shen Qinghan hesitated for a moment and said with some anxiety: "Well... let's hear the bad news first."

Yuan Dongzhi: "The bad news is that you may never become a gene fusion person."


Shen Qinghan was stunned for a moment.

Then, she felt like her whole world collapsed.

It was with great difficulty that the gene fusion fitness degree was as high as 21%.

It took a lot of effort to go from an ordinary person to a top genius.

It took a lot of effort to get the qualification to be with Lin Zichen, and to be called the two most powerful people with him.

As a result, in less than half a year, he will fall into the mortal world?

Sad, uncomfortable, desperate, painful...

For a moment, Shen Qinghan was filled with a lot of negative emotions and felt that the world was dark.

But soon, she realized something was wrong.

I can't become a gene fusion person, so why can I freely control the Blue Jellyfish King gene in my body just now?

Isn't this something only gene fusion people can do?

With these thoughts in mind, Shen Qinghan asked with confusion: "Master, why was it that I was able to control the blue jellyfish king gene in my body just now? Isn't this something that only gene fusion people can do?"

Yuan Dongzhi smiled and said: "This is exactly the good news I want to tell you next."

"Master, I want to hear the good news!"

Shen Qinghan couldn't wait any longer and urgently needed good news to appease his restless mind.

Yuan Dongzhi said with a smile on his face: "The good news is that you are more advanced and more powerful than gene fusion people. You don't need gene fusion to do what gene fusion people can do, and they can do it better."


Shen Qinghan was overjoyed.

Yuan Dongzhi smiled, and then expressed his conjecture about genetic slavery.

Very detailed.

Focus on the power of genetic slavery.

It is said that Shen Qinghan does not need to fuse the genes of the alien beasts to express the genes of the alien beasts and obtain the abilities of the alien beasts, and does not have to worry about being backlashed by the genes of the alien beasts.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were both surprised after hearing this.

Among them, Shen Qinghan's face turned red with excitement, and she was even more excited than winning a multibillion-dollar jackpot.

But soon, Yuan Dongzhi poured cold water on her and said calmly: "Qinghan, don't be too happy too early. Master's guess may not be accurate."

"Whether you are more advanced than a gene fusion person will require further observation for some time."

"So far, no pure-blood human has been found who can break the shackles of ordinary creatures and evolve into advanced creatures."

"Only by integrating the genes of alien beasts can this shackles be broken."

"And your current situation is that you cannot fuse with the alien beast genes, but you can enslave the alien beast genes, express the alien beast genes, and obtain the corresponding abilities of the alien beasts."

"What does this mean? It means you are still a pure-blooded human at heart."

With that said, Yuan Dongzhi asked Shen Qinghan: "Do you think you can break the shackles of ordinary creatures with your pure-blooded human body?"

This question was like a basin of cold water filled with ice, pointed at Shen Qinghan's head and poured down, directly extinguishing all her excitement and excitement.

One moment of great sadness, one moment of great joy, and then another moment of great sadness.

This set of ups and downs made Shen Qinghan completely silent and speechless for a long time.

"Don't be so discouraged."

Yuan Dongzhi said with a gentle smile: "My opinion is that since your genes can enslave the genes of the Blue Jellyfish King, it means that your genes are stronger than the genes of the Blue Jellyfish King."

"And the genes of the Blue Jellyfish King are high-level alien beast genes."

"To sum up, you have a good chance of breaking the shackles of ordinary creatures with your own genes."

Having said this, Yuan Dongzhi put his hand on Shen Qinghan's shoulder and expressed high hopes for her: "You are very likely to become the first pure-blood human on the earth to break the shackles of ordinary creatures and evolve into a pioneer of advanced creatures. ”

"I-can I really do that?"

After hearing what Yuan Dongzhi said, Shen Qinghan's head was all dizzy, and she looked like an innocent girl who had been deceived by an MLM leader.

Yuan Dongzhi said seriously: "If pure-blood humans can really break the shackles of ordinary creatures, then you must be the first person to do this."

Lin Zichen on the side raised his eyebrows, what do you mean, you look down on me?

Cursing in his heart, he asked Yuan Dongzhi in a calm voice: "Xiao Yuan, according to what you say, will Hanhan become a pure-blood human in the future?"

Yuan Dongzhi shook his head: "She can't live with pure-blooded humans."

Lin Zichen was confused: "Can't you leave?"

Yuan Dongzhi patiently explained: "Whether you can join the ranks of pure-blood humans depends on your physical talent and the strength of your Qi and blood, and these two items happen to be Qinghan's weaknesses."

"Control-type abilities are generally linked to mental power, and Qinghan's gene enslavement ability should be no exception."

"Therefore, Qinghan's future evolutionary direction is to hone her spiritual power, increase the intensity of her gene enslavement ability, and then continue to enslave alien beast genes to become stronger."

"This is an unprecedented and groundbreaking evolutionary path. Only Qinghan with the ability of genetic enslavement can take it, and no one else can."

Yuan Dongzhi added: "Although Qinghan is not a gene fusion person, her main way to improve her strength is inseparable from the genes of alien beasts."

"Taking this into consideration, Qinghan will still be a genius class student at the Evolution College, and his superficial identity is that of a gene fusion person."

"You two just need to know this secret. Don't tell anyone, not even your parents."

After finishing the instructions, Yuan Dongzhi looked at Shen Qinghan and said to her: "Qinghan, there are still many things that need to be studied about your genetic enslavement ability. In this way, from now on, at 8 o'clock every night, if you have nothing to do, you can come to my office. Come on, let’s study it together.”

"Well, I understand, Master."

Shen Qinghan nodded obediently, fully demonstrating the attributes of a good student.

Yuan Dongzhi glanced at the time and said in a rare gentle voice: "Okay, it's getting late. You two should go back and have a rest early."

"Commander Yuan, goodbye."

"Master, bye."

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan waved politely to Yuan Dongzhi and quickly left the office.

After the two left.

Yuan Dongzhi picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed his father's number.

Soon, the call was connected, and a rich middle-aged man's voice came from inside:

"Toshiba, why are you calling so late?"

"I accidentally pressed the wrong button."

"That's it. I'll hang up now. I'm drinking with some friends."

"Dad, drink less."

"Hey, I got it. You're young, so don't be so nagging like your mother."


After a few simple words, Yuan Dongzhi ended the call with his father.

She thought about it and decided not to tell her nearly 200-year-old father about Shen Qinghan.

Regarding the secret of the young apprentice, it is enough for the young apprentice and himself to know. There is no need to let the fourth person know, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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