Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 142 The genius who went to jail

In less than half a minute, Yuan Dongzhi arrived.

The way it appeared was very simple and crude, as it slowly fell down from the sky.

It landed next to Shen Qinghan.

She flew here.

Flying in the air.

High-level creatures can rely on their powerful mental power to protect objects through the air.

If the thing you control is yourself, then it is flying in the air.

"What happened?"

Yuan Dongzhi looked at Shen Qinghan and asked.

Shen Qinghan told her on WeChat that there was something urgent for her to deal with and he hoped she could come soon.

As for what happened, Shen Qinghan didn't know. She was just a tool responsible for delivering messages.

"Principal Yuan, these two people asked me for help. They gave me a bag of spiritual fruits. There was such a strange-looking red seed in it. I suspect this is a way for the Shenzhi Cult to force students to join the religion."

Lin Zichen looked at Yuan Dongzhi in front and briefly summarized the incident and his guess to her.

Yuan Dongzhi hadn't finished listening to what he said. When he saw the red seed in his hand, he frowned.

It's a tree demon Gu species!

Moreover, it is an advanced tree devil species that is as big as an egg!

Such a big Gu seed can even be controlled by advanced creatures!

The Shenzhi religion was actually used to control a new student?

Thinking about it, Yuan Dongzhi raised his hand and sucked the red seed from Lin Zichen's hand.

After looking at it twice, I confirmed that it was the Tree Demon Gu species.

Yuan Dongzhi said to Lin Zichen: "The red seed in your hand is the seed of a strange tree. After eating it, it will be controlled by the strange tree and become involuntary. It is the Shenzhi religion that forces people to join the religion. One of the common methods.”

Will you be controlled after eating it?

Is this tree magic poison so poisonous?

Lu Gang and Wang Shujie are really pieces of shit!

Young Master Lin Zichen cursed in his heart.

Immediately, he remembered that when the practical examination was over and the whole class was riding back to school together, Lu Gang and Wang Shujie in the car looked very strange.

Now that I think about it, these two people must have just been raped and controlled by the Shenzhi Cult, and they were a little at a loss.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen told Yuan Dongzhi about this.

Yuan Dongzhi nodded after hearing this, then lightly touched his feet on the ground, and his whole body flew up into the air, suspended in mid-air.

Also suspended were Lu Gang and Wang Shujie.

It was Yuan Dongzhi who used his spiritual power to levitate both of them.

"College Yuan, we are forced!"

"College Yuan, I... um!"

As soon as the two opened their mouths to defend themselves, Yuan Dongzhi used his mental power to sew their mouths shut in the next second, making them unable to make any sound anymore.

In response, the two of them looked pale and their eyes were full of panic.

At this moment, they all knew that they were finished and would definitely not end well.

Yuan Dongzhi ignored these two people and said to Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan below: "In fact, the internal situation of human beings is much worse than what you two see on the surface."

"Paganism is pervasive, and there are dormant pagans in many places."

"When you get along with others, you should learn to keep your eyes open. Even tutors and school leaders cannot trust everything."

"In short, you must be on guard against others."

Yuan Dongzhi looked at Lin Zichen as he spoke, and said in a neither salty nor cool voice: "I will take these two people back for investigation first, and I will tell you the results as soon as possible."

After saying that, she didn't stop for a moment, and quickly burst out with her mental strength to take Lu Gang and Wang Shujie to the administration building.

It’s great to be able to fly…

Lin Zichen watched Yuan Dongzhi fly away, his eyes full of envy.

"Xiao Chen, Lu Gang and Wang Shujie are so bad. You want to help them, but they want to harm you!"

Shen Qinghan said angrily.

Lin Zichen also felt dangerous and a little scared when he thought about it.

If Lu Gang and Wang Shujie were targeting Shen Qinghan and tried to murder Shen Qinghan when she was alone, they might succeed.

Thinking about it, he warned Shen Qinghan: "Those two people are really dogs. We must be cautious in the future and be on guard against others."

"Well, we must be cautious."

Shen Qinghan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Lin Zichen didn't speak anymore, and there was a rush of thoughts in his heart.

It is indeed dangerous to appear too dazzling.

He was immediately targeted by the Shenzhi Cult.

Fortunately, I had [Danger Sense] and [The Strong Prey] to give hints, and I discovered the conspiracy of Lu Gang and Wang Shujie in time.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll get tricked...

After calming down his mind a little, Lin Zichen quickly threw away the bag of spiritual fruits he was holding.

The spiritual fruit in the bag is probably fine.

But out of caution, it’s better to throw them all away.

There is no need to be greedy for this small advantage.

Seeing him throwing all the spiritual fruits into the trash can, Shen Qinghan felt so distressed.

It's a waste of heartache.

Such a big bag of spiritual fruits must be worth a lot of money, so it would be a pity to throw it away like this.

She knew that she couldn't keep this bag of spiritual fruits, and she would throw it away if it were her.

But I just felt it was a pity in my heart, as if I was watching the money being burned.

"If you can't eat the spirit fruit, just throw it away. It's nothing to regret. Don't stare at the trash can."

Lin Zichen poked Shen Qinghan's face, smiled and said to her: "If you want to eat, I will buy some for you from the credit mall later to try."

Shen Qinghan shook his head and said, "No, I don't particularly want to eat it, I'm just a little curious."

The spiritual fruit was too expensive, and she didn't want Lin Zichen to waste his credits buying it.

Save the credits to buy exotic animal meat.

After all, Lin Zichen can gain abilities by devouring the meat of exotic animals, so buying exotic animal meat is more cost-effective.

A mature and sensible woman should think about her man like this.

Although she is not too mature yet, and Lin Zichen and she have not developed to the stage of adulthood.

But at this moment, that's what she was thinking.

Deep down in her heart, she already regarded Lin Zichen as the man she married.

Lin Zichen knew what she was thinking and that she was not willing to spend the credits.

So he smiled and said, "You don't particularly want to eat, but I really want to eat."

After saying that it was almost time to see each other, he said again:

"Okay, go to class quickly, otherwise you will be late. When you come back to the dormitory after class, you can eat the fruit plate I made."

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to it."

Shen Qinghan smiled sweetly.

After saying that, she lowered her head and glanced at the time on her phone, and her expression suddenly changed slightly.


Class starts in 5 minutes!

Going to be late!

"Xiaochen, I'm going to class, bye!" After hurriedly saying goodbye to Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan quickly ran to the teaching building of the School of Evolution.

Lin Zichen looked at her back and shouted: "Run slower, you will be late if you are late, it doesn't matter!"

Shen Qinghan didn't listen to the advice and ran faster and faster.

She is a good student and cannot be late.

Lin Zichen smiled helplessly, then turned and walked in the direction of the research institute.

On the way to the research institute, he opened the credit mall and spent 5 points to place an order for several kinds of spiritual fruits with extremely high nutritional value.

Institute of Pure Humanity.

As soon as Lin Zichen arrived, he told Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan that he was being targeted by the Shenzhi Cult.

Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan were not surprised by this.

Among them, Song Yuyan said: "It is normal for heretics to exist in colleges and universities, but these heretics are generally not exposed in college. They grow up step by step and slowly penetrate into the upper echelons of mankind in the future."

"Then, in the field of education or other fields, we will slowly expand our influence and subtly affect all mankind."

"These heretics are so hard to detect and cannot be detected at all."

"Because on the surface they are extremely normal people, and they even kill heretics on a daily basis. They talk passionately about protecting all mankind, but in their bones they have the blood of human rape."

"Some time ago, a leader of the teaching department in Kyoto who had served for many years was revealed to be a heretic. He mixed a lot of private material into the teaching materials. I don't know how many students were poisoned."

Song Yuyan continued: "What you encountered today is a relatively low-level approach. The success rate is not high and it is easy to expose yourself."

"This method of sacrificing cannon fodder is usually done by the leaders of the pagan side. They feel that the people under their command are not of high value in training, and then use them to waste and let them do some tasks with high risk and high reward, but with a very low success rate."

"It's best if we can succeed. If we can't, we'll think of layoffs."


Lin Zichen felt a little surprised when he heard these two words.

Lu Gang and Wang Shujie, after all, were students at the two major universities, but they were used as cannon fodder.

It seems that the threshold for cultivating this god is very high...

Thinking about it, he asked curiously: "Sister Yan, have you ever been targeted by a heretic?"

"Of course."

Song Yuyan said with a smile: "Sister Yan, I was also the second best in Kyoto back then and was a famous genius. Which heretic wouldn't want to take me in?"

After saying that, she then smiled bitterly and said: "However, since I joined the Minran people in Tianren Pavilion, no pagan religion has ever looked up to me. This is really sad good news."

Yes, even pure-blooded humans despise paganism, and dogs shake their heads after looking at it.

That's how unpopular he is.

As for Lin Zichen being targeted, it was purely because he had just become a pure-blooded human being and there was still room for him to turn back.

In addition, he is the new king, and his performance in the opening trial was so amazing that he attracted the attention of others.

"Zi Chen, you don't need to worry too much about paganism."

Liu Chuanwu smiled, and then said: "Actually, many heretics are bewitched into it. Those who are actually forced into it are very few. As long as you are strong-willed, you will basically be fine."

"Furthermore, even if you are really tricked, if you ask Yuan Dongzhi for help, she can help you solve it at any time."

"The two high school classmates who wanted to harm you probably couldn't resist the temptation of the resources taught by Shenzhi, so they were willing to become heretics instead of being forcibly controlled."

After speaking, Liu Chuanwu clapped his hands and said, "Okay, stop talking about these irrelevant things, let's start studying the matter of opening the acupoints."

In the following time, the three people gathered in the research room to study and discuss.

It was not until 11 o'clock in the morning, when Liu Chuanwu was asked out by his old minister, that the research came to an end.

The result of the research was nothing.

It is still difficult to open acupuncture points. It does not happen overnight, but must be calculated over the years.

However, for Lin Zichen, there are still some gains from this research, and he has absorbed a lot of the failure experiences of Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan.

With the failure experiences of these two people, he would be able to avoid many detours when doing his own research later.

"By the way, Zichen, don't forget that I still owe you a secret. Do you have any secrets you want to ask me today?"

Song Yuyan reminded with a smile.

Lin Zichen: "Not yet."

Song Yuyan: "Okay, then I'll remind you tomorrow so you don't forget it over time."

Good guy, do you want to remind me again tomorrow?

Are you an alarm clock?

Lin Zichen felt that it was quite annoying to be reminded by her every day, so he thought about it and said, "Sister Yan, I suddenly have a secret I want to ask."

"What secret?"

"I think you look like a mixed race. Where are your parents from?"

"That's what you're asking?"

Song Yuyan was speechless and couldn't help complaining: "Brother Zichen, you are already an eighteen-year-old boy. It's not easy for you to ask a big beauty like me a secret. Can you be more erotic and ask about your measurements? ?”

Hearing what she said, Lin Zichen was even more speechless than she was.

Sexual harassment, right?

Sure enough, men and women are the same. They want to flirt with someone who looks good.

In one sentence, if you are ugly, you will never know how proactive a woman is.

Lin Zichen deeply understood this truth.

"Haha, Sister Yan is teasing you, you innocent little boy, don't take it seriously."

Song Yuyan laughed.

Then, she stopped smiling and said, "You may not believe it, but in fact I am an abandoned baby and I have no idea who my biological parents are."

"But don't get me wrong, I had a very happy childhood."

"My adoptive father and mother not only love me, but they are also extremely rich and have opened several martial arts schools in Kyoto."

"Thanks to this, I didn't have to worry about food and clothing since I was a child. I went to the martial arts gym every day to practice martial arts. After practicing, I became the second place in the Kyoto College Entrance Examination."

"It's a pity that my adoptive father and mother suffered from many hidden diseases due to their fighting spirit when they were young. They fell ill and passed away one after another when I was a sophomore in high school. They didn't get to see me become the second best in the college entrance examination."

"Speaking of which, the reason why I became a pure-blood human was because of the influence of my adoptive father and mother."

"Both husband and wife are members of the Tianren Pavilion. They have been friends with the dean for many years. They have always believed that pure-blood humans are the future of mankind. I joined pure-blood humans just to fulfill their wishes."

As she said this, she laughed at herself and said, "It's a pity that I'm such a waste. I've been living as a pure-blooded human being for ten years, and I haven't made any waves at all. I've been laughed at and lost to everyone else."

Lin Zichen said nothing, listened carefully, and nodded in response from time to time.

He is not interested in Song Yuyan's life experience.

Just a casual question.

However, since others are speaking so seriously, you still have to listen politely.

"By the way, Zichen, you are so talented, what do your parents do?"

After talking about her life experience, Song Yuyan asked curiously.

Lin Zichen smiled and said using the sentence pattern she just said: "You may not believe it, but my parents are ordinary people who write novels on the Internet."

"Are your parents ordinary people?"

Song Yuyan said with disbelief on her face.

How did two ordinary people give birth to such a genius son?

Genetic mutation?

the next day.

Yuan Dongzhi convened a morning meeting for all freshmen in the school.

Like a fire drill in a previous life, she talked about paganism at the meeting.

Let new students know about paganism and understand the dangers of paganism.

Teach them how to identify pagans and avoid being persecuted by them.

He said that if he was accidentally coerced by a pagan religion, he could come to her at any time to solve the problem, and never collude with the pagan religion.

Otherwise, once her hands are dirty, she will no longer treat the coerced students as students.

Rather, look at it as a pagan or a traitor.

How to deal with it, how to deal with it, there is absolutely no room for maneuver.

About an hour later.

The morning meeting is over.

Yuan Dongzhi found Lin Zichen and informed him of the investigation results of Lu Gang and Wang Shujie, as well as the results of their punishment.

The findings were:

Both were confirmed to be members of the Shenzhi Cult.

It was during the actual combat assessment of the college entrance examination that a security officer forced him to eat the magic seed.

Then, under the other party's coercion and inducement, he chose to join the Shenzhi Sect.

The penalty result is:

Both of them were expelled from Shanhai University and had to bear corresponding criminal liability. Their lives were considered useless.

In addition, Yuan Dongzhi also mentioned that the teaching department of Nanjiang Province has begun to investigate this year's practical assessment and has launched an accountability process, and the results should be available soon.

Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel a little sad after hearing this.

When they first entered high school, Lu Gang and Wang Shujie were regarded as geniuses in Nanguan City and dominated the world in the top class of Shanhai Middle School. They were arrogant and glorious.

However, just three years later, the two were imprisoned.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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