Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 11 Uninvited Guests

"Hanhan, the animal tooth you are wearing around your neck is glowing."


"Take it off and let me take a look."

"Now, here you go!"

Shen Qinghan obediently took off the beast's tooth and handed it to Lin Zichen in front of him.

Lin Zichen took the animal tooth and looked at it carefully in his hand.

There were no lights on in the room, which made it a little dim. The light emitted from the animal's teeth seemed unusually bright, as dazzling as fireflies at night.

Holding it in your hand, you can feel the vitality contained in the animal's teeth.

However, it is a vitality that does not belong to human beings, but more like an alien beast, full of brutal wildness.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin Zichen realized that the inhuman aura on the white-haired girl came from the beast's teeth, not the white-haired girl herself.

So... what kind of creature's teeth are these?

Alien beast?

Lin Zichen studied the animal tooth for a long time, but could not figure out the reason.

Because the light emanating from the beast's teeth quickly dissipated.

Become inconspicuous again.

Unable to delve into it.

Seeing this, Lin Zichen could only put away the animal teeth in his hands first, and then at Zhang Wanxin's urging, he and Shen Qinghan went downstairs to have breakfast.

While eating breakfast, he asked Zhang Wanxin for his mobile phone, took a photo of the animal's teeth, and uploaded it to the Internet for image recognition.

Unfortunately, still nothing.

There is nothing I can do now, I can only rely on myself.

So before going out to school, he returned to his room and took his animal tooth with him, intending to take it to school for further study.

On the road.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan walked side by side, attracting the attention of people around them wherever they went.

The two of them are so good-looking, better-looking than the child actors on TV who are full of filters, that everyone passing by can't help but take a look.

Lin Zichen had long been accustomed to these looks and didn't pay too much attention to them. He silently rushed to school with Shen Qinghan.

"Wow, what a beautiful kid. Are you two brother and sister, or sister and brother?"

When passing by a bar, a woman with heavy makeup came over and looked at the two of them with a smile on her face and asked.

She was dressed very revealingly and wanted to show off all the parts of her body that could attract men's attention. She was holding a lit cigarette in her hand, and she didn't look like a serious person.

"We are neither brothers nor sisters, we are childhood sweethearts and best friends." Shen Qinghan said in a soft voice.

"My childhood sweetheart, that's great. My sister also wants to have a childhood sweetheart." The woman smiled enviously and then asked:

"You are still so young, why are you carrying your schoolbags to school by yourself? Where are your parents?"

"Mom, Dad, they..."

"Stop chatting. We're going to be late. Let's go."

Before Shen Qinghan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Zichen who was standing beside him, and he quickly left while holding his little hand.

After walking a long distance, Lin Zichen slowed down a little and said to Shen Qinghan with a serious face:

"Don't just chat with strangers on the street in the future, you know?"

"Well, I understand."

Shen Qinghan nodded obediently.

Soon, the two came to the school.

During class, the teacher on the stage was giving a lecture, and Lin Zichen in the audience was looking down at the animal teeth.

The scene he saw in the room in the morning made him curious about the animal teeth given by the white-haired girl.

What kind of creature has teeth that emit light inexplicably and are still full of vitality after being separated from the mouth for so long?

It is obviously impossible to be an ordinary creature, and it is most likely a strange beast.

Moreover, there is a high probability that it is a strange beast that has not yet been included by humans.

Otherwise, you can find out the obvious characteristics that Beast Tooth showed in the room this morning by just searching online.

However, I checked Zhang Wanxin's mobile phone during breakfast this morning, but found nothing.

This somewhat proves that the owner of the tooth is most likely an unknown beast that has not yet been included in the register.

What does the white-haired girl do at home?

How could her mother give her such a special birthday gift?

Could she be the illegitimate daughter of a martial arts family?

Lin Zichen was puzzled.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it’s time for school to end in the afternoon.

As "Goodbye, teacher" sounded, the students in the classroom quickly left, leaving only Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan who were unhurried.

Both of them walked to and from school by themselves. They didn't have to rush out of school to find their parents as soon as get out of class was over, like other students in the class, for fear that they would be late and cause traffic jams on the way home.

"Xiao Chen, we will celebrate your birthday together next month. I have prepared gifts for you in advance. Have you prepared them for me in advance?"

As soon as he walked out of the classroom door, Shen Qinghan looked at Lin Zichen expectantly and asked.

Their birthdays are only one day apart. The two families have been getting together to celebrate since childhood, and this year is no exception.

However, Lin Zichen never thought about birthdays at all, let alone preparing birthday gifts in advance.

Now suddenly asked by Shen Qinghan, he could only lie and said: "Like you, I have already prepared in advance."

"Really?" Shen Qinghan said with a smile on his face: "I'm looking forward to your gift, Xiaochen."

Lin Zichen smiled and said nothing.

"Xiaochen, which way are we going home today?"

Shen Qinghan was walking happily, looking sideways at Lin Zichen beside him and asked.

Lin Zichen thought for a moment and then replied: "Let's take the abandoned alley in the old city today. There are still many roads that we haven't traveled there. Let's go and take a look today."

For some reason, after resurrecting his life, he became very eager to explore and liked to take a different path every time he came home from school.

He had thought about this problem and felt that he might have come to a strange world, and he was eager to understand this world all the time.

Then slowly, as I grew up, I developed a strong desire to explore.

"Chenchen, it's so quiet in the alley."

Walking in the abandoned old alley, Shen Qinghan opened his big black eyes and looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

Lin Zichen explained: "This place will be demolished next month, and most of the residents who originally lived here have moved away, so it seems quieter."

"Xiaochen, Xiaochen, look here!"

"There's a dandelion here!"

“This is the first time I’ve seen wild dandelions in my life!”

Shen Qinghan trotted forward and pointed to a dandelion in the corner, his little face full of excitement.

Lin Zichen walked forward with a smile, and she squatted down, looking at the fragile dandelion flower in front of her, her eyes full of regret and said:

"Dandelions are so beautiful. It would be great if they could grow stronger so that they would not be blown away by the wind and would remain beautiful and bright for everyone passing by."

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "If the dandelion flower grew strong, you wouldn't be able to see this beautiful dandelion flower now."


Shen Qinghan raised her little face and looked at Lin Zichen, with clear eyes in her watery eyes.

Lin Zichen gave her a popular science guide: "Because the seeds in dandelion flowers are dandelion seeds. They need the wind to disperse them and take them to various places to take root and sprout, and then new dandelion flowers will grow."

"What a magical dandelion." Shen Qinghan felt incredible. At the same time, she felt that Lin Zichen was so smart and knew basically everything.

After finishing the popular science, Lin Zichen squatted down beside him, gently picked off the dandelion flower, handed it to Shen Qinghan to hold, and said in a gentle voice:

"Hanhan, get up and lift the dandelion flower on your hand a little higher, blow away the seeds in the flower, and let the dandelion seeds float to various places with the wind to bloom."

"Xiaochen, Xiaochen, watch carefully, I want the goddess to scatter flowers."

Shen Qinghan stood up excitedly and raised the dandelion flower in her hand high. She felt it was not high enough, so she tried her best to tiptoe.

Then, take a deep breath and blow hard on the dandelion flower in front of you!

The next moment, the seeds of the dandelion flower were blown away in an instant, and the large pieces floated forward, and then quickly dispersed, gradually drifting away.

Both of them thought this scene was very beautiful, and they silently watched the dandelion seeds drifting into the distance in the wind.

It wasn't until a familiar woman appeared in the alley ahead that the hard-won tranquility was broken.

It was the woman they met when they passed a bar on their way to school this morning.

At this moment, the other party changed from the approachable person he was when he talked to him in the morning. He looked at the two of them greedily and said with a smile:

"Following you two little cuties, you finally found a chance for me."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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