Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 10 Dazzling Light

"Xiaochen, Xiaochen, Xiaochen!"

"Did you just see the mechanical cyborg in the sky?"

"Flying over a large area at once, it's so spectacular!"

Lin Zichen was still looking at the night sky in front of the window, when Shen Qinghan's voice suddenly came from outside the house.

Xiao Nizi's voice sounded very excited, like a child in the village who saw a plane in her previous life.

"Xiaochen, Hanhan is here to find you, hurry up and open the door." Zhang Wanxin lowered her head and looked at Lin Zichen in front of her and urged.

Lin Zichen quickly left the window and went to open the door for Shen Qinghan outside the house.

As soon as the door opened, what came into view was Shen Qinghan who had just taken a shower. He was wearing a set of light pink pajamas and pajamas. His hair was wet and he looked very fresh.

Lin Zichen looked at her and said, "It's not like I haven't seen it on TV before. Are you so excited?"

Shen Qinghan jumped into the room with a bright smile and said: "It's different. I saw it on TV, but I didn't see it live."

Lin Zichen didn't speak and silently closed the door.

After entering the room and sitting down, he saw that Shen Qinghan's hair was wet. He found a hair dryer and said, "Your hair is too wet. Come sit over here and I will dry it for you."

Shen Qinghan sat down obediently and asked Lin Zichen to help her blow dry her hair.

While she was blow-drying her hair, her straight and slender legs kept swaying, which was very dazzling.

Zhang Wanxin, who was sitting next to her, fell more and more in love with her as she looked at her. With an aunt's smile on her face, she said, "Xu Meng's daughter is so beautiful. I'm afraid many boys in school have a crush on her."

"How about we also have a daughter?" Lin Yansheng joked with a smile.

Zhang Wanxin rolled her eyes and said: "With a ready-made girl like Hanhan, I can just treat her as my daughter. Why bother to have another one?"

the other side.

Shen Qinghan, who finally dried her hair, turned to look at Lin Zichen, tilted her head with her chin in one hand, and asked with a pair of watery Kazilan eyes:

"Xiao Chen, I don't understand a few questions in my math homework very well. Can you teach me about them later?"


Lin Zichen said without thinking.

In the next time, the two people did math homework in the room.

One teaches.

One learns.

Shen Qinghan is very smart. Most of the problems can be solved easily and all the difficult problems are solved quickly.

After finishing his homework, Shen Qinghan lay down casually on Lin Zichen's bed, playing with his fingers and chatting with Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen was doing sit-ups at the side and could only muddle through without making a sound.

After chatting for a while, it was almost time to go to bed.

Shen Qinghan yawned and said, "Xiaochen, I'm so sleepy. I'm too lazy to get out of bed and go home to sleep. I'll sleep here tonight."

"Anything is fine."

"Then go and talk to my mother. I'm too lazy to get out of bed and make a phone call."


After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he got up and got out of bed and asked Zhang Wanxin to call Xu Meng and said that Shen Qinghan would sleep here tonight.

Xu Meng agreed and brought over the school uniform, shoes, socks, and cleaning supplies that Shen Qinghan would wear tomorrow.

Lin Zichen brought all these things to the room so that Shen Qinghan could change them when he got up tomorrow morning.

"This girl falls asleep so fast."

Looking at Shen Qinghan lying flat on the bed with a sweet look on his face, Lin Zichen smiled and took a tissue to wipe the drool from the corner of her mouth.

Afterwards, turn off the lights and go to bed.

Each person has a pillow and a quilt to prevent someone from grabbing the quilt in the middle of the night and freezing another person.

The next day, Lin Zichen woke up early.

Before dawn.

I looked at the alarm clock on my bedside and it was only five o'clock.

Waking up at five o'clock every morning is exactly his biological sleep clock.

He is used to getting up early to exercise. If he doesn't do hundreds of push-ups to warm up when he wakes up in the morning, he will feel exhausted for the whole day.

[You are doing push-ups, Qi and blood +1, arm muscle strength +1, chest muscle strength +1, push-up proficiency +1]

[You are doing squats, Qi and blood +1, leg muscle strength +1, squat proficiency +1]

[You are doing sit-ups, Qi and blood +1, abdominal muscle strength +1, sit-ups proficiency +1]

After an intense workout.

Lin Zichen went downstairs to wash up.

During this period, he stood in front of the mirror on the sink and took off his shirt to check the results of his exercise over the past few years.

The muscles are not exaggeratedly big, but they look sharp and angular, full of explosive power.

Especially the abdominal muscles, which are as perfect as a knife carve and feel particularly enjoyable to touch.

"Tsk, tsk, Xiaochen, it turns out that you are as pretty as your dad, posing in various poses in front of the mirror so early in the morning."

Zhang Wanxin got up to make breakfast. When she passed by the bathroom, she saw Lin Zichen inside looking at the mirror in various poses like a bodybuilder, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Lin Zichen was still narcissistic at first, but when Zhang Wanxin suddenly said this, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig a hole and crawl in.

"Oh, you're still blushing. Come on, come over and touch your abdominal muscles for mom."

"I'm going to ask Hanhan to come down for breakfast."

After saying these words, Lin Zichen fled the bathroom as fast as he could.

Taishe is dead.

He didn't want to see Zhang Wanxin again today.

It is really impossible to face it.

When Lin Zichen returned to the room upstairs.

Shen Qinghan hasn't woken up yet.

He lay flat on the bed carelessly, and the quilt on his body was gone.

Looking down, she saw that the quilt had been kicked off the bed by her at some point.

"You are so old, and you still kick the quilt when you sleep."

Lin Zichen shook his head and stepped forward to pick up the quilt.

Throwing the quilt on the bed, his eyes fell on Shen Qinghan's lower body.

There was a bulge in his crotch, and he was still wearing diapers like he was when he was a child.

An eight-year-old girl is wearing a diaper, and there is something 100% wrong with her body.

But strangely, the cause has never been found.

Fortunately, Shen Qinghan only wets the bed and pants easily until now.

Other than that, there are no other problems.

It's a blessing in misfortune.

Lin Zichen stopped thinking about it, reached out and pinched Shen Qinghan's face, and shouted softly: "Hanhan, it's already past six o'clock. Get up quickly, brush your teeth, wash your face and have breakfast."


Shen Qinghan opened his eyes drowsily, sat up instinctively and stretched.

Afterwards, she looked at Lin Zichen with a sleepy look on her face, and said in a soft voice: "Xiaochen, I just dreamed of Bai Xue. I don't know where she is now or what she is doing."

"Bai Xue is having breakfast at her house. Get up quickly and change clothes, otherwise the breakfast downstairs will get cold."

"I know." After Shen Qinghan said that, he took off his pajamas in front of Lin Zichen and put on the school uniform beside him.

The moment he took off his pajamas, Lin Zichen suddenly felt a little dazzling.

Shen Qinghan's chest is glowing!

To be more precise, it was the animal tooth she wore on her chest that was glowing!

That was the animal tooth given to her by the white-haired girl.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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