Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 12 Giant Alien Rat

"Brother Sheng, there's no need to look for it, those two kids are in my alley!"

The woman turned around and shouted behind her.

Then soon, a man with two large tattoos on his arms appeared next to her.

The man was skinny, looked listless, and sniffed from time to time. He seemed to be a drug addict.

"What do you want to do?"

Facing these two uninvited guests, Lin Zichen did not run away, but protected Shen Qinghan behind him, then looked at them calmly and asked.

He has been evolving since his birth, and his physical strength has far exceeded that of ordinary people. This gives him enough capital to calmly deal with crises.

Seeing Lin Zichen so calm, the two of them were a little surprised.

Soon, the woman with heavy makeup returned to her approachable appearance in the morning, and said to Lin Zichen with a smile: "Little brother, little sister, there are delicious and fun things at my sister's house. Do you want to come to my sister's house to play?" ?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the man with the flowery arms on the side said with great impatience: "You fucking bitch! Why are you trying to trick a child? Just go up and cover the person unconscious and take it away! I'm in a hurry to sell it for money. !”

After that, he took out two strong-smelling towels from his pocket, threw one of them to the woman, and walked quickly towards Shen Qinghan.

"Xiaochen..." Shen Qinghan was very scared and held Lin Zichen's arm tightly with his little hands.

Lin Zichen patted her little hand and told her not to be afraid.

Then, he took away her little hand and exerted force under her feet. The next moment, her whole body was like an arrow shot out of the string, turning into an afterimage and shooting towards the man walking towards her.


Only a dull boxing sound was heard.

Lin Zichen rushed in front of the man in an instant, punched the man in the abdomen, and knocked him away with one punch.

It rolled on the ground several times before stopping. The whole person curled up like a shrimp, and a painful "ho ho" sound came out of its mouth, and blood continued to flow out.

"you you you you……!"

The woman was stunned on the spot and couldn't understand what had just happened. She was so frightened that she couldn't even speak.

She couldn't understand why a primary school student who looked like he was only in second or third grade could knock an adult away with one punch. This was not common sense at all!

Lin Zichen didn't talk nonsense to the woman, he rushed in front of her in a flash, jumped up high with his feet, and punched her heavily made-up face.


There was another sound.

The woman was directly punched and sent flying, with several teeth flying out of her mouth. Then she fell to the ground with a plop, and her entire body was silent.

I don’t know if he fainted or died.

Lin Zichen looked around and saw that there were no surveillance cameras. He decided to endure the discomfort in his heart and kill the two people to avoid future troubles.

Just when he picked up a brick and was about to cut up the two people on the ground, there was a sudden loud noise from an abandoned tile-roofed house in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a giant rat with eight eyes and a body length of nearly three meters suddenly rushed out of the tile-roofed house, opening its bloody mouth and biting the nearest woman.

With just one bite, the woman's head was bitten off, blood splattered everywhere, and she died instantly.

Seeing this horrifying scene, Lin Zichen reacted very quickly, turned around and ran away. He picked up Shen Qinghan as he passed her and ran away like crazy, just to get away from the giant rat.

Strange beast!

It's the giant alien rat that appeared in Sakura Sea Country before!

There is one here? !

Something big happened!

Lin Zichen's whole body was secreting adrenaline, his heartbeat was accelerating, and the sense of security he had accumulated after years of hard work and evolution was suddenly gone.

Shen Qinghan, who was held in his arms, was so frightened by the scene that he turned pale and his body was shaking uncontrollably, but he kept from crying or causing trouble to him.

Run out of the alley and get far enough away.

Lin Zichen just put Shen Qinghan down, opened his children's watch with trembling hands, and called the official security team to report the crime.

"In the old city, in the alleys of the old city, a giant alien rat appeared. It is exactly the same as the giant alien rat that appeared in Yinghai Kingdom some time ago!"

Lin Zichen gasped, trying his best to steady his breath and tell the whole story.

But the surge of adrenaline still made his voice sound a little shaky.

As soon as he finished speaking, before the security team could reply, there was a roar of machinery in the alley behind him.

When he heard the sound, he turned around and saw a mechanical transformation man with half of his body in black, floating steadily above the alley. He raised his right hand made of pure alloy and pointed it at the alley below.

Then, a burst of sparks burst out from the right hand of the mechanical transformation man, and a cannonball with thick smoke was fired into the alley below.


The shell fell into the lower part of the alley, erupting into a purple-blue fire.

It was very noisy, but it didn't look very destructive.

Lin Zichen, who was outside the alley, did not feel any shock waves.

At the same time, the buildings in the alley did not turn into ruins as expected.

The scene before him was just the alley filled with thick purple-blue smoke.

The cannonball just now seemed to be just something similar to a smoke bomb.

Lin Zichen didn't know what it was specifically.

But he guessed that it should be something that could reduce the combat effectiveness of the giant alien rat.

For example, narcotic smoke.

Soon, Lin Zichen saw the mechanical transformation man suspended in the air, slowly sinking into the alley with billowing smoke, falling to the ground and engaging in close combat with the giant alien rat.

He has evolved for many years since his birth and has extremely strong senses. Even if he stands outside the alley, he can clearly hear the sounds of fighting coming from inside.

"Xiao, Xiaochen, what should we do now?"

Shen Qinghan held Lin Zichen's hand tightly and said with a trembling voice.

Seeing that she was in a bad state, Lin Zichen said without any hesitation: "Let's go home."

Although he was very curious about the fight going on in the alley at the moment, he did not dare to risk his life and come forward to watch the fight. He just wanted to go home quickly.

Then, sit back and wait for the news tonight to see if you can see anything about what happened in the alley.

While he was thinking about this, the voice of the security team operator kept coming from the children's watch on his hand.


"Hey kid, can you hear me?"

"Get out of the alley quickly, don't get close, it's very dangerous there!"

The operator's voice sounded very anxious, worried about Lin Zichen's safety.

Lin Zichen quickly came to his senses and calmly responded to the other party's voice: "Sister, I have left the alley. I am safe now."

"That's good, that's good." The female operator from the security team breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Zichen squeezed Shen Qinghan's little hand beside him to tell her not to be so scared, and then curiously asked the female operator: "Sister, I just saw a mechanical transformation man flying into the alley. That's my sister from your security team." Team members?”

"He's a member of the security team." After the operator finished speaking, he warned Lin Zichen: "Kids, if you have nothing to do, don't stay outside. Go home quickly and stay with your parents. Do you understand?"

"I know, thank you sister."

After politely thanking him, Lin Zichen hung up the communication with the security team.

Then, his eyes turned to the alley ahead where smoke was billowing.

At this moment, there was still a fierce fighting sound there, mixed with a lot of sharp rat noises. It seemed that the giant alien rat was at a disadvantage.

Shen Qinghan on the side saw that he hung up the communication, and then said with trembling lips: "Xiao, Xiaochen, I want to go home..."

"I'll take you home now."


"Can you still leave? If not, I will carry you."

"My legs are a little soft..."

"Then come up and I'll carry you home."

Lin Zichen turned around, picked up Shen Qinghan on his back, and walked quickly towards home without saying anything.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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