Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 9 Roaring at Night

Unknowingly, months have passed since the episode about the white-haired girl.

That night, Lin Zichen was rubbing his parents' shoulders in the living room.

Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin, because they have been sitting in front of the computer for a long time typing and writing novels, many parts of their bodies have become stiff and very uncomfortable.

Especially the shoulders, which often make a clicking sound when moving.

"Xiaochen is so sensible. He even knows how to give mommy a shoulder massage. Mommy's love for you is not in vain."

Zhang Wanxin was lying on the sofa, enjoying Lin Zichen's moderately strong kneading, with an expression of happiness and enjoyment on her face.

Lin Yansheng, who was sitting aside, felt a little unbalanced and said, "It's not fair. My son only pinched me for less than half an hour just now. How come it's been almost an hour since I came here and he's still pinching me!"

Zhang Wanxin snorted: "I changed all my son's diapers when he was a child, and I also washed him. Now I can enjoy my son's filial piety more. Why is it unfair?"

"If you say that, then I have to tell you carefully. I prepared the milk powder for my son when he was a child."

"You have the nerve to say it. The milk powder you prepared for your son is either too hot or too cold. It's really shameless."

The couple started fighting when they disagreed.

Lin Zichen smiled and didn't pay too much attention.

He knew that his parents only fought for fun and would not really quarrel.

Moreover, a proper quarrel can also increase the family atmosphere, which is good.

At the same time, a news was being reported on the TV screen in front.

"Kyoto prodigy, create greater glory again!"

"At the age of ten, he successfully integrated the genes of alien beasts and was able to lift a thousand-jin boulder with one hand!"

“The future is promising!”

Hearing the words "Kyoto Prodigy", Lin Zichen immediately turned to look at the TV.

Sure enough, it was the Kyoto prodigy who could lift 20kg with one hand at the age of two.

"It's the Kyoto prodigy again. This kid is on camera too often. Is he trying to make money by becoming an internet celebrity and selling goods?"

Lin Yansheng watched the news on TV, rubbed his stubble on his chin and muttered.

Zhang Wanxin was puzzled and said: "This child has just turned ten years old and his body has not fully developed yet. If we let him fuse the genes of the alien beasts, aren't we afraid that he will not be able to suppress the genes of the alien beasts and his body will mutate?"

Lin Yansheng thought for a while and said: "After all, it is a thousand-year-old martial arts family in Kyoto. It knows much more than us. Maybe it has some advanced gene fusion technology."

"No matter how advanced you are, you can't use your own children for experiments. It's really incomprehensible." Zhang Wanxin shook her head, not liking the martial arts family on TV.

Lin Yansheng said disapprovingly: "You don't understand. These martial arts families often value family interests more than others. It is normal to sacrifice personal interests. Otherwise, they would not be able to develop to the scale they are today."

"Yes, yes, you know best!" Zhang Wanxin rolled her eyes and didn't want to talk to Lin Yansheng.

Lin Zichen listened silently and did not express any opinions.

To this day, he still pays attention to this Kyoto prodigy from time to time.

I learned that the opponent was still trying to lift a 100kg barbell with one hand at the beginning of the month.

Unexpectedly, by the end of the month, I would be able to lift 500kg with one hand.

The strength directly increased five times.

All I can say is that it’s good to have resources at home, and you can win directly at the starting line.

However, I am only 8 years old now, and I have not yet fused with the genes of alien beasts, but I can lift a 300kg barbell with one hand. Even if my family cannot provide resources to support me, I still have a better future than this Kyoto prodigy...

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but have a smile on his face.


Another piece of news was reported on TV.

It's about foreign countries.

In a neighboring country across the sea, an attack by a strange beast occurred.

A relevant video has been released.

In the video, in a dilapidated and abandoned city, you can see giant black rats everywhere.

In one scene, you can even see an extremely bloody scene.

A giant alien rat with eight eyes and a length of three meters was gnawing on a fresh human corpse.

The fangs were covered with scarlet blood.

It looked extremely ferocious.

This scene has not been coded, it is completely displayed on the TV screen, and even a close-up is given, which is very inappropriate for children.

Moreover, Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin did not change the channel to prevent Lin Zichen from watching.

This is caused by different living environments.

In this mutated earth, officials hope that everyone can clearly understand the dangers of alien beasts.

Even children.

Therefore, many reports about strange beasts are often very large in scale.

"After investigation, it was found that pagan elements were behind this attack by alien beasts."

"I hope that all countries can give us Yinghai Country some assistance and jointly destroy the heretics."

"We in Yinghai Kingdom will fight the heretics until death!"

In the video, an old man from Yinghai Country with white temples, after speaking angrily, bowed to the audience in front of the TV with his hands pressed tightly to his thighs.

This was the first time Lin Zichen heard the word pagan.

Immediately picked up Zhang Wanxin's mobile phone and checked online.

Then I learned that the so-called paganism is an anti-human organization founded by some traitors.

These pagan traitors betrayed the human race for profit and became the lackeys of the alien beasts. They chose to point the finger at their own race and often carried out attacks in human territory.

Many small countries with weak national strength are often made miserable.

"Fortunately, I was born in a large country with strong national power. There is a relatively stable environment that allows me to grow and develop stably."

Lin Zichen felt happy in his heart.

Now he wants nothing more than that the land where he lives can allow him to grow up safely until he is eighteen years old.

By then, with the plug-in, I will be strong enough to protect myself and my family even if I encounter those giant alien rats in the news reports.




Suddenly, bursts of air bursts were heard outside the window.

The glass vibrated.

The eardrums feel buzzing.

Lin Zichen, who heard the commotion, quickly put away his thoughts and ran to the window to check the situation.

When he opened the curtains and took a look, he found that dozens of mechanical transformations were passing by at high speed in the night sky outside the window, leaving traces of flight in the sky.

"How come there are so many official mechanical transformations flying at this time? What happened?"

Lin Yansheng walked to the window at some point and looked at the official mechanical transformation man gradually receding in the night sky, his face full of confusion.

Zhang Wanxin also walked over, looked at the night sky with a worried look on her face and said, "I hope nothing bad happened."

Lin Zichen stood in front of Zhang Wanxin, quietly looking at the flight traces remaining in the night sky, thinking the same thing as Zhang Wanxin.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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