Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 77 Everyone In The Siren World Wants Ye Mo! The Secret Realm Of The Divine Tower!

Who is this Ye Mo?

What methods were used and how many people were summoned.

Can you directly kill seven challengers from the Siren World?

It was less than fifteen minutes before and after...

Even the king is interested in this man named Ye Mo.

I sent a message separately, saying that I would make Ye Mo by myself!

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Sea Star Challenger of the Siren World, and gaining 1 possession point!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"


Here comes another one.

Is it over yet?!

All kinds of strange things still aroused the vigilance of the challengers of the Siren World.

Shouldn't the high-level world hunt down the challengers of the low-level world with overwhelming force?

In a short time, 29 and seven Kraken challengers were dead.

This kind of thing is strange.

The Kraken challengers fell into deep doubts.

Why would the always aloof Siren King show favor to a challenger from a low-level world?

Why do news of the death of the Siren Challenger come so frequently in the Tower World?

And why did the Swordfish Demon only send half of the message and there was no follow-up?

Is it the fall of the Siren World or the explosion of the Blue Star World?

All these strange things point to one thing.

Many Kraken challengers finally came to a conclusion.

They are going to be developed...


There is a reason why we came to such a strange conclusion!

The world of Kraken is different from the earth.

There is only one king, the Siren King...

It can be said that he is the most powerful person in the world of Kraken, and he is in charge of the power of life and death!

The kind that tells the truth.

They also understand this Siren King.

Anyone who disobeys the king will be brutally punished by the Siren King.

To put it bluntly, he is a dictator.

You must know that this kind of people are obsessed with saving face!

Don't allow anything to happen that is beyond his control.

This time, the challenger named Ye Mo killed the Kraken World challenger again and again.

It's equivalent to slapping the king in the face.

With Wang's violent personality, a challenger named Ye Mo would be rewarded heavily.

as expected.

After the challenger in the seventh Siren World was killed.

The Siren King once again sent out a general announcement in the Siren World chat group.

"Find me this Blue Star Challenger named Ye Mo! Let me know as soon as you find it!"

"It would be better if I could kill him!"

"Whoever finds it or kills it will be qualified to enter the secret realm of the God Tower!"

"Ho ho ho!" The challenger of the Siren World was excited.

The king actually gave out the precious qualification to enter the secret realm of the God Tower as a reward.

If anyone finds this Ye Mo, or kills Ye Mo.

They can reach the sky in one step!

The qualifications to enter this secret realm of the God Tower are not available to ordinary people.

Only some advanced worlds are eligible to enter during the period when the secret realm of the God Tower is opened.

It’s a carnival in the advanced world!

Seats are also limited!

There are countless high-level resources in the secret realm of the God Tower!

More key to evolution!

If you find one at random, they will be prosperous! 880 However, the number of places to enter is limited.

There seem to be a few in each advanced world.

As for how much.

They just don't know.

It’s just that I’m awesome at the secret realm of the God Tower.

It is a battleground for all high-end worlds!

With luck, the entire race can be upgraded several levels!

The qualification to enter this secret realm of the God Tower is also extremely valuable.

It is one of the most precious opportunities in the world of the God Tower!

Qualifications to enter the Kraken World.

It is their Siren World that challenges another advanced world that has the qualifications to enter.

Obtained after wiping out all the high-level world challengers.

The opportunity is here.

The Kraken challenger can't help but be jealous.

Work hard to find this guy Ye Mo.

They can reach the sky in one step!

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