Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 77: The Siren King Opens The 30Th Floor Of The Tower!

The Siren King moved.

Step by step, he walked out of the huge building ship.

This hunting assessment.

The Siren King originally left one-tenth of his troops on standby.

The remaining Kraken World Challengers go out hunting.

As the king of the world of sirens.

There is no need for him to do something as trivial as this!

But Ye Mo kept killing the Kraken challengers.

The Siren King couldn't sit still.

The Kraken Challenger's life and death are small, but face is the big one!

No one has ever dared to disobey him like this!

What's more, he is a low-level challenger in a low-level world!

He wants to personally teach this boy how to behave!

The Siren King looked at the world panel of the tower world.

His possession point has reached 2000 points.

Other requirements for opening the tower are also met!

"Very good! God Tower World, I want to open the 30th floor of the God Tower!"

After speaking, the golden tower on the huge ship.

The first thirty floors simultaneously lit up with the white light of pure pure gold.

Looks divine!

An echo soon came from the Tower World.

"29 The thirty-story tower was opened successfully!"

"The Siren King has opened the 30th floor of the tower. Congratulations to the Siren World for all the additional floors!"

"1. The life span of all sea monsters in the world of sea monsters is increased by fifty years!"

2. The power of all the Krakens in the Kraken World increases by 200 points!"

"3. All challenger arms in the Siren World will have their arm levels increased by one level!"

4. All challengers and arms in Siren World are back to their best condition!"

"5. Special reward for the 30th floor!"

"The Siren King opens the 30th level: the attributes of the Siren King and its soldiers are doubled!"

The rewards of the Tower World are announced.

The world of Kraken is in a state of excitement!

Everyone can feel that their strength has increased a lot, and their bodies have become younger and more energetic.

Especially the Siren King, whose muscles have doubled in size.

Feel the pleasure of doubling your strength!

"It is indeed a thirty-story divine tower!"

"I'm very satisfied with this reward!"

"We can have fun with these Blue Star challengers!"

But Ye Mo, who was in Uzumaki at this time, didn't know anything about it.

If Ye Mo knew about it, he would definitely say something...

Well done!

He also worried about how to find more Kraken challengers.

It would be better if they could organize a group and deliver it to your door.

Ye Mo just didn't know about this, otherwise he would have raised a flag and shouted.

"I'm right here! Come and kill me! Come on, come on!"

For the kill value, Ye also fought hard.

But there was a little hiccup in the middle.

Qingyue encountered a Kraken challenger.

But with the full cooperation of the Dragon Kingdom challengers.

He actually had a 50-50 draw with this Kraken Challenger!

Can you believe this!

Ye Mo also admires Qingyue and the others.

After all, no unit can compete with the forest elves.

None of Brut's 800-plus men could defeat a shark monster.

There were less than a hundred people on Qingyue's side, and they could withstand the attack of a sea monster challenger.

It's pretty awesome.

In fact, this is due to Ye Mo’s several tower world rewards.

The strength and number of the Dragon Kingdom's troops will be greatly improved.

Coupled with the close cooperation between the Dragon Kingdom's troops, this effect is achieved.

During this period, Qingyue knew that Ye Mo had found the portal and rushed over to her.

Congratulations to Ye Mo for finding the organization.

He also made some jokes with Ye Mo.

"You have to come here quickly!"

"If you don't come here, we will finish cooking these Brahma Lion Kings!"

"I won't even leave any soup for you!"

Ye Mo smiled, this girl is quite optimistic.

He casually replied, "If you say that, I won't go!"

Qingyue also replied, "Whether love comes or not, we can solve it here!"

Good guy!

Turn your back and deny anyone!

I don’t know who sent the request for help in the first place!

Forgot so quickly!

Ye Mo was not angry, he knew the other party was just joking.

Anyway, no matter what, just be fine.

But Ye Mo is still going to have a look.

Challengers to the world of Kraken are coming fiercely.

Qingyue can block one, but cannot block the second.

Ye Mo planned to let them go to the desert base to take shelter.

There is a little distance between Ye Mo and Qingyue.

It would take at least fifteen minutes to reach Qingyue's position.

Just when Ye Mo was walking leisurely.

The situation on Qingyue's side suddenly changed.

Messages for help began to flood the screen.

It never stopped.

"Ye Mo, where are you? We can't hold on any longer!"

"Ye Mo, you'd better come here quickly, otherwise we will be ganged up on!"

"Ye Mo! It's urgent!"

"Ye Mo! I was wrong! Come quickly!"

Ye Mo,"???"

What's going on.

Isn't everything on Qingyue's side under control?

Is there a sudden crisis?

After communication, Ye Mo also knew the situation on Qingyue's side.

In fact, Qingyue was also confused.

Qingyue and the others encountered a soldier called the Brahma Lion King.

The name sounds quite intimidating.

In fact, it is just a four-star military unit...

In Ye Mo's opinion, the four-star military units are just like that.

Of course, this is just Ye Mo's opinion.

According to Qingyue.

This lion thief is fierce and fast.

Fortunately, the challengers of Dragon Kingdom are not vegetarians either.

By chance, I discovered that despite the amazing defense of the Brahma Lion King, his abdomen is his biggest weakness!

This discovery was a turning point for everyone!

Qingyue was with more than ninety other challengers from the Dragon Kingdom.

The total number of soldiers also exceeds five thousand. 910 With the coordination of the troops, some troops distracted the Brahma Lion King, while the other troops hit the Brahma Lion King in the belly!

With the numerical advantage of the troops, the Brahma Lion King was defeated step by step!

More than thirty Brahma Lion Kings were seriously injured!

Seeing that the Brahma Lion King was about to use his best efforts, he would be destroyed by them.

Something strange happened!

Suddenly a white light flashed.

The Brahma Lion King recovered from his injuries and reached his best condition.

More than that.

"Unit name: Brahma Lion King!"

"Level: Five-star military unit!"

The troop types have also been upgraded by one level!

Can you believe this!

The advantage of becoming a five-star military unit is...

The weakness in the abdomen of Brahma Lion King is gone...

This was a devastating blow to Qingyue and other challengers.

There is no weakness in the Brahma Lion King, relying on the strength of their arms.

There is no way to defeat the Brahma Lion King head-on.

Containment is a problem!

In front of this lion, I can only protect myself.

Being slowly consumed by the Brahma Lion King.

In less than a minute, five hundred soldiers died.

Soon I won't be able to hold on anymore.

Qingyue was surprised!

The five-star troops are so terrifying!

It feels like both strength, speed, and weaknesses are not on the same level as four-star troops!

Therefore, Qingyue immediately asked Ye Mo for help regardless of her face!

The only one who can save them is Ye Mo!.

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