Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 77: Be Careful, Ye Mo Is Too...

Ye Mo waved his hand and called for the forest elves under his command to assemble!

Ye Mo was a little dissatisfied with the speed at this time.

There are so many challengers in the Siren World, and it is too slow to kill them one by one.

The trial period only lasted five days, and these Kraken challengers were seeking death. They did not know what means they used, but they had to enter their territory two days in advance.

This adds up to only seven days!

In seven days, at this speed, I am afraid that not even half of the challengers in the Siren World can be killed.

Not to mention the possession point, the killing value is worth Ye Mo's trip.

Ye Mo glanced at the system panel.


Yes, the seven challengers from the Siren World contributed nearly one million kills to him!

This killing value comes too easily!

Even if he misses a challenger from the Siren World, it is his loss!

"Go to the gravel beach, which is the meeting point of the Kraken World. It is also the base camp for the challengers of the Kraken World!"

"It is estimated that there will be many challengers in the Siren World!"

Ye Mo rubbed his palms.

In his eyes, these challengers from the Siren World are no different from the killing value.

Pity these challengers of the Siren World, thinking that they are the hunters.

Who is the hunter and who is the prey is unclear.

Just when Ye Mo was leading the forest elves to head towards the gravel beach.

Suddenly I received a distress message.

The message was sent by Qingyue.

It was their side that encountered the Kraken challenger.

Urgent situation!

Qingyue sent the location information through the chat function of the Tower World.

"Don't go to the gravel beach first, change direction and save Qingyue!"

Ye Mo directly took the forest elf to change direction.

On the other side, the challengers in the Siren World had different expressions when they heard the notification sound that the seventh Siren Challenger was killed by Ye Mo.

It's not fear, but confusion and confusion.

After they came ashore.

I also met a challenger from Blue Star.

That's so weak...

To put it bluntly.

Even if they stand and let these Blue Star challengers beat them, these Blue Star challengers are exhausted, and they may not be able to beat them.

To put it bluntly, the Blue Star Challengers are just a bunch of weaklings in the eyes of the Siren Challengers.

The kind that can be crushed to death by pinching your fingers.

But you told me that after such a short period of time, ten Kraken challengers died?

If it weren't for the fact that the news announced by the Tower World was absolutely authoritative.

They thought they heard fake news!

The most interesting thing is.

Before he died, the swordfish demon also uttered a sentence in the chat channel of the Siren World.

"||Be careful, Ye Mo...

Half of what he said was gone.

no way.

Who made the Swordfish Demon die too quickly?

This is what the swordfish demon originally wanted to say.

"Be careful, Ye Mo's soldiers are too powerful, they are not on the same level at all!"

And this sentence also caused speculation among the Kraken challengers.

"Be careful, Ye Mo, his methods are too bad (Nuo Zhao's)?"

"Be careful, Ye Mo, you can't believe what he says?"

"Be careful, there is actually an expert behind Ye Mo?"

There are different opinions, but no one has come up with the reason.

The Swordfish Demon was scolded by the Siren Challenger again.

Can you finish speaking before you die?

Half the story.

How do we know what you want to say?

The swordfish demon cried and fainted in hell.

Blame me?

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