Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 76 The Seventh Blue Star Challenger Killed


Watching the giant crocodile's tail hit the forest elf.

The swordfish demon cheered loudly.

It was as if he saw the next moment, the scene of the forest elf being beaten until his brains exploded.

Unfortunately, there is no...

The Swordfish Demon's expression changed from excitement at the beginning to shock.

This is the One Tail bar that breaks mountains and rocks.

It was actually caught steadily by the petite forest elf.

You know, in front of the Giant Spirit Crocodile.

The height of the giant crocodile's tail is more than twice as high as that of the forest elf.

The body size is even more different!

It’s like the size ratio of a rice to a watermelon 29!

Then you told me that the forest elf caught the attack of the giant crocodile!

Still looking relaxed and comfortable!

The swordfish demon rubbed his eyes.

I am not wrong, right!

After multiple confirmations.

That’s right!

I'm afraid I saw a fairy today!

What shocked the Swordfish Demon even more.

This is not over yet.

The forest elf, whose body size was completely disproportionate to the giant crocodile, grabbed the giant crocodile's tail and started spinning.

Like a sandbag, it was smashed on the ground.

The scene was very chaotic.

Can you imagine the mood of the swordfish demon?

The military unit he was so proud of was no match for a group of human soldiers in terms of strength.

Did you get the wrong script?

what's going on?

The swordfish demon was a little confused.

I couldn't say a word for a long time.

That’s all.

What else could he say?

If it attracts the attention of those forest elves.

He felt like he was going to be wheeled around on the ground like a sandbag.

I'm rough!

Are all the ninth-grade arms in the lower-level world so powerful?

The swordfish demon was extremely shocked.

It was the voice he heard just now that gave him relief.

The swordfish demon felt someone standing on his shoulder.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

Turn around and look.

The person standing on the shoulders of the swordfish demon is none other than Ye Mo.

The swordfish demon is seven meters tall.

Ye Mo stood on the swordfish demon's shoulders, just as tall as the swordfish demon.

"Stop playing! Fight quickly!"

"We're still in a hurry!"

Then, Ye Mo showed a harmless smile to the swordfish demon like the big brother next door.

"Wait a moment, it will be your turn in a moment!"

Swordfish Demon, "???"

Who is this person?

What does this mean?

Who's playing?

The next second, the Swordfish Demon saw his soldiers being chopped into two halves by the forest elves taking out black swords.

These forest elves are the arms of this Blue Star challenger.

It turns out that these elves have the ability to instantly kill the Giant Spirit Crocodile, and they were just playing around.

The strong shell of the giant crocodile is vulnerable to the black blade blessed by Armament Haki.

Whether it's strength or speed, 480 skills.

The forest elves are more powerful than the giant crocodile by more than one level.

Until now, the Swordfish Demon still doesn't believe it.

The Giant Spirit Crocodile he had always been proud of was gone so quickly?


The Swordfish Demon remembered another thing, and this person asked him to wait a moment.

This means that after his unit dies, it will be his turn.

Doesn't that mean...

One punch at a time.

The swordfish demon died in the West.

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Swordfish Demon, the challenger of the Siren World, and gained 1 possession point!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

"The seventh one!".

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