"A total of nine people passed the preliminaries and qualified to go to the Tiannan Grand Martial Arts Arena!"

"First place! Qin Feng! Level 25, second-order peak omni-knight! S-level gifted fighting body! He dealt the ultimate 250 million damage!"

"Second place! Wang Yufei! Level 21, second-stage mid-stage Holy Light Boxer! A talent, Mountain Shaking Fist! 137w damage!"

"Third Place……"

"After fifteen minutes, I will activate the teleportation array and send the above nine winners to the Tiannan Martial Arts Arena!"

Lin Henian announced the results of the preliminary round and the teleportation time according to the damage value.

Then Lin Henian walked to Qin Feng and patted Qin Feng's shoulder gently.

"Qin Feng, come with me."

""Okay, Uncle Lin."

Lin Henian asked him to call him Uncle Lin.

Qin Feng didn't think that the other party would make another contrast and call him out to scold him.

Could it be that Lin Henian was going to give me something?

How could these two father and daughter be so generous!

Qin Feng had long regarded Lin Chuxue as his daughter-in-law.

He was a little bit chauvinistic and didn't have the face to accept things from his daughter-in-law.

But Lin Henian was different.

Now, the other party was his dear Uncle Lin.

In the future, the other party would be his even dearer father-in-law.

If you don't take the things given by your father-in-law!

That would be too ungrateful! It's too unfair!

Soon, Qin Feng and Henian walked to a secluded place with no one.

Lin Henian didn't beat around the bush at all.

He took out a set of epic suits very directly and spread them in the air.

"Qin Feng, you just inflicted 250 million damage with your knife!"

"In addition, before your career was upgraded, you were a berserker and took the melee route!"

"So I will give this epic equipment to you,"Sanjiuling"."

"I hope that after you get it, you can help us, Binhai, get a good ranking in the joint military performance of thirteen provinces!"

"Well! At least in the top five! If you can get into the top three, it would be even better."

In Lin Henian's eyes, when Qin Feng explodes to the extreme, he can have enough output capacity to be comparable to his daughter.

But no matter how strong Qin Feng is, his profession is only A.

His S-level talent can only help him burst out his strength in a short period of time. He can't always have a hundred times the damage bonus like his daughter.

"Put it on and let me see the effect"

"Don't reject me. I am planning for the development of Binhai."

"It's not because of personal reasons, and it's not because of the, uh, friendship, yes, friendship between you and Xue'er."

Looking at Lin Henian looking for excuses to cover up when he was nice to him,

Qin Feng couldn't help but think of a certain juicy, shy and pretty cabbage.

They are indeed father and daughter!

Their performance in this aspect is exactly the same!

"I dare not refuse the gift from the elder!"

""Thank you, Uncle Lin, for your kindness. I will accept it."

Qin Feng did not refuse.

Lin Henian was so straightforward, so he did not need to be polite.

Hearing Qin Feng's straightforward agreement,

Lin Henian nodded with satisfaction.

Compared with the shy and awkward way of refusing gifts from the children of big families, he, who had spent half his life in the army, liked Qin Feng, a straightforward young man, even more.

Especially the words that Qin Feng blurted out:"I dare not refuse the gift given by the elders."

It directly touched his heart, making his already gentle eyebrows and eyes more joyful. Under the increasingly gentle and joyful gaze of Lin Henian,

Qin Feng put on the epic suit piece by piece.

"Ding Dong! You have equipped the Wild Hunter Cloak!"

【Wild Hunter Cloak]: Epic, 24000 basic defense, 333% stealth skill enhancement. Durability: 500w/500w

"Ding Dong! You have equipped the Wild Hunter Armlet!"

【Wild Hunter Armband]: Epic level, 15000 basic attack power, strength crushing judgment +6666! Durability: 500w/500w

"Ding Dong! You have equipped the Wild Hunter Battlegear!"

【Wild Hunter Armor]: Epic level, 30,000 basic defense, 500% defense skill enhancement. Durability: 1000w/1000w

"Ding Dong! You have equipped the Wild Hunter Boots!"

【Wild Hunter Boots]: Epic, 12500 base speed, 420% kicking skill enhancement! Durability: 660w/660w

"Ding Dong! You have equipped the Wild Hunter's Blade!"

【Wild Hunter's Blade]: Epic, 25,000 basic attack power, 132% damage amplification! Durability: 360w/360w

"Ding Dong! You have equipped the epic Wild Hunter suit, and you have obtained the epic skill [Wild Hunter Infinite Flash】!"

【Wild Hunt Infinite Flash]: After opening, you will gain infinite flash ability with a flash radius of 1200 meters. This effect lasts for 30 seconds and cools down for 120 minutes!

One after another, prompt sounds rang in Qin Feng's ears.

With the blessing of this epic set, Qin Feng's combat power has once again climbed to a higher level.

"Not bad!"


Looking at Qin Feng, Lin Henian clapped his hands in applause.

The Wild Hunter suit is dark red, and it looks very suitable on Qin Feng.

"Thank you Uncle Lin, I like this set of equipment you gave me very much."

"Just like it, just like it."

Lin Henian patted Qin Feng on the shoulder and said:

"Xiao Qin, don't think it looks old. This Wild Hunter set is the equipment I used when I killed the Frostfire Demon at the Red Great Wall. It is the best among all the epic sets."

"Also, don't think Uncle Lin is being shabby."

"Equipment above the legendary level requires the wearer's own spiritual power to be consumed"

"In the entire Great Xia Kingdom, only the equipment made by the Lord of War and the Great Xia Dragon Bird can ignore this rule."

"These two never act easily."

"In other words, with the Wild Hunter, you are already on the same starting line as the children of the top families in Daxia in terms of equipment."

"Now you are qualified to compete with them for the top five in this year's martial arts performance!"

When Lin Henian said this, a sound of footsteps happened to sound.

The person coming was Lin Chuxue. When she saw her harsh father standing with Qin Feng, she immediately pulled down her pretty face.

"Dad, why did you call Qin Feng over here? Are you trying to embarrass him?"

"I have explained to you countless times that stealing your points card was my own idea and had nothing to do with Qin Feng."

Looking at his daughter who was both ambitious and unpromising, and listening to her extremely outward and unfriendly tone,

Lin Henian was immediately furious and raised his eyebrows.

He even forgot to ask Qin Feng how he got his attributes and what kind of adventure he had encountered.

He acted like the head of the family and said to Lin Chuxue in an extremely stern manner:

"Make things difficult for Qin Feng!"

"In your eyes, Lin Chuxue, am I, Lin Henian, so unbearable?"

"I, Lin Henian, have always acted in an upright manner and never brought personal feelings into work."

"Moreover, I have already handed over my equipment to Qin Feng. Why would I make things difficult for this young man who will soon bring glory to my Binhai City!"

"Not to mention that I am the mayor of Binhai City. I have worked hard for Binhai City for half my life."

"Just because I am your father, you, Lin Chuxue, deserve to respect me."

"Look at Qin Feng, he is well-mannered, polite, unperturbed by fame or disgrace, and has a magnanimous demeanor!"

"Look at you again, you are in a hurry and panic, and you have forgotten all the rules I taught you every day!"

Lin Henian kept scolding Lin Chuxue.

Lin Chuxue glanced at the Wild Hunter armor Qin Feng was wearing, and her eyes revealed surprise. She secretly sent a message to Qin Feng:

What's the matter? Qin Feng! What kind of magic potion did you give to my father?

My father is obviously very unhappy with you. He scolded you for being a bastard at home yesterday and scolded you all day long!

How come today he gave you the Wild Hunter suit that he used and accompanied him to make great achievements in battle and cherished!

Listening to Lin Chuxue's obviously happy question.

Qin Feng was calm and smiled without saying a word.


Fifteen minutes passed quickly under Lin Henian's extremely harsh reprimand.

Lin Henian led Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue back to the ring.

Then, Lin Henian stretched out his hand and tapped in the air. (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!) The powerful spirituality penetrated his body and directly opened an extremely stable dimensional channel, connecting Binhai City and Tiannan City together.

"Soldiers of the Coast!"

"The time has come for Daxia to test you!"


Follow me to the battle!"[]

Lin Henian was the first to enter the dimensional passage.

As the first place winner of the Binhai City preliminary competition, Qin Feng followed closely behind Lin Henian.

As soon as Qin Feng moved, the other eight contestants also stepped into the dimensional passage.

After everyone entered, Lin Chuxue, who was directly given the qualification to participate by the Lord of War, stepped into the passage slowly.

At this time, Lin Chuxue was very knowledgeable about the rules.

Lin Henian, who was walking in the front, smiled faintly.

He felt that his reprimand just now had an effect.

But in fact, his daughter who was a stickler for mercy. She just didn't want to compete with Qin Feng for the first place, so she entered last.


A few seconds later, everyone walked out of the dimensional channel and arrived at the Tiannan City Grand Martial Arts Arena.

They stood in the pre-determined positions.

At this moment, the Tiannan City Grand Martial Arts Arena was already filled with hundreds of thousands of professionals with vigorous momentum and solemn expressions.

They came from fortress cities, fortress cities, or forward bases.

They came from guild families, local tyrants, or the civilian class.

But at this moment, when they stood on the Tiannan City Grand Martial Arts Arena, looking at Ye Nantian, the Great Xia Military God sitting at the highest position on the rostrum

, endless pride, endless admiration, endless longing... directly turned these young people who had just graduated and became professionals for no more than three months into soldiers of Daxia!

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of people admiringly,

Ye Nantian, the Great Xia Military God, stood up from his chair, clenched his fist suddenly, and raised it to the sky:

"Daxia! Ten thousand victories!"

An extremely fierce voice exploded in the martial arts arena!

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of extremely fierce voices rang out in the martial arts arena!

"Daxia! Victory!"

""Daxia! Victory!"

The shouts lasted for a long time, and the clouds in the sky were shattered into white catkins.

After a brief and powerful military mobilization,

Ye Nantian, the military god of Daxia, stretched out his hand, and the spiritual energy in his body surged out crazily.

He directly constructed an 18-story tower in the sky!

At the same time, teleportation arrays exuding a mysterious aura appeared at the feet of each contestant!


""Enter the formation!"

Ye Nantian said.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the martial arts arena took a step forward at the same time and walked into the teleportation formation at their feet.


After a short dizziness,

Qin Feng and hundreds of thousands of contestants were teleported into the Tower of Babel.

The world in the Tower of Babel was extremely vast.

At a glance, there was no boundary at all...

After everyone stood still and dissipated the dizziness caused by the teleportation,

Ye Nantian's extremely majestic voice sounded in the field:


"The Tower of Babel has a total of 18 floors!"

"There are endless monsters on every level!"

"Every time you kill enough monsters on a level, you will get a ticket to the next level!"

"The higher you go, the stronger the monsters in the Tower of Babel will be, and the more points you can get by killing monsters!"

"Fifteen seconds later!"

"The first wave of monsters will appear on the first floor of the Tower of Babel!"

"I want you to kill them with the fastest speed and the strongest moves!"

"Here, besides not being able to use non-renewable krypton gold props! You can't slaughter your compatriots!"

"Your killing! No taboos!"

At this point, Ye Nantian finished explaining the rules.

A countdown suddenly appeared in the sky:

"10, 9, 8……"

Watching the countdown, everyone's breathing became heavy.

Everyone's face was filled with a look of seriousness.���

Soon, the heart-pounding countdown came to an end.

3! 2! 1!

The last countdown fell!

Hundreds of thousands of contestants turned into a torrent and rushed to the other end of the world in the tower! 3.1 Qin Feng directly burst out the 32 times acceleration effect of the fighting body, turned into a dark red light stream, and ran faster than everyone else!

Rushing to the front.

Qin Feng soon saw the magic tide that surged like a wave. In an instant, it transformed from a virtual body to a physical body.

Qin Feng smiled coldly, raised his hand, and directly threw out a large number of soldiers in the dimensional factory. 12w are all heavy sergeants who can fire T-31 high-energy incendiary bombs!

Facing armored targets, heavy sergeants with double damage effect!

"Ding Dong! You have activated the talent Armed Master, and your mechanical troops gain an additional 50% increase!"

"Ding Dong! You used the skill Mechanical Rage! The heavy sergeant's attack power is increased by 300% for 60 seconds!"

"Ding Dong! You used the skill Overload! The heavy sergeant's attack power increased by 333%, attack speed increased by 200%, and durability decreased by 50%!"

"Ding Dong! You used a skill……"

In an instant, Qin Feng filled the mechanical soldiers with full damage!

The next moment, a massive amount of artillery fire shot out from the barrel of the heavy-armored sergeant.

Each heavy-armored sergeant could, within one second, pour out 36 T-31 high-energy explosive bombs towards the magic tide that had just condensed in front of him!

Boom boom boom...

The huge sound of artillery fire rang out in the Tower of Babel.

The magic tide that was surging forward like a huge wave was actually blocked from moving forward!

Seeing this scene.

Inside and outside the tower, except for Ye Nantian and Lin Chuxue.

Everyone else was collectively stunned and stunned on the spot!

Even Lin Henian, who thought he knew Qin Feng very well and had already calculated Qin Feng's combat power to death, also showed an expression of great surprise and shock!.

Added by: KaTwo

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