Lin Henian's excited and enthusiastic voice rang out in the room.

All those who thought there was something wrong with their eyes believed and recognized Qin Feng's achievements at this moment.

"There's nothing wrong with my eyes! Qin Feng actually dealt 250 million damage!"

"I used up all my strength to deal 18,000 damages!"

"But Qin Feng dealt 200-50 million damage with just one blow!"

"Ahhh! How can the gap between people be so big!"

"It’s more than 250 million damage!"

"Yes! Didn’t you hear what Mayor Lin said?"

"250 million is just the limit of the damage tester, it is not Qin Feng’s limit at all!"

"Qin Feng! Awesome! Qin Feng! Awesome!"

"Qin Feng! You are my God!"


One voice after another rang out in the field.

At this moment, everyone stopped their original actions. They looked towards the side of Mayor Lin Henian.

Qin Feng, who was shining brightly and smiling calmly.

The male contestants no longer looked at the damage tester in front of them.

Instead, they looked at Qin Feng with extremely envious eyes.

They wanted to replace Qin Feng.

Let Mayor Lin Henian raise his hand.

They wanted to replace Qin Feng even more.

To become the boyfriend of Miss Lin Chuxue, the goddess in the hearts of all men in Binhai City, from 8 to 80 years old.

Waves of hallucinations emerged from their minds.

They imagined standing in the center of everyone's eyes.

The man who shone like a star was themselves.

However, the waves of shouting like a tsunami.

It was to wipe out their fantasies again and again.

After all, they were still the ordinary themselves.

Not Qin Feng, who was watched by thousands of people and honored to the extreme!


The instructor who was responsible for giving the players fair results in the preliminary round also looked at Qin Feng.

These were all from the Lin family's family guild.

The weakest among them were all terrifying sixth-level existences.

But even they, when they saw the 250 million damage Qin Feng dealt, their mouths twitched involuntarily, with a large amplitude and high frequency.

"A dragon has appeared! A dragon has appeared in Binhai City!"

"An A-level professional can actually deal damage comparable to that of the young lady!"

"Moreover! The most terrifying thing is that he is actually at the same level as the young lady!"

"A level 25 A professional dealt damage that only a level 25 SS professional could do!"

"If I hadn't been there, if I hadn't seen him smash the damage tester with one blow,"

"I would definitely treat this kind of thing as a fairy tale and the most shameless rumor!"

"Ah! Miss is indeed a Miss! She has a really good eye!"

"Yes! Yesterday I heard that the young lady stole the family owner's points card and exchanged it for a C-level newbie's career sublimation scroll!"

"I, I, I said at that time that the young lady was confused and had lost her mind by the bad guys!"

"Now it seems that I am the one who is really confused!"

"Ordinary people! Even if they use the sublimation scroll, it is impossible for them to sublimate into the strongest profession A Omni-Knight!"

"It is even more impossible to skip the professional level and directly awaken an S-level powerful talent that can burst all attributes to 24 times the powerful talent [Fighting Body]】!"

"I suddenly realized! Master Qin Feng is quite handsome!"

"Of course! He and our young lady are a perfect match!"


Far away from the martial arts arena, a woman with an extremely noble temperament and extremely beautiful appearance was looking at Qin Feng on the stage with an aunt's smile, who was being watched by millions of people.

This woman was Lin Chuxue's mother.

She was also the only one in the entire Lin family who openly supported Lin Chuxue. She was the one who could boldly pursue her own happiness and marry whoever she wanted.

"I didn't expect you to be such an outstanding boy."

"Not only does she have a lovely face, but she also has the strength that is not inferior to my daughter."

"He has a good demeanor, not arrogant or impatient, and is not shocked by honor or disgrace. Facing the attention of more than 10,000 people, he can still remain calm."

"Yes! My daughter has a good eye for men, much better than I did back then."


Lin Chuxue stared at Qin Feng in the center of the arena.

She was motionless, like the husband-waiting stone in the old myth.

Two days ago, when the job transfer ceremony of Binhai No. 1 Middle School ended, Qin Feng changed his job to a C-level job and said goodbye to her with an extremely lonely look.

She had been looking forward to this scene.

At that time, Lin Chuxue's mind was full of thoughts: brush the dungeon! Get points! Exchange sublimation scrolls for Qin Feng! Let Qin Feng and her reach the top together! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But when she found Qin Feng with the sublimation scroll, she was extremely surprised to find that even without the treasures she brought!

Even without the sublimation scrolls she brought!

Qin Feng could still stand high in the sky! []

Become a man who is capable of standing shoulder to shoulder with her!

"No! My man's future!"

"It's not just about being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with me!"

"His future! His peak must be above mine!"

"I believe in my own judgment! I believe in him even more! I will believe in him till death!"

"He will be the man of destiny!"

"He must be a man of destiny like the God of War!"


Lin Henian held Qin Feng's left hand high for a full minute!

The applause from the audience also rang for a full minute, and it didn't show any sign of weakening!

Qin Feng whispered in Lin Henian's ear:

"Mayor Lin, that should be enough, it's been more than a minute."

0Please give me flowers

"There are still many players who will participate in the preliminaries."

After hearing Qin Feng's words,

Lin Henian gently put Qin Feng's hand down.

Then, with a loving smile on his face, he said to Qin Feng in a gentle voice:

"Why call me Mayor Lin? Why be so distant? Just call me Uncle Lin."

"You are a good kid. When the preliminaries are over, remember to come talk to me. We can chat for a while."

As the head of the Lin family with outstanding achievements and a rare 15th-level professional, there are not many people in Tiannan, or even in the whole of Daxia, who need Lin Henian to make friends with.

Before, when Qin Feng did not show his strength, the reason why Lin Henian disliked Qin Feng was just because of his idiot Baicai.

In order to help Qin Feng upgrade his professional level, he did not hesitate to violate the Lin family rules.

Moreover, he did more than one thing.

This made Lin Henian preconceived that it was Qin Feng, the bastard boy, who used sweet words to deceive his idiot Baicai!

But now it seems that Lin Chuxue's Baicai is not stupid.

On the contrary, her vision is unique and a little scary.

1,100 sublimation scrolls directly piled up a strongest A-professional.

The key is that Qin Feng's character is still very good.

When he was despised by himself, there was no trace of harshness in his pupils, his expression was calm as water, and his speech was neither humble nor arrogant. When he raised his left hand high and pushed it to the center of everyone's attention, he was still unmoved by honor and disgrace.

This doesn't look like an 18-year-old passionate young man.

Not to mention that he didn't look like the slick-tongued bastard who had been infected with countless bad habits since he was a child as he thought.

Instead, he looked like a modest gentleman who came out of a family with strict family education.

Lin Henian likes this kind of people too much.

Especially this kind of people have strength far beyond their peers.

There is even a high probability that he is the one in the ancient saying that God will give great responsibilities to this person, destined to suffer hardships, but also destined to soar.

It is the destiny of this era.

Thinking of this, the smile on Lin Henian's face became softer, and he said to Qin Feng:

"Go! There are seats for the winners, pick one and sit down first."

""Okay, Uncle Lin."

Qin Feng smiled and nodded at Lin Henian.

Then he walked to the back of the ring and sat down in the middle of the nine chairs.

After Qin Feng sat down, the preliminary arena that was released with slow magic slowly recovered its ability to move.

An hour and a half later, the final result came out.

Among all the candidates in Binhai City,

Qin Feng won the first place with the highest damage of 250 million without any dispute.

Below him, a professional named Wang Yufei. It was a full 248.63 million higher!

A real gap to qualify!.

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