Looking at the terrifying barrage that blocked the boundless demonic tide!

Looking at the artillery fire that directly ignited the first floor of the Tower of Babel, tens of thousands of square meters of land!

Looking at the ferocious monsters, being blown to pieces by the dense artillery fire, and then burned into slag!

Looking at the one-man-a-thousand-strong mechanic who rushed to the front and summoned 12w mechanical troops to pour out artillery fire crazily, directly blocking the advance of the demonic tide, and with an extremely majestic figure! The pace of the army of hundreds of thousands of professionals began to mess up.

The corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch wildly, and they began to roar in an extremely unbelievable tone:

"Damn! What kind of extravagant play is this?"

"Damn it! This is a 120,000-man heavy armored sergeant!"

"Each heavy sergeant fires 36 high-energy incendiary bombs per second. Adding them all together, that's 4.32 million T-31 high-energy incendiary bombs per second!"

"That means 200 million is spent in one second!"

"Who the hell is this person? He really doesn't take money seriously!"

"Mechanic? The Wang family of the imperial capital? No! The youngest descendant of the Wang family is already thirty years old this year!"


Not only the contestants.

The audience in the stands on all four sides of the Tiannan Grand Martial Arts Arena.

All the audience watching the live broadcast of the Grand Martial Arts Arena in front of the TV were dumbfounded by Qin Feng's extremely exaggerated and extravagant fighting style.

"This is too fucking horrible!"

"120,000 weapon troops! The high-energy explosives released every second is more than 4 million rounds! How much money does this guy have!"

"With the power of one person, he directly resisted all the monsters on the first floor! Terrible! Too terrible!"

"Is this the power of money? Is this the power of the most resource-consuming mechanic?"


On the rostrum.

Lin Henian looked at Qin Feng in the Tower of Babel in astonishment.

"Qin Feng! Aren't you the best at using a knife?"

"How come you have become a mechanic now, and your fighting style is so violent!"

"And! Aren’t you an orphan without any family background?"

"If you throw out 200 million worth of ammunition in one second, could the adventure you get be a secret realm filled with T-31 high-energy incendiary bombs?"

"In order to get a top ten spot in a big martial arts performance, you spend billions of dollars!"

"01 You can't waste money like this!"

While Lin Henian was extremely stunned, the other big men of Daxia on the rostrum moved their eyes to look at him.

These big men were very well-informed. Ten minutes ago, when Lin Chuxue took Qin Feng's arm and personally sent Qin Feng to the Binhai City martial arts arena, they got the news and knew that Lin Chuxue had a boyfriend.

And through their own channels, they got Qin Feng's identity information.

"Hey! Lao Lin! I heard that your Xueer found a boyfriend, he's quite handsome, could he be that crazy money-burning guy in the movie?"

"Oh my god! Old Lin! You, a daughter slave, really opened my eyes! My daughter has a boyfriend, and you bought that guy 120,000 weapons and troops. You are so generous, you are worthy of it, Mr. Lin!"

"Regardless of whether he was generous or not, Lao Lin was looking at Qin Feng with displeasure just ten minutes ago, but as soon as Qin Feng won the first place in the Binhai Martial Arts Performance, Lao Lin directly gave him 120,000 mechanical troops! What a quick change of attitude! Oh! I admire you!"

"Not only are there 120,000 mechanical soldiers! There are also high-energy explosive bombs! Just look at Old Lin's courage! Hey! It's worth learning from for all of us!"

Listening to those obviously sarcastic voices,

Lin Henian, who was extremely concerned about his reputation, didn't care about where Qin Feng got so much money, and he could actually pour out artillery fire without restraint.

He stiffened his neck and snorted coldly.

Then he acted very calmly and explained:

"I am not like you guys. For today's grand martial arts show, you can run around shamelessly, rob other people's homes of their natural treasures, and add attributes to your children and grandchildren!"

"Let me tell you the truth! The mechanical armies that Qin Feng is using at the moment were not given by me at all! All in all, our Lin family only gave him a few sublimation scrolls and some insignificant equipment!"

"Other things, such as his skills, attributes, and even his upgraded career, are all his own adventures!"

"Do you know what an adventure is?"

"Do you know what the son of destiny is?"

"Yes! In the Tower of Babel, the Qin Feng who has left your children and grandchildren far behind is here!"

In front of so many old friends, Lin Henian naturally did not say that Qin Feng was the man of destiny.

He slightly lowered Qin Feng's tone and gave Qin Feng the title of the son of luck.

But he felt that this was enough to shock these old friends who were disrespectful and were about to go abroad to rob at night.

When they heard the word"adventure", the chattering voices stopped immediately.

Several big guys who had teased Lin Henian looked at each other, and saw disbelief in each other's eyes.

Then, a burst of laughter rang out on the rostrum:

"Hahaha! It has to be you, Lao Lin! Even after you die and are buried in the ground, your mouth is still strong!"

"If it's given, it's given. There's nothing to hide. What's the point of saying it's a coincidence? Is it so easy to come across such a thing?"

"It has been almost three hundred years. I know that the Lord of War has had a so-called adventure. When he just got the mythical form, he was inspired by the supreme will of the divine realm and felt the existence of the spirit."

"Let alone the God of War, even if Lao Lin's son-in-law had an adventure, it shouldn't be a 120,000 mechanical soldier! Whose adventure could be a mechanical soldier!"

"Oh! Old Lin! You have lived for a hundred years, why can't you change your stubborn habit?"

"Stop talking! Stop talking! Look at Old Lin's face! He is so angry that he has turned purple. Stop teasing him!"

Looking at these disrespectful old guys and listening to their sharp-tongued ridicule.

Lin Henian was so angry that his whole body was shaking. He seriously defended himself:

"I'm not being harsh! What I said is true!"

"Oh, yes, yes!"

"You guys! You guys……"

"Ah, right, right, right!"

Lin Henian stopped talking.

He turned his head fiercely and continued to watch Qin Feng in the Tower of Babel, secretly hoping:

"Qin Feng! You have to do your best!"

"These old guys are so fucking annoying!"

"You have to help me save my face!"

"How can I save my old face?"

"It all depends on your performance in the Tower of Babel!"


In the Tower of Babel,

Qin Feng controlled the mechanical army to push forward.

Under the crazy output without considering the cost at all, the high-energy explosive bombs made with the raw materials from Tianbao Pavilion and Black Mountain Factory were quickly used up by the mechanical sergeants.

The total consumption was nearly 4 billion credits.

However, it was all worth it.

Because Qin Feng not only got the 100,000 points of the first level! He became the first person to obtain the Babel Order!

He also successfully blocked the advancement of others! He got a huge, unstoppable first-mover advantage!

Without hesitation,

Qin Feng didn't even look at the mechanical sergeants who had used up their ammunition.

He directly launched the Babel Order!

"You have used the Tongtian Order, and you will go to the second floor of the Tongtian Tower!"

A rule announcement sounded in Qin Feng's ears.

The next moment, Qin Feng turned into a stream of light.

He disappeared from the first floor of the Tongtian Tower and entered the second floor first!


【Announcement: Binhai City's seed player Qin Feng launched the Tongtian Order and was the first to enter the second floor of the Tongtian Tower! A special reward of 50,000 points!】

【Announcement: Seeded players from Binhai City……】x4.

A huge notification sound rang out in the Tower of Babel.

After hearing these notifications, the prodigies from the major families who had consumed countless precious materials and built up a terrifying strength were immediately furious!

"Damn! Why? This wild boy named Qin Feng! What qualifications does he have to be notified!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Relying on mechanical troops! Relying on spending money to win! Can this be considered his own ability? Isn't this the cheat that the Lin family gave him?"

"A's Omniknight controls 120,000 mechanical soldiers! Who would believe this without the support of a gadget like the Heart of Intelligence?"

"This kid named Qin Feng, I'm afraid he made that idiot Lin Chuxue pregnant! If not, how could the Lin family give him such strong support!"

"He was an orphan, a poor waste with only 27 attributes when he awakened, and he was the first to enter the second floor of the Tower of Babel before us!"

"Damn it! If I had known that the Lin family would do this, I should have asked my father to give me a few Omnic Hearts and 120,000 mechanical soldiers!"


One curse after another rang out in the first space.

Hearing the speeches of these noble children, Lin Chuxue smiled coldly.

Scold my man for using mechanical soldiers!

Didn't the descendants of the Wang family in the imperial capital do the same thing during the last martial arts performance more than a hundred years ago?

Scold my man for spending money to make ammunition!

Don't you guys also stuff tons of natural treasures into your stomach?

Grab them if you can!

The God of War said there are no taboos!

You guys are still cursing!

A bunch of trash! You deserve to be crushed!

Lin Chuxue was very angry.

At this moment, she accumulated 25 seconds of legendary magic, a terrifying eighth-level forbidden spell!

【Tianyan Funeral] has also completed all the preliminary preparations!

"Humph! You dare to insult my man!"

""Okay! Then you guys stay on the first floor for a while!"

With this thought,

Lin Chuxue held the staff in her hand and rose directly into the sky!

The next moment!

The sky of the first floor of the Tower of Babel turned into an extremely hot red!

Hohohoho... streams of fire with extremely hot power fell from the sky. It directly covered three quarters of the demon tide!

The terrifying streams of fire exploded in the monster pile, and a series of damage value bars continued to burst out...

Even though these monsters were condensed by the Lord of War with his own great power, they were not real.

But all the contestants present felt I felt a burning smell filling my nostrils.

I looked at the demonic tide in front of me that was completely covered by the Tianyan Funeral. I stared at Lin Chuxue in the sky, who had obviously earned 100,000 points and could not get any more points in the first level, but was still maintaining the Tianyan Funeral. The arrogant rich kids were so angry that their lungs were about to explode.

However, no matter how angry they were, they could not stop Lin Chuxue, let alone imitate Lin Chuxue.

They could only curse in their hearts, using more vicious words than the last:

"Bastard! You are a pair of bastards!"

"A man who uses money to pave the way for himself and acts arrogantly!"

"One who relies on the eighth-level forbidden spell to bully others!"

"Your good days won’t last long!"

"Your Lin family’s plan will not succeed!"

"Lin Chuxue! You are a high-ranking SS-level professional!"

"We can't do anything to you! We are indeed not as good as you!"

"But! Don't forget! That pretty boy who got you pregnant!"

"He is not you! He is just a loser who relies on mechanical soldiers to clear the way!"

"We can't suppress you! But suppressing that useless thing! It's still easy to break your Lin family's plan!"

"Just maintain your Tianyan funeral! The more you suppress us, the more we will make your pretty boy desperate!"


Qin Feng, who had already entered the second floor, naturally could not hear the resentful voices of the rich second generation who were trying their best to find points in the gap of Tianyan's funeral. In his eyes, there was only the demonic tide rushing towards him like a wave.

"Ding Dong! You activated the talent [Full Element Fusion (Passive)]! Your spell power is increased by 18 times, casting speed is increased by 8 times, mana recovery speed is increased by 4, casting cost is reduced by 50%, and spell cooldown time is reduced by 50.%!"

"Ding Dong! 840 You used the skill Blessing of the Frost Queen! Your next ice spell gains 12 times the damage bonus!"

"Ding Dong! You used the skill Wild Flow! Your next skill will cause elemental turbulence, causing damage equal to Spell Power x12!"

"Ding Dong! You used a skill……"

"Ding Dong! You used the skill Ice Storm!"

The last prompt sound fell.

Qin Feng released the diamond-level skill Ice Storm!

With the blessing of A talent full element aggregation and a total of 12 amplification skills!

This skill with only diamond grade directly produced the effect of 1/8 of the Sky Flame Funeral!

Swish, swish, swish... extremely cold and thick ice spikes fell from the sky!

Cut the monsters created by Ye Nantian into minced meat on the ground!

In less than 10 seconds, Qin Feng killed thousands of monsters and got the 20w points that capped the second level!


A stream of light fell from the sky and gathered into a token in Qin Feng's hand.

At the same time, Lin Chuxue appeared beside him with a faint smile, seeing the fragments in front of Qin Feng and the ground frozen by frost.

She couldn't help but feel proud and gave Qin Feng a thumbs up:"Great!"

Qin Feng smiled faintly and said,"It's okay, hurry up, let's go to the third floor together, don't let me win, give me some pressure."

Qin Feng knew Lin Chuxue very well, and knew the terrifying power of her SS-level talent [Mana Rage].

Lin Chuxue had only entered the second floor at this moment, and it was obvious that she was letting me win, which made Qin Feng worried that this silly girl would not compete with him for the first place.

"I didn't let you off! I really didn't let you off!"

Lin Chuxue waved her hands repeatedly, then said:"I just cleaned up some trash that I didn't like, so I came a little late."

Qin Feng touched Lin Chuxue's head and said with a smile:"Don't do this in the future, it's not necessary."

Lin Chuxue:"Yeah, I'll do whatever you say"


On the rostrum, a large group of bigwigs stared blankly at the second floor of the Tower of Babel.

They looked at Qin Feng standing there waiting for Lin Chuxue to get the points.

After a long time, the bigwigs came back to their senses.

"Ha! I finally understand why Lao Lin gave so much support to that guy named Qin Feng! His daughter was eaten to death by that Qin Feng!"

"Hey, have you ever seen such a well-behaved Lin Chuxue? This girl has never been so well-behaved in front of us! She has always been so serious, seemingly friendly but actually aloof!"

"Pat the head and kill! Old Lin! You are done! I said it!"

Because of Lin Chuxue's appearance, the attention of the big guys was diverted.

They all teased Lin Henian, who was stubborn and disrespectful to the elderly.

But it didn't take long.

Their attention was pulled back by Qin Feng's extremely tough killing technique!

They were extremely surprised to find that

Qin Feng was a demon who mastered all professional skills!

Ngư��i mua: KaTwo

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