The prompt sounded in Qin Feng's ears.

Then, the originally noisy martial arts arena became quiet.

The contestants standing in front of other output testers stared blankly at the output tester in front of Qin Feng that was broken into pieces.

Then, their faces began to distort. Their closed mouths opened involuntarily.

Until they couldn't open any wider.

Until their mouths turned into an O shape!

"This! How is this possible!"

"He's only level 25! How can he have such high damage!"

"Two hundred and fifty million damage points in total! That's two hundred and fifty million! Not two thousand and five hundred!"

"Is this the damage that a human can inflict? Is this the damage that a professional graduating this year can inflict?"

"Someone please slap me! I don't believe this is true! I can't accept it!"

"Is this person definitely a professional who graduated from high school this year? And not a ninth-level professional?"


Not only the contestants on the stage, but also the audience in the martial arts arena and those waiting in line for the output test were extremely shocked!

"Two hundred and fifty million! Is this the strength of Miss Lin Chuxue's boyfriend?"

"I just guessed that he could only deal 200,000 damage! I was so blind!"

"I said before that this person was not worthy of Miss Lin Chuxue. I was so wrong!"

"S-class talent for fighting! The strongest A-class omni-knight! I feel that this person will not only be the top scholar in our Binhai City! Even 473 may be able to break into the top ten in the joint martial arts performance of the thirteen provinces!"

"Top ten! Holy crap! The top ten can get rewards from the pillars of the nation!"

"If I remember correctly, as long as you make it into the top ten, you can get at least one treasure of epic level or above!"


Looking at the shattered wreckage of the output tester, recalling the damage bar that just appeared on the output tester.

The extremely terrifying damage value bar that was comparable to his daughter's output.

After decades of time, Lin Henian, who had made great achievements on the front line and rebuilt Binhai City single-handedly, was stunned.

He stared at Qin Feng in amazement.

He couldn't understand at all how Qin Feng could hit such a high output.

According to his rough feeling ,

Qin Feng, who activated his talent at this moment, had an attack power of about 282w.

But the damage shown by the knife just now!

It was already 89 times the 280w attack power!

If the damage that was not recorded by the damage tester was added, this multiplier could break through from 89 times to 100 times!

If converted to the original attack power before the talent was activated.

Qin Feng's instant burst was 2400 times the original attack power!

What is the concept of a 2,400-fold damage increase?

That was the damage increase that his biological daughter Lin Chuxue could only get with all her strength!

Lin Chuxue is an SS-level professional!

She has three legendary skills!

Among the SS-level talents, she has a powerful talent called violent mana that can be regarded as terrifying in killing power!


Lin Henian muttered. Even though he was experienced, he was shocked beyond measure by Qin Feng's terrifying damage multiplier.

It was also at this moment that

Lin Henian, who did not approve of Qin Feng from the bottom of his heart

, almost subconsciously released a detection spell towards Qin Feng.

The next moment, Qin Feng's panel appeared in the eyes of this 15th-level strongman.

The expression of this strongman, who had already been sluggish, froze instantly, as if he had acute facial paralysis.

"More than 140 diamond-level skills!"

"This is a skill that an orphan can get? And it's all diamond level!"

"More than 1.1 million attribute points! 8 points of attribute strength!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Even if you subtract the 24 attributes added by the talent, this kid still has nearly 47,000 attribute points!"

"With just that little bit of money that Xue'er had and the few precious materials that Ying Jiu sent, how could it be possible to build up this kid's attributes to such a terrifying level!"

"Could it be that! In addition to the attributes of those precious materials, this kid relied on himself to get nearly 20,000 attribute points! And a full 3 points of attribute strength!"

"This! This is simply a fantasy!"

"But! Apart from this reason, what other reasons can I use to explain his outrageous attribute points?"[]

"Could there be another stupid cabbage like my daughter, delivered to this boy named Qin Feng to take advantage of?"

"This! This explanation is the most outrageous!"

Calculating the properties that the treasures brought by Ying Jiu can provide!

Calculating the amount of natural treasures that can be bought with the little money in Lin Chuxue's bag!

An extremely terrifying, but extremely reasonable guess appeared in his mind!

He couldn't help but think of 299 years ago.

That era when the God's Domain had just descended into reality, when there were turbulent times and heroes emerged one after another.

That era that he himself had only heard about but had not experienced personally.

In that era, there was the saying of the Son of Destiny.

Ye Nantian, who completed the first talent development at the ninth level, was the well-deserved God of that era. The son of destiny.

And after 299 years, without any family background.

Relying solely on himself, Qin Feng has obtained a total of more than 20,000 attributes.

I am afraid he can also be crowned with the title of the son of destiny!


It must be like this!

To be favored by his own daughter, he is willing to make unconditional sacrifices for it!

If such a person is not the son of destiny of the current era!

Then there is no destiny in this era!

Thinking of this.

Lin Henian suddenly felt that

Qin Feng, who was standing there, quietly waiting for him to announce the results. He was no longer as hateful as before.

Instead, the more he looked at him, the more pleasing he was to the eye, and the more he looked at him, the more he wanted to get close to him.

"Hahaha! Not bad! Not bad!"

"My daughter really has good taste!"

"My points were not wasted!"

���Other C-level professionals, even if they got 100 B-level sublimation scrolls or 1,000 A-level sublimation scrolls!"

"It is not necessarily possible to sublimate into [Omniknight], which is known as the most powerful profession among the A professions!"

"It is even more impossible to awaken a terrifying S-level talent that I have never heard of, which can improve 24 attributes. [Fighting Body]】!"

"Haha! This guy named Qin Feng is pretty good!"

""He has a calm demeanor, is neither arrogant nor impatient, and has the potential to do great things!"

Thinking like this,

Lin Henian's old-fashioned and stiff face gradually softened, and a soft, joyful smile appeared on his face.

He walked to Qin Feng, raised Qin Feng's left arm high, and said loudly:

"Qin Feng! Level 25, Rank 2, Peak All-Round Knight! S-Class Talented Fighting Body!"

"He dealt an astonishing 250 million damage!"

"But I want to tell you, this is not Qin Feng’s limit!"

"But it is the limit of the output testing equipment made by Mr. Yingjiu!"

"Let's give the warmest applause to Qin Feng who broke the output test instrument machinery!".

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