An extremely huge fireball flew in the air, lighting up the pitch-black space.

Under Qin Feng's feet was an extremely flat platform that had been artificially repaired.

Dark red array runes were densely carved on the ground.

Dark red tentacles emerged from these runes, plunging into the pieces of broken flesh and blood.

The extraordinary power in the flesh and blood was stripped out, and all of it was transported into a half-human-high meat ball in the center of the platform.

Seeing this scene,

Qin Feng was shocked and angry.

He was surprised that in the underground of the Binhai City Black Boxing Arena, the people of the Blackstone Group actually laid a rune array covering an area of two or three square kilometers!

He was angry that this rune array was extracting the extraordinary power from those corpses.

Thousands of corpses were reduced to bones.

The wind from the fireball spell could blow it into ashes.

"Damn it! How dare you snatch my extraordinary genes from me!"

For no reason, an extremely disgusting emotion grew in Qin Feng's heart.

He didn't think about anything and directly launched the endless plunder!

After the attribute skyrocketed, Qin Feng's plundering range increased significantly!

It directly covered half of the underground platform!

Buzz buzz buzz...

A terrifying suction force emanated from Qin Feng's body.

Within the range of the suction force, all the corpses that had not yet turned into bones turned directly into scarlet airflows.

These airflows meandered like dragons, rushing towards Qin Feng and merging into Qin Feng's body.

At the same time, some flesh and blood outside the coverage of the endless plunder also began to disintegrate and gradually turned into ashes.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng was a little confused!

But then he reacted.

Endless plunder is not copying, but the strongest plunder!

The flesh and blood that collapsed outside the coverage of the suction force obviously came from the same corpse as some flesh and blood that existed within the coverage of the suction force.

Qin Feng plundered the left arm of a corpse.

The rest of the corpse will be plundered by Qin Feng at the same time, just like another quantum in the quantum entanglement reaction.

"Endless plunder is so domineering!"

"If I continue to infer this way, doesn't it mean that if I get the enemy's flesh and blood in the future, I can beat that person to death from a long distance!"

""Hiss! This is too terrifying!"

Qin Feng was shocked by the tyranny of the endless plunder.

He also had the idea of finding an opportunity to experiment with this ability.

However, at the moment,

Qin Feng's main focus was on snatching the flesh and blood that was the carrier of the extraordinary power.

After sucking all the flesh and blood in front of him into dregs,

Qin Feng took a step and rushed out.

A few seconds later,

Qin Feng rushed to the other end of the underground platform.

Standing still,

Qin Feng said nothing and plundered endlessly!

Buzz buzz buzz...

The blood and energy were like a dragon, gathering in Qin Feng's body.

Qin Feng's ears rang with prompt sounds.

He has more than 200 talents and more than 1,000 skills!

""I won! Haha!"

Qin Feng said excitedly.

Then he cast a fireball spell to light up the space.

The light shone, and the half-human-high meat ball in the center of the underground platform appeared in Qin Feng's field of vision again.

Qin Feng quickly approached the meat ball.

At the same time, he opened the Eye of Insight and looked at the meat ball:

【Scarlet Aberration LV8]

Level: First level

Race: Scarlet Hunter

Race talent: Endless plunder

Derived talents: Advanced strength enhancement, advanced physical enhancement...

Health value: 18981/18981

Mana value: 8390/8390

Defense power:**……

Basic Attributes: Strength 814, Agility 212, Constitution 485, Spirit 231

Notes: This aberration originated from a scarlet hunter 200 million years ago. He is of the same blood as you. But he was enslaved. Eleus enslaved him, imprisoned him, and used his innate ability to collect extraordinary genes. Please use [God-killing Power] or [Scarlet Crystal] to free him.


After reading the information about the meatball,

Qin Feng finally understood why he felt disgusted!

The meatball came from his own people.

It came from a person who became a Scarlet Hunter 200 million years ago!

And the people of the Blackstone Group!

Or the person named Elius behind the Blackstone Group!

Actually enslaved a Scarlet Hunter!

Qin Feng couldn't stand it!

He couldn't stand it!

He had infinite compassion for the original body of the meatball, which came from the bottom of his genes!

He felt that the original body of the meatball was himself!

The Scarlet Hunter who had been enslaved for 200 million years was himself!

""Damn it!"

Qin Feng was furious as never before!

He accelerated closer, and chopped at the meat ball almost crazily!

Swish, swish, swish...

Under Qin Feng's violent attack!

The meat ball instantly turned into a blood mist!

At the same time, the entire underground platform, including this underground black boxing arena, began to shake!

"Self-destruct sequence initiated!"

"Countdown starts: 10……"

The countdown to destruction resounded throughout the underground boxing arena.

Everyone on the floating platform was shocked and stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do! On the arena host platform, Deacon Yang looked stunned.

"Did anyone go to the underground platform?"

"That person also activated the self-destruct program arranged by the board of directors?"

"How did he know there was a self-destruct program there?"

"How did he know how to activate the mysterious meat ball?"

Deacon Yang was terrified and quickly took out the advanced teleportation token.

After the boxing ring started the self-destruction program, the space restriction would be further strengthened.

If you want to leave the boxing ring, you can only use the advanced teleportation token.

"I have to go out!"

"After I get out, I have to talk to my manager about a way out!"

"Damn it! The ring destroyed itself!"

"Once the board of directors comes to find us, both he and I will be dead!"


"Thank you, latecomer"

"Beware of Eleusis, beware of all living things!"

"We are taboo!"

After chopping the meat ball, a voice sounded in Qin Feng's heart.

At the same time, the extraordinary genes stored in the meat ball were directly annihilated into nothingness.

"Elleus, huh?"

"Blackstone Group, right?"

"I will find you!"

Qin Feng's eyes were red. He opened his backpack and took out a red-gold token.

He took this token out from Manager Chen's belongings.

At this moment, it was just right to send him away.


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