Compared with the teleportation array in Guanghua Rongcai Hotel, the high-level teleportation token from Manager Chen is obviously much more efficient.

Almost at the moment when Qin Feng consumed his mana and used the teleportation token,

Qin Feng disappeared from the black boxing arena and appeared in a private house.

This is a large flat with extremely luxurious decoration, and the style is extremely extravagant.

Various precious decorations filled the display shelves in the living room.

In a corner of the living room, there is a half-person-high safe.

Qin Feng walked towards the safe, and when he got closer, he drew his knife and chopped it.

With a click, the safe was directly split into two pieces of scrap iron.

More than two million neatly stacked cash appeared in Qin Feng's eyes.

Qin Feng put away the cash, and his wallet swelled a little more.

"A black boxing ring manager has more than 2 million in cash stored at home. Blackstone Group is really rich!"

When Qin Feng said this, he almost gritted his teeth.

At this moment, he did not forget the center of the underground platform of the black boxing ring.

The deformed meat ball, that came from his kind

"Blackstone Group!"

"And that Elleus!"

"I swear! I will kill you!"

Since seeing that note,

Elleus and Blackstone Group have been on Qin Feng's must-kill list.

But now is not the time to eradicate these people.

Although Qin Feng has nearly 10,000 attributes, more than 600 talents, and more than 2,000 skills at this moment.

But Blackstone Group and Elleus hiding behind are obviously not weak.

The other party not only has the power to enslave the Scarlet Hunter and create Scarlet Deformers, but also has an intricate and entangled network of relationships.

If you want to completely eradicate it and destroy it with a crushing blow,

Qin Feng needs strength.

It needs to be strong enough to sweep everything!

The strength to despise all the rules of the world!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng left Manager Chen's house in silence.

After walking to the street,

Qin Feng released multiple accelerating stealth skills such as sprinting, sneaking, shadow tracking, dark fog... and rushed forward for a long distance until he entered a place without electronic surveillance.

Qin Feng then dispersed the disguise of the phaseless mask and showed his true face.

Then, Qin Feng took out the runner motorcycle from his backpack and rushed towards home.


A few minutes after Qin Feng left,

Deacon Yang, with a horrified look on his face, secretly came to Manager Chen's house.

Looking at the wide-open door and the violently destroyed safe in the room,

Deacon Yang was immediately furious:

"Chen Ke! You bastard!"

"After all, we have been colleagues for more than ten years!"

"You ran away without informing me!"

The mysterious meat ball under the boxing ring was a backup plan arranged by the board's experts.

Once an irresistible hostile force invaded the boxing ring, he and Chen Ke could use the [Scarlet Crystal] given by the board to pierce the indestructible meat ball, activate the self-destruction program, and bury the enemy.

In addition to the self-destruction function, the mysterious meat ball underground obviously also has some kind of collection function.

Otherwise, the board would not let them collect the bodies of the contestants and throw them into the underground platform where the meat ball is for the meat ball to devour.

As the second in command of the boxing ring,

Deacon Yang had guessed this a long time ago and knew the importance of the meat ball to the board.

So when the meat ball was destroyed by an unknown person, he immediately thought of running away and ran to a place where the board could not track him.

"Who destroyed the meatball?"

Deacon Yang pondered.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

He remembered a black ghost who was killing everyone in the ring. His skills were unpredictable!

"Could it be him!"

"How could he have scarlet crystals?"


Blackstone Group.

Chairman's office.

A middle-aged man with white hair on his temples was sitting in the boss chair.

He closed his eyes gently, and his left hand fingers rhythmically tapped the armrest of the boss chair.

He seemed to be thinking about something big.

At this time, a man dressed as a secretary rushed in from the door in a panic and said hurriedly:

"Chairman! Abnormal 137 hasn't sent back any scarlet power for 10 minutes!"

"According to the technical department, the 137th mutant has been destroyed!"

Hearing this, the chairman of Blackstone Group suddenly opened his eyes.

"Have you contacted Chen Ke and Yang Yu? What did they say?"

"Contacted! Chen Ke’s phone call was unreachable, and Yang Yu boldly hung up our call!"

The chairman's brows frowned instantly:

"Hang up!"

"It seems that something big has happened in the Binhai City Boxing Arena!"

"It is highly likely that Deformation No. 137 was not destroyed by Chen Ke and his team!"

"There are foreign enemies invading there, and they have scarlet crystals in their hands!"

After inferring this, the chairman's expression became extremely serious.

Scarlet crystal is an extremely special crystal.

It has the characteristics of ignoring defense, which is like a miracle.

Scarlet crystal is the only one in the entire Blue Star that can destroy the mysterious, undetectable, indestructible, and great scarlet aberration that can only be worshipped and prayed.

He can possess scarlet crystal, know that Blackstone Group has the scarlet aberration, and is not afraid of the retaliation of Blackstone Group. He launched a sneak attack on the Binhai City Black Boxing Arena and destroyed the scarlet aberration.

This means that behind the unidentified invader, there is an extremely powerful force.

Thinking of this, the chairman frowned even more.

After a long while, he said to the secretary in a hoarse voice:

"First! Find Chen Ke and Yang Yu, alive or dead!"

"Second! Use our connections to find all the strong men who have appeared in Binhai City within three days!"

"Third! Find the regulars of Binhai City's black boxing arena and ask them what happened tonight. After you get the information, make sure to kill them!"

"Fourth! Suspend the [Harvester] plan, cancel the monitoring of the new generation of geniuses above Grade A in the thirteen provinces of Jiangnan, and permanently shelve the [Harvester] plan until the truth is found out!"

"Fifth! Activate the Sleepers and have them stand by near the No. 1 Aberration, ready to fight at any time!"

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