After beheading nine people in a row,

Qin Feng used his endless plunder on the bloody rain.

The blood and energy flowed into Qin Feng's body like a tornado.

A series of rapid prompt sounds rang in Qin Feng's ears.

"Ding Dong! You plundered Ye Shi, Chen Ke... The extraordinary gene analysis and reconstruction is in progress……"

"You get the B-level talent [Hongfu Night Run] (At night, the movement speed is increased by 12 times, the dynamic vision is increased by 12 times, the nerve reflex speed is increased by 12 times, and the concealment is increased by 12 times.)"

"You get a C-level talent……"

"You get the skill Advanced Swordsmanship Expertise LV10, you get the skill... Your skill level is increased……"

"You have obtained the B-level job [Night Hunter], and you have obtained the C-level job……"

"Ding Dong! You have plundered 106 extraordinary genes, and your branch talent [Power of All Aspects] has been unlocked!"

"You get attribute upgrades, strength +1060, agility +1060, constitution +1060, spirit +1060!"

The prompt sounded.

Qin Feng's attributes soared to an extremely exaggerated degree.

The suddenly powerful body made Qin Feng feel unprecedented pleasure.

At the same time,

Qin Feng's black eyes gradually turned red.

A stronger desire for killing emerged.

At this moment,

Qin Feng suddenly had a desire to kill all the people in the black boxing field, and then use endless plunder to turn them into his own nutrients.

However, this desire did not last too long.

Qin Feng used his willpower to suppress it.

"I am alone, I am alone……"

"It is right to kill those who surrounded me."

"But wanton slaughter and plunder without regard for humanity is an evil way."

"My growth rate is already fast enough, faster than anyone else in the world"

"The people in the boxing ring outside didn't see me perform endless plunder"

"I can't commit murder and become a demon just because I want to be powerful."

Qin Feng kept hypnotizing himself. He kept telling himself for several minutes.

The killing desire in his heart finally dissipated.

His eyes also changed from ferocious blood red to their original black.

After adjusting his mentality,

Qin Feng began to collect the equipment that Manager Chen and the Assassination Star Team had exploded.

"You have obtained the gold-level weapon [Purgatory Hell Blade】"

"You have obtained the gold-level staff [Rylai's Ice Crystal Scepter】"

"You have obtained the gold-level armor [Watcher II Standard Armor】"

"You got the equipment……"

"You got the material……"

"You got a skill book……"

"You have obtained 612.45 million credits!"

After collecting the spoils,

Qin Feng walked towards the chip counting machine in the chip exchange center.

It was that machine that had just spit out 600 million credits.

Qin Feng was going to chop the machine down and take out all the money inside.

Qin Feng possessed the power of killing gods that ignored defense.

In front of him, no matter how high the defense was, it was paper.

With two slashes,

Qin Feng directly chopped the chip counting machine into a pile of rotten iron.

Then, he took out all the money inside, a total of 2.3 billion.

""I'm rich!"

Qin Feng shouted happily, but then he became distressed.

All this money was black money, and it was extremely difficult to spend.

The only way to spend it was the black market hidden in the shadow of official supervision.

"It seems that I have to find an opportunity to go to the black market tomorrow and trade with the black market leaders. Ordinary black market traders cannot digest so much money."

Thinking of this,

Qin Feng left the chip exchange center and walked towards the edge of the floating platform.

On the way to the edge of the floating platform,

Qin Feng met a lot of boxing ring staff.

These people saw Qin Feng walking out of the chip exchange center safely.

Their faces immediately showed extremely horrified expressions.

They knelt on the ground one by one and said loudly:

"Lord Black Phantom! Don't kill me! The killing of you was all arranged by Manager Chen! We are just workers!"

"Lord Black Phantom! The siege has nothing to do with us! We were driven out of the chip exchange center a long time ago. We didn't do anything to you, let alone show any disrespect to you! Please let us go!"

Qin Feng ignored these people.

Most of them were ordinary people.

A few professionals were of very low grade.

Qin Feng didn't want to commit murder.

After passing by the boxing staff,

Qin Feng quickly came to the edge of the floating platform.

Looking at the dark abyss under the floating platform, recalling the bodies of the professionals thrown into the abyss,

Qin Feng jumped down without hesitation.


A gust of wind passed by Qin Feng's ears.

After falling for more than 50 seconds,

Qin Feng finally landed on the ground with a loud bang!

With nearly 10,000 attributes!

Qin Feng was naturally fine!

But the strange thing was that there was no crack on the ground under Qin Feng's feet. It was very abnormal.

"Weird! How come this place is so solid!"

Qin Feng was puzzled.

Then he released a fireball spell, lighting up the dark space.


Qin Feng was shocked!

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