Open the civilization inheritance treasure chest.

And the lucky value of the person.

Charisma values ​​matter.

The higher the luck value.

The probability of getting something good.

I am also getting taller.

The same goes for charisma.

But actually.

Most of the civilization heritage treasure chests.

There is also a way to ensure that you get all the benefits~.

That is.

This civilized royal family.

Or a very important person.

Let's open this treasure chest.


There is a high probability that you can get a lot of rewards.

Last time.

Qin Mo had a great harvest.

It was because of rescuing Mengyun.

Let me be a human being from Earth.

Still a princess.

She is also the only princess.

The king's daughter.

Come and open this inheritance treasure chest.

This is what I inherited.

All the rewards in that treasure chest!

And Qin Mo is now.

I don't want to leave it to Qilin Hui to open it directly.


I have a better choice!

Qin Mo looked down.

He looked at another reward.

Song Knight Kallen.

After three days of contact.

The two of them were still very happy.

After resuscitating it.

There is a high probability that he can be recruited.

My new hero.

Then let the other party open the treasure chest of civilization inheritance in this city of sages.

Maybe the best option. after all.

As the great sage who founded the city of sages.

Very important.

It's Kallen. remaining residents.

He was not saved.

Instead, focus your efforts.

Protected Kallen.


Even the great sage's ability cannot protect too many people. but.

This is not hard to see.

The other party's attention to Karen.

And as the person that the great sage values ​​the most.

Qin Mo thinks.

Karen's identity.

It is somewhat similar to the identity of the daughter of the king of a kingdom.

She is still the only daughter.

Its importance to civilization. it goes without saying!

Just like Mengyun.

Return to your room.

Qin Mo made a move.

The light spot in the palm fell to the ground.

When the light fades.

A snow-white figure. emerge before our eyes.

She huddled on the carpet.

Like a baby in the belly.

Qin Mo admired it quietly. its perfect figure

"Is this the source of Kallen's power?"

Qin Mo looked at his abdomen curiously.

The light and smooth color was the symbol of music.


The sleeping Kallen groaned.

Her long eyelashes trembled. She slowly opened her eyes.

In the black pupils, silvery-white music symbols were faintly visible.

When she opened her eyes, she saw not far away Sitting on the edge of the bed,

Qin Mo looks like a big horse with a golden sword. His pretty face is full of joy.

"Lord God!"

Karen exclaimed.

She stood up quickly and stood upright respectfully. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When she realized that there was nothing on her body, a blush suddenly appeared.

But She had no intention of leaving at all. She endured her shyness and opened her heart generously. A pair of beautiful eyes. She stared at Qin Mo boldly and generously. Kallen's reaction was better than Qin Mo imagined. He did not hide it at all.. Carefully admiring the beautiful scenery in front of her. Her dark eyes were full of joy and satisfaction. This made Kallen feel happy. The next moment, there was a strange yet familiar memory.


Embrace it in your mind.

She instantly understood her current situation. and the choices that need to be faced next


"would you like........"


Qin Mo hadn't finished speaking.

Kallen decisively agreed.

She didn't even let Qin Mo finish what she was willing to do.

Qin Mo was stunned.

Then he smiled.

"In that case, welcome Karen"

"Welcome, be my hero."

Qin Mo smiled and sent out the recruitment invitation.

Karen didn't hesitate at all.

She agreed decisively.

【Tip: Kallen, the Song Knight, has become your hero】

【Tip: Kallen, the Psalm Knight, lost her strength due to her special condition]

Although the Great Sage saved Kallen’s life.

But its strength.

All dissipate. otherwise.

He couldn't even protect Karen.

A powerful human being.

In the eyes of the followers of the evil god.

It’s supremely delicious!

As for the evil god.

The one he was eyeing was the Great Sage.

It is worth mentioning that.

In fact, the evil god is not interested in the great sage.

It's the god that the great sage is connected to.

A deity named the God of Knowledge.

The reason why He didn't directly kill the Great Sage.

Just hope.

The weight of this one.

Enough for the God of Knowledge to help.

As long as the other party takes action.

Then He will reveal his terrifying fangs.

Not only must he swallow the God of Knowledge into his belly.

The world in which it exists. will also be His target.


The evil god has no regard for so-called living beings.

His goal.

It's those gods.

And one after another.

A sweet and delicious world! them.

But a powerful existence that feeds on the world!

Common Aboriginal deities.

In His eyes it is just dessert.



"Lord God, I'm sorry that I won't be able to serve you for a short time."

Karen looked regretful.

She is now so fragile that she is vulnerable to a blow.

"no no no"


Qin Mo thought.

He bound Kallen to the hero altar.

The next moment, all the territorial characteristics were applied to Kallen.

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