Subordinate lord.

There may be more than one in the future.

But the principle is simple.

The good-looking women stay.

Arrange to go to the library to learn knowledge.

There is a great sage who has the bottom of the ocean of knowledge.

Whether it’s a side career in any walk of life.

Basically everything is complete.

As for whether it can be learned.

It depends on their own talents.

Under the bonus of territory characteristics.

All soldiers and heroes.

Even if there is no talent or blood.

One will be awakened randomly.

We can do some statistics in the future.

Blood talent.

Nothing is useless.

Only the ones that don’t work!

Don't underestimate low-quality bloodlines and talents. sometimes.

It also works wonders!

"You don’t have to worry so much"

"The wise and orchid Hui'er"

"Naturally, this will not be left behind."

Qin Mo smiled faintly. It's great to have such a big manager who knows everything. He's capable. He's capable. He took out the attribute card. Qin Mo used it at will. This free attribute card can only be used on the lord. Ten It’s just some attributes. For 680 , he only needs to develop a new high-quality hero. He can get it. It’s still the kind with full attributes. It’s really not good. You can also use the number of times to improve it. It’s just a bit useless.

"Next. Deal with this particular building first."

Qin Mo spread his hands.

A model of the territory appeared in his hand.

It was floating and rotating on the palm of his hand.

On the top was a manatee holding a suona.

He made a gesture of preparing to blow the suona.


Qin Mo threw it out.

The architectural model rose in the wind.

Soon, it landed steadily.

The next moment, a soft light flashed.

The manatees seemed to have lost consciousness. The whole body looked much brighter. It’s a good thing to look at!

"Let me know what functions Kangkang has!"

Qin Mo rubbed his hands in anticipation.

He opened the property panel of this territorial building.

【hymn of knowledge】

(bgbb) [Type: Functional】

【Quality: Golden Legend (Broken Extreme)】

【Level: 1v1 (0/100)】

【Inventory: 100 (base 10, ten times improvement)】

【Attribute 1: The manatee blows the suona and plays a piece of music that contains countless knowledge. The audience will randomly obtain rewards, including but not limited to abilities, skills, level experience points, etc. (once per day: basic once every ten days, ten times improvement)】

【Attribute 2: The manatee blows the suona, plays a hymn of knowledge, dispels the negative buffs of the audience, and adds a flash of inspiration effect to the audience. (1 time/1 day)】

【Attribute 3: The manatee blows the suona and plays a war song, which increases the attack power of the friendly audience by 100%, adds a morale boosting buff, and causes 10*10 area damage to the enemy (10 times/1 day)】

【Introduction: Knowledge is power, don’t be afraid of war!】

"What a baby!"

Qin Mo was a little happy.

Attribute 1.

You can get a lot of gains by listening to the performance.

And it's a large amount of gains.

This is very powerful!

With it, you only need to listen to one performance every day, and you can get a lot of gains. Harvest.

Abilities, skills, skill experience, level experience, etc.

"Thank the gods of knowledge! Qin

Mo said happily

"I owe you a favor, I will have a chance in the future"

"I will cover you!"

Although he is not as good as these indigenous gods now.

But he is still very confident in himself.

And. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They are the human lords and gods.

But something happened. The name is powerful!

Others become gods, and you can only become gods yourself.

But the lord is different.

After becoming an immortal god, the soldiers and heroes under his command can accumulate resources as long as their qualifications meet the standards , allowing them to easily break through and become immortal gods.! It can be said. A fairy lord. He has at least a dozen fairy soldiers under his command. Or heroes. If you accumulate enough


Take out hundreds of immortal brothers.

It's not that difficult.

Although the gods also have dependents.

They all have their own power.

But compared to the lord.

That is a small witch making a big witch appear.

There is absolutely no comparison! and.

The existence of the Hall of Valor.

It also gave the lord no worries.

The reason why the human race can become strong.

Rely on.

That’s it for this little feature.

One person becomes a god.

All the people of the territory.

Everyone has a chance to become a god!

Like Qin Mo.

He also obtained resurrection buildings such as the Hall of Valor.

That's even more amazing.

A pile can kill someone!

Qin Mo still remembers it.

There was a joking name in the previous life.

The player is the fourth natural disaster.

The reason why.

It is because death can be resurrected.

It can be done through infinite trial and error. to achieve their own goals.

And he has the Hall of Valor.

You can talk about the soldiers and heroes under your command.

It's a natural disaster!

Not to mention that he can be resurrected.

The strength is extremely powerful!

Calm your mind.

Qin Mo continued to sort out this harvest. at present.

There is also a civilization inheritance treasure chest from the City of Sages in his hand. as well as.

This hero, Song Knight Kallen, has not been viewed yet.

"The civilization inheritance treasure chest of the City of Sages."

Qin Mo rubbed his thumb and index finger together and began to think.

This treasure box is not the civilization treasure box of that country.

It is the civilization treasure box of the city of sages.

If nothing else, it should be a knowledge-related reward.

Yes. Being opened.

As for how much you can open, it depends on your luck.

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