
An extremely powerful breath exploded instantly.

Kallen raised her hand in surprise.

She felt the powerful power in her body.

But when she thought about it, this was Lord God.

Its power was like the vast ocean!

She suddenly felt that this was unexpected. Except.

But it is reasonable.

Ten times the attribute bonus is attached to the body.

World wonders, special buildings.

Cave heaven and earth.

Heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Territory talents.

Countless bonuses gathered into one body.

Kallen discovered dumbly.

This terrifying strength seemed to be even stronger than when she was at level 80! She clenched her little pink fist and felt that with one punch, she could easily blow up a pear cow with"two-two-zero"! That is a high-level monster!

"I'll give you this outfit first."

Qin Mo casually took out a dress and handed it to Karen.

Then he ordered

"Just ask Qilinhui to arrange your equipment."

"You know her."

Take over the dress.

Hearing this,

Kallen nodded. Of course she knew the gentle and capable Lord Divine Messenger.

That little unicorn.

"Lord God, are you ready to leave?"

Kalian said in confusion.

She saw Qin Mo getting up.

This was the rhythm of preparing to leave.


"Any questions? Qin

Mo asked in confusion.

Kallen bit her lower lip lightly.

She had no intention of putting on her dress.

Instead, she walked to Qin Mo and whispered.

"Lord Tenjin"

"Is Kallen so incapable of getting it?"

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly.

He stretched out his hand generously and pulled Karen into his arms.

"I just hope"

"Give you some time to calm down."

Kalian hugged Qin Mo's neck.

She exhaled and said

"Lord Tenjin"

"I have long been ready!"

Hearing this,

Qin Mo smiled calmly.

Since the beauty threw himself into his arms

, he naturally had no reason not to eat it.

What's more, the other party was quite good in terms of qualifications, appearance and figure. He had been suppressing him. Gun. Seeing this, he stopped pressing.


Karen's pupils were wide open.

In her beautiful eyes, she was a little surprised, a little surprised, and a little worried. Can she eat it


"No problem Karen"

"I trust you"

"no problem."

Qin Mo encouraged.

Hearing the words,

Kallen swallowed nervously and nodded slightly.

【Release the skill Yin and Yang, all attributes +10】

【Operate god-level skills, experience value +100]

Qin Mo walked out of his room refreshed.

Take a look.

It's not him who fills the cup.

It's true that he doesn't like it.

The so-called ten free attribute points.


All attributes +10 are easily obtained. wrong.

It can’t be said to be easy. after all.

This also took me about an hour.

I paid hundreds of millions to get it.

"Have a good rest."

He whispered instructions.

Qin Mo closed the door gently. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With his current bloodline ability,

Kallen could only resist for an hour.

She almost fainted. He walked over and left along the corridor.

Before walking out of the Yintian Palace,

Qin Mo saw several beauties walking across from him.

They were Jin Zhi.

There were also two water fairies.

Qin Mo, whose anger had not completely dissipated, suffered. After they bowed, he hugged them and went straight into the room.


Jin Zhi's beautiful eyes widened.

She looked at Qin Mo in disbelief.

Can she do it too?[]


"At worst, I'll use my full power to resist the wave! Qin

Mo said casually

"Okay, okay."

Jin Zhi nodded obediently and took the initiative to prepare hot, fragrant milk for Qin Mo.

The other water fairies started working hard.


A thunder sounded.

It resounded over the entire territory.

Within the territory, the peaceful elemental power became restless.

The elemental power is part of the power of nature.

What is nature?

It can be said that it is visible in the sky and on the ground.

What is missing is all natural!

And at this moment, nature is angry

"Master, I can't hold it back"

"Finally, he stretched out his claws towards the ancient druids."

Tap your hands lightly.

Qilin Hui, who is registering and counting their bloodline talents and other information, covers her mouth and snickers.

As for worry?

She has already seen it.

Although she is naturally angry, it is just incompetent and furious. But there is nothing that can be done. My own son.

What's more, which ancient druid didn't agree with joy?

Naturally, they are covered.

But it doesn't mean that they all agreed.

1.3 Naturally, they have to intervene.

It can only be like one.

Yes. Just like the old father who knew that his cabbage had been sacrificed by pigs.

He just let out incompetent rage.

After all, this girl is really partial!

Jin Zhi bit her lower lip lightly.

Tears shed from the corners of her eyes. But she still didn't allow it to be natural.

It hurt Qin Mo.

"Can there be thunder in our territory?"

Qiangwei looked up at the sky with some confusion.

There was lightning and thunder. It looked amazing.

Moreover, she sensed the violent power of the elements.

This made her very confused. She didn't know.

What happened!

"Sister is saying"

"My dear, you haven’t even spared nature’s daughter?".

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