Qilin Hui wrote it down carefully.

She also had this arrangement herself.

As the chief steward of the territory.

How could she not know the importance of this statistic?

When everything is documented.

Talent is available when needed.

Comes in handy immediately

"Thank you very much for my hard work, Hui'er. Qin

Mo said with a smile.

Qilin Hui smiled and arranged many matters.

Qin Mo went straight to the library.

Compared with the empty library at the time

, the library now has many books on the bookshelves. There are all kinds of books.

However, most of them are ordinary books.

Ordinary books.

Skill books, sub-professional books, alchemy books and other expensive books.

Very few.


Qin Mo smiled slightly and spread his hands.

The ocean of knowledge bloomed instantly.

Countless streams of light flew out from Qin Mo's palm and turned into books. They were automatically placed on the bookshelf. As the books poured in

, the library also emitted a soft light.

The library It's very big.

There are also a lot of bookshelves.

According to the original filling speed, it will probably take more than a month to fill the books.

But in just one minute, all the bookshelves are filled with books!

The next moment, the library. A shock.

The second floor opened up.

The streams of light found their landing point.

They quickly rushed towards the second floor.

Soon, the second floor was also filled.

The third floor.

The fourth floor.

The fifth floor.

Until The tenth floor is all opened.

The books turned into the great sage’s knowledge.

Only then are they released!

"Thank you, great sage!"

Qin Mo thanked him in a low voice.

The library was able to produce such a change.

It was caused by the remaining power of the great sage.

Under the influence of the power of the great sage's knowledge

【Fantasy Royal Library】Future.

There will be changes based on the books in it.

The number of books is sufficient.

The library will open more floors.

No matter how many books there are in the future.

You can fit them all in!

Equivalent to.

The library has an additional spatial function. and.

It will also be automatically categorized and sorted.

The biggest change among them. is a library for all books.

All have random attribute bonuses attached.

It only takes a certain amount of time to read.

You can get a certain attribute improvement!


Most of the books are only a few cents.

One point, two points or so of bonus.

But a little adds up to a lot.

There is one more way to improve attributes.

It’s also very good!

Qin Mo waved casually.

A book flies into my hand

【Champion Hou’s Journey to the North], after one hundred hours of reading.

Three points of spiritual power will be gained. at the same time.

It can also improve experience in commanding operations, leading troops on expeditions, identifying directions, finding water sources, etc.

"not bad."

Qin Mo casually put it back on the bookshelf.

"Lord, there are so many books!"

Lilith was coiled on the spot. She stuck out her tongue in surprise.

She was immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

When she came back to her senses, she discovered that this library had undergone such a big change!

"Like it? Qin

Mo smiled lightly and said

"Like it very much!"

Lilith nodded excitedly.

She swam around and wrapped Qin Mo around her.

Qin Mo stretched out his hand to play with it and gave instructions.


"There are a lot of books about alchemy upstairs."

"You have to be good at research."

Lilith raised her head and held her chest out with a smile. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Let Qin Mo play with him...

Hearing this, she nodded obediently.

"Don't worry, Lord."

"Lilith will study hard!"

"Be sure to make a snake that is useful to the territory and to you, the lord!"

Qin Mo nodded with a smile.

He glanced at the teasing snake's tail.

At this time, there was no one in the library.

His black eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

"Lilith, you are playing with fire."

"You're the only one here"

"But no one helps you."

Lilith's eyes widened.[]

Bright sunshine.

Light shines through the glass into the library.

In the ocean of knowledge.

The two academic books were opened by Qin Mo and read carefully.

I can tell.

These two academic qualifications are well protected.

These two academic books are quite old.

It still looks brand new.

There are just a lot of loose threads.

Qin Mo immediately started pruning

".That’s it!"

Looking at the flat academic book.

Not a single thread was left.

Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction.

However, it was empty.

It seemed that the owner of the academic book had no close friends.

He thought about it and picked it up casually. With a fist-sized ink pen, I started scribbling on the academic books.

In the end,

I was left with two academic books filled with water pens.

"This will make it more beautiful."

Qin Mo proudly admired his masterpiece.

After admiring it for a long time, he closed the academic book and put it away. He wrapped it up in a brand new book.

Qin Mo then turned around and left the library slowly.

Looking at Behind him, the library remained unchanged in appearance.

Qin Mo smiled faintly.

With this library , plus the population in the Qiangwei territory, when they learned various sub-professions, the territory was far enough away from Zigong to be self-sufficient. The goal

(Zhao) took another big step! and.

Rose's territory is not small either.

Qin Mo planned.

Place her territory in an unknown dimension.

As a logistics place.

Various sub-careers.

Territory buildings that are specially matched with sub-professions.

Qin Mo planned it.

Settled in Rose's territory. for example.

Plowing fields, pastures, spiritual fields, etc.

Fight externally.

Just leave it to the soldiers and heroes under Qin Mo's command.

Rose's male soldiers.

Just do the logistics! ps: I saw a comment asking that the subsidiary territory and the main territory are separate.

Can be seen as a pendant.

They can be separated at any time. The woman is brought directly into the territory, and the man works in the original territory to do logistics

, blacksmithing, mining, etc.

There will be no other man in the territory except Qin Mo, and there is no need for it.

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