Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 205 Not good! There's a big monster in the city!

Killing people to seize treasures is a normal thing. If you really encounter some good treasures, Yang Yu won't mind doing it.

It is a crime to possess a jade. Powerful magical weapons are naturally the ones who possess them.

However, he would not take action for no reason unless he couldn't help it.


The woman answered simply, but then continued:

"It's just that if the Immortal Chief wants something from me, that's fine. I just ask the Immortal Chief to save me. I want to worship the Immortal Chief as my teacher. If I can be your disciple, I can give it to you with both hands."

As the woman spoke, she knelt down again with a plop.


Yang Yu said softly, he was indeed moved.

A magic weapon that can hide the breath, even he can't detect it at close range. This ability seems to be much stronger than the illusion technique he masters.

It's not impossible to just accept this woman as a disciple.

Now that Miaodao Sect is being built, new blood needs to be added to the door. It cannot always be just a few people.

If you don't have to rob, that would be the best, as you don't have to feel any psychological guilt.

"Why are you begging me? Don't you go find someone else?"

But Yang Gu still asked.

There are many cultivators in this world, but for him to meet a disciple here, and one who possesses a rare treasure, it is hard not to make people suspicious.

After hearing Yang Yu's question, the woman hesitated.

"Looking for...looking for them, but they are all dead..."


"Why did you die?"

"We came all the way from the north. In order to escape from Tianjing Province, we encountered too many demons on the way. All the masters I worshiped died in the hands of demons."

This is reasonable, but Yang Yu still feels a little strange.

"How many masters have you had?"



"How long ago did you become your first master?"

"...twenty days ago."


After hearing the woman's words, Yang Yu turned around and left without saying another word.

He suddenly felt that any magic weapon was boring, so it was better not to cause such trouble.

It is obvious that she has a master-defying physique. Whoever treats her as a master will be unlucky. It is best to stay away from her.

Yang Yu didn't want to kill her. If he couldn't do it, he just left.

Seeing Yang Yu disappear from sight in the blink of an eye, disappearing completely in the dark night, the woman suddenly froze on the spot.

This...he ran away?

She didn't even have time to see which direction Yang Yu left from. She was already ready to take out the treasure and hand it to Yang Yu, begging him to accept her as his apprentice.

Sighing slightly, the woman took out a palm-sized copper cauldron from her arms.

There is a piece of flesh on the bronze tripod, which seems to grow out of the bottom of the tripod.

The flesh and blood has been connected to her belly button, like an umbilical cord, connected to her body.

The woman grabbed a slightly clean corner of the clothes and wiped it on the flesh and blood. There was a lot of dirt on it, which would make her uncomfortable after a long time.

This was something she got a year ago. At first she thought it was some kind of treasure, and it was indeed a treasure, but she didn't fully understand the function of it.

All she knew was that she could make a wish for this treasure, and as long as it wasn't too outrageous, there was a high probability that it would come true.

But after it is realized, in the next period of time, it will fall into bad luck and be surrounded by dangers.

It was with this object that she escaped here from the depths of Tianjing Province, and escaped from the ravages of many demons.

The scene where Yang Yu killed those demons just now was all seen by her, and he was simply stronger than the three masters she had worshiped before combined.

This is why she ran out immediately and asked to be allowed to become Yang Yu's teacher.

This was the first time she had encountered such a powerful immortal.

But now, people are scared away by her...

"I hope to see the Immortal Master again and worship him as my teacher!"

Holding the bronze tripod with both hands, the woman slowly closed her eyes and spoke out her heart's wish.

But after a while, there was no response. Instead, strange noises began to be heard not far away. Apparently another demon appeared and was approaching here.

The woman quickly put away the bronze tripod, hid it in her arms, and hurriedly found a way to escape.

Ah owe——

Thousands of meters away, Yang Yu sneezed inexplicably, feeling surprised.

At his level of cultivation, he could recover from any injury, there was no possibility of getting sick, and unexplained sneezing was even rarer.

That would be too evil!

He sneezed just after meeting him once. If he accepts this disciple, he knows what will happen.

Fortunately, he ran away decisively. This was really a wise decision.

It shouldn't be said that even an ordinary mortal can be so dangerous, but one should not be careless.

Not far away, Yang Yu had already left the village where he was, walked into the wilderness, and continued to rush towards Shifang City.

These are uninhabited places and there are no monsters. If you want to find monsters, you still have to go to places where people gather.

A quarter of an hour later, he passed a city and stopped decisively.

Below is a small city, but there are no lights at night, but it is bright.

Here, he sensed the auras of a large number of demons, as well as the auras of many monks, as well as some mortals.

It seems that the battle between monks and demons is still going on in this city, and the mortals have not yet been completely destroyed.

There are no fewer than ten demons in the flesh realm, and even more demons in the fu stone realm.

On the other hand, on the monks' side, there are not many flesh-killing realms left, not many fu-shi realms left, and there are still many monks in the yuan-feeding realm who are still hanging on.

If this continues, the city will be destroyed sooner or later, and it won't last long at all.

But that's fine. Anyway, he came here just for the flesh and blood of these monsters, so he just treated it as a casual thing.


Yang Gu's figure fell from a high place and fell straight into the city, making a sound and stirring up dust and smoke.

The moment he landed, many demons were alerted in the darkness and looked towards Yang Yu.

The surrounding area is full of broken eaves and broken walls, many buildings have been destroyed, and smoke is burning everywhere.

The next moment, a dozen black shadows ran out of it and quickly headed towards Yang Yu's location.

But just within three meters of the Eucalyptus poplar, a black light was like a field, with the Eucalyptus poplar as the center point and suddenly spread out, even covering up the burning flames, completely shrouding it in darkness.

At the moment when the secret spell of opening up the darkness was unfolded, dozens of figures in a row were all still, staying within ten meters of Yang Yu's body, as if they were petrified.

At the same time, countless golden lights appeared in the air within a few meters, and began to wave rapidly above the black light, like a golden lotus blooming in the darkness.

With their flesh and blood flying, these demons had no time to scream, and in an instant they were reduced to pieces of flesh on the ground.

A silver bead flew up from Yang Yu's hand, and countless flesh and blood from all directions were quickly absorbed, like torrents, all swallowed up by the seal residue.

Not enough!

Yang Yu simply maintained the secret spell to form a field around his body and continued walking towards the city.

His figure passed through the smoke and fire in the night, getting farther and farther away.

There are countless demons in the city. When they sense the scent of Eucalyptus poplar, they all rush towards them like moths flying into a flame, like zombies emerging from their cages.

But before they get close to the poplar eucalyptus, they will be immobilized by the secret spell of darkness, cut by the golden light, and they will die in groups.

As for Yang Gu, he walked along the central street, quickly passed the streets of the outer city, and continued towards the inner city.

The Secret Mantra to Clear Darkness and Increase the Light is like chopping melons and vegetables, like entering a deserted place.

He also gave this combo a very appropriate name - sticky mouse board!

In his eyes, these monsters are no different from rats. Once they are attracted, the end will be the same.

Unknowingly, a large amount of flesh and blood was absorbed and devoured by the silver beads, and even the devouring speed could not keep up with the speed at which Yang Eucalyptus killed the demon.

Streams of flesh and blood flew from all directions, as if forming countless scarlet ribbons around his body, which was extremely visual impact.

Soon, Yang Gu came to the inner city!

At this moment, on the other side of the city.

Dozens of monks gathered on a street, their faces looking very ugly under the bright firelight.

They are monks from various sects in Tianjing Prefecture who came to support according to the orders of Jinlu Pavilion. Their purpose is to resist the large number of demons in Tianjing Prefecture and expel these demons as much as possible.

But there are too many monsters!

In this small city alone, the number of demons has reached nearly a thousand.

After many monks who came to support found that they could not resist, most of them were injured and ran away. Now they are the only ones left, not even a hundred.

If there weren't several great monks from the Flesh Death Realm here, I'm afraid they would have escaped.

What can you do to resist the devil?

It's impossible to take their lives to fill it!

I don’t know why there was a sudden demonic disaster in Tianjing Prefecture. Now Tianjing Prefecture is really full of wars. Even if you leave here, you will encounter demons.

But there is Jinlu Pavilion's order in front of them. As an affiliated force of Jinlu Pavilion, if they do not obey the order, the entire sect will be devastated by Jinlu Pavilion, so they can only choose to do their best.

So some monks came up with an idea and simply gathered all the mortals in the city, lured all the demons over, and then caught them all in one fell swoop, killing as many as they could, including the mortals!

Anyway, Jinlu Pavilion didn't order them to protect these mortals, they just tried their best to resist the demons.

Mortals are like ants. It doesn't matter how many people die. The most important thing is whether they can kill these monsters.

Everyone is now discussing whether this proposal is feasible, and a decision must be made quickly.

If they can kill a large number of demons here, it will definitely be a great achievement. Even if they run away in the end, they will definitely be rewarded by Jinlu Pavilion. After all, they have tried their best.

Soon, after everyone discussed it, they all felt that this plan was feasible, so they prepared to implement it according to the plan. They first went to catch those mortals who were hiding everywhere and gathered them together.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the air and landed in front of everyone.

He is specifically responsible for detecting the movements of demons at high altitudes so that everyone can be notified immediately for easy response.

But after the visitor fell, his expression changed.

"No! There's a big monster in the city! It's coming towards us! What should we do?"

"Are you sure?"

Everyone was immediately shocked, and they all wanted to let go of their senses to detect the big demon he was talking about.

"As soon as that guy entered the city, he went on a killing spree, not even sparing other demons. He had killed almost two hundred of them. His blood was so strong that he even ate all the flesh and blood of those demons."

"Who in the normal world eats monsters? It's definitely a big monster!"

There will be another chapter later

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