Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 204 At least give me some reaction, brother!

After much deliberation, I decided to give it a try first.

After all, there were so many demons that it would be a waste for him to just abandon these flesh and blood.

Yang Yu put away the red lightning in his hand, disappeared into the night, and continued towards the village.

While walking, a hand suddenly stretched out from the ground, suddenly grabbed one of Yang Yu's feet, and pulled it down hard.

Feeling the force coming from under his feet, Yang Yu smiled slightly, with a flash of light on his hand, punched into the ground, pulled a guy out of the soil and threw it to the ground.

The upper body of this demon is humanoid, and the lower body is like a big meat insect, covered with barbs, and seems to be specially designed to dig into the soil and travel underground.

Instead, he was pulled out of the ground. A trace of confusion flashed in the demon's eyes, but he quickly recovered and immediately wanted to get into the soil again.

But Yang Yu didn't give him this chance. The moment he pulled it out, the black light that blended into the night suddenly activated.

The demon's body was immediately frozen in place, unable to move, and it made strange noises from its mouth.

"You brought this to your door yourself."

Yang Yu showed a smile on his face, stretched out his hand, and several rays of golden light appeared, and began to cut the demon's flesh and blood alive.

First cut off the head, then separate the limbs, and then cut off the other parts.

The Great Light Buddha Golden Zen Mantra is a light spell and a Buddhist art. It can be said to be super powerful in restraining demons.

It was almost effortless to slice through the demon's body easily.

The cut is smooth and flat, just like cutting tofu.

This is a demon that has just entered the Fushi. After being cut by Eucalyptus poplar, the divided body began to squirm with new flesh buds in an attempt to recover.

But in just a blink of an eye, it was cut into minced meat by the golden light, a veritable meat grinder.

Until now, when Yang Yu came to Tianjing Prefecture, the demons he encountered were at least in the Fu Shi realm, and there were no demons below the Fu Shi realm at all.

These demons are a bit too strong in terms of quantity and strength.

Jinzhu City is the main city of Zichuan State. Most of the auras he can sense are from the Fu Shi Realm, and there are also many from the Flesh Realm. However, compared to the number of monsters, they are nothing compared to the number of monsters.

Demonic disasters are caused by tens of thousands of demons gathering together. It is hard to imagine how one could resist it if many monks were not involved.

It's no wonder that the head of Zichuan Prefecture came to Tianjing Prefecture. Something big is going to happen in Tianjing Prefecture.

But this has nothing to do with him for the time being. All he needs to do is find the head of Zichuan State and get the Jinlu Zong Seal. He doesn't care about the rest.

As one of the overlords of the Baosha Domain, Jinlu Pavilion must have a way to deal with it, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Focusing on the present moment, the demon's body has been cut into pulp by him. Although it is still recovering, the speed of recovery cannot be compared to the speed of golden light cutting.

Yang Yu is actually very curious. For those who gain immortality after entering the Fu Shi Realm, can they really be killed only by blasting them into pieces?

Apart from this, is there no other way?

Suppressed by the power of rules, the demon's flesh and blood recovers very slowly.

If it's just a wound, it seems like it only takes one breath to recover, but since it's been chopped into pulp, the recovery speed will be slower and slower.

The greater the injury, the slower the recovery!

Yang Yu looked at it for a while and concluded a result, from which he also made a guess in his mind.

If it is allowed to maintain this kind of injury, will its immortality disappear as time goes by? Until final and complete death, with no way to recover?

The golden light was still cutting the demon's flesh and blood, and the consumption of mana was very small. Yang Yu wanted to verify it.

He waited for a full stick of incense, and finally waited for the result under the repeated cutting of the golden light.

After one stick of incense, the demon was dead, its flesh and blood completely lost its activity, and there was no sign of recovery.

It seems that the immortal body does have its limit. The greater the injury, the greater the consumption of immortality. Until the immortality is finally exhausted, it will die.

Sure enough, it's not true immortality, just close to immortality.

If immortality is counted as a kind of energy, you can get this energy when you first enter the Fu Shi, and you will get more in the middle stage of the Fu Shi.

As your cultivation improves more and more, you can last longer and become more difficult to kill.

Unless there are special restraint methods, such as keeping the opponent in a state of near-death, quickly consuming this immortality.

Otherwise, it is still more direct and faster to kill the enemy to pieces.

It can be seen from this that those who can grow above the level of flesh, whether they are monks or demons, must have mastered the killing move that can restrain immortality. Otherwise, they would not have such cultivation and strength, so they must not be careless.

Yang Yu quickly took out the seal residue from the flesh-buried talisman, and the finger-sized silver beads slowly moved around in Yang Yu's hand.

Under the control of Yang Eucalyptus, mana was input into the bead. The bead quickly reacted, and a huge suction force seemed to come from the void, quickly swallowing up all the flesh and blood on the ground.

In just the blink of an eye, a demon's flesh and blood was consumed, leaving only some blood stains and marks on the ground.

After sucking the flesh and blood, the bead returned to Yang Gu's hand, and then became motionless, as if it had turned into a dead thing.

Even though he knew that it would take a lot of flesh and blood to revive it, Yang Gu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

At least give me some reaction, brother!

Shaking his head, Yang Yu had no choice but to continue heading deeper into the village.

In less than a cup of tea, he killed several more demons, and at the same time encountered a yuan-feeding demon below the fu stone.

But before Yang Yu could take action, the Yuanji demon was swallowed by the Fu Shi demon.

Yang Yu finally understood why those weak monsters could not be seen here.

Still doing the same thing, first use the secret spell to immobilize these monsters, and then break them down to eliminate all the monsters.

The flesh and blood were all swallowed up by the silver beads, but there was still no reaction. Yang Yu had to continue looking for new monsters.

While walking, a scream suddenly came from not far away. It seemed that a group of mortals hiding were discovered by the demon and were being attacked by the demon.

Under the attack of a group of Fu Shi realm monsters, it is basically impossible for a mortal to survive.

In just the blink of an eye, the screams quickly died down and disappeared, leaving only the occasional gasp.

At this time, Yang Gu also came to the place where the screams came from.

It was a cellar dug out of the ground. The stone slabs fastened to it had been shattered. There was a lot of blood scattered along the entrance of the cellar, as well as many broken limbs and flesh. The scene was really miserable.

According to Yang Gu's perception, there were four monsters outside and six more inside the cellar, for a total of ten monsters.

With just so many Fu Shi demons, even hundreds of mortals wouldn't be able to survive.

Sometimes Yang Yu also wonders. It stands to reason that so many demons are raging and mortals have no ability to resist. How can it continue?

In the twenty-year memory of his predecessor, the place where he was originally was only affected and violated by demons after the collapse of the dynasty, which was not long after he traveled to the world.

But this is very inconsistent with the long-standing history of the monks.

Didn’t monks and demons already exist? Why didn't anything happen before this? Could it be that these monsters are just causing trouble to the world?

If these monsters had been allowed to cause trouble to the world for so many years, how could so many mortals survive?

Unable to figure it out and too lazy to think about it, Yang Yu took action directly.

The Darkness Secret Spell unfolded over a large area, and the black light shrouded all the demons in the perception. Then several golden lights shot into the cellar, directly exploding the entire cellar.

There were ten demons in total, but in the blink of an eye, they all fell to the ground. They were no match for Yang Yu.

Then it was minced into pieces by the golden light. When the poplar eucalyptus swallowed all the flesh and blood, he put away the beads and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a strange voice came from the cellar.

"Immortal! Immortal, walk slowly! Please Immortal, please save me!"

A thin figure climbed out of the cellar, ran to Yang Yu, knelt on the ground with a plop, and kowtowed to Yang Yu several times.

Yang Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at the person in front of him curiously. He didn't even feel the presence of this person just now, and he only showed up later.

If not, he would have walked away.

But now that he was getting closer, Yang Yu finally discovered that there seemed to be a film-like thing on this man's body, covering up his aura.

No wonder I didn't feel it just now.

To be able to escape the perception of him and so many monsters, and not even notice it even in front of him, this guy must be hiding something.

He didn't feel the breath of the spell, it looked like it was a magic weapon.

"stand up."

Yang Yu became interested and said softly.

This man's disheveled hair hid his appearance, making it difficult to see what he looked like. He looked very thin, as if caused by long-term malnutrition, which was quite normal in this world.

The man kneeling on the ground hesitated for a moment, then slowly stood up from the ground, and pushed his scattered hair to both sides, revealing his true appearance.

Yang Yu looked at her, a little surprised.


He thought it was a man, but he didn't expect it to be a woman.

Although this person's clothes were messy and stained with a lot of mud, and she looked dirty, judging from her face and figure, she was indeed a woman, but her voice was a bit neutral.

The woman's height only reached his chin. She glanced at Yang Yu with some fear and found that Yang Yu was looking at her, and immediately lowered her head.

"Are you from this village?"

The woman shook her head.

"Immortal, I came here to escape, but I encountered a demon again in this village. Fortunately, I met the immortal to take action, otherwise..."

Hearing the woman's words, Yang Yu suddenly smiled coldly.

Who are you bluffing?

Being able to deceive his senses, the monsters wouldn't be able to detect it, so escaping wouldn't be easy.

But this is normal. If it were him, he would hide himself first when facing a strong person.

"Why did you come out to see me? You have something good with you. Are you afraid that I will kill you and take it away?"

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