Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 206 112 Misconceptions, internal fighting among demons! Great idea!

Chapter 206 "112" Misconceptions, internal fighting among demons! Great idea!

In addition to the need to sacrifice certain special spells or magic weapons, the flesh and blood of demons will be needed.

Otherwise, no one would want to take the initiative to contaminate this thing, let alone devour their flesh and blood.

Although everyone comes from the same source, the demon is more like a terminally ill patient, full of ulcers.

Just like everyone is a stone in the toilet, the monster must be the smelliest and worst one, but there is too much filth on it, and no one is willing to take the initiative to get close to it.

Anyone who dares to devour the flesh and blood of monsters without restraint at all, except for big monsters, is a lunatic among the monks.

And he’s the kind of completely desperate lunatic!

"He has entered the inner city!"

The person in charge of detection was a little panicked.

Even facing those monsters in the flesh-killing realm before, there was no such great pressure.

Dare to kill the same kind unscrupulously, even the previous big monsters would not do this. The background of this big monster is definitely not small, and it is definitely not easy to mess with.

"Why are you panicking? It's just the middle stage of physical death!"

One of the monks who was in the late stage of flesh-and-blood death couldn't stand it and immediately scolded him.

When they got the news, they had already let go of their senses, and naturally they also sensed the big demon's cultivation aura, but it was only in the middle stage of physical death.

No matter how strong they are, there are still several of them in the Flesh Death Realm here. If they swarm up, the opponent is not a zombie god, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Follow the plan. If he dares to get close again, we will fight back!"

This monk seemed to have a high status. When he said something, no one refuted it and everyone listened to him.

Soon everyone decided to perform their respective duties and sent some people to catch the mortals hiding in the city. Most of the flesh-killing monks stayed in place to prevent accidents and focused all their attention on that. On the body of the big demon.

On the other side, as it gradually approaches the inner city, it finally enters the scope of the inner city.

Yang Gu also sensed the aura of many monks at the edge of the city.

These guys seem to be wavering between staying and going.

Yang Gu was too lazy to pay attention to them.

He never thought about dealing with these people, he just wanted to devour as much demon flesh and blood as possible in this city, and then leave.

We just don't offend the river.

As long as the other party doesn't pay attention to him, he won't pay attention to the other party either.

He has been driving the Dark Secret Mantra and the Great Light Buddha Golden Zen Mantra. With the Moro Buddha Aperture, the consumption of mana is not very large.

If he continued like this, he could still hold on for at least several hours.

And so far, he has killed no less than two hundred demons. The piles of demon corpses alone would probably fill a room.

But what makes Yang Yu strange is that the seal residue still shows no signs of recovery, and there is no movement at all.

Isn't it possible that so much flesh and blood can't even be stuffed between the teeth?

If this is really the case, how much flesh and blood will be needed to revive the Earthly Dharma Stele inside?

Yang Yu didn't want to give up the rare opportunity now. If he didn't do it this time, it would not be easy to find so much flesh and blood later.

No matter what, come on, keep on killing!

Even after reaching the inner city, the number of demons did not decrease, but instead increased.

These monsters seemed to have lost their minds, and they all swarmed him regardless of his cultivation level.

But none of them could rush in front of Yang Gu. They were immobilized by the secret spell and were swallowed up in the next second.

His actions also attracted the attention of the flesh-death monsters, and soon two flesh-death realm monsters appeared in Yang Yu's field of vision.

Compared with these demons who have lost their minds, the flesh demons seem to still have reason.

Watching Yang Yu from a distance, he didn't rush directly.

For Yang Yu, what he wants is flesh and blood, and there is no need to distinguish the cultivation level of these flesh and blood.

Anyway, no matter how strong these monsters are, they only have so much flesh and blood on their bodies, and their cultivation cannot affect... Wait!

Yang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up!

He found that he seemed to have entered a misunderstanding!

It seems that cultivation can indeed determine the amount of flesh and blood.

Having a higher level of cultivation means having more immortality. Even if the flesh and blood is gone, it can be regenerated in a short time.

He killed a bunch of demons in the Fu Shi realm. The flesh and blood regeneration speed in the Fu Shi realm was suppressed by the power of rules and was very slow.

But what if it’s the realm of flesh and blood? What about even the zombies who are above the level of flesh and blood?

If he could catch enough flesh demons and use their flesh and blood to regenerate, would he be able to devour their flesh and blood continuously before the immortality in their bodies was completely consumed?

If this was really possible, why would he bother to put in more effort to kill some minions?

Thinking of this, Yang Yu's eyes suddenly seemed to shine as he looked at the two fleshy demons who had not made any movement in the distance.


The red lightning suddenly filled Yang Yu's body and shook all of a sudden, turning all the immobilized demons within ten meters into ashes.

His gaze never left, looking at the two ugly monsters from a distance. He immediately flew up and rushed towards the two monsters, his eyes shining.

In the distance, there was a distance of more than ten meters between the two demons.

One is a man with a deer head and a strong build, with several rows of black rings hanging on his back.

The other one was huge, as big as a building, with an oval body shape, and a huge mouth standing upright from top to bottom. There were two black eyes on both sides of the mouth, and the mouth was full of dense arms.

"Whose subordinate are you, little one? Why are you killing your fellow men?"

Seeing Yang Yu suddenly rushing over, the two demons looked at each other, and a voice immediately reached Yang Yu's ears.

Yang Yu's figure suddenly stopped, standing on the roof, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Were you talking just now?"

He looked at the demon with the body of a deer and asked curiously.

This was the first time he encountered a situation where demons could communicate, so he stopped.

The reason why he only looked at the demon with the body of a deer and the head of a deer was because although this guy was ugly, he had perfect facial features.

As for the other ugly monster, looking at the big mouth and silly look, he didn't think this guy could still speak.

"answer my question!"

It was indeed the demon who spoke, but he did not respond to Yang Yu, but scolded her again.


Yang Gu couldn't help but smile.

He had always thought that these were a group of irrational monsters, but he never expected that they could still communicate.

Listening to the other party's questions, he should have been regarded as a monster.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu almost laughed out of anger.

Damn, why does he look like a monster? This is blaming someone’s innocence out of thin air!

Just say that other monks can't practice his magic. How can a demon practice it?

Seeing that Yang Yu didn't answer the question for a long time.

"court death!"

Both demons were obviously angry.

The monster with human body and deer head shook, and dozens of black rings flew out from his body.

Those rings separated from its flesh and blood, and all flew towards Yang Yu. They were so fast that they appeared in front of Yang Yu in the blink of an eye.

This ring is a magic weapon that it has been refining. It has been refining it with the flesh and blood in its body for a long time, and it has become extremely vicious.

As long as they are touched by these rings, even monks and monsters in the same realm as them will immediately turn into a pool of dirty blood, and their immortal bodies will be extremely difficult to recover.

Being able to kill so many demons in a very short period of time, they could naturally see that Yang Yu was not simple, so they made a killing move without even thinking about testing.

And when these rings appeared in front of Yang Yu, he saw Yang Yu simply pinch out a seal in his hand. In an instant, a thick layer of green light suddenly emanated from Yang Yu's body, covering his whole body. .


Continuous sounds resounded in front of Yang Yu. Although he was protected by Baoguang Liuli Jingshu, under the attack of so many rings, the green light soon dimmed.

Wherever those rings touched, black spots appeared uniformly.

This black spot will spread rapidly, and soon the green light all over Yang Gu's body will become dull and suddenly shattered.

At this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared behind Yang Yu.

A huge ugly mouth opened wide and bit into the poplar gum.

A large number of arms stretched out from the mouth, trying to catch Yang Yu. At the same time, Yang Yu also felt an unknown confinement, which made him unable to move for a moment. The effect was almost the same as the secret spell of opening the darkness.

Seeing that the attacks of the two demons were approaching, Yang Yu did not feel any fear.

Although everyone is a flesh and blood, he is a flesh and blood that can kill the zombie god, which is not comparable to ordinary flesh and blood.

That's it?

Yang Yu didn't even sense the threat, and a sneer appeared on his face.

The power of this imprisonment is nothing compared to the old guy's imprisonment, which can completely imprison his soul.

The next moment, a ring emitting white light suddenly appeared behind Yang Yu, stretching the shadow under him in an instant.

In just the blink of an eye, Yang Yu's figure disappeared instantly.

When Yang Yu appeared again, he was suddenly behind the demon with a human body and a deer head, and had already pinched out a seal in his hand.

The demon reacted quickly and turned around immediately as if aware of it.


A large number of rings on its body made the sound of collision, but before it could break away from its body, a black light enveloped it.

The next second, a tall figure appeared in front of it, and a big hand fell on its head, pressing it firmly to the ground.

Countless golden lights then appeared in mid-air, but they shot into its body like bullets coming out of the barrel.

Limbs, body, head!

Every part was penetrated by golden light, making it impossible to move or resist.

Although the demon's head was already a deer's head, its facial features still showed pain and horror.

"Look! The demons are fighting among themselves! The big demon is fighting one against two, but he doesn't lose at all!"

On the other side, the monk in charge of the investigation suddenly said with joy. His attention had never moved away from Yang Yu. He was always paying attention to Yang Yu's every move and providing feedback at any time.

The other monks also saw this scene and were suddenly surprised.

"This monster is not simple! It can actually fight one against two, and can counterattack easily! What is its origin?"

"Don't worry about where it comes from, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

“Since they started fighting, it means they definitely don’t deal with each other!

We can lure other big monsters over, make them mess up, and take advantage of the opportunity to strike. Maybe we can annihilate all the big monsters in one fell swoop! "

Someone reacted and suggested.

When the others heard it, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is a great plan!"

Last night I calculated the remaining arrears, and I unknowingly accumulated them to 12 chapters. I will work hard to pay them off.

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