Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 203 A large number of demons? Then I'm even more excited!

Still need to wait some time?

This is not possible!

The Miaodao Sect has just been established, and although the affairs within the sect have been left to Wen Yin's care.

But with Wenyin's cultivation level, if something unexpected happened, Yang Yu didn't want to see the newly established Miaodao Sect collapse again in the blink of an eye.

No one may notice Miaodaomen in a short period of time, but that may not happen over time.

Without the Golden Thread Sect Seal, the Miaodao Sect will not be recognized and may be occupied by other powerful monks at any time, making the same mistake as the Jade Flesh Sect.

"Fellow Taoist, when will the state leader return?"

Yang Yu asked immediately.

"It's impossible to say for sure. It could take as little as ten days, or as long as one month. Anyway, within one month at most, the state leader will definitely come back."

The black-and-white-haired man replied, now that he knew Yang Yu's identity, he was no longer as defensive as before.

"Does the state leader have to be here to get the Golden Cord Zong Seal?"

Yang Gu was puzzled.

"The Jinlu Sect's seal is an important token of our Jinlu Sect. Since you have chosen to surrender to my Jinlu Sect, you naturally need to be recognized by my Jinlu Sect. Not just any cat or dog can become an affiliate of my Jinlu Sect. power."

The man with black and white hair said arrogantly.

Although he is just a subordinate of the state leader in Jinzhucheng here.

But when facing these affiliated forces, he is also a big shot, and his attitude naturally appears to be superior.

Although Yang Yu's cultivation level is the same as his, he will not take Yang Yu seriously at all.

This is the due status of a person who is the overlord of the Baosha Domain.

Offending him would be tantamount to offending the entire Jinlu Sect, and no one would dare to do that.

This is a bit difficult to handle...

After hearing the words of the black-haired man, Yang Yu fell into thinking.

If he returns to Miaodao Sect now, he doesn't know when the head of Zichuan State will come back.

As long as he doesn't get the Golden Thread Sect Seal for a day, the Miaodao Sect will be a pheasant force that is not among them, and it will probably cause a lot of trouble and prying eyes.

It was impossible for him to run to Golden Bamboo City every day and waste his time in the hope that others would come back.

If you stay here, it will be the same, and you will fall into a completely passive situation.

Yang Yu became more and more disgusted with the passive situation.

Falling into passivity means that accidents will happen and things will go against you.

No matter what you do, you must take the initiative!

He didn't want to have to be restrained everywhere after finally getting rid of the old guy.

He thought for a moment, then immediately raised his head and said to the man with black and white hair:

"Fellow Taoist, you might as well tell me the whereabouts of the state leader, and I'll go look for it myself. How about that?"

This seemed to be the most appropriate way. Since the person was not there, he would come to the door himself.

As long as the state leader of Zichuan State can be found as soon as possible, the sooner he can obtain the Golden Thread Sect Seal and return to Miaodao Sect to ensure that nothing will happen to Miaodao Sect.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

After hearing Yang Yu's words, the man with black and white hair grinned.

There was no other way, Yang Yu nodded.

"The state leader went to Tianjing Prefecture. At this time, there is a demonic disaster in Tianjing Prefecture. There are countless flesh-destroying demons and zombie demons gathered in Tianjing Prefecture. There is no guarantee that you will be able to come back."

Demonic disaster?

Is there anything else to say?

This is the first time Yang Yu has encountered such a thing.

The meaning of Black Head is very simple. A large number of demons are raging in Tianjing Prefecture, and Tianjing Prefecture has become a dangerous place.

"Do you dare to go?"

The black-and-white-haired man asked suspiciously.

The demonic disaster in Tianjing Prefecture has broken out for more than ten days, which can be said to be a loss of life. The state leader also went to support Tianjing Prefecture to resist the demons.

After all, Tianjing Prefecture is adjacent to Zichuan Prefecture. If something happens to Tianjing Prefecture, something will happen to Zichuan Prefecture as well.

"Why don't you dare!"

Yang Gu has nothing to fear.


Isn't this technique of his specifically designed to target demons?

And if it is a demonic disaster, it means that there must be a large number of demons involved.

In order to revive the Earthly Dharma Monument, in addition to a fragment of the forbidden weapon, a large amount of flesh and blood is also needed.

Isn’t this demon’s flesh and blood just right?

He was still worried about how to find flesh and blood, and now was an excellent opportunity.

Even if it wasn't to go to the state leader to get the Golden Thread Sect Seal, but he just heard about the demonic disaster, he still had to go.

And, inexplicably, I feel a little excited...

Glancing at Yang Yu strangely, the black-and-white-haired man frowned.

Yang Yu's reaction was completely different from what he imagined.

I originally thought that Yang Yu would be scared after hearing about the demonic disaster. After all, it was not a group of simple evil spirits that could be called a demonic disaster.

What is a demonic disaster?

The demon disaster is an army formed by countless demons, numbering in the tens of thousands.

Just hearing that there were a large number of monsters in the Flesh Death Realm inside, he didn't even dare to go or even get close, let alone there were countless monsters in the Zombie God Realm among them.

Just hearing about the large number of monsters in the Zombie God Realm can make people feel frightened.

However, Yang Yu showed no change in his expression at all, and it looked like... why did he feel a little excited?

Who gets excited when they hear about hordes of big monsters?


There were all kinds of people among the monks, including lunatics, so I just cursed in my heart, and the black-haired man didn't bother to care.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. I've seen people like you before, but in the end they all died and turned into withered bones in the grave."


Yang Yuyan responded concisely and concisely: "Fellow Taoist, please tell me the detailed location of the state leader."

"Tianjing Prefecture, Shifang City."

The black-and-white-haired man said these words and walked away without looking back.

In his eyes, such a guy who overestimates his capabilities will most likely end up dead anyway, so he doesn't bother to say anything more.

After getting the location of the state leader, Yang Yu immediately asked Gong Niang for the detailed location and direction.

I learned that Tianjing Prefecture is adjacent to Zichuan Prefecture, and Shifang City is located to the north, about 1,400 miles away.

Yang Yu headed towards the direction Gong Niang said without stopping.

At night, not long after the sky darkened, Yang Gu entered the territory of Tianjing Prefecture. At this time, it was still more than three hundred miles away from Shifang City.

Not long after entering Tianjing Prefecture, Yang Yu was keenly aware that there was a lot of pungent smell permeating Tianjing Prefecture.

Most of it was the smell of blood, and there was also a stench, sour and various odors mixed together, which was disgusting.

The entire Tianjing Prefecture seemed to have turned into a septic tank for dumping corpses.

In Yang Yu's perception, within a few miles, he could only sense the aura of a few living beings, which were basically demons.

The aura of the demon is very obvious.

Because the demon's aura is full of filth and a strong stench, it is like a dark shadow under the light, which is obvious.

Compared to demons, although the aura of monks is the same, it is not as strong as demons.

As for ordinary creatures, the perception is more like a mist without any color, or a ball of Qi is more appropriate.

And when Yang Yu noticed the existence of these demons in his self-awareness, although there were not many, they were just right.

An idea suddenly came to my mind - kill!

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh. It is not only a monster, but also flesh and blood.


Yang Yu put his hands together, and there was a hissing sound between his hands. A red electric light suddenly danced on his hands, which was particularly eye-catching under the dim sky.

First try the power of Ji Dao Yin Lei. He is very interested in the combination of thunder magic and light magic.

Soon Yang Gu's figure turned into a black shadow and blended into the night, flying forward.

In the distance is a small village. A group of strange-looking guys seem to be searching for something in the darkness and have been wandering around the village.

These guys don't look like humans or ghosts, but more like a twisted or fused combination of countless limbs and flesh.

From time to time, miserable howls sounded in the village, and then disappeared quickly.

A group of demons heard the news and immediately ran towards the direction of the sound.

But that's it.

In the dark night, countless red electric lights suddenly fell from high in the sky.

Like sharp spears, they fell on the dozen monsters below with lightning speed.

The red light flickered and disappeared, and a crackling sound came from behind.

But the dozen or so demons that were hit by the lightning had been directly penetrated by the lightning and turned into piles of black ashes scattered on the ground.

The poplar tree fell from above and landed gently on the ground.

With his current cultivation level in the middle stage of flesh and blood, even if he used the Yin Thunder of the Sacrifice that he had just mastered to kill more than a dozen Fu Shi realm demons at once, he still wouldn't be able to see how powerful this technique was.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the spells and attacks he has mastered, in addition to the two functional spells of Darkness Secret Spell and Baoguang Glaze Purification Technique, he can achieve this effect by using any one of them at will.

The Fu Shi Realm used to be a great power to him, but now it is nothing more than a minion in his eyes.

It seems that we still need to find some powerful demons to try to get satisfactory results.


Yang Yu suddenly frowned.

He needs a lot of flesh and blood to revive the Earthly Dharma Stele and purify the price of its use.

If these guys were reduced to ashes in one fell swoop, how could they collect their flesh and blood?

This is inconsistent with his purpose! Completely the opposite.

He thought about all the methods he had, and it seemed that there weren't many attack methods that could leave the demon's flesh and blood behind.

Damn it!

Crushing his enemies into pieces is what he is best at.

Now it was a bit difficult for him to leave the flesh and blood of the living beings.

After thinking for a while, Yang Yu came up with a good idea.

Instead, you can use the Dark Secret Mantra to immobilize the demon first, and then use the Buddha's Light Wheel or the Great Light Buddha's Golden Zen Mantra to carefully cut the body of the demon. This method seems feasible!

If you still can't hold back your strength, then you can only use Ji Ju Shen Xiang or Spinal Cord True Feather to shake and strangle him.

Thinking about it this way, it's a bit constrained, but if you want to obtain the flesh and blood of living creatures, you can't do it without mercy.

This is the drawback of practicing a lot of light magic.

Keeping people alive increases the difficulty in a linear manner.

Yang Yu sighed helplessly.

I finally got home today and finished coding a chapter before twelve o'clock. I will not participate in such activities in the future. I was scolded by the editor and told me to focus on my work.

I think he is right, the work is the main thing, everything else is secondary.

Normal updates will resume tomorrow. I have to calculate how many updates I owe these days. There is still less than half a month left. I will definitely update to death.

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