Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 183 1926 Battle with the Zombie God! How could there be such a stupid person?

Chapter 183 "1926" Battle with the God of Zombie! How could there be such a stupid person?

To judge whether the opponent is a fleshly person or a zombie, it is mainly based on the opponent's cultivation aura.

When the cultivation level is higher than that of Yang Yu, but still in the state of physical decay, the sense of crisis brought to Yang Yu will not be so strong.

Only when facing the Zombie God will the sense of crisis in his heart feel like it is strangling him, making him unable to breathe.

This is an innate suppression based on cultivation, just like the alarm light will become redder and redder when the voltage is higher than the measuring instrument.

The other party's aura was bottomless, and the speed of chasing them was still so fast. I don't know when they caught up.

Obviously when leaving Dingbo City, Yang Yu had sensed that no one was following behind.


This place has just left Dingbo City, not too far away. It is at least a thousand miles away from Huazhou and into the Baosha Territory.

And even if they get rid of the opponent and enter the Baosha Realm, there is no guarantee that the other party will not enter the Baosha Realm and continue to chase them.

If it was just Yang Yu alone, it might be easier to handle. The light and shadow escape method is very fast, and it might be possible to get rid of the opponent.

But there are two drag bottles beside him. If he activates the light and shadow escape method, he can only run away by himself. There is no way to take them with him.

Even if they were thrown down, I'm afraid it wouldn't delay much, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Elder brother, what is that?"

Zhou Quan asked doubtfully. He had the lowest cultivation level and couldn't see why.

"Pursuing soldiers!"

This was Wen Yin's answer. She also didn't see the other person's real background, she only knew that he was very strong.

"It's the Zombie God."

Yang Yu's voice was very flat, and there was no emotion.

But after hearing Yang Yu's words, Zhou Quan couldn't help but tremble.


Wen Yin also suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter, and his face became even heavier.

"Senior brother, leave me alone. Maybe I can help you delay for a while."

If all three of them couldn't reach the Baosha Realm, why not sacrifice one person to create this opportunity? Wen Yin immediately made a decision.

While flying quickly, paying attention to the strange thing that was as red as blood on the ground, Yang Yu shook his head.

"I can't throw you away, and I can't throw Zhou Quan even if I throw him."

Zhou Quan: "???"

"But there's no use throwing him. He's too weak to do anything."

Zhou Quan wanted to say something, but Yang Yu continued, and he felt relieved, as if he had walked away from the gate of hell.

"Then let's..."

Wen Yin hesitated to speak, unable to think of any useful solution.

"Listen to me, I will take you down. Don't look back, you guys. Keep going to the west, as far away as possible, in case there are others chasing after you."

Yang Gu made a decisive decision.

"how about you?"

Wen Yin didn't expect Yang Yu to give such an idea. It was obvious that he wanted to use himself to stop the other party.

"Without me, it would be impossible for you to complete the mission assigned by Master. If I die, you will most likely be finished even if you can enter the Baosha Realm.

So don't worry, I will probably catch up with you. "

Yang Yu said decisively.

Wen Yin was a very rational person who knew when to make the right choice. She nodded immediately and chose to abide by Yang Yu's decision.

If we don't do this, no one may survive.

Yang Yu admires this very much in her. She doesn't act out of anger. As long as she doesn't cause trouble, she is a good junior sister to her senior brother.

As for the pursuing enemy below, Yang Yu took a deep breath.

Since you can't escape, just face it head on, just in time to give it a try and see if your true strength can compete with the Zombie God.

Even if it's not good, he still has an unknown sharp weapon called the Xie Arrow, which he hasn't used yet. Of course, the most important thing is the Moro Buddha's Aperture given to him by the shop owner, so that he won't die at the critical moment.

As long as Wen Yin and Zhou Quan run far away, they may not be able to escape even if they can't defeat them by themselves.


Yang Yu suddenly accelerated, two minutes faster than the previous speed, but this was already the limit.

The strange thing below is still chasing after him, not falling behind.

But at this moment, Yang Yu suddenly swooped down from the air with the two of them. Wen Yin grabbed Zhou Quan in mid-air and flew away, while Yang Yu landed smoothly on the ground.

"Why are fellow Taoists chasing after us?"

Yang Yu knew the truth and asked, but still tried his best to cover it up. What if he could deceive the other party? Although the possibility is small.

Seeing Yang Yu stop on his own initiative, the strange red liquid like plasticine did not chase the two escaped Wen and Yin, but also stopped ten feet away from Yang Yu.

As the liquid attached to the ground twisted and writhed rapidly, a human figure quickly condensed, and the liquid turned into the clothes on his body.

The person who came was a man who looked younger than middle-aged. He was actually a bit young and even seemed to have an elegant temperament.

He was wearing a bright red gown, but his hair was a little messy.

"I got the order from the elders. Wu Yun, the leader of Feizhou, died and asked me to come and investigate the matter thoroughly. So I went to Huangyao and found some traces of you there. Later, I went to Tianmu Mountain to investigate. After investigating, I chased him here."


Somehow, the man's right hand suddenly rose up and slapped him on the head.

The man was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and smiled coquettishly.

"Oh, right, I can't tell you these things."


"I should ask directly, it was you who killed Wu Yun, right?"


Yang Yu was silent for a moment.

"It's not me, my cultivation level is too low."

"Then why did you run?"

The man looked confused.

"Because you're chasing me."

"Then why did you stop?"

"Because I can't outrun you."

The man fell into deep thought and nodded.

"That seems to be the case."

He reached out and touched his forehead, showing an embarrassed look on his face.

"Then let's go."


Yang Yu responded expressionlessly, turned around and raised his feet, ready to leave.

But before he could move, light flashed all over his body, and he instantly entered the light-absorbing form of the light technique. He turned around and punched him.

At this moment, behind him, the man had stretched out a hand and pointed toward his head.

A meaningful smile appeared on both of their faces almost at the same time.

The fists and fingers retracted as soon as they touched, and a vacuum seemed to be formed in the middle. There was an explosion in the air instantly, and the two figures retreated.

Yang Yu retreated four feet, and the man also retreated four feet.

Isn’t this guy a person who refines his body?

A flash of light flashed in Yang Yu's eyes, and the attack just now was a test.

If the opponent was training in the physical body, with the strength of Zombie God's physical body, he shouldn't be able to take the opponent's attack so easily.


Click, click, click——

The man shook his broken arm. The bones inside had been shattered, and the bone residue was pierced from the flesh of the hand. The flesh was also burnt black.

Yang Yu's blow had already left some injuries on him, but he immediately recovered with just a flick of his hand.

"What kind of magic is this? It's so weird!"

The man frowned and asked. He sensed the strong aura of magic and also knew that Yang Gu was not a physical practitioner.

But seeing that Yang Yu's cultivation level is only at the early stage of flesh and blood, the power of his spells should be suppressed by the power of rules. How can it be so powerful?

Yang Yu did not answer his question, but felt confident.

Since it’s not about refining the body, that’s easy to say!

This kind of monk who majors in magic and is also a powerful zombie, it is rare to find such a suitable opponent.

In the painless state, by virtue of the light-absorbing form that activates all light-type spells, it can compete with the opponent's normal attacks.

If he enters a state of pain, he might actually be able to take a beating.

"Don't you want to answer? Forget it, you don't seem to be able to say anything."

The man showed a disappointed look, and his fingers began to tremble rapidly and irregularly.

A sense of crisis suddenly arose in Yang Yu's heart, and she felt that everything in all directions was changing rapidly, even though nothing had changed in front of her.

A ray of black air flashed behind Yang Yu, and the ground seemed to suddenly change into a swamp. His legs suddenly sank downwards, as if he was stuck in a quagmire.


The black air instantly flashed across Yang Yu's neck, and his head flew up immediately. A large amount of plasma spurted out from his neck, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

when? !

"It's so beautiful."

The man had a look of obsession on his face, looking at the blood spurting out like blooming flowers.

The next second, a headless clay figurine suddenly raised its long knife and appeared, intending to split Yang Gu's flying head in half with one strike.

But at this moment, Yang Yu's head filled with light suddenly burst out with a bright light, instantly engulfing the clay figure and the man ten feet away.

The light lasted for two breaths before dissipating. Yang Yu's body had recovered completely, and the clay figure holding the long knife was gone.

But the man's figure appeared hundreds of meters away, his whole body covered in a layer of red liquid, exuding a burst of heat.

The red liquid fell slowly and turned into the man's clothes again. The man wrapped in it was not affected in any way, but his face was full of shock at this time.

"Are you doing light magic?! Have you practiced forbidden magic?!

Do you want to die with me? ! "

perish together?

Hearing the man's words, Yang Yu suddenly thought of something and fell to his knees.

A large amount of light suddenly escaped from his body, and countless cracks spread out of his flesh and blood as if out of control.

Colorful light shone from the cracks, his face was full of pain, veins on his forehead burst, and his body began to disintegrate inch by inch.

The man was stunned for a moment. When he saw Yang Yu's condition, he immediately reacted and burst into laughter.

"How can there be such a stupid person in this world? He actually practices forbidden arts?"

"This is the price of practicing forbidden magic! You are just a bastard. No matter how powerful the magic is, it will be suppressed, but you can't get close to me at all. You will only die in the end!"

Although he saw that Eucalyptus poplar was obviously in a state of backlash, the man was still vigilant and did not approach. Instead, he stood far away and laughed.

"I'm afraid I don't need to do anything now. As long as I watch you quietly, you should die soon."

"But to be on the safe side, I'll give you a ride."

He raised his hand and suddenly pulled out one of the fingers on it, causing blood to flow profusely.

At the same time, Yang Yu's face was still full of pain, but she could only watch the man's actions, unable to do anything.

Yes, I'm going to die, and I'm going to die soon because of the price of the spell.


A smile appeared on his lips.

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