Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 182 The zombie god is coming! He died so beautifully!

The Qinglian Pond in the information box should refer to the teleportation array of the Golden Soul Sect.

It looks like the stuff is real.

I just didn't expect that the so-called teleportation array would be teleported with the help of Qinglian, which surprised Yang Yu.

He thought it would be like a mirror in the witch barrier.

"I took the things, the transaction is completed, feel free to do what you want!"

Yang Yu put the sign into the magical artifact, raised his hand slightly, and a few golden lights dissipated in an instant, and left with Wen Yin and Zhou Quan without looking back.

After the three people left, looking at the slowly beating heart on the table, the old monk reached out his hand excitedly and grabbed it.

In an instant, countless slender black shadows, like threads peeling off cocoons, continued to decompose the heart, and all poured into the old monk's body.

As for what will happen next, no one knows.

Yang Yu had already left the Wei family with Wen Yin and Zhou Quan, and went straight to the branch of the Golden Soul Sect.

Wen Yin and Zhou Quan didn't understand all his actions. He first took them to Tianmu Mountain, and then came to Sanchuan City to find the Wei family and get the sign for borrowing the teleportation array.

The two of them said they couldn't understand, but that didn't stop them from feeling that Yang Yu was inscrutable, as if he knew everything about the Fusheng Realm.

Didn’t everyone come from outside the continent together? How come Senior Brother knows so much about this place?

But Yang Yu didn't take the initiative to explain, and they didn't dare to ask for fear of offending Yang Yu.

The branch of the Golden Soul Sect must be the most eye-catching place in the entire Sanchuan City. Even if the city lord's palace is here, it does not dare to compare with the big forces. Otherwise, it can be said that they can dominate the entire Fusheng Domain.

So when they approached the city, Yang Gu and others saw the magnificent hall in the center at a glance.

Within a few hundred meters outside the main hall, no mortal dared to approach. It was like a large sect built in a mortal city.

The huge square is surrounded by various buildings, which are splendid and shining. It looks like a conspicuous righteous sect.

When Yang Eucalyptus and others approached this place, they could see many people coming and going. They should all be members of the Golden Soul Sect.

But no one paid attention to them, because Yang Yu had already taken out the sign given by the old monk. People passing by just glanced at them and ignored the sign in Yang Yu's hand.

But when they walked onto the square and headed towards the central hall, someone stopped them.

"The teleportation array is over there!"

The visitor pointed to a side hall indifferently, prohibiting them from getting close to it.

"Thank you!"

Yang Yu quickly led people into the side hall.

The door was unguarded, but it opened slowly as they approached, and they could not see what was inside because there was a very thick layer of fog at the entrance that blocked their view.

It seemed that the Golden Soul Sect had not noticed that Wu Yun had been killed by him, which made Yang Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and led the two of them in.

After passing through this layer of fog, my eyes suddenly became clear.

What appeared in front of them was an empty courtyard. In the center of the courtyard was a pond covered with green lotuses, occupying most of the courtyard.

The leaves are wide and green, covering almost the entire pond. The stems are slender and graceful, as if they are swaying gently in the breeze.

All this seems very normal, as if it is just an ordinary pond, but this kind of normality is obviously very abnormal in this world.

There was no one around, and the Golden Soul Sect didn't let anyone guard the place. Yang Yu didn't waste any time, and immediately asked Wen Yin and Zhou Quan to drip blood on the sign.

And he quietly wiped away the price of using this thing, and also dropped a drop of his own blood on it.

"Do you feel anything unusual?"

After the two of them had dripped blood, the little thing swimming around in the sign seemed extremely excited and quickly sucked up the blood of the three of them. Yang Yu asked curiously.

Both of them shook their heads. It was just a drop of blood and nothing abnormal appeared.

Yang Yu nodded, glanced at the increasingly active little thing on the sign, and casually threw the sign into the pool in front of him.

When the sign fell into the water, the layer of iron melted when it entered the water, and a reptile with several legs quickly ran out from inside, quickly walking through the water, causing ripples in the water.

Suddenly, a large green lotus leaf with a radius of several meters "swallowed" the insect with lightning speed and jumped out of the water.

As the water overflows from the gap, the lotus leaves slowly unfold, and countless clearly visible meridians and blood vessels emerge on them.

In just the blink of an eye, the originally wide lotus leaves were covered with criss-crossing blood vessels and tendons, which looked very permeable, like a platform filled with flesh and blood.

And among the lotus leaves, there is a huge lotus bud that unfolds quickly, like a mouthpart, with various jagged teeth on the periphery, and in the center is a smooth and wriggling intestine like flesh and blood.

Lotus leaves covered the entire pool, as if they were quietly waiting for the three of them to walk up.

Is this the teleportation array of the Golden Soul Sect?

Yang Gu's expression was as usual, and Wen Yin's expression was just curious. After all, there was an Earth Insect Mother in Minghemen. When it came to ugliness, the Earth Insect Mother was much uglier.

Zhou Quan was surprised. If Yang Yu didn't react at all, he would have thought it was some kind of ferocious demon.

"Gong Niang, how should I locate this thing? Also, where is the closest place to the Baosha Domain?"

Having mastered most of Wu Yun's memories, naturally he had to ask Gong Niang to find out about this kind of thing.

"Little Bizi, instead of letting me waste my time talking, why don't you just stand up and know everything!"


Yang Yu was speechless, greeted the two of them, and jumped directly onto the lotus leaves.

With slight ripples, the wide and ferocious lotus leaves slowly sank to the water surface, and along the feet of Yang Gu and others, the crisscrossing tendons twisted and wriggled rapidly, forming a picture.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Yu quickly guessed the result. This must be the map of the entire Fusheng Domain!

The Fusheng Territory borders the Baosha Territory to the west and the Tianlong Territory to the east, but the location that can be teleported is only within the Fusheng Territory.

Any node with intertwined tendons and veins is a place within the state that can be teleported.

It can be seen that in the area close to the Baosha Region, there are several states and regions that can be teleported.

Jinwu Prefecture, Hebei Prefecture, Hua Prefecture, Tuoshan Prefecture...

Yang Gu chose the closest one, Huazhou and Dingbo City!

Using magic power to slightly press down on the nodes where the veins intertwined, in an instant the countless veins on the lotus leaf began to shrink, and the wide lotus leaf suddenly curled up, wrapping all three of them.

Invisible pressure suddenly came over, and the space became smaller and more cramped. The three of them were immediately squeezed to the middle position, and fell into the smooth cavity of the mouthparts, which was as smooth as the intestines.

Fortunately, they knew that this was the teleportation array, and several people did not resist. Gong Niang's lack of reminder meant that there would be no danger in this process.

It’s that familiar feeling again!

Yang Yu has experienced it several times and has become accustomed to the constant sliding in the dark, small and cramped space.

However, before he completely left the Fusheng Realm and arrived at the Baosha Realm, his heart was still full of defensiveness.

As the curled lotus leaves sank into the pool, the breath of Yang Gu and others completely disappeared, and everything here seemed to have returned to calm.

A quarter of an hour later, a figure quickly appeared here and looked towards the pool.

"It's better to be a step too late and let people run away. They ran so fast!"

The visitor sighed quietly, and his voice sounded very friendly.

"Tell me, if I go back without completing this matter, will the elder kill me?

He killed me once last time, but luckily you ran away. "

He seemed to be talking to himself, talking to the air.

At this moment, the clothes on his body suddenly turned into red liquid. He took off one of his hands and suddenly flicked it to his forehead with a finger, causing a soft sound.


The figure held his head with one hand and took a breath.

But the hand that was wrapped in clothes reached out to the door. A black shadow flashed past, and a person with a look of panic suddenly appeared on his hand.

The captured person was just a civilian. His face was horrified and he was about to shout, but before he could make a sound, all the flesh and bones in his body suddenly collapsed and twisted, as if being squeezed from all directions by a powerful force, and finally turned into a mixed mass. Clothes dripping with bloody flesh balls.

The meat ball was divided into countless pus and blood, which quickly flew up and fell into the pool water, stirring up a whirlpool in the pool water. Soon a wide lotus leaf suddenly jumped out of the water.

"You killed another mortal who had no power to resist. Hey, after all, you didn't want me to continue chasing him."

The figure sighed slightly, but a smile appeared on his face.

"But don't tell me, he died beautifully."

In the darkness, Yang Yu silently counted the time. More than an hour had passed since they entered the teleportation array in Sanchuan City.

The wait is always long, but Yang Yu doesn't think this is like teleportation, it should be called transportation.

Doesn't true teleportation reach the destination in an instant?

Another stick of incense time passed, and when Yang Gu was slightly dazed, he found that he had landed steadily on a wide lotus leaf.

The transmission is over! Dingbo City has arrived!

Wen Yin and Zhou Quan also appeared behind Yang Yu.

The three of them looked at everything around them. This place looked the same as Sanchuan City. Except for some subtleties, there was no difference.

If they hadn't noticed more unfamiliar auras here, they would have thought that there was no teleportation at all and that they were still within the Golden Soul Sect in Sanchuan City.

"Let's go!"

This place is very close to the Baosha Realm. As long as you go west, you can quickly enter the Baosha Realm. But at the same time, Yang Yu felt a sense of urgency in his heart for no reason.

His sixth sense seemed to be urging him to leave here as soon as possible.

Just like when they entered the Golden Soul Sect in Sanchuan City, no one paid attention to them when they came out of the Golden Soul Sect in Dingbo City, and they walked out of the Golden Soul Sect without any hindrance.

Yang Yu immediately took Wen Yin and Zhou Quan and flew out of the city. After a few breaths, he left Dingbo City and headed towards the west.

It took more than ten breaths to fly dozens of miles, and they still needed to cross half of Huazhou to enter the Baosha territory.

But at this moment, Yang Yu seemed to sense something and looked down.

But they saw a pool of blood-like liquid on the ground hundreds of meters below, squirming quickly from the flat ground, spanning hundreds of meters in an instant, and chasing them closely underneath.

Alarm bells rang in Yang Yu's heart. Even Wen Yin and Zhou Quan saw this scene at the same time and their expressions changed.

This smell... is not meat!

It's Zombie God! !

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