Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 184 Are you also a zombie? Where is the power of your rules?

The man pulled out a finger, and blood immediately spattered to the ground, and slowly floated up like a living thing, heading towards his severed wound.

Before the wound could heal, he suddenly put his finger into his mouth.

Creaking, creaking——

The sound of chewing raw meat appeared in his mouth, as if his fingers were chewed to pieces before swallowing it in one gulp.

At the same time, the man's broken finger grew back from his hand, and his flesh and blood were regenerated in an instant.

But at this time, his belly began to expand rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a balloon, constantly expanding.

Getting bigger and bigger... getting bigger and bigger...

In just one breath, his belly swelled like a huge ball. Purple blood vessels protruded on the surface of the belly, and the skin and flesh were red. You could even see bulging in some places.

The huge belly seemed to be about to explode, pulling the flesh and blood on his body downwards, as if it might tear his flesh and blood directly at any time.

The man's face also showed a painful expression, and his originally handsome face became ferocious and distorted.

The clothes on his body tightly wrapped around his two hands. He raised his hands to his mouth, put his fingers into his mouth, and pulled his mouth open until it was wider than his entire face.


A gap was suddenly opened on the man's face, and a large amount of blood flowed out.


Along with a scorching hot breath exhaled from the man's stretched mouth, the ball in his stomach also came up quickly, seeming to want to come out of his mouth.

First his chest, then his neck, were growing rapidly.


Yang Yu knelt on the ground, the flesh and blood all over his body had left countless gaps, and the light escaped from them, as if he had really suffered the backlash of the spell, and his face was full of pain.

But when he looked at the man, there was a flash of doubt, as if he was looking at a fool.

Although he didn't know what kind of technique it was, according to normal people's logic, shouldn't he just cut open his stomach and let out the contents?

Why do you have to come out of your mouth?

Wearing shoes as big as your feet, a small horse pulling a big cart, isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

But... now seems to be an opportunity!

Yang Yu's eyes lit up!

Before this guy vomits out the contents of his stomach, this is definitely a good time to take action!

And he couldn't just watch this opportunity disappear!

The moment the thought appeared, a halo of Buddha's light suddenly appeared behind Yang Yu.

The man was trying his best to vomit out the contents of his stomach, but at this moment, a black shadow fell on him.

In an instant, Yang Yu appeared in front of him as if teleporting.

When he saw that Yang Gu was still in a state of broken flesh and blood, with blood flowing out and light escaping, a strange smile appeared on his face.

Above the split head, a trace of astonishment suddenly appeared in the two eyes.

This guy……

As soon as the thought occurred in his mind, a hand was inserted into his throat like a sharp blade.

At this time, the man's throat had swelled to the size of a basketball, as if something was about to come out of his mouth.

But Yang Yu's hand had already penetrated into his flesh and blood, without any hindrance, and suddenly grasped his cervical vertebrae.

There was a clicking sound on his hand, and a pain immediately came, as if something was rapidly eating his hand in the man's flesh and blood.

At this moment, a large number of fingers rushed out from the man's mouth and suddenly wrapped around Yang Yu's arm.

There was black smelly mud between the sharp nails. The fingers seemed to be connected to a tentacle-like flesh and blood, and seemed to grow from above. It was filled with thick and transparent mucus and exuded a foul smell like stomach acid. .

When touched by these fingers, countless black gases suddenly turned into thin threads and pierced into the flesh and blood of Yang Yu's arms. In just an instant, Yang Yu's arms turned black and began to rot rapidly.

But Yang Yu's expression remained unchanged. Even though he was so close, he didn't care.

He had achieved what he wanted to do and successfully approached this guy. The next moment was - radiant light!

Several rays of golden light appeared and penetrated into his chest and abdomen, violently stirring the internal organs.

Yang Yu's face showed pain and madness, and even his vision began to blur.

It was as if infinite power was gushing out from every part of his body, from every inch of flesh and blood, until this critical point was broken through in an instant, and bright light suddenly burst out from his body, covering him at the same time. It also submerged the man's body.

The flesh, flesh and fingers that were rushing toward him so close and were about to touch his head suddenly stopped at the moment when the light burst out, unable to move forward.

It was like fierce fire touching solidified lard, and it turned into nothing in the blink of an eye.

The man's stunned expression became the last image that stayed in Yang Yu's eyes. His flesh and blood was quickly melted by the light, and his huge belly lost its flesh and blood wrapping and suddenly burst open.

Inside was a large mass of flesh and blood as black as silt, densely covered with fingers, which rolled out of his stomach, twisted and trembled violently, and turned into ashes under the light.

But at this moment, Yang Yu suddenly felt a feeling of palpitations in his heart, but in an instant, a black shadow instantly enveloped him, blocking all the light emanating from his body.

The arm that was holding the man's neck was also wrapped in it.

At this moment, Yang Yu could feel the blood in his body flowing away rapidly, as if it was being rapidly drawn out by the black shadow covering his body, and his flesh and blood shriveled up quickly.

But the black shadow did not last long. With just one breath, it suddenly disappeared from Yang Yu's body, and the light reappeared, shining on the world.

The power of light spells and the increase in pain in the organs, no matter what they are, are simply unstoppable at such a close distance from Eucalyptus poplar.

So Eucalyptus Yang was not panicked.

But at this moment, the aura mark originally left on the man's body had disappeared in front of him and appeared a thousand meters away.

Although he still held a cervical vertebra in his hand, he could no longer feel any resistance.

The light dissipated on Yang Yu's body, revealing his current state. The body that was originally made of flesh and blood now looked like a little old man who had been sucked dry.

The hair fell from the head in clusters, the clothes were torn on the ground, the skin and flesh all over the body were loose and dry, and only skin and bones were left in the originally plump body, which was about to die.

Through the skin and flesh, you can even see that the internal organs have been twisted into a messy mess, and the heart has reached the position of the stomach, but it is still beating very powerfully.

But in just the blink of an eye, Yang Gu's body quickly began to recover, quickly returning to its previous state, and soon returned to its original state.

Without the suppression of rules, it has no impact on him as long as it doesn't crush him to ashes in an instant, and his recovery speed will only be faster.

Yang Yu looked at a naked man a thousand meters away. At this time, most of his flesh and blood had melted, and his intestines were pierced and rotten.

After the previously stretched belly exploded, the flesh seemed to have lost its elasticity and just dragged to the ground.

Most of the flesh and blood on his face has also disappeared, leaving only two eyeballs, looking at Yang Yu.

His injuries were also recovering quickly. A red shadow flashed on the ground and fell on him, wrapping his body quickly.

It's his bright red dress!

Is this what blinded me just now?

A trace of doubt flashed in Yang Yu's mind. He knew that Zombie God was not so easy to kill, but he didn't expect that the clothes on this guy were so unusual. Maybe it was some kind of magic weapon. He didn't expect that it could still withstand his light. .

"You lied to me!"

The man was wrapped in red clothes, and the flesh and blood on his face was rapidly recovering, but now he looked angry, and the elegance he looked before had completely disappeared.

When the words fell, he also returned to his original state, without leaving any injuries, but his expression became very ferocious.

"Forbidden Technique! Suppressed by rules! You are not a flesh-eating person, you are also a zombie god?!"

He is now more and more certain that Yang Yu is the zombie god, not Rou Shang, because the strength he just showed has completely exceeded the scope of what Rou Shang can do.

How could Rou Shang be so powerful!

He must be a zombie!

To be honest, when she heard the man's angry questioning, Yang Yu felt very happy in her heart and almost laughed out loud.

Being recognized as a Zombie God by a Zombie God shows that he does have the strength to fight against the Zombie God. It is nothing more than that he has not fused the forbidden weapon fragments and has not mastered the power of the rules.

However, Yang Yu did not respond to him with words. What responded to him was the light and shadow escape method!

A ray of light flashed, and Yang Yu's body suddenly merged into the shadows and appeared in front of the man.

In an instant, Yang Yu's whole body was ablaze with raging dark red flames. The fire shot up into the sky. The surrounding vegetation was ignited in an instant, and the area within five feet suddenly became scorching hot and black.

If you simply activate the lighting method, the consumption of mana is almost negligible, but what Yang Yu wants is the effect of fire that can make people crazy.

In the past, under the effects of all spells, the lighting spell would be overshadowed by the powerful destructiveness of light spells.

Before the enemy could go insane, the person had already been decomposed by the light, and his body and mind were gone.

But this does not mean that the lighting method is useless.

At this time, the man's mental state seems to be very unstable, and this is a good time to add fuel to the fire.

His whole body was burning with blazing flames, but Yang Yu didn't go any further. He only stood three feet away from the man and looked at him quietly.

Streams of black smoke began to appear on the man's body, and even the flesh and blood on his face began to turn fiery red, as if a fire was burning in his body for no reason, and the flesh and blood all over his body began to become hot.

He could easily bear the burning fire in his heart, but the look he looked at Yang Yu was filled with murderous intent.

"You shouldn't have lied to me...you can't lie to me!"

He shook his head, as if he had been greatly deceived, and his chest heaved violently.

"You are obviously a zombie too! How could you lie to me!"

The big red clothes wrapped around him suddenly pulled back. In an instant, all the flesh and blood on the man's body was stretched out, torn open, and turned around.

The man's head also turned 180 degrees and looked at Yang Yu, with a crazy look on his face.

At this moment, it was as if that piece of clothing was his true body. Instead, his flesh and blood body was stretched open and turned into a bloody piece of clothing that he wore on his body.

You can clearly see his internal organs falling to the ground, blood vessels, bones, and muscles, all attached to the clothes. Only the limbs and head are still intact. .

"You lied to me! You must die!"

The man's face became more and more distorted, and he suddenly rushed towards Yang Yu.

Demented! Demented!

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yu's mouth. Even though he knew that he was practicing light magic, he still took the initiative to approach him, which showed that the other person's mind had been affected.

Well done!

Maintaining the lighting method, the dark red flames all over his body grew higher and higher. At the same time, Yang Yu's body began to glow with the blazing white light of the celestial dial, and he instantly entered the state of the celestial body.

Just wait for the other party to get close, and then use your strongest means!

For a stiff god, the distance of three feet was only a step forward, and he appeared in front of Yang Yu in an instant.

But at the same time, Yang Yu just wanted to take the initiative to approach the opponent again and devote all his strength, but his expression froze.

He suddenly found that the flames on his body were out of control for an instant. The dark red flames suddenly turned into a huge human head, suddenly opened its huge mouth, and swallowed him in one bite.

There was a dark red in the field of vision, and Yang Yu was suddenly in a sea of ​​fire.

More importantly, he clearly ignited the flames by activating the lighting method, but at this moment it was not under his control at all. Even if the lighting method was cancelled, the flames were still absorbing his mana, and instead burned him more violently.

At this moment, he felt the high temperature coming from all around. Although he was in the form of a celestial body and was completely unaffected, his body suddenly burst out with inner fire, and there was a severe pain in his internal organs and flesh.

At the same time, Yang Yu could keenly sense that his mind and consciousness were becoming dull at this moment!

What the hell...Lamplighting has rebelled? !

Suddenly, a strong wind with huge impact blew, blowing all the flames back in an instant, but the red smoke filled with the strong wind also washed over Yang Yu's body at this time.

Yang Yu instantly canceled the sky dial body and activated the Baoguang Glaze Purification Technique. A layer of cyan light suddenly appeared on his body, covering his entire body.

Baoguang Liuli Jingshu can resist the enemy's attacks and spells.

But when the flames extinguished and green light emerged, Yang Yu suddenly discovered that the strong wind was the man's body, flesh and clothing intertwined, turning into a huge red flesh and blood folding fan.

The flesh-and-blood folding fan suddenly flapped, emitting a large amount of red smoke, as if it was made of volatilized blood.

The strong wind came from this, carrying red smoke and constantly hitting the poplar.

But under the green light of the Baoguang Glaze Purification Technique, he kept falling into the green light, and there was no way to break through it and touch Yang Gu.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yu not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but instead had a bad premonition in her heart.

At this moment, the green light that originally enveloped him suddenly exploded!

Exploded without warning!

Countless light points instantly passed through Yang Yu's body, like countless bullets hitting his body, carrying out a round of crazy shooting.

really! Baoguang Liuli Jingshu will also rebel!

This is no longer the category of magic, this is definitely the power of rules!

But just as thoughts arose in Yang Yu's mind, the green light shattered, and the strong wind suddenly hit.

A large amount of red smoke passed through his body, washing away all his flesh and blood, shattering it into pieces, and was blown a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

Broken bones, slag, and flesh were scattered all over the floor, and they quickly condensed and recovered, quickly revealing half of Yang Yu's flesh and blood.

But at this moment, the man appeared in front of him, restored to a human form intertwined with clothes, and looked at him with a sinister smile on his face.

"Have you seen it?"

"The power of rules that can animate dead things! Your magic! Everything about you! will be controlled by me, and they will come back to kill you!"

"So, you have no power to resist at all, where is your power of rules?"

I will try my best to avoid breaking chapters in the future, but I can’t finish the content in one chapter, so I’ll try to write as much as possible without being off-putting.

The previous chapter was all for three thousand, but this chapter is for four thousand and five.

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