Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 119 Master 711 is in a bad mood today and is burning to death!

Chapter 119 "711" Master is in a bad mood today and is burning to death!

Hetou stretched his neck, walked around behind Yang Yu, and looked at the bow Yang Yu was carrying again.

"My little disciple, where did you get this bow?"

It came close to Yang Gu and asked softly.

"Go back to Master, I picked it up."


A sneer suddenly appeared on Crane Head's face.

"Can you still find something like this?"

"Master, I picked it up in a cave on the way back from Liuyun City. The original owner of this weapon has turned into a withered skeleton."

Yang Yu replied sincerely.

He had seen a plot like this fifty times in his previous life, maybe thirty times, and it was as easy as talking about it.

He Tou stared at him for a while, then slowly retracted his head and didn't ask any more questions.

Yang Yu felt relieved immediately.

It seemed that he was overthinking it. The old monster probably couldn't hear Gong Niang's voice and it was a false alarm.

At this moment, Fu Ming on the side stepped forward and reported what Ye Jin and You Hong'er had done to Yang Yu.

"Master, Senior Brother and Third Junior Sister acted wantonly and broke the rules. I hope Master can punish them."

Well done, Second Senior Brother!

Yang Yu silently gave the second senior brother a thumbs up, and his favorability level increased again.

This world needs people who dare to speak. Even though the second senior brother is weak in body, his tone is not weak.

After hearing Fu Ming's words, Minghe old man slowly turned around and looked at Fu Ming.

"Teacher makes his own decision on this matter, but you..."

Having said this, he turned to look at Yang Eucalyptus.

"My good disciple, how did you do it? Why did you hide that you had obtained the technique? And why did you hide that your cultivation had reached the level of Fu Shi?"

Seeing Fu Ming's reply, the old guy said something of his own and turned the topic to Yang Yu.

A sneer suddenly appeared in Yang Yu's heart, and she opened her mouth to answer.

"Reporting to Master, I really wanted to report to Master after finishing my meditation that day, but you didn't even ask!"


There was silence in the nave for a long time.

Suddenly, a sound of laughter broke the silence. He Tou laughed wildly and looked at Old Man Minghe.

"Old guy, old guy, we really have a good disciple! Hahahaha!"

Fu Ming on the side glanced sideways at Yang Yu, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. This was the first time he saw Yang Yu actively contradicting the old man Minghe, and for a moment he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, Yang Yu was angry.

What is self-determination? In the final analysis, he just wanted to let Ye Ban and You Hong'er go, and turn a blind eye to what they did to him wantonly just now!

With his strength, there is no need to think about revenge against these two guys in a short time. The gap between the two sides is too big and cannot be caught up overnight.

But Yang Yu had just experienced a life and death crisis and almost went to hell. How could he let these two guys go so easily.

I said revenge, then I must take revenge!

Even if you can't get revenge, you still have to collect some interest first!

Thinking of this, Yang Yu immediately bowed and said bluntly:

"Master, please forgive me for speaking frankly. Senior Brother and Third Senior Sister dared to take action against you yesterday because, Master, you are very powerful and naturally not afraid.

They dared to attack the disciple today. If the second senior brother had not stopped them, I am afraid that the disciple would have died today.

But what about in time? The senior brother and third senior sister will definitely dare to take action against the new disciples. Who can save the new disciples you recruited? "

As soon as he said this, even Crane Head's laughter stopped abruptly this time, and the whole hall fell into silence again.

There was something in Yang Yu's words, and he believed that the old guy could hear it.

If the senior brother and third senior sister dare to take action against him today, they will dare to take action against the new disciple tomorrow.

But if they don't take action, then he will!

It doesn't matter who takes action, nor does it matter who dies. What matters is the rules set by the old guy!

The Flesh Realm and the Fu Shi Realm are not the same level, and the Fu Shi Realm and those below the Fu Shi Realm are also not the same level.

These two obvious dividing lines have already determined that it is basically impossible for those below the Fu Shi realm to defeat the Fu Shi realm head-on, and it is also basically impossible for those below the Fu Shi realm to defeat the Flesh Realm head-on.

Of course, this example has to get rid of him because he is an exception.

But it was clear that the old guy had set the rules, but he suffered more than one violation in succession.

Once Zi Luan, once wild ban, once You Hong'er.

In the final analysis, the old guy didn't care about the rules he set, which led to the current situation.

Everyone can see that the old guy wants to raise voodoo, but he can't raise good voodoo if he is so chaotic and reckless and disregards the rules! There may even be no Gu to feed him in the end.

If Fu Ming, the only one who abides by the rules, hadn't been present three times in a row, he would have turned into a pile of rotten meat.

He can be so lucky, but who can guarantee that other disciples can be so lucky?

For example, the old guy’s new disciples, and the new disciples that the old guy will also take in in the future!

Who can guarantee that Fu Ming will definitely appear by their side?

After hearing Yang Yu's words, he was silent for a long time. Crane Head suddenly turned into a black shadow and appeared beside Yang Yu in an instant. His sinister face was close to Yang Yu's cheek, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"My little disciple, are you threatening my master?"

If Yang Yu dared to say something wrong, he would never be able to leave Jingtian Pavilion today.

Little did he know that although Yang Yu was nervous, he was confident.

If the old monster didn't just fuck him as soon as he came up, it meant that he wanted to hear his response and give him a chance, then there would be room for discussion on the matter.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu immediately replied:

"Master! It's the senior brother and third senior sister who are threatening you! They are threatening all the fellow disciples! Not the disciples!"


Hetou had a smile on his face, but finally retracted his head and turned to look at Old Man Minghe.

"Old guy, you heard that someone is threatening us. Who... could this person be?"

Hetou glanced sideways at Yang Gu, and then looked away.

But it obviously left the decision-making power on this matter to Old Man Minghe, waiting for Old Man Minghe's choice.

After hearing what Hetou said, Old Man Minghe also smiled and looked at Yang Gu, his eyes full of admiration.

"As expected of his master, he is a good disciple. In this case, whoever breaks the rules will naturally be punished!"

"Fu Ming!"

Old Man Minghe smiled slightly.

"Call someone over here."

"Yes! Master!"

Fu Ming didn't hesitate and agreed immediately, turned to look at Yang Yu, and quickly left Jingtian Pavilion.

In just one cup of tea, Fu Ming came back to life. It seemed that he went to call for people much faster than usual this time.

Senior Brother Ye Jin and Third Junior Sister You Hong'er are already outside Jingtian Pavilion.

Yang Yu had already sensed the aura marks he had quietly left on the two of them, and there was no doubt that it was the two of them who came.

The next moment, the figure of old man Minghe disappeared in the middle hall and appeared outside Jingtian Pavilion.

As soon as they saw Old Man Minghe appear, Ye Jin and You Hong'er both looked at Old Man Minghe.

Ye Ban did not salute, and neither did You Hong'er.

Ye Jin showed an excited smile, and You Hong'er also showed an excited smile.

"Master, you are finally willing to give this disciple a chance! Finally... finally..."

His body began to tremble with excitement uncontrollably.

Inside Jingtian Pavilion, in the middle hall.

Yang Yu had already walked to the door and looked outside.

But when he saw Ye Ban's excited look, Yang Yu suddenly suspected that this guy had wanted to kill him before, but just happened to use Zi Luan's death as an excuse.

This guy’s real purpose is probably to meet Old Man Minghe!

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed, but a strong sense of expectation arose in Yang Yu's heart.

It doesn't matter if he is used as a stepping stone or a pawn today by being banned. His goal has been achieved, and Yang Yu's goal of revenge has also been achieved.

Now that the old guy has spoken, the matter is finalized, and I'm afraid he will definitely not hold back easily this time.

let's hit! Hit hard! Better to fight to death!

Fu Ming on the side also looked at the people outside Jingtian Pavilion, and then inadvertently glanced at Yang Yu and quickly looked away.

Outside Jingtian Pavilion, old man Minghe looked at Ye Jin and You Hong'er kindly with a smile on his face.

"I never forget my teacher, thinking about my teacher day and night. What a good disciple I am!"

"But today you have gone too far, which has caused my teacher to be in a bad mood. Aren't you going to say something?"

In the past, every time Old Man Minghe saw Ye Jin and You Hong'er, he always had a smile on his face, but this time the smile on Old Man Minghe's face gradually disappeared.

Ye Jin was originally very excited and his hands were trembling. When he saw the change in the face of the old man Minghe, a trace of uneasiness suddenly flashed in his heart, but it was immediately covered up by the madness on his face.

But You Hong'er, who was next to him, saw something was wrong at this time and actually took two steps back.

But at this moment, Old Man Minghe took action!

In the past, it was Ye Jin and You Hong'er who made the first move, but it was different today. Old Minghe seemed to be in a bad mood as he said.

The next second, before Ye Jin and You Hong'er had time to react, flames suddenly shot up from the body of Old Man Minghe, swallowing the two of them instantly.

The crimson flames were dozens of feet high and instantly enveloped the area within a hundred meters outside Jingtian Pavilion, as if rendering the entire world a deep red.

The violent waves of fire were mixed with the scorching heat. Even the poplar trees in Jingtian Pavilion were affected. The flesh and blood all over their bodies seemed to be boiling at this moment. The fire in their hearts was forcibly aroused, and their skin and flesh instantly turned red.

A burst of green light immediately shone on Yang Yu's body. He did not hesitate to activate the Baoguang Glazed Purification Technique and stepped back a certain distance.

At the same time, Fu Ming also backed away like him, and a large ball of flesh and blood sprang out from under the ground, forcibly blocking the flames pouring in from outside Jingtian Pavilion.

Unfortunately, after only a few breaths, all the flesh and blood turned into a pile of black ashes under the erosion of the flames.

Fortunately, the remaining power was blocked, and although their flesh and blood had been reduced to ashes, the two of them were able to avoid being affected.

But even so, a lot of flesh and blood on the two people's bodies had turned black just now, and they were recovering quickly.

…Is this the old guy’s true strength?

Yang Yu was inexplicably shocked!

And the blazing flames on his body were all too familiar to everyone present.

That's the lighting method!

That is the more powerful power that the lighting method can exert after entering a higher realm!

Seeing that the outside was enveloped in blazing flames, Ye Qing, who was very crazy and excited just now, and You Hong'er, now let out a burst of uncontrollable howls of pain in the flames.

On the contrary, the old man Minghe and Hetou let out strange and crazy laughter, which resounded throughout the entire Minghe Sect.

In the flames, the two of them had no power to resist. The old guy held one in each hand. The two of them seemed to have turned into two blackened mummies, being roasted repeatedly in the terrifying flames.

This kind of punishment was completely beyond Yang Yu's expectation. He didn't expect that the old guy would be so cruel this time.


This is so cool!

burn! Burn hard! Burn to death!

The third update has been sent, and 10,000 words have been achieved today.

I will tally up the rewards tomorrow, and it seems that my debt is back to before liberation...

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