Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 118 You Honger’s sneak attack! It would be unworthy of a gentleman not to avenge this!

"Junior Brother Fuming!"

"Second senior brother!"

Yang Yu and Ye Jin looked at Fu Ming who appeared in the middle at the same time.

At this time, Fu Ming was holding on to the broken eaves and broken wall with one hand, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and then he seemed to be relieved.

He slowly raised his head, wiped the blood on his mouth with his sleeve, and then looked at Ye Ban.

"Senior brother, you have gone too far."

His voice was flat and relatively quiet, as if he didn't have a lot of energy to speak.

Ye Jin on the other side looked at Fu Ming, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but he suddenly smiled.

"Junior Brother Fuming was joking. He just wanted to play with Ninth Brother on a whim. You think so, right Ninth Brother?"

Ye Jin said slowly with a smile on his face, looking at Yang Yu again.

At this moment, Yang Yu wanted to shoot the arrow in his hand, but his second senior brother Fu Ming suddenly appeared in the middle and Ye Ban seemed to be planning to give up.

Now that the situation has changed, Yang Yu can't help but feel relieved.

Although he really wanted to see the power of this arrow, since he had never used this arrow before, if he still failed to kill Ye Jin, he would also die.

Not absolutely sure, after thinking about it, Yang Yu slowly let go of the hand that had fully pulled the bowstring.

"Haha, senior brother is right!"

Yang Yu replied with the same smile. At this time, all the wounds on his body had recovered.

"You little bitch! Shoot him! Why are you so cowardly!"

Seeing Yang Yu slowly loosening the string, Jizui Gong's angry voice suddenly sounded in Yang Yu's ears.

Its voice can only be heard by Yang Gu, and its tone is full of hatred that iron cannot become steel, as if it is extremely eager for Yang Yu to shoot out the arrow.

The strings were obviously fully stretched, but the feeling of suddenly loosening them was almost driving him crazy.

Every woman will go crazy!

"I only have the power of this arrow. If I can't kill him, I will die. I can't ignore the consequences! This arrow still has to be used at a critical moment."

Yang Yu responded to Jizui Gong in her heart, and her voice could only be heard by Jizui Gong.

"Ahhhhh! You damn little brat! If you want me to help you next time, you'll need at least a hundred handsome men!

a hundred! ! ! "

The bastard bow went crazy and screamed to vent his anger. Yang Yu had completely let go of his hand, but he still held the bow in one hand and the arrow in the other, just in case something unexpected happened.

And his eyes at this moment were looking at Fu Ming.

Fu Ming seems to be the only person in the Minghe Sect who diligently abides by the rules.

If Fu Ming was around, Ye Ban would probably not take action against him again.

"In this case, senior brother, you should have had enough fun, so please come back."

Fu Ming started coughing again, and his words were not very smooth, but he looked at Ye Ban and spoke slowly, with a firm attitude.

"Hehehe, see you another day, two junior brothers."

Ye Ban looked at him deeply, turned around and left without saying anything more.

It wasn't until Ye Jin's figure completely disappeared, and the Qi mark that Yang Yu had just put on Ye Qing's body also disappeared, beyond the range of the Qi mark fixation technique, that he finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you, senior brother."

Looking at Fu Ming, Yang Yu sincerely thanked him.

Fu Ming always comes in time. Zi Luan did it to him last time, and Ye Ban did it to him this time.

Fu Ming waved his hand and couldn't help but cough a few more times.

"Master has rules. I will report this matter to Master. Only senior brother and third junior sister in the sect will not take care of this occasionally. Junior brother, don't worry too much."


Yang Yu nodded, and was about to thank the second senior brother again, but after hearing Fu Ming's words, he was suddenly stunned, and the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up.

Third senior sister! !

Oh shit! I almost forgot that there is a guy who loves to compare!

Just as this thought flashed through Yang Yu's mind, a gust of fragrant wind suddenly hit her face.

A graceful figure wearing light red clothes had appeared in front of Yang Yu at some point. He held a sword in both hands, and his charming face revealed undisguised madness and excitement.

"Junior brother! It's my turn!"

Yang Yu's scalp instantly went numb, but the beauty in front of him was like a snake. The cold sword intent came straight towards his body, as if the entire space around him was frozen, making it impossible to escape.

Although Yang Yu's physical body had just recovered at this time, drawing the bow and drawing arrows had consumed all his mana. Now that the acupoints in his body were exhausted, he had no power to resist at all.

Seeing that the sharp sword with cold light was about to hit his body, Yang Yu suddenly felt a terrible sense of crisis in his heart!

You can't be hit by this sword! You must not be hit by this sword! If you hit him, you'll probably die!

"Gong Niang! One hundred beauties!!"

In desperation, Yang Yu had no other option, and suddenly shouted in her heart. At the same time, she subconsciously raised the bow in her hand in front of her, wanting to fully draw the string again.

But You Hong'er arrived too suddenly, and the distance between the two parties was so close, there was no time!

Just when his hand was about to pull hard, the tip of the sword had already reached his heart, and just the sharp sword intent immediately caused a tingling sensation in his heart.

But at this moment, a roar appeared in Yang Yu's ears.

"Not enough! I want two hundred!!"

The next moment, the bow in Yang Yu's hand suddenly jumped up, and a huge force suddenly came from the bow, which actually led Yang Yu's arm to hit the long sword that was stabbing him.


There were a lot of sparks in the air, and there was a heart-wrenching sound.

But an incredible scene happened.

The bow and the long sword collided together, sparks appeared on the bow blades, but the sword in You Hong'er's hand shattered at the touch of a finger, from the tip to the hilt.

It's like a stone hitting an egg, or a piece of iron hitting tofu.

You Hong'er obviously didn't expect this situation to happen. Her face that was originally filled with a look of madness and murderous intent suddenly changed, and she was shocked on the spot.

This long sword was a magic weapon given to her by her master. According to her master, it came from the famous Yulang Weapon Refining Workshop. It was obtained by her master when he destroyed a sect and was made of extremely hard cold iron. Build.

She had been using it for decades, and there was not even a single chip on the blade. It was as good as new.

But at this moment, it is broken? !

That bow...

She looked at the pure white bow held tightly in Yang Yu's hand.

What is the origin of that bow? !


A large number of sword blade fragments all fell to the ground, making a splintering sound. Seeing You Hong'er holding a sword hilt in her hand, she was already stunned on the spot.

Yang Gu was also a little dumbfounded.

no! Is Gong Niang so fierce? !

It can actually go head-to-head with other weapons! Directly smashed the sword in You Honger's hand!

When can a bow be stronger than a sword?

The boss didn’t even tell him! Can this bow still be used like this?

"How dare you show off your power in front of me with a piece of scrap metal, bah!"

The sound of Jizui Gong immediately sounded in Yang Yu's ears, and his tone was full of disdain.

"It's agreed! Little Bi Zai! Two hundred beauties! Not one less!"


Things happened so fast, in just an instant, the long sword in You Hong'er's hand shattered inch by inch before it could penetrate into Yang Yu's body.

The two of them were stunned on the spot. You Hong'er reacted first, but it was too late to take action.

At this time, between the two of them, a large amount of flesh and blood covered with black hair sprang out from the ground, completely blocking Yang Gu.

"Junior sister!"

Fu Ming's weak voice came at this moment, and a trace of surprise flashed across his sickly pale face, but it was fleeting, and he looked at You Hong'er.

Seeing the large amount of flesh and blood in front of her, You Hong'er felt unwilling, but she had no chance to take action again.

Her body was trembling slightly, her eyes were red, and she seemed to be about to burst into tears, but she had to bite her red lips so hard that they even drew blood.

She lost!

The senior brother was able to beat Yang Yu to death. If Fu Ming hadn't appeared, Yang Yu would have died.

But when it was her turn, she still attacked in a sneak attack. Not only did Yang Yu not be hurt, but her beloved weapon was shattered on the ground.

This time...a disastrous failure!

With a cold snort, You Hong'er threw away the remaining sword hilt in her hand, set off a gust of fragrant wind, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The hilt of the sword hit the ground with a bang. You Hong'er came and left just as quickly. It only took a few breaths from her appearance to her departure.

Seeing You Hong'er finally leaving, Yang Yu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, feeling filled with fear.

Almost! Just a little bit closer! He either died in the hands of Ye Jin or in the hands of You Hong'er.

What two weirdos!

It would be unworthy of a gentleman not to avenge this, just wait!

The large amount of flesh and blood in front of him quickly retracted under the ground, revealing Fu Ming's figure, who was vomiting blood violently again.

Yang Yu took the arrow back into the flesh burying talisman, put the bow lady back on her body, and then looked at Fu Ming gratefully again.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Fu Ming didn't look very good.

"I will report this matter to Master. Do you want to go to Jingtian Pavilion with me?"

Yang Yu hesitated for a moment, nodded, and decided to follow Fu Ming to the old guy's place now.

Even if Ye Jin and You Hong'er are gone now, if the two of them fight back again, he will really have no power to resist at all.

The two of them immediately left the place and headed in the direction of Jingtian Pavilion.

A quarter of an hour later, they walked slowly behind Fu Ming and finally arrived at Jingtian Pavilion. The two of them bowed down outside Jingtian Pavilion and were received by the old man Minghe.

In the middle hall, old man Minghe was holding his hands behind his back and facing away from the two of them. Only Hetou turned his head and looked at Fu Ming and Yang Yu who came in with a sinister smile on his face.

When the two of them came closer, Hetou stretched his neck and came to Yang Yu, and looked up and down.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! I really didn't expect that my little disciple could actually get the technique right under my master's nose, without even my master noticing it. What a trick!"

Yang Yu's heart suddenly tightened.

He knew that he had obtained the Fu Shi realm skills from the Earthly Dharma Monument, and as his cultivation level improved, he would definitely be exposed in front of the old guy.

Although Yang Yu had been prepared, they thought that what he had obtained was only the skills at the early stage of the Fu Shi realm, and he could hide the rest as long as he could. Even the old guy and the old monster couldn't see it anyway.

But He Tou was in front of him, and now that all the mana in his acupoints was exhausted, so he had no power to resist, so he was still a little nervous.

However, just when Yang Yu was about to prevaricate, Gong Niang's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"What the hell is this? Why is it so ugly? It's so ugly!

Stay away from it! I can't stand it! "


Regarding Gong Niang's complaints, Yang Yu chose to ignore and remain silent.

He organized his words and already thought about how to answer the old monster's words.

But just when he raised his head, he saw the old monster squinting his eyes slightly, and suddenly looked at the bow he was carrying.

Yang Yu suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.


Could this old monster be able to hear Gong Niang's voice? !

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