Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?

Chapter 120 Above the rules, a magic amplifier with no side effects

The blazing flames continued for more than ten breaths, and the terrifying high temperature vaporized everything within a hundred meters outside Jingtian Pavilion.

It was naturally impossible for Old Man Minghe to kill the two of them, but the fate of Ye Jin and You Hong'er was not much better.

Although both of them have very strong cultivation, they are completely powerless when the old guy shows his true power.

The body withered under the flames, and even the immortal body could not be restored.

Hetou watched the bodies of the two people gradually shrinking, and he couldn't bear it anymore and swallowed them all from the neck down in one bite, and then began to curse.

"Old guy! It's mushy! It's dry and doesn't taste good at all!"

Amidst Hetou's angry curses, the flames gradually shrank and finally disappeared, leaving only a little residual fire on the body of the old man Minghe.

At this moment, in his hands, both Ye Jin and You Hong'er had only one head left. On the dry head, they could not even express their expressions. They could only look at the old man Minghe, their eyes full of worry. of pain and murderous intent.

Old Minghe was like a gentle and kind old man. The crazy smile on his face gradually subsided, and he gently stroked the heads of the two people.

"Disciple, disciple, I always firmly believe that you are the most unique, but I also don't want to see you lose this uniqueness.

So this time is just a lesson. You should keep in mind that you are under the rules, but the teacher... is above the rules! "

This sentence seems to be spoken to Ye Jin and You Hong'er, but in fact it is also spoken to the entire Minghe Clan.


Crane Head laughed from the side.

Old Man Minghe casually threw the two heads on the ground, and their round heads rolled several times on the ground.

After breaking away from the shackles of Old Man Minghe, new flesh sprouts slowly grew under the neck of the head. Compared with the normal recovery speed of the immortal body, it was unknown when the two of them would be able to return to their original state.

Old Man Minghe didn't care about the two of them. He disappeared in the blink of an eye and returned to Jingtian Pavilion.

Seeing the tragic end of the two people, Yang Yu felt very happy, but he could only feel happy secretly in his heart and could not show it in front of the old guy.

Maybe the old guy is still angry now, so it's not impossible to target him again.

When the old guy returned to Jingtian Pavilion, Yang Yu and Fu Ming both lowered their heads and waited quietly below.

"Little disciple, are you satisfied?"

Old Man Minghe spoke slowly and asked Yang Yu in a very calm tone, waiting for his answer.

satisfy? You can't say this out loud!

Yang Yu's heart condensed. If he dared to say that he was satisfied, it meant that this matter was something he strongly requested. The old guy had to do it. He would be the sinner. Maybe it would be his turn to suffer disaster in the next second.

He is not a fool, how could he be so foolish as to take this matter on himself.

So Yang Eucalyptus’s reply is:

"Master is wise!"

Revenge is revenge, but the person you punished has nothing to do with me, so don't think of blaming it on me.


Old Man Minghe and Hetou both laughed in unison, not knowing what they were thinking.

Yang Eucalyptus chose to remain silent at this time, staying the same to cope with the ever-changing situation, and the atmosphere seemed to become a little weird.

It wasn't until a while later that Old Man Minghe pondered for a moment, then slowly said to Yang Gu:

"Give me the skills as a teacher."

Naturally, he was talking about Yang Yu's skills from the resonance stage to the late stage of the Yuan Feeding Realm. As for the skills at the early Fu Shi Stage after killing Zi Luan, he hadn't gotten them yet, but there was no need to get them.

Because Yang Gu has reached the early stage of the Fu Shi realm, this part of the technique is useless to him, and will naturally be taken back by Old Man Minghe.

Yang Yu's heart tightened, now it was finally his turn.

The old guy really wouldn't let him go so easily.

According to what Senior Brother Fuming told him before, handing over all the skills can be exchanged for an opportunity to visualize the Earthly Dharma Monument.

But at this moment, it was the old guy who took the initiative to beg for it, instead of Yang Yu taking the initiative to hand it over, which meant something completely different.

"There is more than one person who committed a foul, and you also violated the rules, but being a teacher can give you a chance to redeem yourself.

As long as you hand over the exercises, you will be given an explanation for this matter, and my teacher can also give you a chance to visualize the Earthly Dharma Monument. What do you think? "

Fu Ming on the side also looked at Yang Yu.

They all knew what the foul the old man Minghe was referring to.

Yang Yu used his Fu Shi realm cultivation to kill Zi Luan whose cultivation was sealed. This was what he called a foul.

If we talk about punishment, Yang Gu can't escape the involvement either.

At this moment, Yang Yu was thinking about the meaning of the old guy's words. He also knew what the old guy said.

I was a little nervous at first, but calmed down after hearing what the old guy said.

Originally, these techniques were useless to him, and he planned to hand them over. Now that the old guy asked for them, it would make no difference if he gave them to him.

From this point of view, his cultivation has entered the Fu Shi realm but the old guy didn't notice it. It's no wonder that he was punished. The so-called punishment was just an excuse to ask for the skills.

What Yang Yu cares about is whether he can get the opportunity to visualize the Earthly Dharma Stele. As long as he can get the opportunity to visualize the Earthly Dharma Stele, it doesn't matter if he hands over the technique.

He moved very neatly and took out several scrolls from the flesh burial talisman. This was all the skills he mastered.

Old Man Minghe took all the skill scrolls with a single move of his hand.

But at this moment, Hetou beside him chuckled.

"Old guy, you're taking this guy too far. No, no, I still have to do it!"

It then turned to look at Eucalyptus poplar.

"Little disciple, I know that you want to have the opportunity to visualize the Earthly Dharma Monument, yes! But you have made a mistake in this matter after all, so there must be a prerequisite for this!

When you become the seventh disciple of the Master, you will have the opportunity to visualize the Earthly Dharma Stele. "

"how do you feel?"


Damn, I was cheated!

Seeing the sinister look on Hetou's face, Yang Yu immediately felt a chill in his heart.

The old guy first asked him to hand over all his skills, but He Tou reneged on his promise with one move.

One is a good person and the other is a bad person. They can really do anything.

But there is nothing Yang Yu can do about it. If the old guy tries to force him, he still has to hand over the skills obediently. At least for now, he can still get the qualification to visualize the Earthly Dharma Monument, but he has one more person to watch. A seemingly difficult premise.

Perhaps in the old guy's view, he only has the skills at the early stage of the Fu Shi realm, while the eighth senior brother has already acquired the skills at the late stage of the Fu Shi realm after becoming the seventh senior brother.

If he wants to kill the Seventh Senior Brother, he has to use his cultivation at the early stage of the Fu Shi Realm to face the cultivation at the late stage of the Fu Shi Realm. This is definitely not that easy.


Who said he only has the skills at the early stage of Fu Shi realm?

Yang Yu sneered in her heart.

Old monster, old monster, you forced me to do this.

"Disciple is willing to accept it."

Yang Yu seemed to be hesitating. He was silent for a while before responding. He seemed to have made up his mind.

He Tou had a sinister smile on his face as if his treacherous plan had succeeded. If Yang Yu dared to say no, then Yang Yu's fate today would probably not be any better than that of You Hong'er who was imprisoned.

"Those who know the current affairs are heroes and are good disciples."


Crane Head was generous with his praise, but it sounded more like ridicule.

Now that things were over, old man Ming He still had something to tell Fu Ming, so Yang Yu resigned and left Jingtian Pavilion.

After walking out of Jingtian Pavilion, the senior brother and third senior sister were nowhere to be found. They had probably recovered and left.

There was still meat oil on the ground that the two of them had just roasted, leaving two traces on the ground, and there was a faint smell of barbecue.

Yang Yu frowned and just glanced at it before heading back to his residence. The old guy had been ruthless before. He didn't believe that Ye Qing and You Hong'er still dared to trouble him now, so he didn't pass it on the way back. Worry more.

And when he returned to his residence and saw several corpse slaves still guarding the door, Yang Yu suddenly thought of his original eighth brother and now his seventh brother.

The current situation is that above him, there are only a few classmates left.

The seventh senior brother Jiang Hechuan, the sixth senior brother Jin Tong, the fifth senior brother Ji Bu, the second senior brother Fu Ming, and the first senior brother Ye Jing.

From this point of view, if the seventh senior brother's cultivation is now at the late stage of the Fu Shi realm, then the sixth senior brother is very likely to be above the flesh and blood realm!

These fellow disciples were indeed more terrifying than he imagined.

After entering the Flesh Realm, the power of magic that can be amplified is indeed not something that the Fu Shi Realm can compete with.

The previous battle between Yang Gu and Ye Ban was a good example.

Ye Ban did not use all his strength, but Yang Yu tried his best but was still pressed to the ground and rubbed. The gap between the Flesh Realm and Fu Shi Realm was really huge, so big that it was almost impossible to succeed in the challenge.

'If I can get the skills of the flesh-killing realm...'

Yang Yu had strong expectations in her heart.

He is different from others. Although monks in the Flesh Realm can amplify the power of spells, they also have to bear the price of being amplified.

But he doesn't have to!

Once he enters the realm of flesh and blood, for Yang Yu, it is simply equivalent to mastering a spell amplifier with no side effects at all. Under the decline of one another, the benefits he obtains are greater than anyone else.

At that time, maybe you will be qualified to fight head-on with Ye Ban!

However, expectations are expectations, but there is still an old problem that Yang Eucalyptus has always had to face.

He has the follow-up skills, but he does not have the appropriate life-path skills. Both the skills and the skills are indispensable to practice the "Explanation of the Wonderful Way". Without one of them, he will not be able to enter the next realm.

Other sect members may not have as high requirements for the choice of Fate Technique as Yang Yu, so any technique can be used to merge into Fate Technique.

But Yang Yu can't do that. His choice has been made from the beginning. In the future, he can only become a light person who radiates light and heat.

Either we don't take this road, or we have to go to the end.

Otherwise, if you change to other types of fate techniques later and abandon the light techniques, it will only lead to the consequences of not achieving one thing or the other, and instead destroying the foundation.

This is not okay.

There is another chapter that is a few minutes late. I need to revise it.

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