"Hurry up and give me a reasonable explanation!"

Zhao Tiancheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, he hadn't found out about his informing yet.

He glanced at the territory that was already riddled with holes and felt that he would be unable to hold on any longer in the next second.

My heart skipped a beat for a moment, and I secretly thought about why no one came to support me.

Facing the inquiry from His Highness God King Diildenima, he immediately replied:

"Dear His Highness God King Diildenima, what I said is indeed correct. This is indeed a small territory. At least compared to Xiao Mo, it is really not impressive."

What Zhao Tiancheng said is indeed the truth, because with Xiao Mo, that pang

Compared with the large territory, the territory of any territory lord is very small.

So it's not wrong for him to say so.

However, His Royal Highness God King Diildenima was shocked, because this territory already gave him a moment of hesitation.

Then if they faced Xiao Mo's more advanced territory, wouldn't they have to spend more time?

Originally, His Highness God King Deildenima had some considerations towards the owner of the territory, but now he has to pay more attention to it.

"Compared to this territory, how about Xiao Mo's territory?"

Zhao Tiancheng: "Well... this..."

In fact, he knew that Xiao Mo's territory was very dangerous, and he felt that he did not want to reveal this information to His Highness God King Deildenima.

So he turned his eyes and saw the glorious empire leader Hess Adam beside him, and immediately said:

"His Majesty the Great God King Diildenima, I really don't have a good relationship with Xiao Mo, so I don't know what the strength of his territory is."


Zhao Tiancheng changed his tone, then looked at Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, and said:

"His Royal Highness God King Diildenima, although I don't know what Xiao Mo's territory looks like, Hes Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, must know."

"Because they attacked Xiao Mo's territory not long ago, they must know something about Xiao Mo's territory!"

"If you want to know, you might as well ask Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire."

His Royal Highness God-King Deildenima had a novel look on his face. He looked at Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, who was standing aside with a not-so-good-looking expression, and then asked:

"You actually know? Then tell me what Xiao Mo's territory looks like?"

Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, turned pale when he heard this.

Because he once made a big mistake in Xiao Mo's territory, he would not allow others to mention such words.

So now that Zhao Tiancheng brought it up on his own initiative, he felt very angry.

But he couldn't tell how embarrassed he felt at that time in front of His Majesty God King Diildenima, so he said:

"When I first attacked the Immortal and Demonic Empire, their territory was extremely hard, and there was a special protective shield on it that made it impossible for anyone to enter."

"However, after passing through the powerful attack of the Glorious Empire, their imperial defense shield has been destroyed!"

"So, His Highness God-King Diildenima, you just need to attack with confidence."

His Royal Highness God King Dildenima sat on the throne, looking down at the two people below.

"Then what? After you destroyed his imperial defense cover, did you continue to attack inside?"

"How hard is their territory?"

The face of Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, was even more ugly. He said very awkwardly:

"I was about to fight in, but that damn Xiao Mo came back at that time, and brought a lot of helpers, so we retreated."

Zhao Tiancheng, who knew everything, quietly glanced at Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, with contempt.

He was obviously defeated, and was beaten very badly, so he was willing to retreat.

Now that he is saying this, if it weren't for the elf goddess stopping him, he might have been destroyed long ago.

At this time, Zhao Tiancheng suddenly felt that Xiao Mo was no longer so annoying.

However, after His Royal Highness God King Dildenima listened to what Hess Adam, the leader of the Glorious Empire, said.

He thought that Xiao Mo's territory was similar to this. Although he was a little wary, he didn't take it to heart that much.

At this moment, the attack of the alien demon clan is in full swing, and the female territory owner will soon be unable to hold on any longer.

The entire territory is now riddled with holes, and there is still a very unpleasant smell.

The huge demons flying in the sky were like false dragons flying around in the sky, with dark green flames spraying from their mouths.

They looked at the female territory owner inside with provocative and lustful eyes.


"Hey hey hey!"

"My little sweethearts, hurry up and catch me without any help."

"I will definitely love you well!"

"My little sweetheart..."

"Hee hee hee!"


Hearing these very disrespectful words, the members of the female domain masters gritted their teeth angrily.

I wish I could sew the mouths of these nasty demons shut immediately.

But they really can't hold on anymore, the demon's attack on them is too powerful.

They had no ability to resist at all, and could only listen to their frivolous remarks with great anger.

And they can hold on for at most one minute. If they persist, they will die here.

No! Not only that!

They will also be played by these damn evil demons, and they will definitely be worse than dead.

A female territory owner said angrily and with despair:

"If the territory really cannot hold on, then I would rather die here than let these evil spirits succeed!"

"Me too! Even if I choose to self-destruct and resist them with my own body, I will not fall into their hands!"

"What should I do?"

"But I don't want to die now! Why hasn't my husband come to save us?!"

"We shouldn't think so, we can't put all our hopes on Mr. Xiao Mo!"

"Even if Mr. Xiao Mo didn't come to rescue us, it would still be nothing, because he has already helped us a lot."

"Indeed, Boss Xiao Mo has been helping us before this, but we have nothing to repay him."

"Now even if he can't come in time to save us, we can't resent him!"

"Sister Qingqing, but what should we do now?"

Someone couldn't help but asked Shen Qingqing:

"We won't die here like now, right? I don't want to fall into the hands of the devil."

"So what on earth do we do now?"

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