Shen Qingqing was struggling to control the magic, feeling that the divine power in his body was about to be exhausted.

When the owner of the territory asked her, Shen Qingqing replied with great difficulty:

"No matter what we are going to do later, we must resist the evil attack with all our heart now, even if it means death, because we must not fall into the hands of the evil!"

In fact, she is also very anxious now, but she knows that she cannot retreat now. If you retreat, the entire territory will be destroyed.

So now she has to calm down and become a spiritual support for everyone.

But why doesn't she feel desperate? Facing such a powerful enemy!

The demons outside are becoming more and more terrifying, and the territory's defense capabilities are getting weaker and weaker.

The alien demon clan shouted bitterly.

"My little sweethearts, stop making any unnecessary resistance and come to my arms quickly!"

"Hey hey hey!"

"This is our slave, and we might give you a good ending!"

"I haven't tried the Territory Lord type yet! Maybe it tastes much better than those demons?"

"Yes, yes, I am also very curious about these little cuties. Would it be better if I could taste them?"

"But this also depends on the performance of these territorial lords!"


"I really want to hold them in my arms quickly!"


Now at this time, the alien demon clan began to laugh crazily, and they were not in a hurry to capture them all.

Instead, he enjoyed looking at their desperate expressions.

The defenses of the territorial lords are getting weaker and weaker, and some female territorial lords cannot hold on anymore.

They shouted crazily:

"Help me, help me! I don't want to fall into the hands of these people! I'm still young and I don't want to die yet!"

"What to do with these hateful demons!"

"Who can come and save me?"

"Then I don't want to, I don't want to die so young!"

"Sister Qingqing, what should I do now? Come and save me quickly, I don't want to die!"


Listening to the shouts of the lord of the territory, the alien demon clan roared loudly and proudly, and kept making strange screams that could target people's mental attacks.

Now they have also appreciated the screams of the territory lord, His Royal Highness God King Dildenima said coldly:

"You guys should stop playing and end this as soon as possible!"

After hearing what His Royal Highness God King Diildenima said, the alien demon clan did not dare to move, and then prepared to take down the owner of the territory with one blow.

Just when they were preparing to attack with all their strength, a very powerful divine power descended on this place.

"I wonder which of you dares?"

Immediately, a snow-white staff blocked the attack of the evil spirits and drove them all away.

The person who came was the Elf Goddess!

The Elf Goddess wore armor and brought hundreds of thousands of natural goddesses with her, and then looked at the alien demon clan very angrily.

"I asked you to be beaten away last time, but you dare to come here again this time. Are you not afraid of death anyway?"

As soon as he saw the goddess of nature, His Highness God King Dildenima became a little scared.

Because they were driven away by this group of women in the end, he felt a little frightened at this time.

That kind of powerful power still left a deep impression on his heart.

What's more important is that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the Elf Goddess has become the Lord of God and has become even more powerful.

However, right now, His Royal Highness God-King Diildenima is just a mere God-King.

Even if their alien demon clan is very powerful and can challenge beyond the level, the current strength of His Highness God King Dildenima cannot be compared with the Elf Goddess.

Therefore, His Royal Highness God King Diildenima did not lead the evil spirits to attack the goddess of nature from the beginning.

However, His Royal Highness God King Diildenima only panicked for a moment, and then remembered the orders given by the Ten Lords of Demons and the Dark Emperor.

"Elven Goddess, why are you so arrogant? Even if we were forced to withdraw from the original continent hundreds of thousands of years ago."

"But do you think you won?"

"And I remember that even if we were driven away by you, you didn't lose the benefits and were forced to sleep for hundreds of thousands of years, right?"

"What's more important is that your leader Helena Tis, the goddess of the earth, is dead now, so your current strength must be greatly reduced!"

"But because you defeated us last time, I will give you some thin noodles now. I hope you won't be ungrateful and get out of here!"

If the evil demon had proposed the name Helena Tis, the goddess of earth, the elf goddess would have been very angry.

But now that the earth goddess Helena Tis has been resurrected by the protagonist, the elf goddess is immune to this verbal attack.

But she is not that stupid now, and I will tell you the news of the new resurrection of Helena Tis, the goddess of the earth, to tell you His Highness the God King Dildenima.

The Elf Goddess said in a very calm tone:

"Really? I really don't know what the Ten Lords of Evil and the Dark Emperor are doing, but they only sent you as a minion."

"And you are still doing such evil things. Do you think there is really nothing I can do against you?"

"It's you who should get out now. I'm not paying attention to your attitude. You should be polite!"

The Elf Goddess didn't want to talk nonsense to His Highness God King Diildenima, so she directly picked up her artifact and recited the magic formula.

Immediately afterwards, a bright divine light was released from the artifact, hitting His Highness God King Dildenima hard.

However, His Highness the God King Diildenima has been paying attention to him since the elf goddess appeared, so he was well prepared.

In an instant, he dodged away from where he was and pulled an untransformed demon in front of him.

Then he ran away without looking back, because he knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat the Elf Goddess.

If you stay here, you will definitely be nothing more than a cannon fodder, and you won’t even know how you will die.

But when he left, he was still carrying Zhao Tiancheng in his hand.

"Everyone, get out of here! Don't stay here for too long!"

Zhao Tiancheng, who was being held in the hands of His Highness God King Deildenima, was about to go crazy.

I kept scolding my mother in my heart!

He didn't understand at all why His Royal Highness God King Dildenima took him with him before leaving.

He is just a little guy, at most he has the special status of being the lord of the territory.

Apart from this, he has no other abilities, and I don’t know why His Highness God King Diildenima takes him with him.

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