At this moment, His Royal Highness God King Diildenima is leading a clan of alien demons to attack the [House of the Goddess].

"My brave warriors must give this [Goddess House] a complete breakthrough!"

"In this case, those beautiful goddesses inside will become your slaves!"

Although His Highness God King Diildenima has transformed into a human form, the demons behind him are still in animal form.

Their appearance is no different from the demons in your world. They all have huge bodies and blood-red eyes as big as lanterns.

When he opened his mouth, a fishy wind hit him, and dark green saliva left his mouth.

It's just that the aura on their bodies is far stronger than that of the evil spirits from another world, and their eyes are not so stiff, and they have their own thoughts.

After hearing what His Royal Highness God King Diildenima said, these demons became excited.

One by one, they spread their huge black wings behind them and roared towards the [Goddess’ Home] to attack!

The current leader of [Goddess House] is Shen Qingqing, the lord of the Crown Territory.

Now facing the attack of the alien demon clan, if the girls in [Goddess House] say they are not nervous, that would be a lie.

"Master, what should we do now?"

"I am just relying on our own words. We will definitely not be able to defeat the alien demon clan!"

"So now we have to wait for others to come to the rescue, otherwise we will only die!"

"Yes, yes, Master, what do you think we should do now to prevent us from being in such danger?"

Shen Qingqing looked at the emergency situation outside and felt very nervous.

Everyone who looked at the swarming alien demon clan outside felt frightened.

And she is the most powerful among them.

And she only has the peak level of god level, not even the god king.

Of the alien demon clan outside, the strongest one is only a God King, a peak-level demon.

However, most of the otherworldly demon clan are also at the peak of their god-king strength like her.

If, if this group of alien demons really come in, then they will have no choice but to die.

Shen Qingqing cannot panic at this time. If she, the leader of the alliance, panics, then everyone may not calm down.

So she pretended to be calm and said:

"Have you sent the message to Mr. Xiao Mo now?"

"What was his reply?"

At this time, someone answered immediately.

"Sister Shen, we have already sent a message to Mr. Xiao Mo. I think he is also busy now, so he did not reply to us!"

"Yes, since he doesn't reply to us, he must not know. Now we are in danger!"

"Then we can only break through the siege by relying on our own abilities, but how can we defeat these evil spirits?"

"Their strength is much stronger than ours! We don't even have an eight-point chance of winning!"

"But I don't want to die here. I think we must come up with a countermeasure, even if we can't defeat them!"

"We have to wait until the time comes to get Mr. Xiao Mo to come over!"

"That's right. I believe that as long as Mr. Xiao Mo gets the news that we are in danger, they will definitely send someone to solve this matter!"

"I also believe that my husband will not put us in danger!"

"Yes, yes, my husband is a very good person. How could he let his little wife face these terrifying evil spirits?"

At this time, these female domain owners actually still have the intention to tease Xiao Mo.

After hearing this, Shen Qingqing couldn't help but smile, and her heart became quieter and quieter.

Then her expression became calmer and calmer, and she said firmly:

"Yes, you are right, we must not give up now, we must think of a good countermeasure!"

"We must wait until Boss Xiao Mo knows that we are in danger now, and he will definitely come to save us!"

"Just like last time, he landed in front of us like a god and protected us!"

"So this time, as long as we persist to the end, we will be able to wait for the light!"

Now that they think about it like this, even if they are facing the terrifying evil demon, they are not so afraid for a while.

Each female territory owner is holding her own weapon on top of the fortress, attacking the evil spirits outside.

Although their strength is not that strong, fortunately this castle is produced by [Game Official].

The defensive ability is very strong, and it can barely resist the attack of the alien demon clan.

Seeing that these alien demon clan, which far exceeded the strength of the territory lord, did not break the castle for a while.

His Royal Highness God King Dildenima was involuntarily shocked.

"What kind of defensive weapon is this? How can it be so powerful?"

Along the way, he attacked small gods and kingdoms, killing gods when he met them, and killing Buddhas when he met Buddhas.

I have never encountered this situation at all.

And just now he heard that damn territory lord say that this castle was just a small castle, not very powerful at all.

However, it can still withstand their attacks for a period of time. What if it is the lord of that large territory?

Wouldn't that be even more powerful?

For a moment, His Royal Highness God King Dildenima fell into deep thought again.

He immediately called Zhao Tiancheng to be brought over.

Zhao Tian was frightened to death by the sudden surprise, thinking that his message delivery had been discovered.

"Dear His Royal Highness God King Diildenima, you called me over. What's going on?"

He was shaking so much that he had no idea whether His Highness God King Dildenima had discovered the news he was delivering.

Fortunately, His Highness God King Diildenima quickly said:

"Didn't you just say that this territory is just a small territory and not very powerful?"

"Why were they able to withstand the attacks of the alien demon clan?"

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