Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 44 The Abyss Demon Who Is About To Arrive On The Battlefield Is Ishtar!

Zhang Yuan was teleported to a desolate land, and along with him appeared 4 NPCs with level 19 and professions of warrior, mage, knight, and priest.

Zhang Yuan checked the attributes of the four NPC teammates. The total attributes of the four NPC teammates were the same as his, but the emphasis was different.

For example, a warrior focuses on strength and agility, a mage focuses on spirit, a knight focuses on physique, and a priest focuses on spirit and physique...

Generally speaking, just looking at the attribute panels of teammates, these four teammates are at the same level as Zhang Yuan himself. Of course...the equipment they have is all level 19 whiteboard equipment, and their skills are also quite basic.

"Group an NPC team for each candidate. It is probably for candidates who are not in output professions. After all, it will be difficult for them to kill monsters without teammates, but this NPC team is of no use to me."

After Zhang Yuan checked the attributes of his teammates, he immediately gave the four of them instructions to stand by and move forward alone.

In the light tower, Chen Yun and the examiners were not surprised by Zhang Yuan's approach. After all, they had seen Zhang Yuan's strength.

Although those four NPC teammates have very abnormal attributes, they are still pure burdens to Zhang Yuan.

"This child is destined to be a brave lone wolf from now on."

Chen Yun sighed with emotion and began to look forward to Zhang Yun's performance in the abyss battlefield.

Soon, an abyss monster patrolling the desolate land met Zhang Yuan, but the abyss team was slaughtered by Zhang Yuan's ten iron swords before they could even react.

Zhang Yuan's points instantly increased by 50,000.

Although Chen Yun was mentally prepared, after seeing Zhang Yuan easily destroying an abyss team, and then all the abyss monsters within a radius of 500 meters of Zhang Yuan were suddenly killed, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, "This kid, not only a single The attack power is high, it seems to have splash damage, and the range is unreasonably large. The abyss monsters we dropped in the abyss battlefield were cleared by him at once. "

"The profession of Sword Formation Master is too supermodel...even more powerful than the legendary profession. I am afraid it is a new god-level profession."

"This guy is definitely a strategic weapon on the battlefield. One person can destroy an entire army!"

"What a monster!"

Chen Yun and the examiners were discussing, they had never seen such an outrageous profession!

The top scorer in all previous college entrance examinations in the country, his highest score in the Abyss Battlefield was just over 40,000. The score had just begun and he had already set a new historical record.

You must know that the duration of this abyss battlefield copy is a full six hours!

Zhang Yuan spread his ten iron swords to the edge of the sword array, and then moved forward at full speed. All abyss monsters that entered the range of his sword array were all killed instantly!

Zhang Yuan's points increased at a rocket-like speed, and soon exceeded 100,000!

At this moment, all the examiners were numb.

They felt that Zhang Yuan and other candidates had completely different styles of painting!

While Zhang Yuan was killing abyssal monsters like cutting leeks, the other candidates were still organizing their teams to fight hard against the first abyssal team they encountered.

Jiang Yun, currently ranked second in Jiangnan Province, had just destroyed an Abyss team, and his points increased by 500.

In the previous college entrance examination, Jiang Yun's monster-killing speed was definitely at the provincial champion level, and he even had a chance to break into the top three in the country. Unfortunately, he and Zhang Yuansheng were in the same class, and his shine was destined to be overshadowed by Zhang Yuan.

Chen Yun saw Zhang Yuan pushing all the way, with no skill CD or mental energy consumption at all, so he said to the examiners: "There is no suspense about this round of exams. Zhang Yuan is definitely the top scorer in the country. We can focus on other candidates." Well, Daxia Empire needs more than one genius."

"no problem."

The other examiners nodded. There was already garbage time left on Zhang Yuan's side. As examiners, they should really care about every candidate.

At the same time, two groups of purple mist appeared out of thin air over the light tower at the Jiangnan Province College Entrance Examination Center, and two abyss demons walked out of them.

One of them is the level 70 abyss boss, Otis, who was defeated by Zhang Yuan!

The other abyss demon wearing a blue robe and a blue magic book floating beside him is also a level 70 abyss boss named Ishtar.

Otis asked in a deep voice: "Ishtar, there are many human masters in the tower. Do you think we can succeed in this plan?"

Ishtar's palms condensed with moisture, and he said confidently: "I will win."

"Okay, let's get started."

Otis took out a black heart, recited an obscure incantation, and then crushed the black heart to pieces!


A strange sound echoed in the sky, and the sky in Donghai City instantly became extremely gray. The blood splashed from the black heart spilled onto the barrier of the light tower, instantly making the barrier extremely dark.

The next moment, the barrier of the light tower was shattered. Otis and Ishtar looked at each other, nodded, and rushed into the light tower together.

The copies of all candidates in Jiangnan Province suddenly turned red, and all the monitors of the examiners in the light tower disappeared!

"The protective barrier of the Trial Light Tower was broken?"

"I sense the breath of the abyss? No, it must be the wandering abyss demon Otis here!"

"Immediately activate the emergency plan, suspend the exam, move all candidates to a safe place, and at the same time request support from above. We must ensure the safety of all candidates!"

"The secret realm dungeon has been forcibly terminated, and all candidates have been transferred out... No! One of the secret realm dungeons has been completely abyssalized, and the abyss strategy mode has started and cannot be stopped!"

Chen Yun's expression changed drastically, "Which candidate is in that copy?"

"Checking...it's Zhang Yuan!"

"Sure enough! Otis went for Zhang Yuan!"

A gleam flashed in Chen Yun's eyes, and he turned to look at an examiner from Donghai University, "Professor Li, you and I will go to Donghai University to ask for the core of Gavus and forcefully close this copy of the Abyss."

Professor Li hesitated, "The Core of Gavus is the treasure of our school. There are less than five Cores of Gavus left in the country. I'm afraid the principal is not willing to use them to save a candidate."

Chen Yun said solemnly: "If you don't give it, grab it! I will bear all the responsibilities! You have all seen Zhang Yuan's college entrance examination process. His value is definitely above the core of Gaius. He must not be allowed to fall into the abyss before he grows up. Kill the demon, otherwise it will be a loss that our human race cannot bear!”

After Chen Yun's words, Professor Li gritted his teeth and said, "You're right, you don't want me to be a professor, let's go!"

Other examiners also said: "Professor Chen, you look down on us too much. You two may not be able to snatch the core of Gavus from Tunghai University, so let's go too!"

"Okay! Examiners below level 70 appease the students teleported from the light tower. All examiners above level 70 will go to Tunghai University with me and bring the core of Gavus over as quickly as possible!"

At this time, in the secret copy, Zhang Yuan suddenly felt that the temperature around him had dropped, and a familiar smell appeared in the air.

"The copy is transformed into the abyss?"

Zhang Yuan's eyes changed slightly. He was simply too familiar with this situation!

"Are you the human boy who defeated Otis? You just look like that..."

A cloud of purple mist appeared in front of Zhang Yuan, and Ista walked out of it. The snake-like smile on his face made Zhang Yuan feel chilled in his heart.

Eye of the abyss!

[Unable to detect target! 】

Another abyss boss above level 70!

Zhang Yuan's expression became solemn, and he quietly took out the crystal ball given by Bai Zhengguo, preparing to ask for help.

The reason why he defeated Otis last time was because Otis only knew spiritual spells. Now a new abyss boss is coming. As long as the new abyss boss knows skills other than spiritual and water spells, he will definitely die!

"Look at your weak and frightened look. The human race in its infancy is so frail and shameful."

Ishtar grinned, and there was water vapor surging around him. "Boy, before I kill you, please allow me to introduce myself. I am a level 70 water magician from the abyss. I will let you be with me later." In that vast water element, he drowned in extreme pain."

"Great Water Mage?"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but be startled when he heard Ista's words. Then he put away Bai Zhengguo's crystal ball and said with a grin: "You should have told me earlier!"

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