Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 45 Two Level 70S Besieging Level 19, It’S Fair, Right?

"What do you mean?"

Ista couldn't help but be stunned, wondering what Zhang Yuan's reaction was.

Doesn't this kid have even a little respect for the strong?

Zhang Yuan asked: "Since you are the great magician of the water system, do you, like Otis, specialize in water spells?"

"That's nature! I was born with an affinity for the water element. I have specialized in water spells since I was born. I dream that one day the entire world will be swallowed by the flood I created!"

"Although the characters of you demons are worse than the last, I have to praise that you abyss demons are quite dedicated. If you say you practice spells with one attribute, you really only practice one attribute."

After Zhang Yuan finished speaking, Chi Xiao appeared quietly behind Ishtar and stabbed at Ishtar.

Istar immediately turned into smoke and dissipated, then quickly condensed not far away, and sneered: "I already know your methods. Although you have the skill to ignore defense, with your current speed, you still can't hit me. "

"Forget it if you miss." Zhang Yuan didn't care and simply gave up the attack.

He estimated that this Ishtar was just like Otis, either with thick health or with death-avoidance skills. He couldn't be killed anyway, so he just needed to wait for time.

This is the territory of the human race. Now there are abyss demons invading the secret realm copy of the college entrance examination. It is estimated that the strong men of the human race will come over soon.

"Are you trying to delay time until the strong men from your human race come to rescue you?"

Ista saw Zhang Yuan's plan and sneered: "Unfortunately, I won't give you this time."

Skill: Sea Dragon Roar!

Ista directly killed Zhang Yuan.

The pages of the magic book suspended next to him turned quickly, and a large amount of water elements spurted out from the magic book, condensing into a ferocious water dragon and bombarding Zhang Yuan!

Zhan Lu immediately formed a blue barrier in front of Zhang Yuan, neutralizing Istar's water dragon.

"The attack is ineffective?"

When Ishtar saw that his attack was ineffective, a look of shock appeared on his face, "How is this possible? Aren't you immune to mental attacks? Why are my water element attacks also ineffective against you?"

"You try again, maybe it's not powerful enough?" Zhang Yuan chuckled, his words full of ridicule, and it seemed that he didn't take Istar's skills seriously at all.

Ista was successfully angered by Zhang Yuan's mocking smile and roared: "Despicable human beings, even in the abyss, no demon dares to speak to me like this! I'll let you see my true strength!"

Heavenly Waterfall Technique!

Big tsunami!

Kraken screams!

Poisonous sea!

In just a few seconds, Ista used most of his high-level spells, and the entire copy space was submerged by sea water. However, Zhang Yuan was safe and sound in the violent water element, but did not appear to be hurt at all.

"Ista, why are you so slow? Why haven't you killed Zhang Yuan yet? If the strong men from the human race arrive, we won't be able to run away!"

At this time, Otis's anxious voice sounded in the copy, "Stop playing!"

"I'm playing hell!"

Ishtar roared back angrily, "You damn Otis, Zhang Yuan is obviously immune to water attacks, and you still want me to take the risk to kill him. You want me to die, right?"

"He is immune to water-based attacks? How come?"

Otis exclaimed, and then a crack was torn open in the dungeon space. Otis rushed into the dungeon and saw that the entire dungeon had been submerged in sea water, and Zhang Yuan was swimming in the sea water!

"Otis! Is this the reinforcement you found? Their level is not good either!"

Zhang Yuan saw Otis appearing and taunted him mercilessly!


Being ridiculed by Zhang Yuan, Otis was furious and immediately used Soul Flame on Zhang Yuan. The terrifying Soul Flame instantly ignited the sea in the copy!

Unfortunately, mental spells are ineffective against Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said: "The combination skills of the two of you are quite good, and the hot spring temperature you created is just right!"


Otis was so angry that Zhang Yuan spit out a mouthful of old blood. His eyes turned blood red and he roared: "Zhang Yuan, if I don't kill you, I swear I won't be a devil!"

"Since we can't kill you, how will you deal with these monsters?"

Otis poured a large amount of his spiritual power into the copy, the water element dissipated, and countless corrupted orcs several meters high sprung up from the barren land like mushrooms after rain.

Zhang Yuan used the Eye of the Abyss on one of the abyss monsters.

[Corrupted Orc Warrior (Elite)]

[Level: 20]

【Power: 10000】

[Agility: 10000]

[Spirit: 10000]

[Physique: 10000]

[Skills: Abyss War Cry, Damage Sharing]

The attributes of the level 20 abyss corrupt monster are actually the same as the level 30 hidden boss Rakshasa King. The most terrifying thing is... there are more and more abyss monsters around, thousands of them as far as the eye can see!

"Zhang Yuan, so what if you are immune to mental and water attacks? In this abyss dungeon, as long as my mental power is not used up, there will be as many monsters as I want!"

Otis' eyes were extremely cold, "Zhang Yuan, I will kill you today!"


The corrupted orc warriors roared angrily and swarmed Zhang Yuan from all directions with giant axes in hand!

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yuan immediately used ten flying swords to protect himself.

Suddenly, ten water ropes appeared out of thin air, binding all ten of Zhang Yuan's flying swords.

[In disarmed state, unable to use weapons! 】

Zhang Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw the prompt on his panel.

And this trick?

"Boy, just because you are immune to water attacks doesn't mean you don't need control."

Ista also calmed down at this moment and looked at Zhang Yuan coldly, "Although it is a bit bullying for two of us level 70 demons to beat you to a level 19, but no matter what, you must die today!"

At the same time, more than a dozen corrupted orcs had rushed in front of Zhang Yuan and raised their giant axes to chop him down.

As a last resort, Zhang Yuan could only risk being discovered by the Wang family and use the skill Spirit Storm!

boom! ! !

The terrifying storm swept away in all directions!

"No, there's something wrong with his skills! Get out of the range of his sword array!"

Both Otis and Ista felt the fatal threat from Zhang Yuan's spiritual storm, and immediately retreated quickly, retreating to 500 meters away before being swallowed by the spiritual storm!

At the same time, with Zhang Yuan as the center, all the corrupted orcs in a radius of 500 meters were wiped out!

Clear the screen in one move!

"How perverted is this kid...?" The two demons Otis and Ishtar were stunned. They looked at each other with horror and fear in their eyes!

They could feel that every time a corrupted orc was attacked, the power of Zhang Yuan's skills would increase by about 10%.

The death of thousands of corrupted orcs gave the amplification of the mental storm enough to kill two of them at level 70 in the abyss on the spot!

A level 19 human boy almost killed two level 70 abyss bosses...

"This child must not be allowed to grow any longer, otherwise there will be disaster in the abyss!"

At this moment, both Otis and Ishtar made some determination!

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