Outside the light tower, teachers from each school were still discussing what this year's dungeon might be, and the rankings that suddenly appeared on the light screen immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What's the situation? There is already a copy of the student's clearance?"

"It's only been a few minutes, how could anyone clear the level?"

"It's true! It's that Zhang Yuan again, the points...how many? 25,000?"

The teachers outside all opened their eyes wide and looked at the points on the light screen with disbelief, thinking that they were hallucinating.

In the advanced dungeon, the number of monsters is fixed at 450, plus one boss. Killing a monster is 1 point, and killing the boss is 50 points. Theoretically, the maximum kill points are 5,000.

The basic points for clearing the dungeon are 500. If you clear the dungeon within one and a half hours, the maximum time base points will be 500. The two are then multiplied by the points coefficient, and the theoretical maximum is 10,000.

In other words, only if a single player kills all the monsters and bosses in the nightmare copy within one and a half hours can he obtain 15,000 points. This has never been done by a candidate since the first college entrance examination.

As for the extra 10,000 points, you can only get them after refreshing the clearance time record of the nightmare difficulty dungeon!

"A candidate cleared the level 15 nightmare dungeon, killed all the monsters and bosses, and set a new dungeon record... How is this possible?"

"Did he cheat?"

"This is the Great Xia Empire's college entrance examination. The empire's top officials are watching. Who dares to cheat inside?"

"But the dungeon has just opened, and he's ranked out of the rankings. How to explain this?"

The teachers outside started talking wildly, and everyone was discussing the student Zhang Yuan!

After seeing Zhang Yuan's results, Ning Qin laughed loudly and kept patting Feng Gaoyuan on the shoulder, "Old Feng! Did you see it? These are the students of our school. Are you ready to resign and come to teach in my school?" Bar!"

Feng Gaoyuan was completely silenced. He stared directly at the ranking of the light curtain, and couldn't figure out why Zhang Yuan got the results so quickly and his points were so high!

That kid named Zhang Yuan is too perverted, right?

Jiang Yun might lose.

No, the momentum cannot be lost!

Feng Gaoyuan shook his head hard, gritted his teeth and said: "Ning Qin, don't be too proud! I still have hope!"

He knows the professional characteristics of his students. Even if he fails the advanced exam, there is still a possibility of a comeback in the final additional trial!

After Zhang Yuan's results came out, another hour and three minutes passed before Jiang Yun's results appeared in second place.

[Name: Jiang Yun, points: 10704, ranking: 2]

After another 10 minutes, Miao Shulan's score also appeared in the third row.

[Name: Miao Shulan, points: 9816, ranking: 3]

Subsequently, the scores of candidates one after another also appeared on the list.

[Name: Li Xueer, points: 9072, ranking: 5]

Zhang Yuan looked at the points that came out one after another and found that Jiang Yun and Miao Shulan were very close to each other in terms of points. To his surprise, Li Xueer's ranking actually jumped up to fifth.

At the same time, another copy space.

Jiang Yun, who was wearing a black robe, had a delicate face and was more beautiful than a woman, stared at Zhang Yuan who was ranked in the rankings, with a face full of disbelief: "It's impossible...how did he do it? Kill the nightmare dungeon alone All the monsters, and even set a new record for clearing the dungeon...Who is he?"

Jiang Yun originally thought that with his professional characteristics, he could easily win the first place in the advanced examination.

After all, he killed 288 elite monsters in one and a half hours and also killed the boss to clear the level, which is enough to stand out from the crowd!

But he never expected that in this college entrance examination, a pervert with 25,000 points would appear!

He can't wait to know who Zhang Yuan is!

On the other side, Miao Shulan and Li Xueer also stared blankly at Zhang Yuan's points panel, but when they thought of Zhang Yuan's performance in the Military Secret Realm dungeon, the same thought appeared in their minds: It is indeed him.

Soon, the majestic voice echoed in everyone's ears again, "The advanced exam is over, and the results of all candidates have been announced. In this advanced exam, a total of 2326 candidates participated, and 321 students scored more than 500 points. people."

"Candidates with more than 500 points are eligible to choose additional trials. Note... additional trials are not a required option for the college entrance examination, and they are dangerous and may even be life-threatening. Candidates please consider carefully."

When all the candidates heard the prompt, most of them did not consider it and chose to give up directly.

The additional trial is a trial that only the top students who want to enter the top three universities in the country will choose. The college entrance examination for ordinary candidates has ended.

As long as candidates have more than 500 points, they can enter a good university. There is no need for them to join in the fun.

Although there are a lot of points for the additional trials, if candidates who are not strong enough take part rashly, not only will they not get many points, they may even get injured, and their efforts will be in vain.

Of course, there are still many candidates who are very confident in their own abilities and choose to continue.

In the end, there were only 98 students left in Jiangnan Province, less than 100, who chose to take additional trials.

After all candidates made their choices, all candidates in the secret realm copy who chose to continue were teleported to the light tower above the examination room.

98 candidates appeared in the same space, and they were greeted by a group of examiners responsible for the Jiangnan Provincial College Entrance Examination.

And standing at the front of the examiners was the examiner Chen Yun.

"Congratulations to all of you. The candidates who have made it here are all the elites of our Daxia Empire. I look forward to you all shining brightly in the Daxia Empire and living a wonderful life in the future."

When Chen Yun said this, he glanced at Zhang Yuan with a half-smile, and then continued: "The next additional trial is very special. You will no longer compete with the same province, but will compete with the geniuses from all provinces across the country. "

"Of course, the rules of the additional trial are also very cruel. You will be thrown into a simulated abyss battlefield. Just like the advanced exam, you will each bring an NPC team that matches your own level and attributes to compete with you. Simulated monster battle in the abyss.”

"The additional trials test personal strength and teamwork ability, so there is no point coefficient. Every time your team kills an abyss monster, you will get 100 points. There is no upper limit on points. That is to say... regardless of your previous points. There is a possibility of overturning or being overturned in this final round of trials.”

"So don't take it lightly."

"With that said, I wish you all good results in the final trial!"

After Chen Yun finished speaking, a magic book appeared in Jiang Yun's palm, and his eyes became extremely determined.

In this final trial, he will definitely be able to make a comeback!

Not only Chen Yun, but most of the candidates present were holding back their breath at this time, wanting to make a comeback in this round of exams and soar into the sky!

"It's time, everyone, let's set off!"

After Chen Yun finished speaking, the light of the teleportation array lit up at the feet of all the candidates.

The next moment, elite candidates from all over the country were teleported to the final trial space.

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