"Good boy, not bad!"

Seeing Zhang Yuan agreeing so readily, Bai Zhengguo appreciated Zhang Yuan's character even more, "In that case, let me give you the reward first."

"First of all, it is the reward for providing key information about Otis, ten elementary skill scrolls, and 100,000 points of contribution from the Adventurers Association."

Light flashed in Bai Zhengguo's hand, and ten primary skill scrolls appeared.

Zhang Yuan's pupils shrank, he didn't expect the reward to be so generous.

Ten elementary skill scrolls are worth one million, and one hundred thousand contribution points are worth tens of millions!

"Lao Bai, is your reward too generous?"

Bai Zhengguo waved his hand and said with a smile: "No more, no more. Compared with the losses your intelligence has saved the country, this little thing is just a drop in the bucket."

"Also, I have something else for you."

With that said, Bai Zhengguo handed a crystal ball the size of a table tennis ball to Zhang Yuan, "This is your reward for agreeing to join the abyss strategy team. If you are in danger later, just crush this crystal ball and I will appear at your side immediately." Be here to help you unconditionally."

Zhang Yuan was shocked: "If you crush this crystal ball, Bai Lao, you will appear?"

"Haha... Of course, even if Otis finds you again, as long as you crush this crystal ball, Otis will only die."

"Thank you, Mr. Bai."

Zhang Yuan accepted the crystal ball excitedly. With this life-saving talisman, he would be confident enough to deal with the abyss boss next time he came to visit him.

Bai Zhengguo added: "Li Anping invited you to join the abyss strategy team. I have other things to be busy with, so I will leave first."

Zhang Yuan: "Goodbye, Mr. Bai."

"Kid, come on, the future is yours." Bai Zhengguo smiled happily, and then a white light lit up under his feet, and he disappeared.

"Space magic?"

Seeing that Bai Zhengguo had teleported away, Zhang Yuan muttered something and opened the door and went out.

Li Anping had been waiting outside the door for a long time. When he saw Zhang Yuan coming out, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Lao Bai just sent me a message saying that we will add you as a friend and I will drag you into the chat group of the Abyss Strategy Team later."

Zhang Yuan took out his communicator and added Li Anping as a friend: "I'm sorry."

"No trouble!" Li Anping said with a bright face at this time, "Thanks to you, I have the opportunity to communicate with Mr. Bai. If you need anything in West Lake City in the future, just ask me and I will handle everything I can for you. ”

Zhang Yuan: "I really want to trouble Manager Li with one thing. Can I exchange my association contribution points for a destiny compass for drawing cards?"

Without the compass of destiny he carries with him, he has to go to the exchange every time he draws a card, which is extremely troublesome.

The most important thing is that privacy is also a big issue when drawing cards on the exchange.

It doesn't matter if he draws Zhuanwu once or twice, but if he draws Zhuanwu every time, he will be targeted sooner or later.

You know, every time a special weapon comes out, there is quite a lot of movement. Anyone nearby with a slightly higher level of energy can keenly sense that someone has drawn a special weapon.

"No problem at all."

Li Anping smiled and replied: "With your current contribution, you can definitely buy a top-quality destiny compass. As long as you ask, no matter what kind of destiny compass, I can immediately transfer one to you from the warehouse."

Zhang Yuan: "Just give me the cheapest destiny compass."

Those so-called high-end destiny compasses are just made with more fancy craftsmanship, and then they are consecrated by some monks or Taoist priests, so that the card drawers have the illusion that using this high-end compass to draw cards will have better luck.

Zhang Yuan doesn't need these fancy metaphysics.

He himself is absolute metaphysics.

When Li Anping saw that Zhang Yuan only wanted the cheapest Destiny Compass, he did not continue to sell it. He smiled and said: "That's right. You are still a novice. Your contribution should be spent on the blade. There is no need to get those fancy things."

Having said that, Li Anping took out a simple compass with a small magic circle engraved in the middle from his storage space.

Although this compass looks too plain and simple, it has all the functions that a destiny compass should have.

"This is the cheapest destiny compass. The market price is one million, which is 10,000 contribution points. I will give you a discount and transfer 8,000 contribution points to you."


Zhang Yuan didn't care if the Destiny Compass was second-hand. After transferring 8,000 contribution points to Li Anping, he said goodbye to Li Anping and left the Adventurers Association with satisfaction with the Destiny Compass.

As soon as he left the association gate, Zhang Yuan's communicator received an invitation message from Li Anping.

Clicking to confirm, Zhang Yuan entered the chat group of the Abyss Strategy Team and received a bunch of messages.

"The dungeon of the Mine Abyss in the west of Luo City is missing a level 45 nanny. Please tell me any interested brothers and sisters nearby!"

"In the forest abyss dungeon in the eastern suburbs of Shen City, here comes a level 50 violent mage!"

"The Fishman Island in the East China Sea has turned into an abyss. A level 60 paladin is required. A full set of epic equipment is required, and it is best to have blessing and purification skills."

As soon as Zhang Yuan entered the group, he felt as if he had entered a vegetable market and was extremely uncomfortable.

Shouldn't this abyss strategy team be solemn and sacred, filled with ruthless elites who don't talk much?

But looking at it now, it's almost the same as an ordinary wild copy.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a real-time updated abyss dungeon map of various places in the group, and the required professional levels were also quite high, Zhang Yuan would have even suspected that he was in the wrong group.

Rabbit: "@元子, yo, there's a new guy here, let's say hello to everyone!"

Suddenly, a person with the avatar of a beautiful lady and an ID named Rabbit @ Zhang Yuan.

Yuanzi is the nickname of Zhang Yuan’s social account.

In this abyss strategy group, everyone’s information is kept confidential. Unless they meet offline, no one knows who they are.

Zhang Yuan didn't want to have too many interactions with these strangers, so he directly changed his status to invisible, then clicked on the map to see if there was an abyssal dungeon suitable for him near West Lake City.

"The only two abyss dungeons near West Lake City have shown strategies, and they were conquered by me. It seems that I won't think about conquering the abyss dungeons in the short term. I'll focus on leveling first and get admitted to Kyoto University."

Zhang Yuan did not find a suitable copy of the Abyss near West Lake City. As soon as he left the group chat, he received another private message from 'Rabbit'.

"Little brother, I see that your IP address is in Xihu City, and I happen to be nearby. How about we make an appointment offline? I have a surprise waiting for you!"

Zhang Yuan glanced at the private chat message and immediately blocked Rabbit.

The abyss strategy team is also a mixed bag, and he doesn't trust anyone in it. Even if he wants to conquer the abyss dungeon in the future, even if he takes the risk and does it alone, he will not leave his back to a stranger.

No one knows whether teammates fighting together will stab them in the back.

Putting the rabbit's information behind him, Zhang Yuan left the city again.

But this time he did not go to the west gate, but rushed to the east gate.

There is a Luosha River in the east of West Lake City. There is a level 20 wild dungeon on the riverside. It is a treasure place for professionals in West Lake City to brush equipment and materials. It is also the best leveling place for Zhang Yuan at present. You can brush it directly in that dungeon. Level 19.

If nothing unexpected happens.

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