After leaving the east city gate, Zhang Yuan walked eastwards for several kilometers.

Since the Raksha River dungeon is the most popular dungeon in West Lake City, Zhang Yuan did not encounter a few wild monsters along the way, and they were all cleared out by the professionals.

The dungeon portal is on a flat land by the river. Many professionals are guarding the entrance of the dungeon, either waving flags and shouting, or holding signs. Looking around, they are all teams recruiting teammates.

"Normal difficulty, four are missing and one is missing, get in the car and leave!"

"Normal difficulty, we need a nanny, equipment and materials will be divided equally, come quickly!"

"On the hard difficulty level, there are healers and mages, let's get a human shield profession!"

"Nightmare will definitely defeat the team. Let's get some help, preferably an array mage!"

The entrance to the dungeon was as busy as a vegetable market. Zhang Yuan walked directly to the dungeon portal to check the dungeon's information.

This level 20 dungeon is divided into 3 difficulties, normal, hard and nightmare.

Generally speaking, as long as there is one output, a human shield and a wet nurse on normal difficulty, you can easily pass the level.

Hard difficulty requires a team of four people. The milk shield must stand in two positions. The remaining two positions are either dual output, or one output plus an assist.

As for the nightmare difficulty, you generally have to play in a five-man team. The tank nanny is indispensable, and there are at least two outputs. The last position must have an assistant to apply buffs to teammates and debuff monsters, otherwise the tank will be used. Can't bear it.

When Zhang Yuan was checking the dungeon information, someone came up and talked to him: "Brother, do you want to clear the dungeon together? I think your profession should be an assistant. We happen to be short of an assistant."

"Our team is playing Nightmare. The equipment depends on rolling points. The materials will be divided equally. Are you coming?"

Although Zhang Yuan is only level 16, the profession of Sword Formation Master is quite conspicuous, and everyone can realize that Zhang Yuan is not simple.

After all, without two brushes, one would not be able to come to the Raksha River dungeon at level 16.

"No, I don't like forming a team."

Zhang Yuan simply refused the invitation to form a team, chose the nightmare difficulty, and teleported in directly.

"He entered the dungeon!"

"Level 16, entering the dungeon alone? Is he so arrogant?"

"Even if it's a normal difficulty dungeon, he's still looking for death, right?"

"Haha... It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers! Just wait, it will only be an hour, and see if he can come out alive."

As Zhang Yuan entered the dungeon alone, many people outside the dungeon showed playful smiles.

Most of the professionals here are veterans in their twenties. They are well aware of the difficulty of the Raksha River dungeon, and do not believe that Zhang Yuan can clear the dungeon alone.

At this time, outside the crowd, a woman wearing an assassin suit sat on a stone, throwing the dagger in her hand while looking at the dungeon transfer port playfully, "What an interesting guy, maybe he is what I am looking for. people."

As soon as Zhang Yuan entered the dungeon, he was teleported to the bottom of the river, and his head was wrapped in a bubble filled with air.

In front of Zhang Yuan, there is a huge underwater palace, with some shrimp soldiers and crab generals guarding the entrance of the palace.

"The air in the bubble is limited, and it seems that it is only enough for one hour. You must either clear the customs within an hour, or reserve air to return to the entrance. Time is tight."

Zhang Yuan instantly understood that this copy had a time limit, and immediately walked towards the underwater palace in front, while using the Eye of the Abyss on the shrimp soldiers and crabs at the door.

【Shrimp Soldier (Elite)】

[Level: 20]

【Power: 1500】

[Agility: 2000]

【Spirit; 500】

[Physique: 1000]

[Skills: Intimidation, whipping, water bombs]

【Crab General (Elite)】

[Level: 20]

【Power: 3000】

[Agility: 500]

[Spirit: 500]

[Physique: 1000]

[Skills: Intimidation, flanking, collision]

The attributes of the two elite monsters are already higher than those of the level 10 boss.

"No wonder Nightmare requires a team of 5 people and needs support, otherwise even a level 20 knight wouldn't be able to withstand it with just one blow."

Zhang Yuan knew that time was running out, so he didn't waste any time. He directly deployed the sword formation and used Chixiao to harvest the lives of two elite monsters.

[Successfully kill the shrimp soldier, experience +3000]

[Successfully kill the Crab King, experience +3000]

[Get shrimp tail*1, get crab claw*1]

Easily killing the shrimp soldiers and crab generals guarding the gate, Zhang Yuan walked into the palace and found more shrimp soldiers and crab generals inside.

Skill: Mental Storm.

When Zhang Yuan saw a large number of monsters gathering in the hall, he directly used Spirit Storm. All the shrimps, soldiers and crabs in the palace hall were killed suddenly. A large number of experience prompts were displayed on the screen, and Zhang Yuan's experience bar directly increased by 20%.


Zhang Yuan felt inexplicably happy when he saw the monsters disappearing quickly like disappearing music, and continued to delve deeper into the dungeon.

However, there are three passages in the palace, and each passage has a large number of forks. The huge palace is like a maze, extremely complicated.

Zhang Yuan wandered around for half an hour, killing many shrimp soldiers and crab generals. His level reached level 17, but he still couldn't find the boss room.

"This won't work. Once the air runs out and I haven't found the boss yet, I'm afraid I'll be suffocated to death."

"This dungeon has existed for many years. There should be a complete dungeon map on the market. Once you get the map, you can come back and challenge it."

To be on the safe side, Zhang Yuan did not go any further, but returned to the original entrance to the dungeon.

【Do you want to give up the challenge copy? 】

【yes. 】

At this time, Zhang Yuan chose to give up the strategy copy without hesitation and teleport it out.

As Zhang Yuan appeared at the dungeon transfer port, he immediately attracted the attention of many people around him.

"This kid actually came out alive. Could it be that he really just cleared the dungeon?"

"It only took him more than 40 minutes to enter. How could he clear the dungeon? I guess he couldn't even defeat the soldiers and generals at the door. He was definitely trying to save face by waiting at the entrance for so long before coming out. It was really a shame. "

"No! Look at his level. He's already level 17. He must have killed a lot of monsters. He probably got lost in the palace and had to exit as a last resort."

"It's true! This kid really has the ability to clear the dungeon alone!"

"This Rakshasa River dungeon is really complicated. I got lost when I downloaded the dungeon for the first time. I just need to download the dungeon a few more times."

Zhang Yuan didn't care what others said and walked towards Xihu City.

This kind of wild dungeon is different from the novice dungeon. Each difficulty level has its own cooldown time. The cooldown time for nightmare level is 6 hours. He has enough time to prepare what he needs.

Suddenly, a woman blocked Zhang Yuan's path and asked, "Did you just clear the nightmare difficulty solo?"

Zhang Yuan glanced at the woman dressed as an assassin, then avoided her and continued moving forward.

The woman smiled and said: "I have information about the hidden boss in Rakshasa River. Are you interested?"

Zhang Yuan paused and turned back to look at the woman: "Hidden boss?"

The woman glanced around, turned the knife, and said to Zhang Yuan: "There are many people here, let's talk somewhere else?"

Zhang Yuan used the Eye of the Abyss on the woman.

[Guan Xin, Shadow Assassin, level 22. 】

After confirming the other party's occupation and level, Zhang Yuan nodded and said: "Okay."

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