Everyone Draws Cards To Change Jobs, And I Draw Full Health!

Chapter 21 President Of The Adventurers Association

Li Anping opened his mouth, as if he wanted to spit out some rude words, but in the end he swallowed those words out of concern for his identity.

After calming down, Li Anping put a smile on his face again and asked Zhang Yuan: "Can you tell me how you defeated the abyss boss?"

"Don't get me wrong. I have no intention of inquiring into the secrets of your profession, and I don't have any ill will towards you. It's just because the Great Xia Empire and our association urgently need information about the abyss boss."

"Don't worry, as long as you can provide any useful information about Otis, the Great Xia Empire and the Adventurers Association will give you extremely generous rewards."

Zhang Yuan thought for a moment and decided to reveal some information about Otis.

Although he would expose his ability to be immune to spiritual attacks by doing so, he would hand over Otis's information, and the country and the Adventurers Association would be able to help him share most of the pressure.

Otis is obviously a highly intelligent creature. The reason why he failed last time was because he was conceited in mental spells, which led to him only knowing mental spells.

Once Otis went back to learn skills with other attributes and then came to visit him again, Zhang Yuan felt that it would be difficult for him to survive on his own.

It would be best if the country could get rid of Otis before Otis comes back.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan said: "I have the ability to be immune to mental attacks, but Otis only knew mental spells at the time, so he had nothing to do with me."

Li Anping nodded: "Well, your information also verified the senior management's guess about the abyss boss. Our vanguard team was wiped out at that time because the team was not equipped with spiritual defense equipment."

"Zhang Yuan, this information of yours is very useful. Is there any other information about Otis?"

Zhang Yuan: "Otis infiltrated the Daxia Empire under the king's order. He wants to turn all newbie copies into the abyss to wipe out all the undeveloped geniuses in the human race."

As soon as Zhang Yuan said this, Li Anping's expression changed slightly and he said in surprise: "Are you sure?"

Zhang Yuan: "Otis said it himself. The reason why he wanted to attack me was because I conquered an abyssal dungeon alone, so he wanted to kill me before I could grow up."

Li Anping's pupils shrank and he lost his voice: "So that's the case, no wonder the probability of novice dungeons in various places turning into the abyss has greatly increased. It turns out that the monsters in the abyss want to dig up the roots of our Great Xia! This matter must be reported as soon as possible!"

He seemed to have thought of something, and rushed out of the office without paying attention to Zhang Yuan.

After a while, Li Anping came back in a hurry and said excitedly to Zhang Yuan: "My child, you have really made a great contribution this time. Mr. Bai wants to see you and reward you personally."

"Lao Bai?" Zhang Yuan was stunned, "Are you talking about the legendary mage Bai Zhengguo, the president of the Adventurers Association?"

Bai Zhengguo is the top powerhouse in the Daxia Empire. He once blocked an abyssal army at the entrance of the abyss with one person. He is extremely powerful and is a figure written into textbooks.

Zhang Yuan has often heard about Bai Lao's deeds since he traveled through time.

"That's right, it's President Bai Laobai." Li Anping patted Zhang Yuan's shoulder excitedly, "You are so prosperous. Most people really don't have the chance to meet him."

Zhang Yuan was confused: "He is in West Lake City?"

"He can be anywhere, you will know when you go there."

Li Anping didn't explain too much, and took Zhang Yuan outside a secret room, "Lao Bai is inside, you go in."

"Aren't you going in?" Zhang Yuan turned around and asked.

Li Anping smiled and said: "This is your reward. I won't join in the fun. Mr. Bai is very generous. If you have any requests, just ask for it. Go ahead."

When Zhang Yuan saw what Li Anping said, he opened the door directly and entered the house.

Inside the door is a room with simple decoration and bright lighting. In the center of the room stands an old man wearing a white robe.

Strangely enough, Zhang Yuan couldn't sense anything when he was outside the door, but as soon as he entered the room, he felt an extremely terrifying aura from the old man, making it difficult for him to breathe.

President of the Adventurers Association

The pressure this old man gave him was even stronger than the level 70 abyss boss Otis!

Almost subconsciously, Zhang Yuan summoned Chi Xiao to protect him, and at the same time used the Eye of the Abyss on the old man.

[Unable to detect target! 】

Without any surprise, Zhang Yuan could not get any information about the old man.

"The response has been great."

Bai Zhengguo smiled at Zhang Yuan with satisfaction, "Few young people today are as vigilant as you."

Seeing that Bai Zhengguo had put down his momentum, Zhang Yuan withdrew Chixiao and saluted Bai Zhengguo: "I have met Mr. Bai."

"The sword you just held is your special weapon, right?" Bai Zhengguo asked with a smile.


Zhang Yuan answered calmly that at this point, there was no use hiding it.

"I heard that when you drew a card to change jobs, you drew a hidden career with full health in one draw. It was only the third day of the job transfer, and you drew a special martial arts... Boy, your luck is really incredible. ah."

"Lao Bai, it's all just luck, it's not worth showing off."

"Luck is also a part of strength. I hope the country has more lucky people like you."

Bai Zhengguo became more and more satisfied with Zhang Yuanshi as he looked at him. He grabbed it into the void and a bottle of iced Coke appeared out of thin air. "I heard Li Anping said that you like to drink Coke. This is a drink I specially asked someone to make for you. Can you try it?" "

"Thank you, Mr. Bai."

Zhang Yuan took the Coke unceremoniously, opened the bottle cap and drank it down.

[Taking God-level Coke will permanently increase the four-dimensional attributes by 10. 】

"This is!"

Zhang Yuan saw that his four-dimensional attributes had been permanently increased by 10 points, and looked at Bai Zhengguo in shock.

"Haha, a little greeting gift, I hope you like it."

Bai Zhengguo smiled, and then said: "I teleported here specifically for two things."

"The first is to reward you. The information you provided is very important. It can be said that it has saved the lives of many young people in disguise."

"Second, I hope you can join the abyss strategy team."

"Abyss strategy team?" Zhang Yuan was stunned.

Bai Zhengguo said: "In recent years, the trend of abyssal dungeons in various places has become more and more serious. The number of elite professionals responsible for conquering abyssal dungeons has been stretched thin. Therefore, our Adventurers Association has established an abyssal conquering group."

"After you join this group, we will not force you to perform tasks, we will only pull you into a special chat group."

"The chat group will update information about the abyssalization of dungeons in various places at any time, and group members from various places can also temporarily form teams in the group to selectively challenge the abyssal dungeon. After the challenge is successful, the Adventurers Association will issue extremely generous rewards to the players. ”

"I see."

Zhang Yuan nodded slightly. He already had the task of conquering the artifact of the abyss dungeon. This abyss conquering team really wanted to take a nap and take a pillow.

However, he was not in a hurry to agree at this time, and continued to ask: "The members who can join this kind of group should be high-level elite professionals, right? Why choose me?"

Bai Zhengguo smiled and said: "Haha... My child, although you hide it well, the aura you exude is very powerful. I can feel that many professionals who have advanced to level 30 are not your opponents. If it is a life and death fight, , even Li Anping, who is level 40 outside the door, will die by your sword, am I right?"

Zhang Yuan: "..."

Bai Zhengguo continued: "With your strength, it is more than enough to join the abyss strategy team."

"Of course, as long as you agree to join the abyss strategy team, I will give you additional rewards."

Zhang Yuan: "Okay, I agree."

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