Arriving at the exchange again, Zhang Yuan skillfully walked into a single room and opened the trading panel.

Zhang Yuan was not in a hurry to use money this time, so he consigned all the materials in his storage space at market prices. Once the materials were sold, the exchange would automatically transfer the money to Zhang Yuan after deducting the handling fee. on the account.

"The two pieces of silver equipment that were used to kill people were sold for 100,000, and the bits and pieces of materials added up to 20,000. I made 120,000 in one day. The combat profession is really profitable... but it also consumes a lot of money."

Although Zhang Yuan made more than 100,000 yuan after selling equipment materials, in fact, one elementary skill scroll cost 100,000 yuan, and he used 10 elementary skill scrolls last night, and finally got a 50% Poison Resistance Passive.

Although this fighting profession makes money quickly, it also costs money, and the money has to be spent.

Generally speaking, every professional can learn 3 professional-specific skills and 5 general skills before advancing to level 30. If a professional wants to obtain new skills, he can only rely on skill scrolls.

Once a professional advances to level 30, he can no longer use primary skill scrolls.

Therefore, if a professional wants to pursue the upper limit, he must learn 3 exclusive skills and 5 general skills before level 30. The number of primary skill scrolls required is a quite terrifying number.

Zhang Yuan's current savings are nothing compared to the money he needs to consume.

Of course, we are not thinking about these things now. Zhang Yuan spent 2,000 yuan to buy the right to use the Destiny Star Array twice and prepared to draw cards.

"I'm really looking forward to the level 3 refined Chi Xiao!"

Zhang Yuan saw the light light up on the shelf, and a small destiny star array appeared. Excitement appeared in his eyes. He immediately took out the two God's Stones and put them in.

Two consecutive draws!

As the two God Stones turned into light spots and dissipated in the Destiny Star Array, a large number of cards rolled inside, and then the array glowed red!

Two red cards with red swords printed on them flew out, and finally transformed into two divine swords, Chi Xiao!

Without waiting for Zhang Yuan to operate, the divine sword Chi Xiao in the sword array space automatically flew out and merged with the two newly drawn divine swords Chi Xiao!


A terrifying aura erupted from the sky, and Zhang Yuan seemed to hear the sound of a dragon roaring!

The lines on the Chixiao Sword became more refined, and the sword began to glow faintly.

[Excalibur Chixiao (exclusive level 3): attack power +3000, critical hit rate +70%, critical hit damage +400%, if the holder's health value returns to zero, it will be forced to 1 point (once a month) , automatically protects the owner, the holder is immune to spiritual attacks, and has no equipment level restrictions. 】

[Artifact Quest: Guide 10 Abyss Dungeons (0/10)]

[Remarks: One of the top ten swords, it protects the Lord from demons and cleanses the world. 】

"Artifact mission?"

After Zhang Yuan read the abnormal attributes of Chixiao after refining to level 3, he was attracted by the entry "Artifact Quest" below.

This was the first time he had seen such an "artifact mission", and conquering 10 abyss dungeons was not an easy task.

Ordinary professionals may not be able to encounter 10 abyssal dungeons in more than ten years, let alone conquer them.

However, the higher the difficulty of completing the mission, the richer the mission reward is, and you can guess it just by looking at the attributes given by Chi Xiao. The mission reward must not be searched for.

"It seems that I have to go to the abyssal dungeon specifically in the future, complete the artifact mission as soon as possible, and unlock the mission rewards."

Boom, boom, boom!

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Zhang Yuan put away Chi Xiao and went out, only to see Li Anping looking at Zhang Yuan with a smile on his face.

Zhang Yuan was stunned: "Have you finished the measurement so quickly?"

Li Anping smiled and said, "We have indeed discovered the copy you mentioned and sent people to seal off the surrounding area."

Zhang Yuan: "In that case, can I give you a reward?"

Li Anping: "We have distributed the rewards. You can check your account in the Adventurers Association."

Zhang Yuan immediately opened the panel to check.

[Name: Zhang Yuan]

[Contribution: 10000]

[Adventurers Association Level: Silver Level Adventurer]

[Member Level: Level 2]

"The reward is so generous?"

Zhang Yuan was startled when he saw that he not only had 10,000 contribution points, but also became a silver-level adventurer and his membership level reached level 2.

After a professional registers with the Adventurer Association, the level of the adventurer will be assessed based on contribution. From low to high, there are seven levels: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, epic, legend, and god.

The higher the adventurer level, the higher the level of missions that can be received. It is said that after the adventurer reaches the platinum level, the Adventurer Association will also provide monthly subsidies to them.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the membership level of the exchange. After level 2, you can already purchase the Destiny Compass.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yuan hasn't registered as an adventurer yet!

Li Anping smiled and said: "Sorry, it was me who made the decision and helped you register as an adventurer. It was mainly so that you could get all the rewards."

Zhang Yuan: "It's okay to help me register as an adventurer. I plan to register in the future anyway, but I'm curious, why are the rewards so generous?"

"As far as I know, a level 15 dungeon only has a contribution of 1,000, right? Even if you add strategies, it can't reach 10,000, right?"

In the Adventurers Association, there are many things that cannot be bought with money. If you want to buy them, you can only rely on your contribution.

It is said that on the black market, the price of a little contribution can even reach 100 yuan in cash!

This is equivalent to Zhang Yuan reporting a copy, and the Adventurers Association directly rewarded him one million!

Li Anping: "Let's go to the office to discuss this in detail. In fact, your reward can be more than this."

"Can there be more?"

Zhang Yuan suddenly became interested and followed Li Anping back to the manager's office.

As soon as he entered the office, Li Anping took out a bottle of ice Coke from the refrigerator and placed it in front of Zhang Yuan. He smiled and said, "Drink whatever you want. There is still a lot in the refrigerator. If there is not enough, I will ask someone to buy it."

When Zhang Yuan saw the iced Coke in front of him, he couldn't help but ask Li Anping: "If you have anything to do, just tell me. I'm not used to you being like this."

"Then I'll tell you straight."

Li Anping smiled at Zhang Yuan, "We found that the copy of Shadow Forest has been transformed into an abyss, and it was successfully conquered."

"I heard that you successfully conquered the abyssal novice hidden dungeon by yourself before. Did you also conquer the abyssal shadow forest dungeon by yourself?"

Zhang Yuan looked confused and asked: "Could someone else have conquered it?"

When Li Anping saw Zhang Yuan opening his eyes seriously and telling lies, he couldn't help but twitching his mouth and reminded: "There is a clearance record for the dungeon... At present, you are the only one who has a clearance record for the Shadow Forest dungeon."

"Is this still happening?"

Zhang Yuan's face was not red, his heart was not beating, "Oh, I forgot to mention that the dungeon was indeed abyssal. The corrupted scarecrow is very strong. I was lucky enough to pass it."

"Is it really...a fluke?"

Li Anping twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said: "Actually... we also detected the traces left by the Abyss Archmage Otis in the dungeon. The level 70 abyss boss seemed to have become the lowest level after the dungeon was transformed into the abyss. boss.”

"Ahem..." Zhang Yuan coughed, "Actually, I was planning to say that Otis is also very strong, and I was lucky enough to defeat him."

"Not big brother!"

Li Anping finally couldn't hold it any longer. He jumped up suddenly, stared directly at Zhang Yuan, and said in a hurried tone, "Level 70 boss! That was the level 70 abyss boss who wiped out our entire Daxia Pioneer Team. How did you get lucky enough to defeat that monster at level 16?"

Zhang Yuan: "Strictly speaking, it's level 15."

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