Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 176 The violent organization formed by Su Chen! The birth of the contemporary Jinyiwei!

Chapter 176 The violent organization formed by Su Chen! The birth of the contemporary Jinyiwei!

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Ning Zhiheng looked at Zhang Shaozhong!

He felt that this was the secret of distance Su Chen,

The latest time!

"It's really not good, you can introduce him to me, I can use it for a week!!!99

Ning Zhiheng said!

. . . . . .

"Go away!

Zhang Shaozhong gave him a slap,

Su Chen is in my camp, and I also treat each other with courtesy, instead of treating my subordinates completely!

55 According to the contribution, he can be my leader!"

39 Moreover, he has just formed the committee now, and in a few years, it is estimated that he will be about the same level as you and me! 66

35 His committee, don't think he is not in the mainstream now, but I feel that he will definitely be promoted in the future, and it is not an exaggeration to be in the division! 66

"At that time, these two old guys who retired from you and I will have to be called Sizuo!"

Zhang Shaozhong said half-jokingly!

"No joke!

Ning Zhiheng said!

"Lao Zhang, you said that the emergence of this strong molecular force material, according to Su Chen, can be applied to aircraft carriers, which means that our aircraft carriers will be completely indestructible!"

";Lao Zhang, do you know what this means!?"

Ning 210 Zhiheng was extremely excited at this time,

Usually this old boy is very sullen and unsmiling. Whether it is his subordinates or his companions, they are very afraid of him!

at this time,

Ning Zhiheng's expression is about to fly, where is the usual unsmiling look?

"You know what that means!?"

"If it is an aircraft carrier, 50% of the materials are strong molecular materials like Su Chen...'

"That's directly invincible at sea!"

"If 80% are this sub-strong molecular force material, then the entire ocean is ours!"

There was a glow of excitement on his face!

"Old Zhang, when the plan is successful...be sure to equip our aircraft carrier first!

Ning Zhiheng is impatient!

"How can we talk about success now? A journey of a thousand miles, without stepping out of the first film! 95

Zhang Shaozhong said, this old boy is so sure that he will succeed!?

"Isn't this when you need your help?"

Zhang Shaozhong said.

Ning Zhiheng glared at this moment!

"You promise me first, you promise me first, this sub-strong molecular material, after the appearance of the first section of the barrel, will fully control the technology, and after small-scale mass production can be carried out, the first one will be equipped with the appearance and main body of our naval aircraft carrier. frame!

"You promise me! I will fully support you, not only do I fully support you, but I also mobilize all my strength to support you!! 35

"You are stud this time, and I, Ning Yan Wang, will accompany you this time, as long as you agree to my conditions!"

Zhang Shaozhong was helpless,

For his full support!

Promise in one go!

"Good! 35

"When the first section of the sub-strong molecular force material gun barrel is completed, the first phase of the target is completed, and the second phase of the target is to arm your aircraft carrier! The backbone materials of your new aircraft carrier, the skin and skin materials, I have packed it!! 35

Ning Zhiheng rejoices!

The new material is stable!

New aircraft carrier also available!

His expression stopped in Bengbu, holding the enamel tea jar in one hand and the tea jar lid in the other.

Then put the tea jar and lid aside!

Speaking of surprise!

"It's a word!

Ning Zhiheng clapped his hands together and applauded!

"Double Happiness!"

. . . . . . .

The two bosses reached an agreement. Within a few days, they mobilized all their forces, even visited in person, and reached an agreement with many people! Of course, there are also many exchanges of rights and interests. Zhang Shaozhong and Ning Zhiheng both paid A great price!

Their disciples, contacts, etc., also paid a lot of price!

The meeting in full swing and various discussions are taking place in the sky above the Eastern God...

For half a month, almost all the airport was under martial law. From time to time, extremely dense private planes, special planes took off and landed, and countless fleets of black vehicles carried these people to the designated place for a meeting... everyone. All in a hurry...

Everyone frowned...

This tense and serious atmosphere almost shrouded the entire sky of the Eastern God,

This time, the sensation caused by Su Chen's proof of the Riemann conjecture and the proposal of the death hole plan was much more serious (cgfg) than the last time Su Chen proved it!

Even ordinary people can perceive this tense atmosphere!

During this period of time, I don’t know how many turbulent and turbulent, I don’t know how many big bosses vetoed, I don’t know how many big bosses fell into contemplation, I don’t know how many experts started to simulate plans, and countless teams began to deduce...

Zhang Shaozhong and Ning Zhiheng, at the conference table, had smoke in their throats,

The people who have been arguing are all blushing!!!

There are even countless experts from all over the country who strictly review and verify the solutions and technologies proposed by Su Chen...

They all looked at each other, as if they had discovered a new continent, as if they had discovered an alien civilization!

Zhang Shaozhong and Zhang Yanghao, as well as his disciples, old colleagues, and team members formed a huge front, and the upper levels of the society began to run and appeal,

At the same time, Ning Zhiheng, who was involved in the manufacturing of the military and navy, also began to occupy the same front as him, began to run around to appeal, and began to win over...

And this period....

Su Chen is in the villa and is not idle!

he knows,

The sky above the Eastern Gods must be turbulent, and I, the initiator, the initiator of the Water Drop Project, the more critical it is, the less likely he should show his face!

Shi Zuogang once again applied for a new company, which strengthened Su Chen's guarding power several times. At present, there are a hundred guards around Su Chen.

And, using various technologies to reinforce Su Chen's villa again,

Construct this villa into a castle that looks nothing but has long been solid!

In the villa, Su Chen drafted the structure plan for his own No. 5 compound regulatory committee!

The chairman is Gu Xuekai from the 02 Magic Capital Institute of Biochemistry, who is an old pedant.

The vice president is naturally himself.

At the same time, there are various departments such as the personnel department, the foreign affairs management department, the finance department, the production department, and the action team.

As for these candidates, related technical personnel accounted for more than half of them. They were all talents and elites drawn from experimental research institutes all over the country when he was producing and developing Compound No. 5 at that time!

In the state of God, Su Chen already knew these people well when he took the exam.

These people have all been recruited!

Form the main line of research and development, production, etc.!

Then there are traditional finance, personnel, etc. In this part, the principle is that people with background or faction cannot be recruited, so Su Chen did not recruit from various places, after all, he did not know these people, but some took the Eastern God Civil Service Examination The recruiting process is all about new recruits!

The newcomer is just blank paper, easy to use, and has no other foundation and influence!

at the same time,

This institution is awesome, he has a legitimate violent institution!

The foreign affairs department and the action team allow violence to exist. These are to conduct foreign affairs investigations, monitor injectors, deal with the No. 5 compound incident, and at the same time, also have the function of clearing the door!

This framework appears, basically, the main body of this huge mechanism is under Su Chen's hands!

It takes shape!!

As for the personnel of the action team inside...

Su Chen is not worried at all,

Dongshen, the most important thing is talent!

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