Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 175 Droplets of Trisolaran Civilization Strike! Eva! Pacific Rim Mecha! Gundam! Evangelion!

Chapter 175 Droplets of Trisolaran Civilization Strike! Eva! Pacific Rim Mecha! Gundam! Evangelion!

Su Chen pondered for a moment!

Then said!

"This plan... is called—"

"Project Waterdrop!

Waterdrop project?

Zhang Shaozhong was startled!

He originally thought that a young man like Su Chen should have a more powerful and domineering name.

For example, what is the global super material plan, what is the domineering total material plan, etc..

Such a grand name is worthy of such a grand project!

after all,

This is the power of the whole country, and the raw materials, regardless of the cost, are frantically put into the strong molecular force ramming machine that will be built in the future!

According to Su Chen's budget,

The strength of the whole country, the input of all raw materials for one year,

Only the material of a barrel can be cast!

Such a crazy thing....

The name has to be a little more aggressive. Su Chen actually started a water drop project?

"That's right!

"Project Waterdrop!"

Su Chen smiled lightly,

After all, this is the Blue Star of a parallel world, and there is no such masterpiece as the Three-Body Problem in Eastern God!

No one knows the stalk of the water droplets in the three-body!

Only Su Chen himself knows!

Su Chen is a total three-body fan!

Anyone who has seen the Trisolaran knows that the water droplets in the Trisolaran, the Trisolaran civilization uses a cosmic detector made of Strong Interaction Force (SIM) materials!

Because its shape is similar to that of water droplets,

That's why it's called a water drop!

Its reflectivity to electromagnetic waves is 100%!

And it is absolutely smooth, the atoms constituting it are nailed by the strong interaction force, and the thermal motion of the molecules is almost completely stopped, making the surface temperature of the water droplet reach absolute zero!

A hard shell that is more than a thousand times stronger than the hardest material in the solar system!

When flying, the water droplet can even make an acute angle turn that violates the law of conservation of momentum and the law of conservation of angular momentum without slowing down!

Su Chen has seen the TV series and movies of the Three-Body Problem, but the special effects of the TV series and movies cannot show the power and beauty of the water droplets at all!

Wang Miao, the protagonist of the first part of The Three-Body Problem, once described it as a drop of real mercury, with a round head and a sharp tail!

The surface is an extremely smooth total reflection mirror!

Everything is reflected in a smooth light pattern on its surface!

Absolutely perfect arc, absolutely brilliant surface!



Our Lady of Tears!

It makes people mistakenly think that he is liquid water droplets!

Impossible to be so hard, fragile like a work of art!!!

But, this is the thing...

It has the highest hardness of Trisolaran civilization!

Su Chen's biggest purpose is not the barrel,

Rather, it can actually form a droplet-shaped object!

As a three-body fan, this is his biggest dream!


If Su Chen can make this kind of water drop material, even if it is only half of it...

The hardness of this material is also enough for Su Chen to build Gundam, Pacific Rim mecha, and Evangelion!

Because of this material, it can provide real support!

For example, in the movie, at a level similar to the current human civilization, it is possible to build a Pacific Rim mecha dozens of meters high. In terms of materials, it is a bit metaphysical!


There is no such steel that can bear such a high, such a heavy weight!

The robot is not a building, the building just stands there, and the steel and structure can support it,

But the Pacific Rim mecha, such as the Crimson Storm, needs various actions!



Every action, for the support material in the middle, is several times or even dozens of times heavier!

Humans have no such material at all!

At present, all technologies can actually make large robots, but the main material in the middle can't solve it!

And once Su Chen solves this problem.......

What Gundam, what Pacific Rim Mecha, what Evangelion...

Can be made!

In this world, there are no such entertainment works, there are similar mechas, but they are far less classic than these mechas!

Su Chen wants to wait for the end of the water drop project and after humans control the technology, the large-scale robot project will also be put on the agenda!

The first barrel requires a year's supply of consumables for the whole country,

But after the first gun barrel is made, it is basically in the process of manufacturing. After the completion, the real and accurate technology and experimental data are mastered, and it can be manufactured without such a large consumption in the future!

Within a short period of time, mass production can be achieved!

Of course, mass production is impossible. In a small area, the annual output of several tons or even dozens of tons of sub-strong molecular materials is still possible!

At that time, these materials can be used to build mechas!

If Dongshen comes up with those awesome mechas......

What expressions will the entire world's human beings have!?


Su Chen is also very eager for the day when he drives the mecha by himself!

Men, you can refuse beauty, you can refuse money,


mech charm,

No one can refuse!

0. . . . . .

"In this world, in case I really can't get along, I can write a three-body book..."

"Or sell picture albums and the like, and survive!

Su Chen thought to himself!


"If a material with strong mutual molecular force such as water droplets is really created, that is, a material with absolute zero degrees..."

"Then fusion... is not far away!"

"The technology of nuclear fusion, I can get it from the college entrance examination, but the most difficult problem outside of nuclear fusion is the material that can withstand the temperature of nuclear fusion... The water droplet material completely solves these!

"Because of the strong molecular force, the molecules are all at rest, and the molecules have no thermal motion... The water droplet material is true absolute zero!

"It can withstand the temperature of nuclear fusion!

In this aspect of technology, it is all-in-one!

Just unlock this material yourself...  

The rest of the chain reaction, that is, the explosion of the technology chain,

That is a matter of course! (After the material transition is realized, it is the real sea of ​​stars, and the protagonist has finally won the longest growth!)


It's too early to think about this now,

Su Chen's water droplet project, although it is called water droplets, is not the level of real water droplets, not the real strong molecular force material, but the sub-level strong molecular force material.

The molecular atoms he compressed using technology still have certain thermal motion, and naturally it is impossible to reach absolute zero.

. . . . . . .

At this moment, facing Zhang Shaozhong's doubts about the water droplets.

He didn't tell Zhang Shaozhong the reason for the Water Drop Project, so he couldn't reveal the secret of his crossing, right?

If Su Chen said that there was a novel written like this, Zhang Shaozhong would definitely use his think tank to check this book, but there is no such thing in this world, how to explain it?

Su Chen said casually:

"The purpose of our synthesis is the hardest substance in the world. 35

"However, water droplets are the most easily broken things in the world.

"Name the hardest substance by the weakest thing."

"Don't you think it's interesting!?"

Zhang Shaozhong pondered for a moment and agreed!

"Good! 35

"This plan is called the Water Drop Project!

"I'm going to Beijing now, and I'm going to do this now!"

"Wait for me here, don't go.

"Wait for my news, and prepare your Compound 5 Supervisory Management Committee.""

"A list of personnel, functional departments, etc., you can at least have a draft.

"By the way, I would like to remind you that you are a person with real power in this committee, but these trivial matters, the real power person does not need to do it yourself, as long as you know how to maneuver, your subordinates will do it well for you, it depends on your level. .

Zhang Shaozhong patted Su Chen on the shoulder and said,

This is already a teaching from an elder to a younger generation.

Su Chen nodded.

He didn't understand these things before, nor was he good at it, and even though he had real power in such a big stall, he didn't want to really spend energy to manage it. He should have some people under him!

It's just that these candidates, he has made some difficulties!

It can only be said later!

Zhang Shaozhong asked his team to come upstairs and remove all the materials...

Especially the middle part [the design and development method of strong molecular force dynamic compactor], which makes people more careful and careful, this is the key point of technology! It was emphasized by Su Chen himself!

Two heavy trucks in full!

The trucks are all special bulletproof, arson, and waterproof structures, with three layers inside and three layers outside, and even light and medium-sized firepower devices are hidden outside the truck.

Make sure the escort process is flawless!

"I personally escort the team to Shangjing!"

"It takes more than ten hours to get to Beijing from here...

"Take out my portable satellite phone, the one in red!"

"Let all my think tanks and staff accompany me, and have a meeting in the car before it's too late to choose a site!"

At the level of Zhang Shaozhong, all decisions will not be made by his own thinking and weighing. He has a complete think tank and a staff department. These people are all qualified, intelligent, technical and visionary. There are always dozens of them. All of them boarded a heavy armoured bus.

Zhang Shaozhong got into the car, and then, while the convoy was heading north, one phone call after another was made!

The staff at the scene met directly in the car!

this day,

Hundreds of calls...

Above the calm water of Dongshen, a sea of ​​gulls and herons startled!!!

. . . . . .

this day,

I don't know how many special telephones of great celebrities rang,

On weekdays, this phone will never ring, unless there is an emergency or some major event that has to be notified!

Dozens of big bosses have all received calls from Zhang Shaozhong!

At the same time, Zhang Shaozhong's staff team also moved to work on this heavy-duty bus. The bus was not only equipped with heavy weapons, but also a series of equipment such as communication and conferences, as well as toilets and other devices. Ten experts can meet continuously for more than ten hours without getting out of the car! This is a command vehicle specially prepared for wartime.

It all comes in handy at this point.

Not only Zhang Shaozhong contacted the bosses of the same level or even better than him, these dozens of staff officers also began to contact various contacts and started this incident!

At the same time, among the two heavy trucks at the back, several experts have already boarded the vehicles one after another and have begun to study them.

They all look at their scalps tingling,

This is simply...  

"Technology like an alien civilization!!!"

They looked at each other in shock,

Then immerse yourself in the thrill of gnawing technology again!

. . . . . . .

When he arrived in Shangjing, Zhang Shaozhong started his work in an all-round way, and even called his old friend, Ning Yan Wang Ning Zhiheng, a giant in navigation,

After reading this plan, Ning Zhiheng's detailed understanding, plus his understanding of his old friend, also stimulated the blood in his heart, and unconditionally supported Zhang Shaozhong!

Because they are all a kind of people, although they usually compete with each other for the limelight, but at the critical moment, at the really critical moment, they are all unanimous and dedicated to dedicating to the Eastern God!

They stand tall and know what this means!

""" Su Chen brought it up!?

"This kid...

However, after Ning Zhiheng met Zhang Shaozhong, there was only one question...

"This Su Chen, could it be that God cannot succeed?"

"The weaponization of Riemann's conjecture was also proposed by him, and the death hole plan was also his first initiative. Now the death hole plan is still dormant... 35

"This kid, has a new plan come up?

Ning Zhiheng has done a comprehensive investigation on Su Chen. Ma Zhiyuan, the chief engineer of the aircraft carrier under his command, is very interested in Su Chen!

He looked suspiciously at Zhang Shaozhong.

There is a question that he did not ask,

That is.... This question is also the question on the college entrance examination this year!

Riemann's conjecture is a college entrance examination question, a new fighter, and a college entrance examination question...

Even the No. 5 compound from the day before yesterday was a college entrance examination question!

The problem is still the same!!!

King Ning Yan's mind is as delicate as a needle, once was a coincidence, so many times...

This is very telling! What does this Su Chen have to do with the college entrance examination!?

Why are there frequent outrageous problems in the college entrance examination, and these problems are just related to the problems of human civilization that urgently need to be solved!?

Why, Su Chen,

Can you explain them all!?


Since Su Chen can explain these problems, since Su Chen has the ability to solve these problems....

He doesn't usually solve it, so he has to stay in the college entrance examination?

Among them, is there anything about Zhang Shaozhong!?

The doubts in his heart are getting deeper and deeper!

At first I was only slightly interested in Su Chen, but this time, he couldn't hold back and wanted to investigate further!

How did Su Chen do this? Why is every college entrance examination question so outrageous, and he can come up with matching standard answers?

And it developed into a huge project!?

Is this the cooperation between Zhang Shaozhong and him, or does Su Chen have some unknown superpower (amazing)!?

Or some other secret situation?

There must be something going on here!

And it's a big deal!

Everything, Ning Yan Wang dare not make a decision! But one thing he is sure of is that now he can't initiate a rash investigation on Su Chen!

He is not only Zhang Shaozhong's competent officer, but also the youngest and most contributing scientist, pilot, and chief designer of Dongshen. Moreover, he is about to take up the post of the real power figure of the No. 5 compound supervision committee recently.

King Ning Yan has a hunch, he has a keen sense of smell, this No. 5 compound committee will definitely be a very large organization in the future! Their rights are only aimed at No. 5 compound and gene drugs, but... The power is too great!

Among them, part of the reason is that the above does not pay attention to this organization, so they delegate a lot of power, but they do not understand the potential of Su Chen! The above may think that there is only one No. 5 compound, but in case Su Chen will produce more in the future What about genetic medicine? Are there more powerful effects?

Ning Zhiheng knew the data of Compound No. 5! His old friend Zhang Shaozhong also showed him his current physical strength. The two played against each other for a round, and he was no longer his opponent!

Ning Zhiheng also wants such a potion, who doesn't want to become stronger! But all the power is in Su Chen's hands, and even he can't get it!

People like Su Chen, even if he Ning Yan Wang, did not investigate casually!

Therefore, he did not ask this question in front of Zhang Shaozhong,

When it came to the mouth, it was changed to another question!

"This... Lao Zhang, what kind of talent have you got?"

"Can you give me his Su Chen!?"

Ning Zhiheng was also delighted to see him at this time!

It's not that Ning Zhiheng is spineless, it's that Su Chen is so talented!

If he can have such a talent in sailing, why can't he be diligent?

No matter what secrets he has, he is a lucky general when he comes here!

Moreover, if he came over, would he still need to investigate by himself?


You can know that the one who has troubled you for a long time——

Su Chen's real secret!!!.

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