Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 177 The ripe Ouyang Xue! Open the door to a new world!

Chapter 177 The ripe Ouyang Xue! Open the door to a new world!

What Eastern God lacks the most is talent!

Retired special forces, retired officers, can join this team!

Many retired special forces, after entering the society, may not live as they wished.

After all, their golden age and time were dedicated to the Eastern God...-

But apart from fighting and fighting, they do not have any outstanding skills in society, nor do they have the wealth, experience, connections, etc. accumulated by others in their golden age.

Many are unhappy!

Of course, there are also many, tough character, can also be successful!

Once Su Chen's recruitment announcement was made public in society and within the system,

Not too many retired soldiers who sign up!

As for the real executive, Su Chen is still unearthed.

In fact, there are talents in this field around him, such as Gu Xiaoxi, Ouyang Xue, Shi Zuogang and others, or his good brother Han Haoyang, etc...

According to popular practice, many people like to get people they trust in...

But Su Chen is not going to do that!

The practice of bringing relatives into the organization established by oneself only exists in online novels, only in some small enterprises that are not destined to develop in the long run...

This future is full of thunder!

Dalei does not say it, and it will also affect the feelings between himself and his relatives and friends!

Su Chen would never do such a thing!

And Ouyang Xue, just take care of herself, don't involve her own business.

It's good for Gu Xiaoxi to be her own girlfriend, and her career is not bad!

Su Chen has read a lot of novels before, and there are many heroines in it, and the heroines are geniuses, all of them are helpful to the protagonist's huge career, and then help the protagonist to build strength and be loyal to the protagonist.

Su Chen will not let his woman do this. In his opinion, it is better for a woman to be a vase than to meddle in his own business!

What's more, the core participants in his own huge plan must be at least experienced elites in their forties and fifties, and it is difficult for young people to reach the core level.

Gu Xiaoxi doesn't have that diamond either.

So he doesn't plan to develop anyone.

Even if he can provide Han Haoyang with a lot of convenience, let him grow steadily, and at the same time can develop into his own strength, but Su Chen doesn't want to do that, then friendship will deteriorate.

Just let them be good friends.

. . . . . . .

Formation activities are in full swing.

Basically completed within half a month.

The final site location was set at a building during the Republic of China in Modu. No. 257 Donghua Road, this used to be the location of the garrison headquarters in the Republic of China. This place has a school ground, an office building, and a tall courtyard wall. It only needs to be reinforced to work, and there are some spare passages in the location. .

Su Chen is all enabled.

Then in secret, the No. 5 compound supervision and management committee was officially listed internally!

Of course, the listing is the office building of a drug company. The name is Modu Ketong Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.

Meanwhile, the cautious Su Chen,

In all parts of the magic capital, all over the country, and even all over the world, I bought some inconspicuous real estate hidden in the market,

These can be used as safe houses, safe houses, or temporary secret bases.

and also,

Dozens of the most sophisticated biochemical research institutes across the country,

Among them, 5 were assigned to Su Chen's No. 5 compound supervision and management committee,

As Su Chen's production test research base.

In silence, this institution was established.

A total of 300 staff members.

One hundred and seventy of them are technicians! They do not work entirely in the building, but continue to serve in various biochemical research institutes, becoming the key links in the planned production of Compound No. 5.

Then there are 80 administrative and management personnel, logistics coordinators, operation and maintenance personnel, screening, supervisory personnel, etc.... Then there is the action team composed of 50 retired special forces, the foreign affairs processing department, and so on. .

everything is developing,

After Su Chen made one appearance, he handed over the development of the meeting to his subordinates for coordination.

He is not worried at all in this regard, some have experience, some are talented, especially in a new organization, everyone is working like crazy!

At the same time, the second batch of compound No. 5 has also started production!

The work department began to screen among the military, and the second batch of candidates qualified for injection!

The screening staff of Su Chen's department are qualified to allocate all materials, any agency can!

. . . . . . .

Steady progress on this front...

The formation operation is carried out perfectly, the basic team has been established,

And gradually start production, screening, distribution, injection use!

And after a busy half month later...  

a peaceful afternoon,

Su Chen is in the courtyard of the villa, fighting with Ouyang Xue closely. The technique needs to be strengthened. After the horse riding competition in the morning, it is this close-knit project!

At this moment, Su Chen received a call!

It was from Zhang Shaozhong!

Zhang Shaozhong on the other end had a very calm tone!

"Su Chen..."5

"Tell you a message."

Su Chen was startled for a moment,

he knows,

The key to deciding the water drop plan is here!

The resources of an entire country are consumed regardless of the cost for a year!

About to start!

"After various trade-offs, numerous expert demonstrations, and technical research... Shangfeng believes that the water drop plan is feasible!"5

"Decide, immediately execute the water drop plan!"

"You are the general manager of the Water Drop Project!"

"Now there is a team that will pick you up in Hangcheng!

"Go to Shangjing immediately! Accept the appointment!"

"Suspend all work at hand and focus on the Water Drop Project!

Zhang Shaozhong's calm language revealed this huge storm!

"Yes!! 99

Su Chen stand at attention!

There was a gleam of light in his eyes!

The water drop project is not difficult for him, he has all the complete plans, and even he can produce the most perfect water drop, which is the strong interaction molecular material in the three-body!


However, for that kind of material, he could never finish it in one year, it would take at least ten years!

And within a year, he can complete a slightly inferior sub-level material, sub-strong molecular force material!

Technically, it's not a problem,

The biggest problem is the attitude of the Eastern God!

If Dongshen fully supports it, one year will definitely be just right. If it is not supported, then this plan, even if Su Chen has a chasm in his chest, will not be able to complete it!

. . . . . . . .

"Quick, pack up my salute.

Su Chen immediately said to Ouyang Xue...

"I have a major task to carry out, and I have all my clothes packed..."

"Leave in a while.

At this time, Ouyang Xue was still recalling the tricks that she had just practiced with Su Chen in close combat, and at the same time she was very happy. After all, this was a rare opportunity to be alone with Su Chen!

For a month, she was also very happy, and she was immersed in this happiness with satisfaction. She knew that her status was very different from Su Chen. With Su Chen's status, what kind of woman, what a good woman, how much A huge family background can be worthy of him?

Ouyang Xue knew that such outstanding young talents must have been recruited by the veteran bosses of Eastern God, and they must eventually marry some women from big families.

As for myself, I'm just a personal bodyguard by Su Chen's side... Although it is modern, there is no such thing as honor or inferiority, but... facing an excellent person like Su Chen, it is inevitable that there will be Feelings of inferiority!

"You're leaving so soon?

Ouyang Xue looked stunned and lost!

But her hands were not idle either. She quickly and skillfully applied the ointment for bruises to herself.

At the same time, he quickly organized Su Chen's clothes, daily utensils and so on.

"This time, can I join the group with you?"

Ouyang Xue said at this time,

Every time Su Chen joins the group, it is a year!

Ouyang Xue didn't want to stay in this villa all the time, waiting so day after day, she felt that she could take the initiative to attack, at least, to be by Su Chen's side!


Su Chen was taken aback, "This is not something I can decide, such a big secret event should not be possible...

"But it's not necessarily. After all, my personal conditions have to be met. I'll ask them."

When Su Chen joined the group, he was naturally the freest and most secretive, but some clothes had to be done by himself, which was very troublesome and wasted his time!

However, if there is one person who can enter the group and enter the dormitory to take care of himself......

That's a lot more convenient! There is an entertainment program when I go back, and I can also release the pressure and chat or something!

Moreover, the reason why Ouyang Xue, Gu Xiaoxi and others were not allowed in before was because of the principle of confidentiality, but Ouyang Xue has a clean background and has been tested for a long time, plus following him for so many years, it should be no problem!

"Then you also pack up your own clothes, personal items and the like, and when they come to pick me up, I'll ask.

Su Chen said.

Ouyang Xue was overjoyed immediately!

She hurried back to her room to clean up. Su Chen smiled lightly. After a few years, Ouyang Xue also had some changes in her temperament and appearance, that is, she was more soft and soft. At the beginning, Ouyang Xue was that kind of woman. Otherwise, the style of a male heroine, with short hair, neat and neat, looks like a j person when you stand! Dressing is also very conservative, whether it is spring or summer, it is long clothes and trousers, but as she gets along with Su Chen increasingly, this Ouyang Xue also gradually relaxed, because her relationship with Su Chen became more and more close, and she was not so conservative in her dress, just like her own home, and sometimes even deliberately wore loose or simple clothes to show Su Chen! Ouyang Xue's needlework live well

In order to avoid people who buy outside find out, she buys some wool, silk and the like, and then makes all kinds of maid clothes or jk or more excessive dresses and then deliberately wears them in front of Su Chen! There is no purchase record. , These clothes are now in Ouyang Xue's personal suitcase.

........for flowers·

Su Chen looked at Ouyang Xue at this time. Now she is no longer the conservative and strong woman she used to be. Although she still retains her heroic appearance, she is more of a mature woman's softness and beauty. She was only 20 back then. Five, this year is 27 or 8 years old, and it is the most familiar time! It is comparable to those goddesses in Dingdu's movies! The skin is extremely soft and the body is perfect and tall, and the face is exquisite. , and I usually don't have any work, so my figure is naturally plump and more perfect! It's a super fat ceiling! Especially the short hair is slightly longer, it looks more flawless! From Chen's point of view, I saw a perfect back in an apron, and saw the perfect delicate skin and slender neck under the dim yellow light... It's just perfect!

"If you bring Ouyang, it seems not bad!"

"In the past few years, I have devoted myself to work, whether it is the design of the new fighter plane or the fifth compound, I am all alone. Although I am enthusiastic in my work, after returning to the dormitory after get off work, I am naturally very lonely. It is naturally better if I have a companion. ...

. . . . .

Between their thoughts, the two of them have already packed up and saluted.

Su Chen's personal gifts are very simple, just two suitcases.

And Ouyang Xue had more, three suitcases.

"Mr. Su Chen!"


A special train is coming!

"Mr. Su Chen!

They revealed their identities, exchanged code words with Su Chen, and showed withering,

It was Shangfeng who came to pick up Su Chen's team from Shangjing!

This team is unprecedented and mighty, consisting of dozens of black off-road vehicles!


They are all staring at Su Chen!

"I'm Su Chen.

"I have a request, can I bring someone? This person was sent from above years ago to take care of the miracle of my life!

"She can join the group and be in charge of my daily life!"

. . . . . .

The person who came to answer was taken aback.

Immediately made a phone call!

Ouyang Xue was a little nervous behind..

"Hello, Mr. Su Chen, as I said above, we will implement everything you say, you can do it!


Ouyang Xue was very surprised!

I can finally be with Su Chen!

At this point, even Su Chen's girlfriend, Gu Xiaoxi, is not qualified for this!

That is, I can get along with Su Chen day and night, day and night! In the future, I can be very close to Mr. Su Chen! I don't know how long this research group and plan will take, but the longer it takes, the happier Ouyang Xue will be!

"Thank you!"

Ouyang Xue gave a military salute to the person who came to meet him!

"Please rest assured, I will follow after Mr. Su Chen, and in the future, I will take good care of Mr. Su Chen's personal life from all aspects!

. . . . . . .

Soon everyone got in the car.

Just take a special plane and come to Shangjing.

At this time, Shangjing was already in a state of turmoil because of Su Chen's water drop plan.

But the outside world, the people, and the society have not responded at all!

After all, the confidentiality level of this matter is too high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to hear any rumors.

A special car took Su Chen to the secret base around Shangjing.

The secret base this time is a general mobilization meeting, and the water drop plan launch meeting.

Ouyang Xue did not have permission to enter and stayed in the hotel in Shangjing.

"Chief Su, the place we are going is the secret meeting place tonight!"

at this time,

The guide said to Su Chen,

These guides are professional fighters. Even if they know the importance of Su Chen, their expressions and speech rates remain the same, and nothing can change their expressions.

"All over the country, all energy, ore veins, raw materials, materials, high-precision materials, steel, rare earth, metals, non-ferrous metals, metallurgy, transportation, aviation, ships, import and export, etc., the top 10,000 people, It's all here!"

This mobilization meeting involves the core secrets of Su Chen's plan, so only 10,000 people attended, but they were all top notch!

The real top ten thousand!

Su Chen got into a bulletproof car from the direction of Shangjing,

Seven turns and eight turns!

Enter the suburbs, and circle around the mountains...  

In principle, you need to be blindfolded, but Su Chen doesn't need it at all. He is the chief designer and has all the rights!

In a huge mountain forest in the direction of the boring head, it is directly to enter the secret base!

There is a guide in charge of each guest at the door, and they hand out some personal items, mainly diapers.

That's right!

This meeting is extremely important, so time is extremely precious. During Su Chen's meeting, no one can leave, no matter what background or status you are!

Must hear it here!

The entire Nuoda base has been completely blocked!

The staff also handed a diaper to Su Chen!

"Sir, please put on your diapers!""

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