Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 86: [The machine next door has someone cast a spell]

   Shonan University.

  Lin Shu runs morning jogs as always. There are many students who come to exercise and study on the playground, either running, or memorizing knowledge points such as English.

   Lin Shu brushed up his experience and went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

  Because he wakes up early, and the NPCs in the dormitory sometimes ask him to bring breakfast by the way, it is actually quite simple to request the release of the mission, just like a novice who just entered the game to help the NPC run errands.

   Lin Shu’s small request tasks are relatively few after all, because the courses are not too many, and those in the dormitory do not have the habit of having breakfast in the morning.

   When Lin Shu returned to the dormitory, Zhang Yao was not in the dormitory, and Xie Chen was still sleeping in the dormitory, while Yang Yin was packing up and preparing to go out.

   "Go to class?"

  Yang Yin shook his head and said with a smile: "No, my girlfriend comes over and plays with her."

   Tsk tsk, it’s a nice person to fall in love.

   Lin Shu felt envy for a moment, but that trace of envy soon disappeared.

  Because of the scores of the objective questions in the law test today, Lin Shu also logged into his examinee account to check the scores. Although he didn't worry much about passing the objective questions, he still wanted to know how many points he could take.

  Log in to query, and soon the result appears on the computer screen——

   Paper 1: 125

   Paper 2: 121

  Total score: 246

   Sure enough, with a full score of 300 and a pass of 180, Lin Shu got 246 points on the test.

   There was a smile on Lin Shu's face. Although he said that he did not find it difficult, he also knew that it was difficult for him to get full marks. He felt that the score was not bad.

   Without thinking, I posted the screenshot in WeChat Moments, and wrote a sentence, "Successfully passed the first level."

I have to say that Lin Shu’s circle of friends said that it did not cause such a sensation as the results of previous graduate students. This is also because the circle of friends does not understand the scores of the law test. If Lin Shu directly obtains the lawyer qualification certificate, That's different.

   Of course, many friends also liked and commented, asking Lin Shu how he thought about taking the law test.

   "Yes, Brother Lin, when will you prepare for the law test?"

   "Brother Lin, you are not a graduate student of mechanical engineering at Shonan University, how come you can take the law test."

   "Horror! This score is terrible!"

   "Lin Gong, do you want to be a lawyer and follow the legal route?"

   "I asked my legal friend, this score is a bit scary, it's really amazing!"


   Lin Shu’s circle of friends also has people who know the law test, and I was shocked to see Lin Shu’s objective test scores.

  Because such an outrageous score is really outrageous, although it is just over 80 points if it is changed to a 100-point system, but this kind of just over 80 points is already very scary.

   Lin Hua, who is far away in Yanjing, has always paid attention to Lin Shu's circle of friends and Weibo, and then saw that Lin Shu posted an objective test score in the circle of friends, which shocked her instantly.

   She didn't expect Lin Shu to have participated in the law test, and even got such a high score.

   This is incredible!

   After all, she knew very well that Lin Shu was a mechanical engineering major, and she was also a graduate student in mechanical engineering for the postgraduate entrance examination. Now she is still participating in this year's law test. Although it is only an objective test result, she has already looked up to her.

   What surprised Lin Hua even more was that Lin Shu was also interested in the law. She should have had a chat with Lin Shu when she knew that time, then should she send Lin Shu a message to congratulate?

   Lin painted a little hesitate, Lin Shu has not contacted her since leaving the ancient city. It is really like a passer-by who meets peacefully and will never contact her again.

  Linhua’s phone rang, and Xu Hui called.

   "Lin Hua, have you seen it? Lin Shu actually took the law test. You are not saying that this test is very difficult. You haven't taken the test yet. He actually took the test."

   Hearing Xu Hui's words, Lin Hua couldn't help laughing, and said, "I just found out."

   "Lin Hua, I'll just say, you two are predestined, he didn't take the initiative to contact you, you can contact him, isn't this a topic?"

   Lin Hua's heart moved.

   Here, Lin Hua and Xu Hui have finished talking. The female Master of Law who lives in the same dormitory also heard Lin Hua talk about it. She looked shocked and widened her eyes and asked, "Did you just be kidding me?"

   "You said that your friend, a mechanical graduate student who studied illegally, scored 246 points on the objective questions of the law test?"

   Lin Hua nodded, and handed the photos of the mobile phone circle of friends to the roommate for a look.

   "My god, who is he, who actually took the exam so high! Let us who study law have no place to be complacent."

   "Such scores are not personal at all!"

   Lin Hua couldn't help but laugh when he heard this, indeed. It's really an outrageous result.

   I have to say that Lin Shu's achievement in the Fifth Faculty and the Fourth Department of Yan University Law School also caused a lot of waves, because this result is really scary.

  The key is that this is an illegal major. I just got the grades of a graduate student majoring in mechanics, so I can only kneel down.

  Lin Shu is not in the legal circle, but there is already a legend about Lin Shu in the world.


   At the same Shonan University, someone sent screenshots of objective test scores posted by Lin Shu's circle of friends to friends on the law test. This really caused a big wave. It was really worshipping, and I couldn't admire it.

  Especially when I understand that this is the result of an illegal major student~www.wuxiamtl.com~ then it really can only be kneeling.

   People who have never experienced a law exam will never know how horrible and terrifying the law exam is.

   Those test questions really make them doubt their lives.

   "Is this score real? It's too high!"

   "I have a score of 170, and I don't know if I can get a C certificate. I don't think it is hopeful."

   "Which great God test score is this?"

   "Illegal book, true or false."

   "I'm too young, the picture shouldn't be P, don't you lie to me."

   "I can't believe my eyes, is such a high score possible?! My jaw is scared off!"


Unknowingly, Lin Shu’s law test scores spread out. The students at the Chinese Political College of the Five Colleges and Four Departments next door were surprised. They heard all of them. The next door Shonan University has an objective test for non-legal studies. 246 points.

   Let alone the Law Department of Shonan University.

   Shonan University law is not an advantageous major, especially in the face of the traditional five schools and four departments. Now many students in the law school also know that someone in their school has taken 246 points in the objective test of law.

   This is really the score that made them desperate.

   Especially in the case of such a low pass rate in the law examination, many law students look up to them.

   The score is too terrifying. The more terrifying thing is to understand that this daoist who is testing God is not from the law school, but from the next door to the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

   This made them speechless in shock.

   "I took a 246 objective test from the Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Services next door!"

   This news really started at Shonan University Law School, and it was completely boiling.

   The guy from the Electrical and Mechanical Services Institute next door should not be able to cast spells anymore!

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