[Cannibalism]: The skill is to eat people without spitting out bones, to have no mind, to hide in human skin, and to eat people well. Note: Extremely dangerous.

   Lin was dignified in writing, staring straight at the man standing in front of the podium, that is, Yang Gui, the teacher of this course.

  【Lv25 Cannibal】!

   Obviously, this monster is one level higher than the [Cannibal] he saw in the secret realm at the beginning, so that means this [Cannibal] is even more terrifying.

   Lin Shu felt a little uneasy. First, he met Zhang Yao. Although there was no [Cannibal] named Xu Gui, another [Cannibal] appeared now. What about the secret realm you experienced before?

   Paradoxical, similar but different independent time and space?

   Lin Shu's thoughts kept going, he was thinking about the person who died in the secret realm, and also thinking that the [cannibal] in front of him was real, and then he was really eating people.

   Because of Lin Yiming who committed suicide by jumping off the building, Lin Shu knows very well that cannibalism is a ruthless and crazy oppression and squeeze, which will eventually drive people to nowhere and eat no bones.

Such a monster is very scary. Although it is not killing directly, it has been eating people, eating and eating, not knowing when to eat the whole person, it is like killing with a soft knife, cutting meat, slowly torturing, no matter the end Whether it can survive or not, this process is very painful and terrifying.

   Lin Shu still remembers the contents of Lin Yiming's key USB flash drive.

   Xie Chen looked at Lin Shu and stared at the teacher in a daze, and asked in a low voice: "Lin Shu, what's wrong?"

Lin Shu came back to his senses, his face was not very good, he was thinking if [Cannibals] exist, then Lin Yiming is still there, and the most important thing is if this [Cannibals] is the same as the previous Xu Gui , Then will also serve as a tutor to lead students, will there be other students like Lin Yiming?

   These thoughts all appeared in Lin Shu's mind.

Lin Shu shook his head, feeling that he shouldn't think about this. He is not a superman who saves the world. There is no need to think about it, but... Lin Shu thought of Lin Yiming who fell to death in front of him, that face, that **** picture , He felt a little heavy.

   "Yang Gui is a tutor of materials mechanics?"

   Xie Chen nodded, thinking that Lin Shu was asking nonsense.

   "Did he bring students?"

   "Yes, but you have to ask Zhang Yao for details. He should know better. After all, Teacher Yang is their professional teacher."

   Lin Shu thought of something, took out his mobile phone, sent a message to Zhang Yao, and asked directly, "Zhang Yao, do you have a senior in your major named Lin Yiming?"

   Not long after, Zhang Yao replied to WeChat.

   "Yes, what's wrong?"

   Lin Shu couldn't tell what his feelings were, but the moment his thoughts flashed, Zhang Yao returned the news to him.

   "There is a senior brother named Lin Yiming, who is studying third this year."

   "What's the matter, what do you ask this for?"

   Lin Shu lowered his head, typed a reply quickly, and asked, "Do you know who his mentor is?"

   After a short while, WeChat replied, which clearly read——

   "Yang Gui."

   Seeing this name, Lin Shu's heart sank. He didn't expect Lin Yiming to still be under [Cannibal].

   The surrounding area was a little quiet. As soon as Lin Shu looked up, he saw Yang Gui standing next to him with the name of the monster named [Cannibal].

   looked gloomy and stared at him like that.

   Lin Shu's heart jumped, put his mobile phone away, put it back in his trouser pocket, and stopped talking.

   [Cannibal] stared at him like that for a few seconds, then turned and walked to the podium.


"What happened to you?"

   After class, Xie Chen clearly saw that Lin Shu seemed to have something on his mind, a little absent-minded, and asked, "What's the matter?"

   Lin Shu shook his head, pursed his lips, smiled reluctantly and said, "Nothing."

   Xie Chen didn't ask much, so he went to the cafeteria with Lin Shu for dinner, and Zhang Yao came over.

   "Lin Shu, did you know Lin Yiming?"

   Hearing Zhang Yao's question, Lin Shu didn't think much about it, and directly replied: "No, just listen to the senior brother's mention and ask."

   "Lin Yiming, I just know him, I don't know him, but Yang Gui, my senior, they all said he is not very good, he is some terrible teacher, and it will be very troublesome and painful under his hands."

   Actually, there is no need for Zhang Yao to say, Lin Shu can also know that it is absolutely painful under Yang Gui's [Cannibal].

Lin Shu knows that the cannibalism of [Cannibalism] is just like cannibalism in the old society. Some people are dying and some people end up dying. As for whether they will be eaten like Lin Yiming in the secret realm. , No one knows.

   After dinner, there is no class in the afternoon, but Lin Shu still plans to laboratory.

   Although Liu Hui, his mentor here, did not have special supervision, he was required to conduct experiments and study on the subject that Senior Brother Zhang Yi was responsible for, and also to read related papers and documents.

   Of course, he has not set a direction yet, and he needs to determine the final direction with his instructor later.

   When Lin Shu and his party came out of the cafeteria after eating, they ran into that person.

   The person who died before Lin wrote.

   "That is Lin Yiming."

   Zhang Yao naturally saw Lin Yiming~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and pointed to Lin Shu, then greeted and shouted, "Brother Lin."

What surprised Lin Shu was that the thin and high-definition Lin Yiming lost the trance and despair he had when he met in the secret world. With a smile on his face, he looked at him as a very ordinary student. He walked over and asked, "What? So, is the canteen food okay?"

   The entire popularity field is different.

   Lin Shu looked at the gentle smile on Lin Yiming's face, not the last hopeless look in his eyes, which made him a little puzzled.

   "It's ok, not bad."

   "The second canteen might be better. You can go there more."

   "Understood, thank you brother."

   Zhang Yao briefly chatted with Lin Yiming, then introduced Lin Shu and Xie Chen, so he didn't say more, just made an appointment to play ball together later.

   Have time to play together later?

   Lin Shu felt that Lin Yiming in front of him seemed different. In addition to his professionalism, he also had a smile on his face. Seeing that he was not driven into despair at all, he finally chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

   Now the whole person is a vigorous young man.

   Lin Shu is puzzled, so something is different, so in other words, Lin Yiming will not end up committing suicide by jumping off the building like in the secret realm?

   Specious independent time and space, then after all, it should be different.

   Lin Shu thought this way. Although he was a little uncertain, he hoped that nothing like that would happen again.


   After a few words, he left.

   However, just when Lin Shu and the others left, Lin Yiming's cell phone rang.

   Lin Yiming answered the phone, and listening to the words inside, his face changed, a little nervous, and with a hint of pleading, he said, "Mr. Yang, didn't you agree to me?"

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